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Uranus will bring eureka level flashes of genius, perhaps the arrival of a tool or invention that enables you in some way, while Neptune will bring spiritual awakening, and Pluto will bring a soul-wracking, inside out descent into the deepest caverns of psyche. In case you have no clue what those words mean, the ecliptic is essentially the Earths orbit around the Sun. Once youve calculated your astrology Vertex, you want to know what it means! In this lifetime, you cannot let. IF YOURE CURIOUS ABOUT ECLIPSES SPECIFICALLY use this Astro-Seek calculator, which shows you a 5-year time span for when, where, + what eclipses have struck (or are due to strike) in your birth chart! VERTEX IN CANCER > Destiny process themes include laying roots, heart-centered belonging, and relationships built on sustenance and somatic-level entwinement. Pop quotes, summaries, and links into a Google Doc, or Pin to your astrology boards, or wherever you like to hold and sift through mind-exploding psycho-spiritual personal data. Here are some summaries of the Vertex in the signs and houses to help you out, and links to where you can get more intel! NOTE > These fated encounters might only happen as interactions, and not develop into lasting relationships (such as romances or friendships), or might occur in already established ones. John and Julie Gottman, drop them into a Voice Memo or essay to be emailed off to me. List them one-by-one: THEIR VERTEX (conjunct or side-by-side) MY ASCENDANT AND PLUTO IN SCORPIO / MY FIRST HOUSE (their sixth house). TECHNICALLY SPEAKING the Vertex isnt a body, such as a planet, but is formed by where the ecliptic (or path of the Sun) intersected the prime vertical: an imaginary line dividing the sky into two halves, a front and back. My vertex is conjunct both mercury and jupiter. , This post shows you how to start reading your natal chart, learn more about reading a transit chart over here, This post shows you how to get one from Astro.com, Visit + use the Cafe Astrology Vertex Calculator, From Siddhantikas article all about the Vertex, This CafeAstrology summarizes the Vertex in the signs, this one from CafeAstrology on the same topic, This post can show you a full out tutorial for scoring and reading transit charts, hit up the Astro-Seek Transit Chart Calculator, Here again is that CafeAstrology article summarizing aspects from the planets to Vertex, a list of which planet(s) rule which zodiac signs, when the Gemini Solar Eclipse struck my Vertex on June 10, 2021, this CafeAstrology article displays and explains all the aspects, this one summarizes aspects to the Vertex from other planets, this Labyrinthos article explains all the planets, we tend to project planets in our Seventh House, Soul Points in Synastry: The Vertex Versus the Nodes, Part Two, Soul Points in Synastry: The Vertex Versus the Nodes, Pt. BUT JUST FYI, I cant locate much literature about the effects of transits to the Anti-Vertex, but from my own inexpert transit tracking, transits to the Anti-Vertex seem to be a peek-a-boo opening to the Vertex, not really coinciding with destined moments, but, FOR INSTANCE, instead of a moment of clarity or hit of awareness (such as with a transit to the Vertex), the effect feels more like realizing the bath water has turned cold, or waking from a micro-nap, and now a different podcast episode is playing from the one youd settled in to listen to, or basically, transits to the Anti-Vertex feel like something on the backend that needs adjusting or re-calibration* (IMHO). Ill also provide tips on how to cope and manage a Vertex activation, though I am mos def not an expert, and can possibly only provide hazard signals and warnings! HINT 1 > Measure the orb, or span of degrees between the Vertex, planets, angles, and any other objects involved. VERTEX IN ARIES > Destiny process themes includes originality, first hand experience, taking the lead, and rivalry. Hello! With your astrology Vertex in Aries, this may show youre fated to become a stronger leader, learn how to take initiative, and stand up for yourself. When you get to step #6, click VERTEX from the dropdown menu under Additional Objects, just under CHIRON. Progressions reveal how your natal chart changes over time. What does that planet (or object) signify in your their chart? , BE CAREFUL, because you might invest in the energy or function symbolized by that planet into someone else whos activated your Vertex. My Vertex has been eclipse-tripped before, by the Gemini Solar Eclipse in June 2011, when I consummated a relationship with my coworker*, who eventually fathered my children and became my husband (not in that order ). On the next page, from the list of hyperlinks that displayed, click Synastry charts at the top. Spiritual awakenings and journeys are amazing and. You can share this with others, and inspire others with grand tales and gregarious words. . . I meanis telling a stranger they were part of a a visual hallucination you experienced similar to telling them about your dreams last night, or what a pop song means to you? Its not enough to just be in the same zodiac sign (it must be close!). Sun/Vertex: Depending on the house location of the Vertex in the natal chart, the Sun person will bring a lesson involving the area of the house it's in. Mercury is Entering THIS Psychic Zodiac Sign What Does it Mean. 1. And how wonderful we have these sorts of synchronicities to spurn us onward! This means that the people they were partnering with had roughly the same degree and sign of the Sun. When a transit planet conjuncts your natal Vertex or Anti-Vertex, this can bring energy for something or someone fated. Read below to learn more about your zodiac. Remember, the Vertex only shows up in the righthand or western side of the chart (the fate hemisphere) in one of houses 5-8. Is it also forming an aspect to your Vertex? Look to the right half of the chart, in your Fifth - Eighth Houses, for the letters VERTE (its missing the x for some reason'). In the composite chart, the Vertex can be strong with those you have a fated connection with, often conjunct a composite planet, angle, or Lunar Nodes. VERTEX IN TAURUS > Destiny process themes include the acquisition of beauty, splendor, and comfort, and relationships that cultivate value and artistry. this would mean the anti-vertex is almost always in between the 11th and 2nd houses, all of those houses which are . Planets in synastry houses. You may be destined to learn how to push outside of your comfort zone, embrace the unconventional, and break the rules. , If keywords dont zap to mind as youre doing this exercise, you just need more astrology reading, and are literally remedying that by being here right now, so were helping each other out! . With your astrology Vertex in Leo, this may show youre fated to become a shining light. Transits by other planets to your natal Vertex (which happens a lot with the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, and Mars). REPEATING THIS FOR YOUR ASTROLOGICAL EFFICACY > The Ascendant angle is the starting line of our chart, and demarcates the beginning of the First House of Identity, Appearance, and Persona. QUINCUNXES TO THE VERTEX ARE SEMI-SEXTILES TO THE ANTI-VERTEX > These planets present quirky derailments where youre able to observe and develop (or kind of lean on) the qualities symbolizes by your Vertex. The company was on a . But this time, that Full Moon is occurring in, Just when you thought Pisces season made for a wild ride, you might have to prepare for something even wilder: Mercury entering Pisces. You may have the heart of an adventurer, and you can learn to be bold and brave. VERTEX IN CAPRICORN > Destiny process themes include duty and overcoming, building a legacy or something with lasting value, and relationships that help in fulfilling ones potential. (second house). The square to Taurus for example is Scorpio. Do you keep a scheduler? The Anti-vertex is YOUR contribution to fate. The Vertex represents looking at life (the hard-line approach). Anti-Vertex Saturn in Sagittarius in the Second House. Vertex aspects in synastry typically represent a predetermined romantic event. TO CATCH YOU UP > On June 10, 2021, a Solar Eclipse tripped my Vertex-Chiron, I think at the exact moment I was looking into a baristas eyes. If you have any natal planets in your Fifth - Eighth Houses, particularly the Sun or Moon (which progress faster than your other planets), they might eventually come upon your Vertex, and striate your inner awareness with insights related to your destiny process. To handle this you have to adjust to the differences of the two signs., HINT > This CafeAstrology summarizes the Vertex in the signs, as well as aspects to the Vertex from the planets, and for more summary-descriptions of the Vertex in the signs, compare to this one from Siddhantika! Did you record the original meeting date in a journal or in an agenda? Lets put off grad school forever , Go to Astro-Seek.com, and hover over Free Horoscopes on the left-hand side of the navigation, and select Synastry, Composite, Davison.. To everything turn turn turn there is a season turn turn turn and a tiiime for evvvery purpose under heaven , If you dont feel like reading a chart (), you can find out your Destiny Point placement with the CafeAstrology Vertex calculator! , ALTERNATE VERSION > Visit + use the Cafe Astrology Vertex Calculator, just plug in your birth data. VERTEX IN THE SIXTH HOUSE > Destined meetings and fateful encounters in our daily routines and work-a-day life, with coworkers, employees, the people we service, or in the divine relationship behind and connected to our work (anti-vertex in the twelfth house). Capricorn in the Second House makes people have a good eye for high values. , Your Vertex can definitely be activated more than once! As such, if conjunctions to the Anti-Vertex occur in synastry, this person may become a significant part of your ?inner world. With your astrology Vertex in Libra, this may show youre fated to become an incredible negotiator, mediator, and diplomat. March 2023 brings us the energy of the Universal Month 1, a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. Even without knowing the astrology, these are the relationships described as having a destined feeling, where both people feel the other one plays a pivotal, supportive role in helping realize their true potential. In interpretation, the Descendant is more about relationships (since it's the 7th house cusp in quadrant house systems), while the Vertex is more about destiny or fate. It could be seen in the progressed chart as a transit to the progressed vertex, or it can be a progressed planet activating the natal vertex. , OKAY, THATS THE JIST OF IT, NOW HERES WHAT I THINK HAPPENED, REMINDER > The 2021 Gemini Solar Eclipse occurred at 19 Gemini, in a 2-3 orb of my Vertex-Chiron (rad). HINT > Remember to peek at the opposite sign / house to see if anything is transiting your Anti-Vertex! FIRST, DETERMINE THE SOURCE AND TYPE OF ACTIVATION. This might even explain how one person can feel as though the other person contributes something meaningful to their life, even if the relationship itself is not very easy, or doesnt have a purpose or function outside of this contribution. This is what makes the Anti-vertex more like your ASC than the vertex. The west spot is the Vertex while the east spot is the Anti-Vertex. Unless you can see that relationship is an important story line in your Vertex placement, or in your birth chart in general, you might be projecting the destiny inspo away from yourself, which might be what I did with my fateful encounter with the barista (and my ex-husband, who was involved in my previous activation moment). This powerful energy can be felt by all, regardless of our. What does your friend remember you texting her on the trigger day? . FOR YOUR REFERENCE, this CafeAstrology article displays and explains all the aspects, while this one summarizes aspects to the Vertex from other planets. Vertex 5mg Tablet reduces the symptoms of excessive anxiety and worry that are triggered only at the time of stressful conditions that last for a shorter duration. Your progressed chart can also trigger with progressed planets or house cusps conjunct your natal Vertex, or with your progressed Vertex conjunct one of your natal planets. But, until the Vertex is activated, we might not realize how those abilities were meant to parlay into our fate, or what role they would play in our destiny. Vertex in Capricornwill tell you about your endeavors in life. Meanwhile, Saturn conjuncts your Vertex once every 30 years, coinciding with some tasks that will crystallize the themes and context of your destiny process, perhaps in the form of a authority figure, or just as likely a reconciling or clearing of old karma complicating your route to ascension. Often, the fateful meetings and circumstances of a Vertex activate seem like the answer to our secret prayers (uttered in those teary, dark-night-ish moments), and almost always coincide with major shifts in consciousnessoften shifts in the very matrix of our life. The exact opposite point is called anti-vertex, but most astrology researchers tend to not pay attention to it. , VISIT THE SECRET PAGE FOR HUSH-HUSH UPDATES + NECROMANCY-THEMED PRINTABLES + FREEBIES , AUTHOR PHOTO: Melena WrightTAROT + ORACLE CARD IMAGES: Danielle Noel + Threads of FateBANNER VIDEO / IMAGES: Matt Baca, HellaNamaste.com 2016-2022All Rights Reserved. This Labyrinthos article explains all the planets, which you can compare to this one from Astro.com! What was the vibe? His ASCENDENT (identity threshold) conjunct my CHIRON (soul-wound) conjunct my VERTEX (destiny) in GEMINI (connection). Structure and order can become a talent for you, and you can benefit from taking care of yourself physically as well. FINALLY, locate the Destiny Points, which will be labelled as Vx, for Vertex. Progressions can also be used with relationship astrology, and sometimes fated people will connect your progressed Vertex (or you with theirs). For example, the Sun conjunct the Vertex in synastry symbolizes an instant, love-at-first-sight attraction. Pull up a copy of your natal chart. PERHAPS when the eclipse tripped my Vertex-Chiron (), it also struck the baristas Ascendant (), and my visual hallucination was some kind of projection or psychic insight into his own coinciding transits. It doesnt promise anything, except a turning point, a transfiguration of our consciousness. ), but it miiight sort of feel like you have a parallel processor somewhere in your psyche. VERTEX IN LEO > Destiny process themes include play, validation, in finding a muse, unlocking creative potential, and relationships based on appreciation. , TO INTERPRET YOUR VERTEX, WELL BASICALLY BREAK IT DOWN INTO KEYWORDS, MAD LIBS-STYLE >. . In astrology, the Ascendant represents the starting line of the natal chart, demarcating the end of the Twelfth House (Secrets, the Subconscious Mind, and Past Life Baggage) from the First House (Identity, Persona, and Appearance). Nic Gaudettes astrology career began in 2004. The Vertex also has an exactly opposite position called the Anti-Vertex. It looks like our plates are quite full this week. Moon- Vertex/Anti-Vertex: This is an indication of an emotional, supportive, and nurturing connection. . Even if they hoard a lot of things, they, most of the time, remember their exact placements. IN FACT, you might think of a Vertex activation as puberty for consciousness. Full Moons, major transits, and just getting through March oh my! Your skills to get everyone on the same page can be unmatched. Does it feel like that person grounds your destiny process in a meaningful way (maybe like a tradeoff)?