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He helps relieve stress, anxiety, hope and sadness he will brighten up your day, so remember to ask chamuel for help when needed., There are various ways to contact Archangel Chamuel. To connect with him simply ask him for help and explain your matter. Or before you go to sleep, set an intention to visit his Spiritual Retreat the Temple of Pink-Crystal Flame on the Divine plane above St. Louis, Missouri, in your sleep to talk to Archangel Chamuel. 2014 - 2023 Celestial Inspiration. Thanks so much for this message!!! They both are the Archangels of the third Pink Ray the wavelength of Divine Love. Twin Flame : Archangel Chamuel " Union Prayer " Attract Your Twin Twin Flame reunions are hard to come by. Close your eyes, take a couple of deep breaths. Archangel Chamuel Angel of Love & Relationship. And you feel so grateful simply to be alive and be a part of this Wonderful World and so immensely blessed! Say this prayer out loud with deep reverence before going to bed: Beloved pink-flame angels, escort my soul to the Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame over Saint Louis, Missouri. Elohim of the Seventh Ray - Arcturus and Victoria. If youve received Celestial Inspiration, please be an angel and share this message with someone who needs to hear this. Dont idealise Soulmates relationships though. Close your eyes and check yourself if you have wings. All you have to do now is trust in Gods perfect timing. Feeling out of sync? Sometimes we go through periods where we feel distant from god which chamuel will help us reconnect with our inner soul. They are near. Archangels of the Sixth Ray - Archangel Uriel and Archeia Aurora. May all my relationships flourish under your guidance and love. Ask him to give you or someone else comfort in the hour of need. . if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'inspirationdivination_com-leader-3','ezslot_10',608,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-leader-3-0');This magnificent Angel of Love calms anxieties, whispering the words of reassurance and hinting towards solutions. Archangel Chamuel is mentioned In the Bible. Make sure that there is a clear intention behind why you are asking for help in finding these missing things and that this intention resonates with love. At the initial point of incarnation these two halves of the one are divided and sent out into reality to evolve and grow to return as a perfected being to the source. or help you plan a future event with your spouse, and so forth. Do not fear to love, blessed hearts of fire with truth. I have some", "I have met and know my twin. Soul Mates and Twin Flames - Welcome to all from Angel Love Blessings! Connect deeply with Archangel Metatron and he will show you your ascension pathway. Does it not resonant with your vibration? Archangel Chamuel locates your Twin Flames as well and helps to arrange the meeting. Then watch and see if your relationships are more harmonious! Elohim of the Sixth Ray - Peace and Aloha. elohim! Pretty much any relationship the computer, if you suspect that your computer doesnt love you and refuse to work properly, house, garden, a car, an Internet etc. But it is not impossible for you to meet your twin flame. Archangel Sandalaphon is his twin flame. With Archangel Chamuel, your life will be full of love and your relationships will get stronger. Come into the sanctuary of being where the kingdom of God is come into manifestation on earth as it in in heaven.'. They teach you to replace your sense of injustice with a supreme trust in the ultimate resolution of divine love. Dont forget about the most important relationship in your life with yourself. This is how you know they are your soul group, your soul family. (This post contains affiliate links. thank you for confirming why i feel cennected to a galactic federationspaceship. But your poor body is screaming for the rest to recharge its batteries naturally, not extra food! Wherever I go, my car goes with me, so my protecting Crystal does too. Soul mate angels are always willing to help resolve situations within your current relationship if necessary. From space, it seems that more and more lights turn on breaking up the grey etheric smog, surrounding our Planet, the bright, Read More Archangel Sachiel, the Angel of Money, Wealth, and SuccessContinue, Do Angels even bother with money? We couldnt see him all day. All soul mates love each other on a soul level unconditionally. I love all of Lorna Byrnes books, but especially Angels in my hair and Angels at my fingertips. Archangel Chamuel - The Holy Flame of Divine Love - Celestial Inspiration Archangel Chamuel is the Archangel of Love and Harmony, as such he can assist in this difficult relationship by bringing about love and harmony between both parties. Make sure you are still grounded by feeling your feet and how heavy your Earth Star Chakra is that is located approximately twelve inches under the ground. Privacy Policy | Allow this white light to expand through the heart until it covers the room you are in. Chamuel teaches us how to apologize to those we have wronged, even if it wasnt on purpose. Use this archangels attributes to help you release conflict and move on with your life: As the name suggests, Archangel Chamuel helps you seek Gods power. We all have a Twin Flame. Maybe this is him?! Required fields are marked *, document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute("id","a67510f38496163b9c01ddecb1877ec2");document.getElementById("bc5b19154d").setAttribute("id","comment");Comment *, Archangel Sachiel, the Angel of Money, Wealth, and Success. This archangel will show you that your mistakes do not define you, but they are an opportunity for growth and moving forward. Sometimes our belongings collect negative energy. Leave the wondrous Temple of the Pink-Crystal Flame to reunite with your Guardian Angel, waiting patiently for you outside. Be able to share the results on your Facebook page with one click. Archangel Chamuel for Twin Flames: Patriarchal Entrapment | Patriarchy - YouTube Disclaimer: By pushing play you take responsibility for your own well-being. And a circumstance, often unhappy, would bring them together only to discover that they have found the Love of their life! Archangel Chamuel - Ascension Research (LogOut/ With this, people will be more drawn to you and become more open to you as you are to them. Step closer to me, leave all your fears behind cause you are stepping on the territory of Love. NEW! Metatron is in charge of the entire ascension process for the Universe. https://www.archangellessons.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/114-5423.mp3. I Am Pure Love. Once you find inner peace, self-love, and peaceful relationships, this will be fertile ground to find your soulmate! Get Crystals, one for you and others for your family. And whatever you do gets amplified, effortless, amazingly productive and effective. Please shine your lights on the following. Or you might just have an overwhelming feeling that everything is going to be okay because archangel chamuel has got it all under control! They are your twin energetically , and many twin flames ( although not all ) are more and more incarnating together. This light travels up through the roots, all the way to your heart. In this way, Chamuel maintains peace with your twin flame and helps with your reunion. Are you single and waitingto meet your Twin Fame? Together with their legions of pink-flame angels, Chamuel and Charity serve to expand the flame of adoration and divine love within the hearts of men and elementals. TO ARCHANGEL MICHAEL FOR PROTECTION Prayer In the name of my Mighty I AM Presence, I call now for the victory of my twin ame, for the cutting free of my twin ame by the power of the mighty blue ame and sword of Archangel Michael. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'inspirationdivination_com-box-3','ezslot_2',191,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-box-3-0');Sharing is caring! Archangel Chamuel enfolds you in his enormous soft and feathery wings and holds you tight, rocks you, so there is Love, only Love and nothing but the Love. 777 Angel Number : The Meaning And Representation. I know as well that he has got other things to do to help with the change. Ask Archangel Chamuel if he can help you in finding your lost items, people, or pets. It is your choice. When a bird soars in the sky, it looks for the air currents. Archangel Michael on Twin Flames, Twin Rays, and Soul Mates Love is the strongest force in the Universe. Read and reread it, and your aura will be scanned by the Pink Rays of Love, not leaving any chance to the dense energies, lurking inside you. He will also show you ways you can connect more deeply with your own spirituality in order to resolve issues related to guilt or shame in a positive way. Archangel Chamuel - The Angel Of Love - SunSigns.Org Has Love slipped away from your relationship? There Without the angels guidance and protection our soul could become entangled there, and so we call to the legions of Archangel Michael to escort us. You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments! It is not only selflessness but it is the assertion of the Great God Self with such an all-consuming fiery furnace of manifestation as to consume all unlike love.1. Archangel Chamuel is one of the seven archangels. His name means he who sees God. He can help you see that there is still something in your life worth celebrating. You can even fulfil your Earth scenario and possibly pick the new one for yourself. It is a chance for you to surround yourself with your Celestial guides who will shower you with unconditional love and support in your journey. Archangel Chamuel: Meet The Angel Of Peace And Divine Justice @DREAM HOPE BELIEVE FOR PERSONAL SESSION GUIDANCE HEALINGCONTACT :-@twinflame11 ( VAISHALI SHUKLA ) TELEGRAM ACCOUNT#twinflames #awakening #reunion #all #aff. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax your muscles. Archangel Chamuel and Charity welcome us to study in their etheric retreat in the heaven-world over Saint Louis. 11+ Powerful Twin Flame Prayer for Manifestation - BigBrainCoach It is believed that Archangel Chamuel works with Archangel Michael to heal people, deliver messages or communicate divine guidance. As a rose unfolding fair No, I dont mean the Angels that are taking on the human body for a very short period of time to fulfil some very important mission and then they are gone, vanished without a trace, you can read a, If you or your children study, the exams can be a stressful time. P.S. Take a few deep breaths and watch the white light you sent out into the world come rushing back to you, carrying with it many blessings of love. They are both archangels of the seventh ray. Chamuel and Charity will teach you how to intensify the flame of love in your heart and to prepare for the descent of the Holy Spirit into your temple. https://www.alphaimaging.co.nz. Whether in a relationship or single, you can always ask to speak the guardian angels of your (future or current) soul mate spouse simply by intending it. Archangel Chamuel Amulet - sedonanewagestore.com Directing your energy correctly, you get inside the Universal current and go with it. And so, we realize how necessary it is to understand the path of the heart. His signature approach to helping people is by allowing them to adopt a compassionate approach to their problems. kodoish kodoish kodoish! Never in whole history there existed another person exactly like you, and never will be! NEW ON THE BLOG TODAY! Try again later. I keep mine in the car. 25% of every donation provided is offered in love toward world hunger- locally or nationally, and a small portion toward Peter's Pence and a local Catholic Parish, with the remaining portion toward the upkeep and maintaining of this website and all Podcasts/media and production. Angel Message of the Day: Archangel Chamuel You Will Meet Your Twin Flame Soon. Instead they have to carry on with their duties, but it affects their mood. There are many soul mates incarnated together at this time in history . How to know that Archangel Chamuel is with you? Animals havent got Guardian Angels, but they have a Fairy appointed to be their Guardian during their stay on Earth. The cat returned home in the morning, ignored his food (very unusual), ran straight upstairs and hid in his carrier. Ask Archangel Chamuel to locate your the One and bring you together. And when you are in a state of Love, you attract new exciting possibilities that multiply Love in your life. Archangels of the Seventh Ray - Archangel Zadkiel and Archeia Amethyst. We are in the day of opportunity - opportunity not only to make things right, but opportunity to spread the Cause of Freedom and Its Glorious Effects across the face of the planet into the consciousness of mankind. Sometimes, love can be found in unexpected times and places which could sometimes mean that youre allowing people to show you who they are. Would love your thoughts, please comment. These relationships are wonderful and bring a lot of love , fun and have similar interests. ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL | saintandrewstwinflame You believe in God; believe also in me. I do not give to you as the world gives. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'inspirationdivination_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_12',609,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0');Im in the mood for writing at the moment, for example. He is known as the patron angel of servitude, protection, stability; also attributed to the guardian angels who protect the environment. When an Angel touches you, you feel such a level of Love that youve never experienced on Earth before. When you pray and work with the Archangels of love you are drawn into divine wholeness and the Presence of God. Archangel Chamuel and Charity invite you to pray daily to them to protect your physical heart, your heart chakra, and your divine spark. A Twin flame is of your soul group, but has the same harmonious light and high vibration as you do. Archangels of the First Ray - Archangel Michael and Archeia Faith. They can give each other a tough time, especially in the beginning. There is a knowing which happens instantly without many words needing to be spoken. The ascended masters and archangels teach us about the preciousness of the heart, the guarding of the heart, the stilling of the heart, and the heart as a center and an opening to God. Even if they havent incarnated at the same time as you have, they will be right there with you, as a guide in the higher realms , in Heaven, watching over you and loving you, like the angels. As you are breathing imagine all negativity leaving your body with each inhale-exhale, feel yourself being more relaxed after each breath. Spiritual Gifts:love, compassion, mercy, creativity, forgiveness; dissolution of feelings of selfishness, self-dislike, self-condemnation and low self-esteem; preparation to receive the Holy Spirit. Here is a list of Elohim and Archangels with their Twin Flames - this is also linked to the seven rays. Some , have married their twin flame and are deeply in love. We do need archangels and their legions to take us to the retreats, because in order to get to the etheric octave we must pass through the astral plane, the frequency of time and space just above the physical. Together with their legions of pink-flame angels, Chamuel and Charity serve to expand the flame of adoration and divine love within the hearts of men and elementals. Some have decided to go back to the LIGHT, they will be welcomed as w When the Heart Chakra, represented by pink-white rose, starts opening gradually its petals, layer after layer, we open up for:Image: Depositphotos. Archangel Michael: Timeline Adjustment for Subterran Earth Group Explain to him your situation and ask for help. Now visualize chamuel before you, his aura glowing brightly around him. Many people are vice versa being upset by having a difficult Mum or Dad that they cant get through to, no matter how hard they try. So it can spread the wings, allowing the current to do the job for it. They teach you to intensify the flame of love in your heart and to prepare your temple for the descent of the Holy Spirit. This is because this happens to be a time in History when soul mates can work together for the greater good as one family. Thanks Thanks Thanks! While Twin Flames always meet when the time is right, showing the angels that you are ready to trust in divinetiming might speed that timing up (a paradox, I know!). Archangel Chamuel, whose name means "he who seeks God," and his divine complement, Archeia Charity, serve on the third ray of divine love. Whatever you situation , know that soul mates and twin flames are loving, and understand each other significantly more than others seem to. This will always remain throughout eternity. This would be a perfect union. And remember that I, Chamuel, am always with you, and the distance between us is only a thought. 24, no. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); He answered, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself.'. No one, Read More How to know your Guardian AngelContinue, If you are reading this there is a chance that you are an Earth Angel. Make a list of your loved ones and those with whom you may want to have more positive relationships. You can write your soul mates angels (and yours) a letter about either helping you and your future spouse arrange a meeting, or if in a relationship about a current situation you may wish their help about. Light a pink candle and call on Archangel Chamuel, Angel of Love, who helps us locate a lost lovers: Archangel Chamuel, please guide me and my twin flame so that we may unite forces for divine service for the highest good of all. So they are the tasks this Magnificent and hard working Archangel can support you with. Ask him for help, and he will be there to reunite you with your strayed item. Enter, thou servant of the Lord. The Archangel Chamuel, also spelled Camiel, Kamael, and Samael, whose name means 'He who seeks God' is one of the most powerful and magnificent of the archangels. Chamuel represents unconditional love and helps people restore their faith in God through his guidance. Do not let your hearts be troubled. There are many soul mates, but only one Twin Flame. Listen to your body. Archangels of the Second Ray - Archangel Jophiel and Archeia Christine. He also oversees peace and comfort in any situation. Your Soulmates will not necessarily come into your life as your Partner. He teaches us how to be in unconditional love. Amen.. Elohim of the First Ray - Hercules and Amazonia. You can ask them to help those in your household understand each other and to help you to be a better listener to meet others needs. Ask the angels if you feel guided, to help you reconnect with those of your spiritual family who have incarnated in the present time with you. They would surprise themselves and others, fall in love and find happiness exactly with a partner of that nationality. The driving force with a twin unit is re-union. Repeat after Chamuel: I dont give up on myself. - While living physically on different continents the energy of the other appears to inform my daily action. There are Archangels (there are several) but in particular Archangel Raguel and Archangel Chamuel who can help in this area as well. Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary - The Summit Lighthouse Their etheric retreat, the Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame, is over St. Louis, Missouri. His divine complement is the Archeia Mary, who was embodied as Mary, the Mother of Jesus. I first saw him in a series of dreams that started a little over a", Archangel Chamuel speaks on Twin Flame Reunions. Recognize your soulmate through Archangel Chamuel!#twinflame Take the Crystals (or stones) in your left hand and put them close to your heart. You can either use prayer or meditation. Or they think that living with an open heart puts them into a vulnerable position. Repeat the second part,Be gone, forces of anti-love!nine times or more. Some Twin Flames will not meet for several lifetimes. If you have lost a pet and you are heartbroken, talk to Archangel Chamuel and also to their Fairy that acts as their Guardian. Would you like to be a patron monthly? The joy of the Christ and the proper use of the creative powers of the Godhead are the forte of their instruction. Listen to your heart dear one, listen for the Twin Flame energy of the other. He will offer a helping hand when its time to move forward in life. A Spiritual person can be in a relationship with not Spiritual one, for example. When all seems lost, Chamuel is there to pick you up and dust you off. The higher the twin flames ascend, the more they unite and rejoin energetically. Rose Quartz is probably the best choice, because it is naturally a Crystal of Love. We all need new possibilities, the new door opening for us, often unexpectedly. Archangel Chamuel overlooks the whole process. Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. I noticed that I typed the world LOVE so many times whilst writing this article, that this article alone can be used as a powerful tool of Spiritual Cleansing and Protection. The Old Testament describes the Presence of God as dwelling between the cherubim. Chamuel is the angel who helped Mark and Elizabeth Prophet navigate such a dark time following the loss of their son during an accident in 1969. Find out which of the archangels you are closest to, Discover the five gifts that connect you to that archangel and how to make the best use of those gifts, Unveil the secret of invoking angelic power, receiving inner guidance and welcoming divine inspiration in your life. Have you heard stories about someone who cant stand some nation? This way you accelerate your Growth and propel yourself forward. Elohim of the Fourth Ray - Purity and Astrea Verna Maruata is an energy imprinter. Dearest RJK it is not how old the message is, it is the information that is important. Quote: *12/12/09 and 12/21/09* is this an old posting reposted here ? Archangels - Archangels Golden Light Healing Archangel Chamuel will assign angels to help you in your daily life as if they were your personal staff. We come, then, defenders of love and leaders of the archangels and the many angelic bands serving with us in the very victorious flame of divine love. Open yourself to the guidance and blessings from the Divine through your angels. Your email address will not be published. Do not let this guidance slide. The very first sign of Archangel Chamuel nearby is the sudden interest in Spirituality. This would be a perfect union. Cut us free so help me god! Imprinting is manifesting energy into the physical. Pay attention to insight you may receive by asking, either as an inner knowing , a peaceful feeling or message or song, a butterfly or hummingbird (which is a sign that the angels are with you), a vision or an angel voice (which is unmistakable with their loving high vibration) or insight in a dream. This is not limited to a relationship with a spouse, but can also be done with a parent or sibling or friend. Archangel Chamuel He who sees God Archeiai/Twin Flame - Charity Love, forgiveness, mercy, adoration, compassion, gratitude, soulmates, life purpose 3rd Ray-Pink Flame Opal is - stone of love and gentleness. Free Personal Horoscope and Lucky Numbers. Archangel Chamuel watches carefully and seeds Love where there is no Love. Say: I am the Gold Ray of Christ, and see yourself inside a giant column of Golden Light, surrounded by the bright Blue Light of extra protection. Oh i just knew this and now i am certain!! He may also send you signs, such as a glimpse of where your items are, and even bring into your line of sight someone who might know something about the location of your lost person or thing. Chamuel and Charity also promise to draw you into oneness with your own twin flame so that you can fulfill your divine plan of working in unity. Archangel Chamuel loves unconditionally, his kindness flows like water over rocks; he delights in small miracles; he offers opportunities to connect spiritually; supports those on an emotional rollercoaster with understanding and encouragement; provides true friendship with unconditional love. These angels of love are also those that are near the inner Throne of God. Archangel Chamuel and Charity teach you to develop the qualities of mercy, compassion and loving kindness for others. You are LOVABLE, magnificent and totally unique Being of Light! 65 No. This is an indivisible part of you and cannot be separate. #Magic_world11Thank you Archangel ChamuelI love MyselfMAGIC WORLD 11 If you feel anxious or worried, then it is a sign that Archangels Michael and Chamuel are protecting you. Whether you call it a stone, a beast, a tree, a man, a demon or the Divine everything is the same energy, manifesting itself in a million different ways. This union can be seen with the Elohim especially. We call it I feel the urge, Im in the mood for. Your Twin Flame is an indivisible part of yourself. Sit down with your spine straight and relax your shoulders. If you wonder how this one could love you, in this Earth vehicle, know that they are with you and know everything that you are doing all of the time. Even if the whole world gives up on me, I dont give up on myself.. A Twin flame is of your soul group, but has the same harmonious light and high vibration as you do. An arc of divine love forms a bridge between their retreat and that of the Elohim of the third ray, Heros and Amora, in the etheric realm near Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada. Let the Golden Light work its Magic on you until you feel that you become liquid gold yourself.