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This assumption is inconsistent with the actual dynamic, which is that there are twp major military campaigns involved in the grand strategy. There are many alternatives, but none of them resemble any sort of exercise in democracy. They represent the grievances of the lower-middle classes within the Anglo American Empire and Europe who want a greater cut of the economic loot of empire for themselveswhich necessitates an even more aggressive and militaristic grab for global resources, markets, and geopolitical power. So thank you Dmitry Orlov for this updated view. What Lenin reassigned to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic were Russian lands, Donetsk and Lugansk regions among them. We differ in the assumptions. More recently, laws have been passed that severely restrict the use of Russian. The platforms of all the 30+ candidates were identical, but this makes no difference in a country that has surrendered its sovereignty. And wasnt Hawke a CIA asset? 2. Kharkov and Odessa? Ditto for numerous other biological life forms. At age 14 he moved with his family to the Ukrainian mining town of Yuzovka, where he apprenticed as a metalworker and performed other odd jobs. "The United States are making sure-footed strides directly along the path of the Soviet Union. they spent their days in a separate barrack, sitting between casks of In terms of its internal functioning, the main prerogative of everyone in power, the president included, is thievery. Religiously, most of the population has been for many centuries and still is Russian Orthodox. Impact Orlov, who was acquired from Washington on Thursday, was playing in his second game with Boston. He is a nationalist, and he cares about genetics too much in my personal opinion. The TRUTH dear Saker is EUROPE , which is the coveted Prize over which the fight is ongoing .. and it is a brutal War , where all means are used .. by all parties implicated ..and only made possible by a corrupted European Elite ..enslaved to an even more sinister Global Elite so far sitting in the driver seat .. but most likely to be replaced in the years coming if I can judge the ANGER smoldering among European populations an Anger which just needs the right Spark and the right Persons to materialize . The influx of returning economic migrants combined with the lack of financial support are likely to spell the demise of certain national elites which have been feasting on Western largesse in return for a bit of Russophobia. By the way, also, Dmitry Orlov mentions how the Muscovite Russian realm inherited the traditions of the Mongolian Empire,but unfortunately Ivan IV Vasilyevich [the terrible] chose to imitate the very worst practices of the Mongols in wartime but the peacetime administration of the [not yet Muslim] Mongolians notable for its overall toleration of religions, ethnicities, languages, and being all in all rather enlightened,was not imitated. Thanks for that interview on 5G radiationwith a bona fide top expert Dr. Trowerwe are seeing already Checkout the latest stats of Dmitry Orlov. Another will be that EUs subsidies to its recent eastern acquisitionsPoland and the Baltics especiallyare likely to be reduced substantially or to go away altogether. MOSCOW Moscow is calling on Kiev to renounce its plans to resolve the dispute over the Kerch incident before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and sit down at the negotiating table to resolve the differences, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. An Android App has been developed by one of our supporters. All the incentives are there to keep the thing together, with little real risk of some sort of succession movement or serious insurrection. The recent initiatives to let everyone in and to let non-citizens vote amply demonstrates that US citizenship, by itself, counts for absolutely nothing. If that is the documentary that I saw yesterday, the fact that Rudolph Steiner predicted the dangers of electro-magnetic radiation, in the form of radio waves, for human beings and their neurological faculties, in 1924, was a real mind-boggler. Just so. Despite its absurdities, the US system is fundamentally robust and unlikely to suffer any major, sudden collapse, at least for many decades. I, too, responded, with some suggestions for those who feel they are too old to consider emigrating. They are also fanatic enemies of renewable energy, and proponents of fossil fuels, particularly coal, And most of them have children, who they are condemning to a life of Hell on Earth, and a premature and wretched death. This essay is the work of a fantasist. indescribable pleasure. The Ukrainians are continuing to lob missiles into the territories of Donetsk and Lugansk, causing sporadic civilian casualties. More and more of what one hears from the likes of Michael Morell, John McCain, Gen. Robert Scales, Zbigniew Brzezinski and various think tanks suggests that that air has permeated Washingtons halls of power. Jerm Warfare is the battleground of South African cartoonist and broadcaster, Jerm. Like the ME, the SCS gives a naval power a controlling wedge in Asia. An earlier post finds educated/well-informed and practical Americans, but those troops are being thinned out every day from US chaos. (Video), Jordan Peterson: The Key to Life That Orthodox Christians Salvaged, Western Christians Lost, New Christian Films From Russia - With English Subtitles, Ukraine: A Battle in the 1000 Year War Against Orthodox Christianity - a Detailed History, American Father - VIDEO: Full 10 Minute Mini-Documentary - Big Family Moves to Rural Russia, Putin Gets Personal - Explains Why He Never Takes His Cross Off, Church Leader's Brilliant 1918 Letter to Lenin Speaks the Truth About the Revolution, Russia's Future Predicted by Well-Known Christian Saints, Archeologists: Sodom and Gomorrah Literally Destroyed by Fire and Brimstone Falling from the Sky, Russia's Most Incredible Male Ensemble - Stretensky Monastery Choir, WATCH: Tips on How to Cure Depression from Russia's Favorite English Speaking Priest (Fr. Orlov scored a goal, dished an assist, logged two hits and went plus-2 in Monday's 4-3 overtime win over the Islanders. Perhaps the future holds some spark of brightness for the people. If we drop the conceit that the Ukraine is a country that can be viable if separated from Russia, what can we say about its chances as part of a Greater Russia? Decades, even. Get born in Russia or East of Russia next time over or But that sort of smooth transition may be hard for the EU and the Americans to orchestrate. Many weapons that the USA possesses are not publically acknowledged such as weather warfare (HAARP), biowarfare targetting certain genotypes, and other exotic technologies. As E Michael Jones says you cant have a raise, but you can go to the gay disco. We frequently post articles that we may differ with, partially or completely, to support open debate. He answers fully. To save face, they have declared their defeat the result of a Russian invasion but have been unable to present any evidence of it. Due to the pitiless impact of the Law of Exponents the end may be ten years or less away. After the Soviet collapse and Ukrainian independence there followed a campaign to de-Sovietize and de-Russianize the Ukraine, deprecating this common historical legacy and replacing it with a synthetic Ukrainian identity based on a falsified history that is alien to most of the population. I have sublet one of the bedrooms to a young Czech couple who are on a working holiday. Ive followed Orlov and the Saker for a long time. Its a poignant thing, these United States. Luckily, the idea of Russia as a disposable staging ground for world communist revolution was never fully implemented. You agree not to use the Service in order to post, upload, transmit or otherwise disseminate information of any material that infringes the copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other right of any party. None of this matters, because we dont know which of the two is the US State Departments pick. Thus, there is an objective reason to prefer Zelensky over Poroshenko, which is that Poroshenko is a major thief while Zelensky isnt one yet, but it must be understood that this difference will begin to equalize the moment after Zelenskys inauguration. This unique phenomenon continues to be a joy to witness. The USSRs most significant leadersStalin, Khrushchev and Brezhnevwere not Russian; Stalin was a Georgian while the latter two were Ukrainian. It was missed by many people I believe. While, on the surface, people support ideas like higher minimum wage, universal health-care and other aspects of social democracy, it their masters say no then theyll forgo it and take pride in their ability to endure suffering, early death, their children on heroin or meth, and so on. Whether accurate or not, this is what the USA believesand likely act according to this belief. These are facts of life in Ukraine. Thus I encourage readers (listeners) to note his argument down on paper and consider the incipient implications that attend his reason. The longer they wait the worse it will be. In Europe . These words from Pages 125 and 126 of Dmitry Orlov's Re-Inventing Collapse: The Soviet Example and American Prospects leapt out at me as perhaps the most definitive in his marvelous new book in which Dmitry illumines the collapse of the American empire, now well underway, with his insights from living through the collapse of the Soviet Union. dynamite, ecrasite and guncotton, packing artillery shells with these He is an engineer who has contributed to fields as diverse as high-energy Physics and Internet Security, as well as a leading Peak Oil theorist. The use of tactical nuclear weapons, bio-warfare, and other exotic weapons should not be ruled out. It was a treat. I decided to turn to the undisputed expert on social and political collapse, Dmitry Orlov whom I have always admired for his very logical, non-ideological, comparative analyses of the collapse of the USSR and the USA. together! just doesn't resonate. A splendid interview from the first all the way down to the concluding question hats off and thank you very much, Saker and Orlov. The author resides in US becasue its where he picks up his paycheck. Very nice people compared to the Aussie/British riff raff. The entire pelvis also But they are fed up with 1000 years of western imperialism, wars, subversion, intervention, etc. I sell a homeless street magazine to survive, as its my only income, being a New Zealand citizen living in Australia. collapse of the USSR during the 1990s. They did make an anti-Russia out of Ukraine. You agree not to use the Service in order to post, upload, transmit or otherwise disseminate information of any material that infringes the copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other right of any party. Fortunately, for the entire world, President Putin has shown himself to be an extraordinarily principled leader, full of restraint and guided by high humanist and spiritual beliefs. Lets say it takes 30 years to revert the decay, so what? The Saker, I would like to interview 2 professed patriotic and intelligent Russians , both living in the USA about their MOTIVES in their endless BASHING of everything European ( the part which concerns ME ) .. as well as their endless Bashing of Americans , the people among whom they choose to live , in both instances expressing Ridicule and Disgust bordering to Hate towards these 2 Areas of the World., Ole: As a Swede who never fell for the Russophobic noises of the MSM and even less for the dogma of Western supremacism, I should feel inclined to say that the Russian view is entirely justified. Further Reading Dmitry Orlov, Evgeny Malkin and Mikhail Sergachev Hold Group Chat Interview Evgeny Kuznetsov and Caps Gaming's JohnWayne to Play EA Sports NHL20 on Capitals Twitch Channel April 26. Eventually the place will become nearly empty, which seems to be precisely what Ukraine and its handlers seek to achieve. Spin: The veteran blueliner wasn't expected to have a prominent . On the one hand, he doesnt listen to Germany or France because he has American patrons. These multinational corporations gotta keep the profits up for their shareholders. At worst, you become a sucker for insanities like "Open Borders" which is nothing but infinite growth inflicted upon a finite country. I object to the commenters use of the term Katherine the Whore for Catherine the Great. Will there be a civil war in the US, like in the 1861-1865 period ? Quite the to do which is understandable and demanded. It is true that there isnt much debate within Russia about foreign policy. What is your best guesstimate of what will happen in the short-to-medium term future? Much of its population qualifies as Russian: linguistically, culturally and religiously they are perfectly compatible with the Russian population. Thanks to both Saker and Dmitry. THe way to explain this is as follows: first of all luck (as they say whatever is written in the book of life for you. Under Mao, despite natural disasters and political mistakes, China grew economically at about 10%p.a, but from the lowest base imaginable ie after 150 years of malevolent Western interference, Opium Wars, the Taiping Rebellion, Civil Wars and the genocidal assault of the Japanese Imperial butchers. Just as the Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), it had reached its peak of economic and social development just as the USSR was about to collapse, and it has been degenerating and losing population ever since. Your navy would be loathe to sail into foreign waters knowing that they could be sunk without so much as a chance to fire back. Both derive from sacrum, which is an anatomical term: it is the We no longer have that safety valve with the current Neocon barkers. Mulga: you have such a way with words. The US media can make the great bulk of the people believe absolutely anything. Since the 737-Max8 grounding, not a single new 737-Max8 order has been signed. However, theoretically anything is possible. Homosexuals Persecuting Christians in America - Do You Feel The Walls Closing In? Listen to audio about Dmitry Shevelenko. :). It is available for download and install by clicking on the Google Play Store Badge above. The Damascus explosion blew off the 780 ton silo door and launched the second stage plus its 9 megaton warhead 1000 feet in the air. The applicability of the concept of collapse is predicated on the existence of an intact, stand-alone entity capable of collapse, and with the Ukraine this is definitely not the case. - Explanation by Fr. Here is a great book about it (it took centuries) the author teaches at Columbia I think:, PS I spent a few months in Melbourne 3 years ago (I lived in San Francisco at the time) I can assure you its far superior, nicer, more beautiful and cheaper than any place I have ever seen in the US where I spent 14 or so years or the UK where I spent 13 years. the advent of the arctic fox but will, with any luck, be reborn into Its a wonderful read, and the most hopeful thing Ive read for ages. So, looking at the history of wars and going back to Napoleonic era, they had veterans who served 20 or so years, and they had young men who died when the first shots were fired. Seconding Larchmonter. Orlov tallied an assist while logging 23:49 of ice time during Tuesday's 3-2 loss to the Hurricanes. The great obstacle to the demise of the USA and EU will be the oligarchs. The Ukrainians simply laughed in their faces because it was clear to them that the instructors did not know how to fight at all. For permission to re-publish or otherwise use non-original or non-licensed content, please consult the respective source of the content. realize that we may be about to die and as our soul makes emergency In particular, the AngloNazi sorry Anglosphere nations (Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and of course America) are a clear and present threat that should not be underestimated, discounted, or spin-doctored away. Orlov . Wonderful interview, full of interest, even if the last part goes off a little into fantasy maybe the world or I will catch up with Dmitry. Suddenlyor not so suddenly if you've been paying attentionwe seem to be living in a slightly different world. In that case theres not much of a place for logic, is there? God bless you for the kindly description of (what once were?) Not a damned thing you can do, its all a done deal. The General breathed the clear, dry air of madness. Jan 7, 2023. There will be a lot of these changes around the world when nations start having free will. Infinite growth on a finite planet can be visualized from several examples off-hand.The concept is common among teenagers trying to find their place in the world: "My God, it's so big. And they hired 22 year olds from the UK or Germany. Despite the fact that Catherine had been his only real friend during his troubled teenagerdom. NATO vs. Russia, Explained In One Picture, EPIC FAIL: Why Most US Weapons Systems Are Worse than Russia's, Trump Lied to the American People Last Night, 23 Times in 7 Minutes, Destroying his Presidency. They dont. The US capacity to meddle overseas will wither, after all how well can a submarine filled with drag queens and single mothers operate? imposing the imperial English language on everyone.So we have all this complaining about that much dreaded Ukrainian language that it even exists.The clear ultimate objective for Ukrainian identity is to restore the strength of the original often called Kyivan Rus and its heritage. I am now a pensioner , with enough Money to be able to live almost anywhere I would choose still I returned to my native Country, with which I dont agree very much but I did it .. because I am a Dane and ..may be naively ..hoped in spite of being a completely insignifficant elderly person to be able to make a small those years I have left of this Life. Dmitry Orlov has shone for Boston since being moved there, scoring eight points in four games TBD: New York Rangers A controversial choice, for sure, but this requires some explanation.