Fbi Operational Technology Division, Articles E

I feel confident that with your help, Emery is going to make it. He has seen live ETs in person as well, at various times, including tall humanoid reptilian types. ternary operator with multiple conditions in angular. Aleksandra Matic I practice martial arts, and when I train, I find myself in an almost meditative state, as if I am in an entirely different world. Emery , Im just a guy from Belgium. As far as I suspect, there are no employees within Gaia who are involved in this, or who had anything to do with it. quantum AI wants to control human domain, which means every thing about the human quantum ai want to control manipulate or destroy. He was born August 13, 1930 to Lorenzo and. Either I quit or get fired. as I watched quite a good amount of the information like this, I would like to say that the history is repeating. FULL [emailprotected]#*&$g DISCLOSURE, so we can clear it! Emery Smith is just one piece of the puzzle; one tiny grain of sand in a whole beach full of truths about the ETs that are on and around this planet. I will definitely be signing up for a subscription once this bottle gets low. Thank you for making this ORMUS so accessible! Tear down those walls, so we can start to rebuild!!!!!! He never met "evil" ones. They disclosed this all officially in 2001 in the National Press Club Disclosure event w all the Gov. We are hearing that the Antarctic Atlantis storyline is still very much on the table if the Deep State really gets in trouble and it is very likely that they will. Outlets and voltage differ internationally and this product may require an adapter or converter for use in your destination. In response to some scornful comments we received, I am NOT saying these accidents are because of me. I recently began taking Atomic Ormus, and the mental focus it has provided me is remarkable. Therefore, I have theorized that the Cabal is trying to clean it up before either being exposed or attempting a Partial Disclosure. This is NORMAL with any supplement. Groundbreaking Area 51 Insider Bob Lazar 30-Year Anniversary: Alpha and the Omega. Agree with this post. Even the Tom DeLonge soft disclosure we covered in the previous article included the idea that some deeper force was working to prevent this information from ever being distributed. Certain misunderstandings arose from content in the first season of Ancient Civilizations, which presented an analysis of Gnostic texts, such as from the Nag Hammadi scrolls. So glad to know Emery made it through this horrific event. At this time on planet earth, in the larger global events designed for world slavery and extradimensional entities genocidal agendas, informed consent in this larger context is non-existent. There is no fraud going on here. Thank you for reading this and helping do your part to prevent our adversaries from attempting to splinter us and destroy the Seeking Truth Movement. During their marriage, he traveled the world tirelessly to master energy healing techniques to help her, searching from the U.S. to Brazil, from China to India, from Europe to Mexico. It is a miracle that he wasnt injured more greatly. Please try again. If you do not have Christ Jesus in your heart, you are a part of their play. As I have said before, I had many great surprises during this process, since he shared much more on camera than he had ever told me before. You're stating opinions without any facts to support it. He tells us of his induction into secret military testing facilities where he was tasked with dissecting extraterrestrial tissue samples. Now, one has to keep in mind that some of the things that he said that arent valid might be such only because he put his own personal spin and perspective on what he thinks is the case. We also have heard from multiple sources that Marilyn Monroe was assassinated after calling a friend to organize a press conference where she would tell the world the UFO info she heard from JFK. Magnesium may reduce stomach acid, and increases water in theintestineswhich may induce elimination, may relieveoccasional constipation(irregularity) and as anantacid may relieveindigestion, sour stomach, andheartburn. You know something we should all pray for is called DECLASSIFICATION while TRUMP is in office cuz it will lead to all sorts of REVELATION! Because it is simple, without our Almighty G-d, none of humans can win this race. No one is stopping those 15 episodes from getting out. Reviewed in the United States on February 2, 2023. Emery did appear openly at many CSETI gatherings where CE-5 contact protocols were being used to call in potential UFO sightings. This is a place to discuss 'Cosmic Disclosure,' an interview docu series hosted by David Wilcock on Gaia, the "revelations" of Corey Goode. He was still very sick when he briefly woke up at 1:30 AM last night, but when he got up this morning, he was much, much, much better. He is rewriting entire branches of science and leading a new narrative of human history, one that includes races of highly advanced beings that we share earth and space with. Many people have reported that they like the result they observe by giving Ormus to their pets. I want you to give them a personal message. Period. The true source of the attack, as well as the motive for why this was done, still remains elusive to me. Miraculously, Raven was found alive by a good citizen after the perpetrators dumped her off on the highway. Instead of slowing down or steering away, this driver maintained his collision course and actually accelerated. They admitted, in their own words, that whatever happened was Very Strange, including the fact that the account was frozen not once, but TWICE. Significantly, the FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, was also present during the debriefing of the CIA agent and his boss over what they had witnessed at S-4 and Area-51. I'll decide for myself, thank you. Yet, on that Judgement day, all of they will be summoned to the Judgement seat, dead or alive. Everything you described in this post is organized stalking and harassment (break ins, destruction of property, freez of his account, psychological, physical and financial abuse and mental torture, black suv etc). Its all about Ego and Money.. Q&A With Emery Smith & EON Wellness' Regina Brugh. The Oxygen Saturation level was at 91, and had come up a point from 90, which is extremely dangerous. Maybe he said they're dead so people dont go looking. He said he hasn't got anyone anymore. For Best Results - Take Atomic Ormus in the morning on an empty stomach for maximum absorption. This was not at all easy to write. Q: This letter was taken out of context by some in our community who made sweeping conclusions about what it said, and turned them into malicious accusations they directed against Gaia. The first day I tried Ormus I felt very clear minded, for the first time in a long time. None of this should ever have been made public, but since it now has, it is important that I clarify a variety of issues that many people have already jumped to conclusions about. The multiple, brazen attempts on his life would not be happening if he had nothing to say. Join Facebook to connect with Emory Smith and others you may know. ], CLICK HERE FOR OUR CHRISTMAS DAY ARTICLE FOR CONTEXT: STUNNING NEW BRIEFINGS. Just keep researching, and don't throw everything Emery Smith says away just because some of his information might not ring true to you. Morgantown, West Virginia, United States. Atomic Ormus is energetically programmed with the powerful intentions of healing the body, repairing damaged DNA, and expanding consciousness by our Resident Alchemist and Certified Reiki Master. I am still in shock but feel it is essential to report what happened. It has taken time to do this, but I now feel comfortable moving forward to clarify the story to ensure that Gaia is vindicated from these accusations. This was very obviously a Dark Alliance targeted attack, not just three random black SUVs who happened to follow him and want to abduct his dog. I hope you had a great holiday season. Theyre even using the same language (consciousness renaissance) that Corey has said Miccas people use. Take what Emery Smith says that is true or rings valid, and simply discard what doesnt ring true. This definitely appeared to be intended to take him out, as well as to threaten both of us in the hopes of using fear to prevent us from talking any further. ELABROATE PRECAUTIONS MEANT GETTING HIM TO COME FORWARD. 2 chips 4 years ago Cosmic has choppy editing.Or maybe he's sad as they really are gone. Thus, a huge discrepancy began occurring in the 1950s, where technology that is still superior to what we have today was being developed covertly. They are sworn to secrecy, upon pain of death, and usually have no idea that the highest military officials in the nation even the Joint Chiefs of Staff may be completely unaware of their activities. 1) Whenever Emery talked about various ET races, one thing stood out for me. The things he has told me over the last ten years may seem quite sensational, but they line up precisely with what we end up hearing from many other insiders. Either way, if this all falls through. Right before his health collapsed, three black SUVs followed him and abducted his dog Raven. In case anyone tries to question this aspect of the story, Eisenhower was the best emergency care he could find for the area. Bear in mind that this is only 2.6 degrees below the temperature where permanent brain damage or death can result 107.6 degrees Fahrenheit. We already have taped enough from him that a Cabal hit would only make him even more of a hero. He is only human, as are we all. Definitely describes ice dart technology : a poisonous, toxix dart shot into the body, melts away, not detectable in the body upon death. Emery Smith interview with Jordon Sather, 2018. The Range Rover was the last item of value that Paul still owned, and it was destroyed beyond repair in the collision. Please try again later. Emery Smith - Secret Space Super Soldier Exposed as A Fraud Please check out this video series by 'Vanilla Sky Dreaming' where she exposes Emery Smith as a complete fraud. Orion has been heavily involved with the elite of this planet for centuries. The case is very complex. It is very difficult to imagine how far we might already have gone with the full cooperation and technology of multiple ET races, all kept in secret. In this episode of Cosmic Disclosure with Emery Smith, John Lear brings forward information pertaining to the artificial origin of our moon and the flurry of extraterrestrial activity sprawling across its surface. Additionally, it was forcing him to manually approve all donations from overseas, which they said they had Never Seen Before.. Our next update will go much more into Coreys latest experiences with various ET groups, but it was important that we get this out first. Any other way to send him money? Anu Alchemy, LLC makes no promises on claims of any physical or medical outcome. He even set up a GoFundMe page to take donations for this lie. With that being said, we will not let Emerys life be in vain. It was a big, bulky SUV. Some folks misconstrued the statements in the letter circulated online to imply that Gaia was responsible for what had happened to Emery. Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. I guess that makes it a bit confusing on to if it's in there or just it is stating to take more gold with it for better effects ? Emery appears to be one of potentially thousands of covert military employees who autopsied bodies that were being given to us as payment. He ended up going back to a hotel to sleep, and returning after waking up around noon the next day still very violently ill. Anyone accusing him of making this up is acting like a psychopath and should be shunned. No. Lastly, in the letter circulated online I appeared to say that 43 percent of the entire Gaia audience was watching my shows. I will continue directing my audience back to the five and a half years worth of work that we co-created there, as I stand behind its integrity and value 100 percent. First turkey of Spring has just appeared! I do not know who GEM was, and I have no evidence of who they may be. DECLAS: Social Media Nukes An Entire Generation But Why? 240- Electro & House / various compilation Trance - Techno - House - Psy Given the importance of Informed Consent for the protection of HUMAN RIGHTS and as an ethical doctrine, it is applicable to UNIVERSAL LAWS in the petition of DEMANDING FACTUAL TRUTHS of ACCURATE EVENTS to be REVEALED to the human population in the event of FULL DISCLOSURE. While this may be true for some of them, there is no way in hell every single race has the best thoughts in mind for humanity. It is helpful with pain relief mostly a calmer relaxed feeling. Discussion of Davids Critical New Disclosure Film #1 Documentary! Multiple insiders have said we are uniquely good at integrating technology from many different sources, where the result is greater than the sum of its parts. Gaia uploaded this to my YouTube account, since I granted them access, and made it live earlier today: I am documenting what is happening to Emery because this is an incredibly brazen attack by the Deep State. Ormus Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating ( 1 customer review) $ 88.00 $ 72.00 Simply shake the bottle of Ormus well before use. (verified owner) June 5, 2020. emery, cory , david and everyone else so brave and loving to step into the fire like this, our gratefulness and prayers are with each and every one of you. I'm only on season 2 but I'll keep an ear out. So I decided to give it a go and see what happens. This allows your energy to shift and open new doors of possibilities to flow in. Emery is already plugged into Alliance networks. Hello David, Whats the difference between mono tonic gold and ormus? This is an excerpt from ascensiongallery.com on the Three Core Principals: These three core principles of informed consent are important to understand, as they correlate to the tipping point that must be reached for the human Collective Consciousness to be awakened into the thresholds of accepting the higher frequency reality. The power of our mass consciousness to affect his healing process cannot be undermined. Gaia also was responsive to a concern I had raised in the past when a content employee relationship was not working out for the mutual benefit of all involved, and a change was made upon my direct request. Keep the bottle tightly capped, out of direct sunlight, protected from moisture, at room temperature and away from electro-mechanical energy. I had been telegraphing for three days via electronic communication that I was writing the big one i.e. *These Results are simply reported by some people and in NO WAY represent a guarantee, likely outcome, or promise. Just 30 minutes after this article went up last night, at 6:30 PM, Paul was struck unexpectedly in his vehicle and suffered a head-on collision. Now I hope you can see that we were all suffering threats and damage from a common adversary. 10/10. Antonietta Gatti and her studies on nanites in vaccines!!! There was a problem adding this item to Cart. After traveling to Area 51 and S-4, the CIA agent said that he saw several garage type doors with flying saucers in them. This awakening occurs to those who are ready and desire to receive it. They dropped Paul off outside and he had to go in alone: The attack was very spiteful, including smashing all his crystals to bits on the floor and stealing every personal record and belonging from the previous 30 years. This included large crystals that had been completely smashed to worthless powder on the ground. Davids message is one of unity and love, encouraging people to live a life of goodness and harmony. The day after we announced his coming forward, he was hit with an attack that landed him in the emergency room. Children are the perfect examples of this! Any scholars or insiders who could credibly and intelligently counter these plans would become a threat. And I thank you for stepping up to help him out! This causes a lot of people lack of energy and lack of drive, lack of sleep, hypervigilance, nightmares, fears and negative thoughts at bedtime, during sleep or when waking up. The skin is brighter and more luminous in the morning. This also is a very significant event in the history of disclosure. Please do the research yourselves; the ones looking to shape opinion ($) always have the most to loose. Your [url]Watersprite[/url]. What can be done, besides finding out the truth, whatever it is, and being angry enough to blow out a blood vessel, and in my case, raise my blood sugar into lunar orbit? Last night I got the kind of text from Emery that you never want to see. Many assume manna to be code for Ormus.. A few more episodes will be airing along with Corey Goode. This is the first level of what came in. Q: I even dreamed that my higher self and the higher self of my co-worker got together and talked to each other in a dream. They are working hard, so does our G-d Father in Heaven. There is no money exchange in this greater cosmic society. Q&A With Emery Smith & EON Wellness' Regina Brugh. The search and abduction was over in 90 minutes without me calling in the satellites! I had lived with ptsd and auto immune symptoms for years. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. We are not sure exactly how Emery suddenly became so violently ill. One possibility, based on things Pete Peterson had told me, is that Emery was shot with an ice dart by one of the SUVs that went by, before grabbing his dog. At other times it had gone up to 105. These and other incidents were extensively documented in articles I wrote on my website, divinecosmos.com. Remain faithful dont judge off one bottle, Reviewed in the United States on February 28, 2023. Literally everyone does that. It also severely attacked everyones credibility and caused our own public to turn on us, having no idea what was going on. Some like Ormus, some do not. I take it daily and apply it as a serum to my face, it has sped up my skins cellular turnover. Lets bear in mind that we have eyewitnesses to three black SUVs pulling up and grabbing his dog as it was walking around on its own, 50 yards away. Emery the guy who autopsied thousands of aliens but has never used the word "incision" once in his vocabulary. I have something in common with you. We will have more to say on that soon enough. His life has been threatened repeatedly because he has been speaking out. At about 8 years of age, he moved to Fort Myers Florida to be raised on a self-sustainable farm with a fascination for the universe and a fixation on science, particularly aerospace and biologics. satisfaction in the knowledge that people all over the world were heard , and believe you. The only question I have is seeing you guys stated that the gold is added in the beginning steps but is just not listed in the ingredients? This liquid form of atomic ormus is the real deal bottom line. As they begin to perceive more of the true nature of reality, pushing past denial and fear, they rise to support the collective human demands for full disclosure, DEMANDING to know the TRUTH, no matter how ugly it is. Im typically skeptical about products like these and largely think things like these are placebo, but it does what it says as far as deep sleep with lucid dreaming. The day after we announced his coming forward, he was hit with an attack that landed him in the emergency room. Thank you both for all the hard work you do and for informing all of us of what truly is going on. Tell us were not ready, we, especially the sleeping ones wont be. the doctor asked how im alive. In this case we made sure not to do anything stupid, as in anything that would jeopardize national security. Its just wild and chaotic. Petes life was threatened. Products with electrical plugs are designed for use in the US. I had heard of its potency, but was still pleasantly surprised by the positive affects it gave me, and how quickly it brought me back into balance. I would only call for this in a genuine emergency, and this is it. I mentioned films like Spider Man: Homecoming, in which the Tony Stark character gives Peter Parker a similar suit as he himself was using as Ironman. slowly boiling the water, all frogs die in unawareness. He said that all ETs are good! Here is a wider shot of Emery on the hospital bed, showing more of the equipment in the room: This was the first shot he sent me, where it became very clear how sick he was: I asked him to take a photo of his wristband, and here it is: I also said it was important to get documentation on his symptoms and treatment. Your account must be 60 days old AND you must have 50 combined comment and post karma. Right before his health collapsed, three black SUVs followed him and abducted his dog Raven. We are sorry. When people go beyond fear and denial, and stand up for the ethical treatment of humanity and the earth, they are willing to accept responsibility, petitioning for the truth to be known, as based in UNIVERSAL LAWS. They were dated January I guess that was the air dates. I strongly believe these posts were replete with willful lies and fabrications. His YouTube channel 'Truthseekers' is well worth listening to by the way. I couldnt be more pleased with what has happened here. They know he loves his dog and thus may use the dig as a trojan to get to him when they cant get him in other ways. Holes were cut in the wall where various classified items had been stored and all of these precious documents and keepsakes were removed: In the second and even more serious incident, which again was only a half hour after my article had launched, Paul suffered a head-on collision. http://jayweidner.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/landscape-4124096_1920.jpg, http://sacredmysteries.com/jayweidner.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/logo-600-b.png, David Wilcocks Apology Letter to Gaia Inc, KUBRICK AND 911Jay Weidner interview with Project Camelot Part One, Jay Weidner Debates Stanton Friedman Apollo Moon Landings. Search 3 Gunzenhausen custom cabinet makers to find the best cabinetry and custom cabinet maker for your project. I would never have wanted such a thing to be made public and to cause any issues for Gaia. Secrets of the Living Moon: With John Lear, Emery Smith. The taste is not bad as long as you mix with juice. I personally believe this stuff assists me in tapping into a deeper intuitive clarity when I take it before yoga and meditations as well as when I am feeling a little stuck at work. Some like Ormus, some do not. Thats what happens being an individual: You have your own perspective on things. Love and Light. Interests in math, finance, and global policy coupled with a strong desire to better comprehend the psychological reasoning and process behind business & financial decision-making. This included smart-glass pads that are made of a fully clear, see-through material and superior to the Ipad including holographic displays. What happened to the dog was only a part of it. I'm only on season 2 but I'll keep an ear out. Your presumptions are incorrect and inaccurate but you are, of course, entitled to your opinion. Emery seems to be in desperate need of psychological help. David and others has spread much information of the dark side from those claimed insiders, but there are great things happening on the bright side as well. Anu Alchemy Ormus is collected in Navapashanam water by a loving community during the full moon, solstice,equinox and eclipse times. Our services run deep and are backed by over ten years of experience. and Military.. I had lived with ptsd and auto immune symptoms for years. This will be difficult for many to process once the information truly becomes available to the masses. She with colleagues wrote a Scientific article indicating that of many vaccines studies, they contained metal contamination including Aluminum and Titanium. How is the Collective Consciousness expected to fully shift if we are not given the full truth?!?! [UPDATE NEXT DAY, 12/29: Emery had a miraculous improvement after our call for mass meditation and prayer and does not need to be in the hospital. (Part3) Truthseekers 7.06K subscribers Join Subscribe 116 2.3K views Streamed 1 year ago Emery Smith's former fianc. We are calling for your prayers for his health and safety. My dreams have been amazing. Then when you rose up to defend him and keep him from going over the cliff, they were obviously furious. After taking this product I immediately noticed my body began to self regulate both physically and emotionally. Suspended Solutions Your email address will not be published. You trade one item of value for another that is also seen to have value. We've found the best sources of ORMUS and combined the perfect trifecta into an ultra-energetic formulation ORMUS Precious Metal Blend, ORMUS Supercharged Minerals, and Global Salt Trace Minerals. Instead, we see a barter system. DAVID TALK TO THEM!!!!! I found this information from Steven Cambian. And in and out of different types projects as a civilian after that, because of . I was just encouraging him to get to a safe place and make sure to hydrate. [Free Ebook!]. I was very reluctant to publicize this at the time. Additionally, just since I said I was about to do more YouTube videos, the entire service has been overwhelmed with tons of new, fake David Wilcock videos. Immediately after posting this, the Saudi Mass Arrests articles hit counter ended in 666. This liquid form of atomic ormus is the real deal bottom line. making it all up, I highly doubt any of this would have happened. Our last article shared the story of the dogs abduction in an update, but not everyone reads updates. Support small. They dont even care at this point. Error posting question. Thanks for posting this. Comes in nice packaging and the dropper makes dosage easier. 0:00 / 1:58:33 Emery Smith's former fianc says he is a fraud and a liar? Furthermore, they are giving themselves three days 72 hours to complete the investigation, even after seeing my website. Anyone who thinks this was just a normal flu should remember that it started immediately after three black SUVs abducted his dog, right near him. Unit price / per . Only Christ Jesus and God the Father is our true helper and our True Savior. So lets talk about how all of these things may be related. This product is from a small business brand. When Emery went to see the damage, all that was left was a box with some of his military badges in it, with an armor-piercing bullet next to it, left standing upright on the counter. Curious on the reasoning for such as well as it saying can be taken in conjunction with activated gold. I am using this blog post to make sure you are aware of some things. Tompkins actually died. The statements on this site, have not been evaluated by the FDA. Some were Service to All and some were Service to Self. Gaia has offered him some assistance, but this is a grassroots company that pays everyone equally and cannot throw large amounts of money around. Pauls body collided with the windshield, leaving visible cracks as you can see here.