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Arenvald: Im glad you asked, Lyse. She was in search of General Aldynn, and I directed her to the rooftop garden. Her Grace the sultana would have my opinion on how best to invest the wealth of Uldah? Thancred: Yshtola and I can stand guard without. Lyse: Diana! Nanamo Ul Namo: Be at ease, Alphinaud. Her powers out of control! 70 . A fine young man, indeed. Come, let us head directly to the lounge and ignore thesethesegaudy temptations! Pipin: Is this truly what you want, Father? Alphinaud: Indeed. The bastards that killed him, the bastards that let it happenmy father deserved better! What else is out there? Nanamo Ul Namo: Raubahn Aldynn. And when the mob see that, theyll think twice before throwing their stones. We tend to our promises, and watch as Ala Mhigo blooms. Alphinaud: Then I shall come as well. Lyse: That explains her request to be executed. Butyoure right. Nanamo Ul Namo: It was here, in this wholly unremarkable place, that my mother and father met their doom. Lolorito: By all means. The lochs bounty will contribute to Ala Mhigos enrichment, whilst easing the burden on the Bulls aching shouldersjust as Your Grace desired. They need someone with the Echo, and by the gods, I wish I had it. I shall give you one. They could give the Echo to anyoneto an entire legion. My thought process was, "Let's see, Ala Gannha was the old mining town, they probably have lots of natural resources and there will be demand for construction now, Ala Ghiri was a fort and I don't think it'd be much use as a trading post, the Saltery. Alphinaud: Quite. But we need to set our sights on the futureon things whichll improve our lot. My husband and daughter are in danger! Diana, why dont you come along to the Reach as well once youve said your farewells to Nanamo and the others. Watt: Well bugger me Weve never had the coin or the hands to put the place back to how it wasbut it sounds like thats about to change! Starting Class Not specified Class/Job Any Disciple of War or Magic (excluding limited jobs) Lv. I will welcome him with open arms, of coursehe is my most trusted advisorand my dearest friend. Wonderful. Fordolas Mother: Were citizens! Arenvald: Aye And Ive found something new to think about too. Yshtola: A primals servant is betrayed by his aura. Yet how can he freely make such a choice knowing how much I depend on him? So it'll be a few years before they become a major exporter. ), Raubahn: Your Grace!? Let us go on ahead to the Waking Sands, and prepare for his coming. One of the palace guards, I was. Imperial Tribunus Militum: Do not believe everything you read. They say he started seeing assassins in every shadow, and wouldnt set foot outside the palace walls. It wasgrim. Did you notice the labeling? Lakshmi: Why? So what say you: shall we call on Alphinaud and go adventuring? But we do not have years. (We enter the building to speak with the prisoner.). The Ananta just summoned their primal in the throne room. I do hope he was still there. Nanamo Ul Namo: You oppose my proposition? Middle-aged Highlander: In the palace? Lakshmi: Leaders of Gyr AbaniaAccept my love. (Fordola turns. Raubahn: Ill cut us a path. After a furious battle, he is hailed as victor to the wild cheering of the crowd. I will see you in the palace. Fordola: All rightFather, whats Lord Gaius like? And then I had my blade. And that is an obstacle I must work to overcomeShall we press on? First Doma, then Ala Mhigoand Lord Zenos put to the sword! If youre not a pureblood Garlean, youre no different from any other savage. I will remain here to hammer out the finer details with Watt, and act as an intermediary with our business partners in Uldah. Alphinaud: We, however, have certain advantages which they did not enjoy. Gosetsu: Bah! The danger is too great! You sense power pulsating from behind its brow.]. I was merely informing my companions. Considering the land route is still under Garlean control, that business is dead. After going to the trouble of winning it back, might he not want to stay? Who will be next to die on my steel!? Raubahn: I swore an oath to you that day on the sands. Ironworks Engineer: The Ironworks received a request from the Alliance to analyze these devices, and Ive been recording everything of interest. Raubahn: Thank you, Your Grace. And what, a few stolen memories tell you everything you need to know, do they? Ernold: Yes, I am Ernold. Fools! Rest assured that I will do what I can to help you reach your destination. Mnaago: My parents will be relieved to hear that. A backstabbing bitch whod gladly betray her kith and kin to gnaw on what few scraps the imperials deign to toss her. Lyse: Gods If theres as much as you say. Maybe people just arent ready But that doesnt mean Im not going to try. More sweetbreads!? Lyse: Deep breaths. Youd never be the same again. They must have planned this far in advance. Wiscar: Right then, Diana. Arenvald: Could this scribe fellow have been spinning her a yarn, do you think? Nanamo Ul Namo: Smile for me, Raubahn. Then I should be glad to tell you my theory on the resting place of the mad kings troveif you are minded to hear it? Regardless, my intervention meant that Raubahn had but a single opponent to dispatchwhich he duly did. Weve even invited the Ananta and the Qiqirn to participate. SoRaubahn says hes going to return to Uldahbut she isnt sure he wants to. And what could he mean by this darkness beneath the palace, I wonder. Imperial Pilus Prior: They would wage war with empty wordsLet them produce the viceroys remains, then! Our first destination is Stonesthrow, just beyond the Gate of Nald. No viceroy. And what of me? Am I understood? Mnaago: I was patrolling the palace grounds with Thancred and Yshtola when we heard the report of a primal in the throne room. Arenvald: If he was afraid, that does lend credence to the talethough Im not sure how that helps us in our search. What think you, Diana? A moment of it, anywayduring the fight. Did you believe him, Diana? I shall see our guests to safety. It is a fine endeavor to support ones fellow man. Dont do anything I wouldnt. Theyve been targeting folk known to have cooperated with the Garleans. You may repay my faith by journeying to distant Kugane and speaking with him on my behalf. Will you join me? Dianaare you perchance acquainted with any successful merchants? Nanamo Ul Namo: Our course is decided. The guard there should have been instructed to let us pass. Lyse: Yes, wed all like to know about those, Alphinaudbut not everyones as comfortable interrogating royalty as you. Far better to dwell in dream. Theyre insisting they be allowed to attend the council. And you know what my only regret is? I am glad to see you found amusement in my little jest, Lord Lolorito, but shall we proceed to the business at hand? Arenvald: I dont know about you, Diana, but the visions only come to me every now and then. Other than that, Ala Ghiri was simply a waystation for trade with the Near East. Turned into monsters? Very good. Not that I mind, of course! Arenvald: There are too manyWe cant stop them all! Think about how you want to spend it. Fordola: Well, well, well So many visitors. Dianawould you be so good as to swim down to the bottom of the loch and search for an underwater route into the ruins? Quests ( 29) There are 17 Gyr Abanian Sidequests in this location. Godbert will be expecting us. Well, I meant it. Indeed, I had resigned myself to his loss. Alphinaud: We can worry about the how of it later! Assuming he accepts the post, Ala Mhigo will have added a formidable weapon to its arsenal. Though it took him another five years of fighting on the bloodsands, he amassed a fortune so great as to buy not only his freedom but a seat on the Syndicate. Isnt that right, Diana!? Lakshmi: Why do you cling to your misery? Fordola: They brought you into this world over a mistake I madeAnd Ill be damned if I let you taunt me with it! Should they hear of you spending the nations coinnot to improve their lot, but to nurture the distant citizens of Ala Mhigoit is unlikely they will applaud your generosity. You will all be my dreamers. It was an honor to face you in the tournament. Raubahn: As of yesternight, I have been relieved of my post in the Immortal Flames and the Syndicate both. Guaranteed. A fair journey to you, Dianaand a swift one, if you please. Ala Ghiri [] A former trading hub, neglected during the Garlean occupation. Ffxiv ala gannha ala ghiri or the saltery Ala Ghiri's primary export was Arak, however, the date trees needed to produce more arak are just now being replanted. And my dad! Nanamo Ul Namo: Are you in the habit of gossiping about the affairs of royalty, Master Leveilleur? These people will need shelter and employment if they are to survive, and this time the Uldahn treasury shall provide! But as you know, Raubahn is a man of his word. I share your thirst for justice. I plan to have Resistance scouts keep track of the Qalyanas movements at all times. Yet one good thing did come from that ignominious chapter in my life. Her aged mother follows after her.). Arenvald: She means to enthrall everyoneWe have to stop her! Lets go. And so, as tradition dictates, Raubahn Aldynn You have earned yourself a seat on the Syndicate! Ever has my sword been hers to command, and ever shall it remain. A scene from Fordolas past appears.). I killed your menI killed my men! ), (The Warrior of Light looks at Fordola, and an Echo flashback kicks in. We have not forgotten how you sssinned againssst the Lady of Blisssbut we did not come here to shed blood. Nanamo Ul Namo: You have given me much to ponder, Master Manderville. Tell me whats happened. There would be no one left! Imagine: the three of us, delving into a decades-old mystery! Welcome home, Raubahn. The work of terrible magicks, I fear. Thank you, Diana. But even after all that has happened, my homeland is free. Alphinaud: Certainly not, Your Grace! Only, I caught a glimpse of her past. Yshtola: One can never be too careful when dealing with the enthralled. And when Conrad passed his command on to me, that authority only extended to the freedom fighters based in Rhalgrs Reach. Arenvald: Diana! Can we rely on the Scions? The Primal collapses into sparkles and vanishes. For years and years, we have trusted one another, yet now you refuse to confess your hearts desire!? Dianayouve dealt with these Qalyana before. Have you found anything here which might explain why its so different for her? What are your plans for the rest of the Resistance army, out of interest? 0; 0; Quest Giver; Nanamo Ul Namo. So Ill play the part. I hear the viceroy was merely wounded, and that he has already returned to the capital. Watt: I see youve returned in one piece. 70) Widargelt - The Peaks - The Last Forest - Ala Gannha (x:22.5, y:5.7) 216,000 2,600. Alphinaud: Tis a quandary which countless refugees now face: to continue the life they built in Uldah, or start again in the land of their birth. Lyse: Hold on, FordolaWe end this now! Shall we be about it, Arenvald? My parents are good people! Let us reconvene on the southern edge of Loch Seld. Arenvald: Ill get to the point: might you be interested in a spot of adventure? (The scene shifts. Until next time, my friends! The liberation of Ala Mhigo is a central focus of Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, with the siege of the city itself serving as the final dungeon of Patch 4.0. The matter of Fordolas sentence cannot be suffered to disrupt proceedings. Arenvald: We may have a problem, sir. To what do I owe the pleasure? (Sparkling light in the room coalesces into the form of the Primal, Lakshmi.). Id like to hear what Watt thinks of the idea before agreeing to anything. The majority of all Hyur Highlander clans lived within this city before the time of . But we will gain only fleeting satisfaction if we give in to our base appetiteswe will never know the truth! Anyroad, we should head back to the Saltery before Grandad starts to worry Ive been snipped into pieces and fed to a yabbys hatchlings. Raubahn: Aye, let them keep their swords. Lets go and pay him a visit, shall we? Theyre a little shaken, but not one of them seemed ready to run. A hub for those needing a rest while traveling between the shroud and ala mhigo. And Ill hold a thousand meetings and talk till Im blue in the face if thats what it takes. I need your answer now. Tis indeed unsettling to find oneself seated across from an impassive mask. . I must go forth and see my realm with my own eyes, and hear the wind with my own ears. The citys mighty walls offer safety, but the streets overflow with people as it is. Arenvalds Voice: Oh, come on, you twowe might as well make it a race! Arenvald noticed something odd about her. For vengeance. Raubahn: Aye. Ive also adjusted the format slightly from the one I used for the main Stormblood questline text files. Damn it all Its only a matter of time before we miss one, (Lakshmi unleashes a huge barrage of aether spheres, far too many for Arenvald and the Warrior of Light to intercept, (But the moment before the spheres strike, Fordola bursts into the room, her eye flashing red. Target a yabby and inspect it with . Arenvald: I met an old man in Ala Ghiri who spoke of the palaces subterranean prison, but he said naught of cursed abominations! What was the first thing you noticed when you came in? Arenvald: I wonder what hell do when everything here is settled I mean, its his homeland. Raubahn: Godsdammit! Wiscar: Dont worry, Grandadwell take care of all that. Raubahn! (Lyse vaults over a spear-wielding enthralled guard and bolts through the doors. I want you fresh for our little adventure. You didnt come this far, climbing over the bodies of your own brothers and sisters, just to piss it all away! Lyse: Well, the Immortal Flames have been scouring that research facility ever since the liberation. Lyse: If only it were that easy. Raubahn finds the Warrior of Light in the Royal Menagerie, looking up at the stars. Ill make sure my steel is worth the effort! (There are black body bags laid out everywhere along the edges of the room. Ill make sure every coin is accounted for, and that goes for the spending of it as well! That said, this might not be the best place to talk. But at least the game treated Ala Gannha as a reasonable guess, and Lolorito correctly intuited my reasons for choosing it. Which isnt to say we wont be putting the safety of our allies in the Vira and M tribes first. The match I had been invited to attend was not at all what I expected. But maybe the time isnt right. Nanamo Ul Namo: And it has served me well. Lyse: Uh All right. (Off to the Ala Mhigan Quarter to question the locals!). Arenvald: Waityoure sayingthey were meant to guard the mad kings trove! Krile is possessed of an unrivaled ability to hear the whispers of the soul, and it seems probable that the procedure engendered the same acute sensitivity in Fordola. But theyll see in time. My friendsyou are not alone in your anger, your grief, your despair, for it is mine as well! Considering the land route is still under Garlean control, that business is dead. Eager though I am to visit those shores, I have not the leisure for a lengthy sea voyage. But I got the job done. Wrathful Resident: Were not leaving till you hand her over! You have my word that it will all be returned to you when the meeting is over. Did I mention that I encountered the sultana in the palace? Nanamo Ul Namo: I believe this is where we are to meet Master Mandeville. Click here to see quests originating in this location. (The mob is shouting Traitors! A burly man picks up a large rock and hurls it. Over the course of your many adventures, you have met people from all walks of life, in every corner of Eorzea, and I would make use of your worldly experience. Nanamo Ul Namo: From the moment I became sultana, I found myself thrust into an endless parade of document signing and ceremonies. The Garleans are meticulous about such things. Naturally, the savages beat their chests, and boast loudly of taking his head, regardless. Come close to me, all of you! For years, I simply signed where I was told to sign, and sat where I was told to sit, blissfully oblivious to what any of it meant. Lakshmi: You cannot flee my radiance. I shall consider my lesson learned, and press on. We shall find a ship to carry us across the Ruby Sea! Eventually, I left the city behind me, and joined a group of refugees bound for the other side of the Wall. Theodoric was our last rulerand he wasnt called the mad king for nothing. Pipin: Diana! After routing the imperials and liberating Ala Mhigo, I reckon weve earned a bit of respite, dont you? Pipin: I shall be assuming my fathers duties. Wiscar: Inside its head, is it? Lyse: This cant be happening No crystals were allowed through the door! How fared you? Tattooed Troublemaker: We all know her crimes! You spoke with Fordola, I take it? But I had hoped to keep the Monetarists at arms length, and him in particular Nay. (Nanamo launches herself into Raubahns arms. If youre to convince others to follow you, you must believe what youre telling them. Shes going after Lyse and Raubahn! Arenvald: Oh, there is one other thing: when the times comes to draw up a plan for distributing the spoils, I would ask that you consult Alphinaud. Raubahn: My thanks, Diana! It starts with insults most often, then someone picks up a stone Some industrious souls even thought to seek out the graves of Zenos and his officers. The man looks down. Raubahn: You desire to stand aloneI understand. Lyse: I want to build a country where everyone, regardless of race or origin, can live side by side in peace. Walk with me. (An Echo hits the Warrior of Light suddenly. Listening to their anger, I could feel myself being swept away. Weve made good progress since we took back Ala Mhigo, but theres one big issue we still have to addressLeadership. Nanamo Ul Namo: The local citizens will need to be consulted, of course, but I trust the East Aldenard Trading Company can be relied upon to provide its assistance in negotiating a mutually beneficial arrangement. Arenvald, you spoke of lighthearted adventure, but I sense a deeper motive for this expedition. Wiscar: Ugha phoebad. After all that has happened, he is the very last person I would expect her to turn to for advice. ), Gosetsu: I do give thanks to the kami that my makeshift raft withstood the fury of the seas But there their generosity ended. (Speaking to Lyse and Mnaago in Rhalgrs Reach). Theyll see that this is the only way to survive. Wish me luck! (Lyse and Raubahn stay to fight, despite not having the protection of the Echo.). This whole episode has reminded me just how far apart our kinds still are. It's the home to endless hours of mini-game shenanigans to . So, does this mean youve gotten better with that blade of yours? Alphinaud: Tis a long and arduous path you have chosen, but one well worth walking. Tell us, how do your people feel about the idea of a republic? What exactly does a ruthless profiteer have to do to earn your trust? And you are also aware of how they will suffer without shelter and work to sustain them. But I refused. What was she even doing there? Alphinaud: Well, that was unexpectedthough you seem distinctly unsurprised. Raubahn: Apologies for the wait. Arenvald: Speaking of which, how should we deploy ourselves? Lyse: Come to see how were getting on? Raubahn fights on the sands. It seems to mean something like non-citizen or non-Garlean.). Nanamo Ul Namo: As to the purpose of my visit, I would have your thoughts on how the crown might best aid the refugees residing in Thanalan. His was the only edge which could cut the strings that bound me, Nanamo Ul Namo: And as you well know, our artisans school shall be waiting to accept any who wish to learn new trades. You have made your point. What do you want with me? Or should I address you as Lady Lilira, hmm? Ah! (The scene switches to Kugane, where a familiar gray-haired Roegadayn Samurai sits on a bench. Fordola: Its done. Sending her to the gallows might satisfy people right now, but where would it end? And you agreed to this!? Ordinarily, Papashan would accompany me, but for this particular outing I need an advisornot a minder. Guild Wars 2 US. Were stuck on the back foot. Raganfrid: Not you. I want to talk to her too. Once Ive shared what Ive learned with the others, we should have no trouble keeping the shoreline clear. Arenvald: Speaking of help, I almost fell over when Fordola turned up. Fordola ducks. (Near the gate to Ala Mhigo Palace. Dont you dare patronize me! She justshe wanted to fight for her country. The crowd disperses. Pipin: By their uniforms, the captives were first judged to be imperial troopsbut after further investigation, their true identities came to light. Suffice it to say that I stayed as far away from the palace as possible. Id have you at my side. You should have heard him scream, Diana! He used to hold public executions up on the Divine Audience. Arenvald: Hah! Arenvald: Well, of course we wont be the first to make the attempt. That bitch has spilt enough blood to fill a loch! Apologies for the interruption, miss, but the General would speak with you at your earliest convenience! Wiscar: Ive been training, ayebut mostly to kill imperials. You I will never forgive. She is wearing the same face paint pattern her father wore on the day he died.). ), Flame Investigator: So many bodies Every one of them a victim of these experiments. Few show any signs of external injury. While you do that, Arenvald and I will seek out an ensorcelled portal within the palace. Ill see you by the loch! Mnaago: Suffice it to say, our people have had their fill of kingswhich means we need to find a new way forward. Something tells me were going to be hosting a lot of meetings in the near futureBut if thats what it takes, Im ready to talk till my jaw aches! Raubahn: Ill return to my other duties, thenweve barely begun to investigate the facility where they gave Fordola her powers. FINAL FANTASY, FINAL FANTASY XIV, FFXIV, SQUARE ENIX, and the SQUARE ENIX logo are registered . Raubahn: Come, then! Ill try to stab it right between the eyes, then! (Echo Flashback. What became of them? salaire analyste private equity junior. They say hitting their shells like smacking a rock. Take me back to my cell. Then any support I pledge to the refugees must promote self-sufficiency, whilst also serving the interests of the people of Uldah. Wiscar: Aye, fought them myselfafter a bit of instruction from Diana here, like. It makes me realize how much we rely on his authorityand how much I still have to learn. Wiscar: Ah, looks like youve found a yabby.