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Knowing when it's worth it and when it's not is one of the most difficult aspects of being a founder. Not only the formal training, the 6-week training, but also on-the-job. It was just automatically yes. Can you tell our listeners in a nutshell. But I felt that the one skill set that was missing was actually knowing how to build the product myself. When I wrote the blog post, so many people identified with, Oh I keep trying but I keep falling off. And so then one of my friends gave me an email to someone who worked at A16Z. In this episode Preethi shares what motivated her to leave finance for tech, her incredible work ethic, her 5 am workout schedule, and the lessons she learned on her journey to becoming a software engineer. Ill build those things that I want to build and thats what I did and Hack Reactor wasnt very happy with that but I felt like thats the not the right thing for me. And then I decided, Im going to commit myself 100% to recruiting for banking for junior year and I ended up getting an offer at Goldman for summer internship junior year. Preethi: I got really lucky. But I know that I wont be an engineer forever. Pretty young but thriving company. Preethi, before we begin, can you take us back and tell us about where youre from and what you were up to before you broke into tech. I remember, it was after I got in. She's also part of the women-focused angel investment group Broadway Angels. Of course. Get rich quick. Its not just that you dont know your stuff, its the fit sometimes doesnt work out. Taking it at face value never satisfied me. Are you on any social media, email? After all, this is a newsletter, not a book! By the way, if you guys are listening and interested in what Hack Reactor is like, this is probably one of the best blogs to check out. Preethi Kasireddys net worth is estimated to be around $20 million. That change in pace forced me to continue to learn and make new friends and make new relationships. We can take whatever percentage, even 100% if you want. What advice would you have for our listeners who are either applying to bootcamps or about to graduate bootcamps in terms of approaching the job search? If you want to build a company that can scale, you need a little bit of both. I realized at a young age that all "knowledge" was constructed by people no smarter than you or me. One possible solution stuck out immediately: Only hire senior people going forward. Initially conceived to amplify the Black community's economic voice, the crypto now aims to "close the huge diversity gap" by including the Latinx people among the "underserved groups" that it hopes to reach. And I was like, no, that cant be true. Preethi: It was intense. Can you talk a little bit about your process of discovering coding and then how did you figure out what to do next? I literally did not find one bad thing. It quickly caught the attention of engineers and scientists, and, fast forward to today, were getting more and more confident that blockchains can scale. Over 300 firms are building on Lightning Lab's technology. Timur: I was actually concerned about that as well but one thing that did it for me was, I was like, I cant really trust the reviews because people could hire someone else to do fake accounts. Remember when the Internet of Things (IoT) was all the rage? Crypto is very nascent today and there are so many issues that still need to be debated. Spouses, life partners, friends, and work colleagues led the list of factors (37%) that triggered women's interest in cryptocurrency. Truth will tell. So I went through that process myself, a bunch of roller coasters and then finally when it clicked, I knew that this is what Ive been looking for. What does Coinbase do? How did you choose the bootcamp that you went to and how did you hear about them in the first place? Having migrated to the U.S. during her teens, the now U.K.-based portrait artist (who's also completing her neuroscience degree) learned about NFTs through her accountant-husband. In short, what they do is they use math, physics, science, and engineering to optimize people, systems, and processes. CEO of the Tron blockchain, the biggest con man in crypto? Of course, there are some possible exceptions to this. Each message contains two parts: a header and a body. I really think TruStory serves an area that is unmet. Twitter is really good for broadcast and sharing news, but its not designed to enable conversation. There are so many other factors that come into it. But the very basics, it's a digital currency that is completely managed by a decentralized network of nodes. So I think Im going to take, Im so new to Coinbase. Ive tested it out, and long story short, I recently made two junior hires who are flourishing in their roles. I think a lot of people go through this. But I was still doing my diligence. Learn as much as you can about the crypto industry. Osbourne founded Crypto Kweens, an NFT marketplace that advocates the empowerment of female entrepreneurs, creators, and artists. Even though I have a really cool background, its not really what I would do day-to-day. Layah Heilpern (@LayahHeilpern, @_layah_heilpern), 15. Do you remember what happened to make you feel that way? Sometimes you put there thats really cool and theyd ask me questions, sometimes they were just like irrelevant, like this doesnt matter for this job. Thank you! Clearly, in the intro, Artur was talking about how you went from engineering. Developer Preethi Kasireddy believes what the ethereum community decides to do in terms of fund recovery will be the network's "defining moment." By Rachel-Rose O'Leary May 5, 2018 at 6:03 p.m. UTC Her book "The Cryptopians," which was launched in early 2022, talks about how "the first big cryptocurrency craze" came to be, starting with Vitalik Buterin's creation of the Ethereum. Did you practice algorithms? Should they jump into the job search right away or should they pick an open source project or find some interesting technical challenge to tackle? They invest in tech companies primarily anywhere from C to series D stage. Sometimes you put there thats really cool and theyd ask me questions, sometimes they were just like irrelevant, like this doesnt matter for this job. What time do you go to sleep? Instead, I always sought out to learn it from first principles. And boy is it hard! I talked to a bunch of PhD people and the PhD people looked at me and they were like, youre not the PhD type of person. They pretty much teach you from nuts and bolts, everything, and I thought it was really good. She also led the branding strategy of Yixia Technology, known as the makers of Chinas YouTube. He was the brains behind one of its live-streaming platforms Yizhibo, which is now owned by Weibo. Preethi Kasireddy is not just a successful entrepreneur; she is also an active investor. I definitely considered that. Timur: Awesome. Forbes and Fortune have honoured her for this work. That never happens. Timur: You gain that extra three hours a day. Preethi: We build a platform to buy and sell bitcoin and ethereum, so digital currencies and we have a wallet where you can buy and store and sell and trade, send and request bitcoin and ethereum. Preethi: If I dont do that, I just feel insane. So I definitely got a lot. Was it everything that you expected? So at this point in our interview we do The Lightning Round and this is where Artur, Ruben, and I will ask you a series of questions and try to provide short answers but include tactics, strategies, any resources that you use to get to the point where you are today. With her investments and entrepreneurial ventures, Preethi Kasireddy is well on her way to becoming one of the biggest names in the tech industry. Source? It only gets more complex when there are tons of starry-eyed juniors who want to join your team. That stuff is incredibly challenging but thats how you learn. I was actually very impressed for how big theyve gotten. Of course, there were some companies that were very practical. By adding features one-by-one, we can improve app functionality over time all while growing a user base. And another thing was like going and do my own thing right away without the technical skills but I was really hesitant to do that because I knew that if I came to A16Z for an investment or even me, when I analyze companies, if the founder wasnt technical, it was hard for me to. The crypto universe is full of lofty claims: grandees will tell you only the one true coin will survive,, The sheer volume of claims and the passion and occasional vitriol with which many are held means that proving or disproving them, cleaning up cryptos act, is not the easiest of tasks. Software development isn't limited to "nerds." During her time at Andreessen Horowitz, Preethi met thousands of entrepreneurs. You sit there and try to learn on your own and you just cant. I was like maybe I am meant to be an academic or something. I think a lot of people go through this. For some reason I had this instinct that I had to get really good grades to do whatever I wanted. Thats impressive. The things that you look for, number one are people. Ruben: After she had just written a three-hour blog post. Artur: Awesome. Yeah. Im so used to it thats its not the same feeling but it was like you feel like youre awake before anyone else in the world is and youre living the world before anyone else is. How can we bank the unbanked if we cant even process 15 transactions per second?But big problems fuel innovation. Did you learn a lot of things? Did you learn a lot of things? This was way harder than I thought it was going to be. Artur: And for our listeners who may not know what A16Z is, what is it? I disagreejunior hires can indeed be worth it. We also have a. platform which is more for like bigger clients and enterprise customers to do more high volume trading of ethereum and cryptocurrencies, which during the early phases, were building a strong foundation because obviously in the crypto world, theres a lot of fraud, a lot of bad stuff happening, people using it for the wrong stuff and we are building a foundation to were probably the only bitcoin company that hasnt been hacked in like 6 years. And blockchain scalability was a big problem. But it's the truth. So it sounds like you did something smart. I think Goldman, as I said the training was incredible. Thank you! Now, the big question you've been waiting for: Are junior hires worth this initial cost? More popularly known by her alias "Miss Teen Crypto," Hipper first heard about cryptocurrency from her father in 2016. Kasireddy studied industrial and systems engineering at the University of Southern California. Were part of a technological revolution. And, it turns out, theres a business case there too. Timur: Do you remember which open source libraries they recommended? The crypto exchange may ask you to send a copy of your passport or driver's license and to upload a selfie for verification. I think Goldman, as I said the training was incredible. Tweet this episode. Knock on wood. By far, Hack Reactor was the best reviewed and everyone had amazing things to say. I was shocked. Its kind of like the investing theory at A16Z. I remember making every line change and refreshing the page, line change and refreshing the page and you set the background color, the color changes. Preethi Kasireddy is an American software engineer and blockchain enthusiast. In the end, when I started learning on my own, I was like, I dont think I need a PhD to do this. Hence, the first four parts of the course will require you to eat your vegetables: Part 1: History of Money. Stark is the co-founder and CEO of Lightning Labs, which began operating the beta version of the Lightning Network in 2018 to hasten Bitcoin transactions. Any resources that you used to get yourself up to speed? It was tough. Youll get a job. Youre not going to go to a bootcamp.. Timur: What type of engineering did you study? Even though they gave you a problem youve heard before, you actually just totally fuck up. Then once you go through that, then get off the videos and watching and start doing. But Im not entirely sure when that will be. So at this point in our interview we do The Lightning Round and this is where Artur, Ruben, and I will ask you a series of questions and try to provide short answers but include tactics, strategies, any resources that you use to get to the point where you are today. I fully agree with that. People need to realize they dont know all the answers, and its really important that we figure out the gaps in our logic, so that we can make this thing work, rather than assuming that we know everything, she said. And I went to high school in New Jersey and the couple of things that I was dedicated to, one, were my grades. Ever since, Ethereum hasn't needed miners to execute Proof-of-Work and add new blocks to the blockchain. Because its unlikely that a Junior employee has the role-specific skills just yet. And I was like, no, that cant be true. Artur: Yeah, theres something about the feedback loop how you could make a change in code and then you refresh your page and then all of a sudden youre like, oh now I have this new button or this new feature. Can you take part of your salary in bitcoin? It was very intense, like system level stuff where I learned to compel my own libraries and learned to use dock, hover heavily, learned to use VM and spin up VMs and SSH into VMs. I knew I worked hard but I didnt know what to do with that. I tried multiple times, failed multiple times and it was very frustrating. A log entry contains: the logger's account address, Preethi: Those Underscore.js. It means you can identify and convince high-quality people to join your team. That happened to me once. They said, build something from scratch. But neither are senior hires, per se. What can you do in a year from now? But if you feel like or you cant afford it or you think that you might not be as diligent about doing all this work as much as you want to then you should probably just recruit right away. And thats something that I felt like a lot of my peers were missing, that maturity and how to be a good employee. Rockers. And the thing about A16Z thats phenomenal is the network that they have. Awesome. Her journey to the top has been inspiring, and her net worth reflects her hard work and dedication. Sally Eaves Net Worth: Artificial Intelligence. **. You literally have to learn that stuff inside and out. Awesome. in Industrial & Systems Engineering and a minor in Business in 2012. Second was taekwondo. And you mentioned a lot of really awesome online resources that helped you get to this point. collection "Women Rise." I have a passion for learning and teaching. So you had a routine that helps you solidify your thoughts/. Its as gimmicky as hell. Junior hires can be worth it if you know what you want and youre honest with yourself when evaluating them. Do you remember what happened to make you feel that way? [27:52] Find out how Preethi approached the job search: Should you jump into the jobsearch bandwagon immediately? Bharatnatyam student. You need someone to actually put that in front of you and give you a schedule and tell you what to do. Timur: And for our listeners, can you walk them through the process that you used to pick these companies? Her creativity, entrepreneurship, diversity, and inclusion have inspired many. but few, if any, seemed willing to change their view. According to Morning Consult, 35% of Black Americans and 37% of Hispanic Americans said they were keen on investing in cryptos compared to the 30% of white Americans who said the same. Anyways, lets get back to the point. Founder & CEO of TruStory. I got a 4.0. She taught Austen Allred is the CEO and Co-Founder of Lambda School. Its hard to build a solid foundation for the product if youre not very technical. Knowing when its worth it and when its not is one of the most difficult aspects of being a founder. Ruben: Thats impressive. Unless youre a super genius, its impossible not to get rejected. She has written numerous articles on blockchain and cryptocurrency and has spoken at various conferences around the world. And I felt like I wanted to do the slight risk and just do this on my own and not spend so much time going to school. And so after you went through all this process or as you were going through this process, did you get rejected at all after the open source? I think it was finally when I built my first web application that it hit me. The fundamental qualities that each company cares about, regardless of the role, are what I call universal skills. Once again, its important to note this differs from company to company. Oops! For example, I once prioritized genius over everything. The platform pays users with a cryptocurrency called Steem for posting content. If you're a long-term investor, you may choose to never sell, regardless of the price. This is a big departure from the iterative development method that we all know and love where we break development into smaller parts and build it up over many iterations. So yes, I think thats something that I was not sure of. You guys should totally check it out. Im making commitments. Something about that really caught my interest and I felt like these people were just as motivated as me and I want to be a part of that. Her short-term goal is for 100,000 girls to gain crypto, blockchain, and Web3 knowledge by the end of 2022. Then, we countdown the Top 5 Kinds of Hats.Preethi Kasireddy: 01:37ishPointless: 28 . Nice. Money Raised. The hardest concept for developers to grasp about Web 3.0. Preethi, whats the name of the blog? Yeah, well include in the show notes. And I was just paying him $50 an hour. Kasireddys success shows hard work, innovation, and entrepreneurship. I have no idea yet because Im learning so much every single day that its impossible to get bored. Preethi: My mom thinks Im absolutely nuts. Preethi: Basically, I just copied what they did. I just need headcount there. And so through that, I got a lot of exposure to people in the valley that I probably couldnt have gotten otherwise. I remember, it was after I got in. Great responses Preethi. Timur: We all do. So I did that. Of course, there were some companies that were very practical. That was surprising because she read all my blog posts that I wrote and I sent her the one on computers like how do computers work or how did the web work. The concept was simple: we would put sensors on every physical object imaginable, turning objects from dumb to smart. But here we are in 2021, still waiting for the IoT revolution to happen. Im 25 or I was 25 and it felt like I have so much time go back to business. Talk about how you approached the job search. There are very few people out there who can explain things with a beginners mindset.That is why you will find that much of my writing (and now videos!) And theyre very supportive of me doing my PhD. They are fresh and unproven. I was just like this cant be the way that interviewing is done today but once I did a few interviews I was like wow this is all what interviews is. Your submission has been received! Those are my main things. Preethi: For example, one interview was basically five whiteboarding interviews in a row and the person walks in, he or she, and hes like , Heres an algorithmic problem, solve it. And you are in front of a whiteboard solving it for 45 minutes and you either get it or not. So thats when I decided that its time for me to look for other things to do. Trust Revisited: The Evolving Stories Of Web3 Infrastructure, These 50 founders and VCs suggest 2018 may be a tipping point for women in tech: Part 2. What did you do in the meantime before the bootcamp actually started? Kasireddy is the founder of DappCamp, which promises to equip Web2 developers with skills that will make them ready for Web3 in three weeks. Discover her journey and learn about her net worth. They were all like gung-ho about me doing this. That change in pace forced me to continue to learn and make new friends and make new relationships. Im 25 or I was 25 and it felt like I have so much time go back to business. Preethi: Thats a tough one because sometimes you dont have the money or you cant afford to do that and it really depends on your personality. preethi's education is listed on their profile. I was like, what am I good at? Can you share one or a few online resources that people can go to or books that people can read if they were going to start from scratch to get up to at least the bootcamp level? And then shes like, Why would you leave A16Z? And shes like Why would you do engineering? I was like Im going to go to LinkedIn and look up HR alumni and then see where they work now. In the other bucket, weve got what I call role-specific skills. Essentially, these are capabilities that are specific to the employees role in the company. Long is the founder of the Avanti Financial Group, which offers digital asset custody solutions and was recently renamed Custodia Bank. If you can't afford to lose all the cryptos you bought, then you're not in a position to put your funds in this asset. Our private Alpha launch has proven that instead of verifying claims, TruStory is becoming a powerful way to debate them. You took your notes and you consolidated into this one comprehensive piece that talked about the curriculum, takeaways. Angel, Fund of Funds, Venture Capital), Number of Investments the Individual has participated in, Announced Date: Date when the Investment is announced, Organization Name: Name of the organization that received the investment, Lead Investor: This field indicates whether an investor led/organized the investment, Funding Round: Name of the funding round where the Investment is made, Money Raised: Amount of money raised in Funding Round, Organization Name: This is the name of the organization, Title At Company: Title of a Person's Job, Start Date: Start date of the Person's Job, CB Rank (Hub): Algorithmic rank assigned to the top 100,000 most active Hubs, Total number of events the individual appeared in, Number of news articles that reference the Person, WAITLIST-Top crypto VCs: Battle to fund a future with unstoppable exchanges, Rob Crypto Bobby Paone and Preethi Kasireddy on Fundraising, Halvings, and the Long Steady Slog of Crypto, TruStorys radical attempt to make money out of crypto's love of mud-slinging, 2% of Bitcoin Addresses Control 80% of Wealth: Research. And the analysis of companies on the venture side is a lot more stimulating for me personally. Im naturally very creative and Im a builder and I want to go back and do that. And when I first started it, it was magical. Not only the formal training, the 6-week training, but also on-the-job. (71%) is the cryptocurrency of choice, followed by Dogecoin (42%) and Ethereum (18%). Preethi Kasireddy. Artur: What do you think about waking up so early keeps you motivated? I think Im going to take this first year as it goes and then evaluate. Europe, Menlo Park, China), Where the person is located (e.g. So at this point, you know that you already got accepted to Hack Reactor. I knew I was really good at school. Preethi: I had sent a cold email. **The key to effective junior hires is REALLY knowing what universal skills are important for your company. Artur: Can you tell our listeners in a nutshell. And so started looking into banking and I met a really solid group of friends that I was doing this whole recruiting process with, really, really smart people. . I have mastered the art of learning and find joy in teaching what I learn in the best way possible. But the rise in digital literacy has convinced even the most risk-averse of women to dive deep into crypto to the point of rallying others to educate the entire sisterhood of its benefits. and then eventually, over time, weve moved over to venture because I felt like thats where I was more interested in. Members of the non-profit she256 and Women in Blockchain compose Komorebi's core team. Leaving the best job in the world and having a network like the one that you had, did you feel like that was going to be a lot easier or when you did get this cold splash of water in the face, did it kind of like I dont know how you thought about it going in? So my options were like, I want to do this and thats it. Your submission has been received! Users also gain tokens, increased reputation, and influence for participating in debates, Kasireddy explained. Do you agree with this sentiment? Some cryptocurrencies reward people for validating data blocks and adding them to the blockchain, a process referred to as mining. So lets take it back to when you were thinking about a frustrating moment or when you were doubting yourself, was there a song that you listened to or a movie that you watched or somebody that you talked to, or a piece of art that you experienced that allowed you to break through that roadblock? The ugly consequence? Ruben: Got it. Any soft skills or hard skills that you learned at Goldman that helped you get into that position? It didnt feel like a job. Preethi Kasireddy 1:41 . Its not that hard. I felt like being an entrepreneur. Thats why I love people to the bootcamps. They were older than me and my mentors. The things that you look for, number one are people. But I highly recommend it because even gone being through that experience, just by following her experience, I was able to relive a lot of these moments and you pretty much covered data structures, D3, jQuery, all the frameworks. Im not worried about getting a job. Timur, can you please tell the people what were doing today? I want to be a year of now in trying to do this. Her outstanding grades, and a minor in business led her to an analyst role at Goldman Sachs. I was captivated by the persons ability to have great ideas, but didnt measure whether the person can actually get shit done. , which talks about why she left VC to join Hack Reactor and learn how to code. I got pulled into a bunch of information sessions for banking and my friend said, You should just come. I know I have other skill sets I want to use particularly starting my own company. Leaving the best job in the world and having a network like the one that you had, did you feel like that was going to be a lot easier or when you did get this cold splash of water in the face, did it kind of like I dont know how you thought about it going in? Her originality, entrepreneurship, and status as a rising star. Exploring the crypto space can help you make more sense of your planned investment. I had to fire two junior hires, including my second engineer only three months into the job. In the blockchain world, you must have heard about Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 frequently.But what do Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 mean? In addition to TruStory, Preethi Kasireddy is also a prolific writer and speaker. Any soft skills or hard skills that you learned at Goldman that helped you get into that position? So you only have four weeks to finish and so I just worked on that right away. But its important to remember youre hiring them for their potential, not their experience. But were a part of something bigger. Youll get a job. Well, here's the answer: It depends! Awesome. Whether its math, physics, coding, crypto, or dance ;) But one problem I see in the world is the dearth of great teachers. Most people go from engineering to business, not from business to engineering.