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According to the NIAID statement, the spike protein is only detectable for a few days after immunization in tests conducted in animals. Or more exactly between Russia,China, and the Eastern Province of Tibet. neutralize and destroy SARS-CoV-2 and prevent pathology. shows that SARS-CoV-2's "distinctive 'spike' protein . In the case of the COVID-19 vaccines, randomized controlled trials involving tens of thousands of people, which were reviewed by multiple groups of experts, revealed no serious safety issues and showed that the benefits outweigh the risks. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin., , Bridles research focuses on biotherapies for the treatment of cancers and the way organisms respond to viruses. The 15-minute video shows three individuals discussing the COVID-19 vaccine and the spike protein is repeatedly described as "very dangerous" and "cytotoxic.". In addition, the Food and Drug Administration inspects vaccine production facilities and reviews manufacturing protocols to make sure vaccine doses are of high-quality and free of contaminants. Yuan, Atul Malhotra, Jin Zhang of the University of California San Diego; Lili Chen, Qian Yin, Ting Lei, Hongliang Wang and Shengpeng Wang of Xian Jiatong University Health Science Center in Xian, China. But theres absolutely no harm. Q: Is the use of acetaminophen during pregnancy linked to autism or ADHD? Bridle omits this information in his 37-page document, instead saying that detection of the mRNA was downplayed., Now we know the spike protein gets into circulation. The mRNA vaccines builds the protein within the safe environment of the host cell structure from the inside outspikes are not created outside this environment. This binding disrupted ACE2s molecular signaling to mitochondria (organelles that generate energy for cells), causing the mitochondria to become damaged and fragmented. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.. FACT: The COVID-19 vaccine will not affect fertility. It is not secreted and thus does not float through the body, McLellan said. That if one drink from it ! Jonas Edward Salk (/ s l k /; born Jonas Salk; October 28, 1914 - June 23, 1995) was an American virologist and medical researcher who developed one of the first successful polio vaccines.He was born in New York City and attended the City College of New York and New York University School of Medicine.. There is some evidence that the spike proteins generated by the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine leave the site of injection. 6 replies 0 retweets 21 likes. This study links to an earlier one also sponsored by NIH suggesting that spike protein alone (introduced by vax)can trigger cell signaling and cell host damage e.g. Professors Clodagh OShea, Then: lab leak hypothesis continues to gain ground. Like. The findings help explain COVID-19s wide variety of seemingly unconnected complications, and could open the door for new research into more effective therapies. In addition, the Food and Drug Administration inspects vaccine production facilities and reviews manufacturing protocols to make sure vaccine doses are of high-quality and free of contaminants. Saying you can get just as sick with the Spike protein as the Covd-19 virus itself? SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2. The new technology treatments give mRNA to teach your own cells to make the spike proteins. press@salk.edu. in May, collected plasma from 13 health care workers at the Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston who had received two doses of mRNA vaccine. The short answer is absolutely not, Bridle says in the radio show. Bridle presents the study as evidence that the spike protein gets into blood circulation. 14 June 2021. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA. Credit: Salk Institute. The study, in which researchers administered a pseudovirus to hamsters, found the spike protein alone can damage vascular endothelial cells. But as the authors mention, the use of a pseudovirus is a limitation and findings need to be confirmed with the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the future. Email sent to FactCheck.org. I wonder what this means for spike protein vaccine safety. Lei, Yuyang, et al. The spike protein is unique to SARS-CoV-2 - it doesn't look like other proteins your body makes. And he can transfuse wiping away this virus. that happened with all Covid (and other) vaccines in use today? Scientists have known for a while that SARS-CoV-2s distinctive spike proteins help the virus infect its host by latching on to healthy cells. For proof, see for instance https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/3/india-covid-cases-near-20-million-uk-to-send-more-aid-live-news. Her lab, in collaboration with The Scripps In the radio interview with Pierson, Bridle says he and other international collaborators obtained the document through a request for information to a Japanese regulatory agency, claiming that it shows for the first time ever where the mRNA vaccines go after vaccination.. To fuse its viral membrane with the host cell membrane it substantially changes its shape from an unstable pre-fusion state to a stable post-fusion state. Hundreds of millions of COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered safely in the United States in the last six months. Keanna Ghazvini, a Pfizer spokesperson, told us in an email that the, referred to by Bridle, which is mostly in Japanese, is a, overview of the companys vaccine. And white !!!! In the absence of the protein EPS8, stereocilia are too short to . It was as he saw as if someone sliced all the way to the middle. So far, your assumption is true. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues across the globe, the Salk Institute joins in efforts to understand the fundamental science behind the novel coronavirus to pave the way to treatments and cures. How the mRNA vaccines work to fight COVID-19. By: Express News Service Furthermore if vaccine induced spike were pathogenic wouldnt we see a lot of illness following vaccination?, Finally, Bridle says there is evidence that the mRNA vaccines get transferred through breast milk, citing apreprint from Singapore that tested milk samples from 10 lactating health care workers after they were immunized with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. mimics the ones on the coronavirus. I find this very concerning and I already got my first shot. Exposure to this pseudovirus resulted in damage to the lungs and arteries of an animal modelproving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease. The Canadian Paediatric Society recommends offering the vaccine to all children and adolescents 12 years of age and older as soon as vaccine supply permits., In adocument published in June, Bridle says severe SARS-CoV-2 infections can cause damage to the cardiovascular system and neurological problems.. This is not the first paper to show this, Magro (2020) showed this definitively.A synethetic mRNA gene is a great way to make spike proteins and cause damage because lipid nano-particles can travel into the brain whereas the virus does not. It's the same protein found on the surface of the. 5 May 2021. Reference: SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2 by Yuyang Lei, Jiao Zhang, Cara R. Schiavon, Ming He, Lili Chen, Hui Shen, Yichi Zhang, Qian Yin, Yoshitake Cho, Leonardo Andrade, Gerald S. Shadel, Mark Hepokoski, Ting Lei, Hongliang Wang, Jin Zhang, Jason X.-J. I think, adverse effects of the vaccine happen more often if the needle hits near a bigger blood vessel in the muscle. BUT: Then the immune system will destroy that cell (also some brain cells which will not regenerate). 367, Issue 648313. Another monitoring system is the CDCs Vaccine Safety Datalink, which uses electronic health data from nine health care organizations in the U.S. to identify adverse events related to vaccination in near real time. The highest concentration of BNT162b2 mRNA in the tested samples was 2 ng/mL a hypothetical 0.667% of the original vaccine dose being transferred in 100 mL of human milk, the study says. The foundation has. Every cell invaded by the vaccine mRNA will eventually be destroyed by the immune system releasing spike protein. WHAT WE FOUND "The bottom line is the vaccine spike. https://youtu.be/t9VObXY8szchttps://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04311697, Aviptadil is now in internatial research project with Remdesivir, which could help in start of the sickness.https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/clinical-trial-therapeutics-severely-ill-hospitalized-covid-19-patients-begins. With the live virus, the protein attaches to receptors on the surface of cells and fuses the viral membrane with the host-cell membrane, McLellan said. Structural biologist at the University of Texas at Austin. If you have access to any vaccine, please take it, they are all good to protect you and your loved ones. At the same time, clinicians can sequence the virus, providing valuable information on the spread of COVID-19 mutations and variants. Similarly, scientists studying other coronaviruses have long suspected that the spike protein contributed to damaging vascular endothelial cells, but this is the first time the process has been documented. Pharmacokinetics is the study of how a drug moves through the body, including how quickly drugs are absorbed, metabolized, and excreted. Vaccination is a calculated risk and with tried and true vaccines the risks are very rare, but no vaccine is safe in that deaths and injuries occur due to allergies, negligence and medical incompetence. compare surfactant levels with the health outcomes of Rajasree Kalagiri shares the serendipitous steps along her journey of scientific discovery from southern India to Southern California. This gives your body the opportunity to learn how to fight it without the risk of the virus replicating so much that it does serious damage or kills you. 20 May 2021. Those particles slowly replicate and start sending signals to your bodys immune system, so it manages to prepare and respond to the infection before it takes you down or even disappear unnoticed.My other assumption is about the new virus variants: the ones that draw attention do not come from the second most populated country with very high population density India, as it should be in theory. Now, when the cell gets destroyed, all spike proteins which were produced shortly and did not become destroyed yet will float through your tissue and if you are unlucky, enter a blood vessel. A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center, This article is available in both English and Espaol, No vaccine or medical product is 100% safe, but the. Email sent to FactCheck.org. If the mrna wiggles free from the enzyme that stabilizes the mrna vaccine, the immune system will just eradicate the mrna anyways. The researchers will use In order to overcome the viruses. 2. your beta cells then process and read the enzyme with the mrna of the spike to watch out for the foot that will cause all this damage. Scripps Research Institute and La Jolla Institute to study development of COVID-19. Vol. Even if its turns out to be true that mRna spike proteins can harm your cells. The vaccine has a limited number of spike proteins, and since its not part of a virus it cannot reproduce. How long mRNA lasts in the body. This process ultimately Until he approached it and looking down saw down into the earth and was alarmed. The researchers next hope to take a closer look at the mechanism by which the disrupted ACE2 protein damages mitochondria and causes them to change shape. This is because the normal spike protein must change its shape in order to achieve fusion with the ACE2 receptor. Mar 2020. Where,when,and how, the virus entered the human biological systems. Who committed such evil ? And look into the heavens and see the sun and all the stars in Heaven. 2 today, but of SARS-CoV-3 tomorrow. 17 June 2021. Why did he or she do it ? Salk researchers collaborated with scientists at the University of California San Diego on the paper, including co-first author Jiao Zhang and co-senior author John Shyy, among others. [T]he spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 might be responsible for at least some of the damage that occurs in severe cases of COVID-19, he says, citing a study published in March in Circulation Research. Jun 21, 2021. So they are designed to migrate and attach on the outside of that cell so the cells in the immune system can notice them and create antibodies. Show replies. We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. physicians at UC San Diego and the VA hospital, Kaech Bridle, Bryam. Emails are serviced by Constant Contact. We discuss the paper, the authors' clarification. Email sent to FactCheck.org. The Spike (S) protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is critical for its ability to attach and fuse into the host cells, leading to infection, and transmission. From what I understand, its not entirely clear where vaccine-induced spike proteins will show up because that would require tissue biopsies that were not done in human subjects. Theres been a growing consensus that SARS-CoV-2 affects the vascular system, but exactly how it did so was not understood. Read more here. e unevidenced. Accessed 29 June 2021. 367, Issue 648313. 31 Dec 2020. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); SciTechDaily: Home of the best science and technology news since 1998. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Pharmacokinetics is the, Virus Spike Protein vs. Vaccine-Generated Spike Protein, Thats because the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is a, . Email sent to FactCheck.org. My assumption is that it depends on the number of virus particles the person receives within a certain period.If you get in a close contact with someone who has already contracted the virus and spend hours together (like in a hospital room or a small office) theres a high chance for both to replicate and exchange the virus back and forth more and more exponentially and overloading your bodies before their immune systems respond. The spike proteins from the virus and the ones generated by the vaccines are essentially the same, McLellan, the spike protein researcher at the University of Texas at Austin, told us, noting that they have the same function, structure and way of processing. Tissue samples showed inflammation in endothelial cells lining the pulmonary artery walls. Manor labs and Ogata's study confirm. COVID, on the other hand, is known to have significant effects on many tissues and organs, he said. Spikes and spike protein fragments move to the outside of the cell and protrude from the surface where they will be recognized by the immune system. Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients. Find him. The information is still valuable because its a way of being quickly alerted to a potential safety issue with a vaccine, which can then be followed-up by government scientists. therapies that express synthetic nanoparticles that seek, Click link below to sign up for our monthly newsletter. When the cell dies, the spike protein is released.https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/health/moderna-covid-19-vaccine.html, Wrong. 5 May 2021. cures begin. SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE2, Yuyang Lei, Jiao Zhang, Cara R Schiavon, Ming He, Lili Chen, Hui Shen, Yichi Zhang, Qian Yin, Yoshitake Cho, Leonardo Andrade, Gerald S Shadel, Mark Hepokoski, Ting Lei, Hongliang Wang, Jin Zhang, Jason X-J Yuan, Atul Malhotra, Uri Manor, Shengpeng Wang, Zu-Yi Yuan, and John Y-J Shyy, Office of Communications Tel: (858) 453-4100 The body then recognises these as foreign and starts to make antibodies. Ogata, Alana, et al.Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients. Clinical Infectious Diseases. in the lungs that allows us to breathe. COVID-19 patients to determine if a drop in surfactants is Updated 13 Apr 2021. website there is limited data available on the safety and the effects of vaccination in lactating people or breastfed babies because the clinical trials didnt include people who were breastfeeding. The spike protein generated by a Covid-19 vaccine can leave the site of injection and enter the bloodstream, which could possibly be causing deaths and vaccine injuries. So clean,white,and pure. RNA-targeting CRISPR-Cas technology to destroy the Show the data which proves a healthy 10 year old is 50000 times more likely to die from covid 19 vs a vaccine. The novel coronavirus spike protein plays additional key role in illness. I am reading and learning from the comments and knowledge above. synthetic virology and chemical biology platforms, to create Similarly, scientists studying other coronaviruses have long suspected that the spike protein contributed to damaging vascular endothelial cells, but this is the first time the process has been documented. COVID Data Tracker. CDC.gov. See: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33053430/ and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33328624/, In Israel, where vaccination rates are much higher, myocarditis cases are under review for possible association with vaccination. Updated 21 June 2021. . Exposure to this pseudovirus resulted in damage to the lungs and arteries of an animal modelproving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease. Copyright 1998 - 2023 SciTechDaily. We are slowly getting to the right conclusion. There is no damage when the spike protein is just inside a cell. because its a way of being quickly alerted to a potential safety issue with a vaccine, which can then be followed-up by government scientists. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history has found that most of the reported side effects after COVID-19 vaccination, , such as pain at the injection site or fever. 4 June 2021. The Salk Institute embodies Jonas Salk's mission to dare to make dreams into reality. Kramer, Jillian. Given this, what other explanation can there be apart from a lower rate of vaccine effectiveness than we have been led to believe? 31 Mar 2021. What was claimed. Its internationally renowned and award-winning scientists explore the very foundations of life, seeking new understandings in neuroscience, We thus hypothesised that SARS-CoV-2 could use the ACE2 receptor to infect a range of nonhuman, non-bat hosts. 03 In collaboration with UC San Diego, USC and Sanford Continue with Recommended Cookies, Representative images of vascular endothelial control cells (left) and cells treated with the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein (right) show that the spike protein causes increased mitochondrial fragmentation in vascular cells. Most people dont show symptoms, but no one knows how damaged they body get. believes that immune cells called memory B and T cells And I understand some clots as well, including with the Pfizer vaccine.I am asking this also because I want to get vaccinated but just like the previous comment with the autoimmune condition, I have had an autoimmune condition, the hives on and off for the past 15years (I am not that young anymore though), cause unknown although stress and some chemicals make them worse. COVID-19 Vaccination Considerations for ObstetricGynecologic Care. Updated 9 June 2021. Cellular biology 101. University of Guelph. There are animals living in it. Spikes and spike protein fragments move to the outside of the cell and protrude from the surface where they will be recognized by the immune system. influenza and now COVID-19, will collaborate with The Copyright 2023 Salk Institute for Biological Studies, The novel coronavirus spike protein plays additional key role in illness. May 02, 2021, 16:23 IST. This treatment will prevent the virus I am not as much worried about anaphylaxis but I read that the latest discoveries and treatments for hives involve anti-coagulants regarding a thrombin factor level. There is no risk at all because all the vaccines that are being used presently, none of them have the live virus in it. Vol. , have subsequently identified only a few, very rare adverse events. Thank you Pierre for your explanation! are likely critical for controlling the infection, and could He is also the host and producer of the popular weekly science podcast, The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe, and the author of the NeuroLogicaBlog, a daily blog that covers news and issues in neuroscience, but also general science . immunity. Anyone who says there is no risk with vaccines is a liar, else why would all throughout history there have been huge billion-dollar payouts for vaccine deaths and injuries? The findings help explain COVID-19s wide variety of seemingly unconnected complications, and could open the door for new research into more effective therapies. COVID-19 Vaccines and Children: A Scientists Guide for Parents. Bryam Bridle profile. Copyright 2023 Salk Institute for Biological Studies. Why cant people sue pharmaceutical companies if they have disabling reactions or their family members die from it? Some immune cells latch onto the spikes and produce antibodiesY-shaped molecules that will recognize spike proteins and block them from getting inside other cells. We found we could detect extremely low concentrations of S1 (a subunit of spike) in 11 of 13 healthy vaccinated individuals and the full spike in 3 of 13, he said in an email, noting that the technology they used is 1,000 times more sensitive than a typical antigen test, so we are really detecting minute quantities of the spike and S1 proteins. (Emphasis is his). Your support will accelerate the pace of breakthroughs in understanding disease and pave the way to new drug therapies. In reality, the jury is still out which is why these are approved for emergency use, not FDA approved in the usual (years long) tradition. I am familiar only in part with some of the details you explain.I wonder in the optimistic scenario, which I want to believe, then what triggered the not to many but enough to ask cases of thrombocytopenia? More information: Isabelle Montgomerie et al, Incorporation of SARS-CoV-2 spike NTD to RBD Protein Vaccine Improves Immunity Against Viral Variants, iScience (2023). The foundation hasno controlover our editorial decisions, and the views expressed in our articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the foundation. In the late 1980s, while a graduate student researcher at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, California, Malone conducted studies on messenger ribonucleic acid ( mRNA) technology, discovering in what Nature has described as a landmark experiment that it was possible to transfer mRNA protected by a liposome into cultured cells 1 ENTERING A CELL 1 Entering a Cell Furthermore, the study concludes that vaccines not only protect people from SARS-CoV-2 infection, but also from damage to the endothelium, a thin membrane that lines the inside of the heart and blood vessels. The mixed DNA from all races might have given the virus during its replication a key for better transmission to any race. Mar 2020. Nor is it known if one can have no visible symptoms but still have blood related disease that is not visible, or perhaps is not recognized for years. Salk researchers collaborated with scientists at the University of California San Diego on the paper, including co-first author Jiao Zhang and co-senior author John Shyy, among others. It is not a toxin, McLellan told us in an email. Thats because the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is a shape-shifter. Email sent to FactCheck.org. They travel extensively through the lymph system and a large number end up in the spleen. When the immune system recognizes the proteins, which arent normally there, it starts generating antibodies and building an immune response against them. According to a statement sent to FactCheck.org by NIAID, if enough excess spike proteins are shed into the bloodstream and bind to human cells expressing the ACE2 receptor, an infected person could theoretically experience additional symptoms. (This also results in antibody production as others are correctly pointing out.). There is no screening or vetting of the report and, to determine if the vaccine was responsible for the problem. The, recommends offering the vaccine to all children and adolescents 12 years of age and older as soon as vaccine supply permits., [T]he spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 might be responsible for at least some of the damage that occurs in severe cases of COVID-19, he says, citing a, , a coronavirus researcher and professor of microbiology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, says there is not much virus in the blood following infection with SARS2., Study on Vaccine Transfer into Breast Milk Distorted, from Singapore that tested milk samples from 10 lactating health care workers after they were immunized with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. But theres absolutely no harm. Dr. Jeannie Kelly, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and lead author of a study on SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in breast milk following vaccination, told us there is no evidence to support Bridles claims. Yes. Those who point out that the vaccine spike proteins can enter the bloodstream are correct. To all those wondering if the MRNA vaccine produces the spike. The vaccines are clearly beneficial to elderly people but I would never let my children be vaxxed without long term studies. Much mrna will be destroyed fast by enzymes but some will trigger the cell to produce the spike proteins. McLellan, Jason. and the World Health Organization encourage women who are breastfeeding to take the vaccine. Pfaeffle, Veronika. SciCheck Digest. 30 Mar 2021. And he thought it was glass laying down on the ground. Alan Saghatelian and Joseph Noel are exploiting the atomic Home - Science - Research - Coronavirus Research. COVID-19 vaccine for children. Statement, Canadian Paediatric Society. Anyone can submit a report to VAERS for any health problem that occurs after an immunization. Most, if not all of you people are idiots you just want to be heard and want to rant pseudoscience, and no where remotely close. (a pretty tall order) There is not enough of the viral matter in the vaccine to do significant harm without replication, which it cannot do. The spike protein churned out by the bodys cells in response to the mRNA contain a fully-functional s1 binding sub-unit and RBD. Research Professor Margarita Behrens is researching the effects of virus-induced maternal immune activation on brain development of offspring, which, given the number of COVID-19 infections worldwide, could reveal a significant effect. Theres been a growing consensus that SARS-CoV-2 affects the vascular system, but exactly how it did so was not understood. Manage Settings The Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines use mRNA technology to instruct a person's cells on how to create a piece of a spike protein. Accessed 29 June 2021. Any cell they successfully enter will then make trillions of the vaccine induced synthetic (made on an altered computer model of the protein) spike protein. He has designed this test, which will Episode 41. He becomes clean !!!! Even if breaks from the enzymes which tell your immune system not to get rid of the useless mrna the body will most likely just get rid of the mrna. . He posted a good link. Researchers detected levels of SARS-CoV-2 protein as early as one day after the first injection in 11 of the 13 participants. asking for a concerned friend who took the vaccine. It is now known that many of the toxid effects of being infected by SARS COV 2 stem directly from the spike protein ie the spike protein itself is a pathogen. LA JOLLA, CA Scientists at Scripps Research have obtained high-resolution, atomic-scale details of the structure of a SARS-CoV-2 "spike" protein from an experimental COVID-19 vaccinedetails that are consistent with the robust neutralizing antibody responses the vaccine elicited in preclinical and phase 1 clinical studies. 21 May 2021. Salk Institute researchers have told us - without any ambiguity - that the spike protein is a fundamental part of the Covid-19 disease. This is the issue, why create spikes inside cellular machinery? But the system sometimes attacks a person after a virus is no longer a threat. Assistant Professor Dmitry Lyumkis discusses what he loves about data and the scientific process, and which places inspire him outside the lab. Meanwhile, the Department of Justice is investigating myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) following cases in vaccinated service members. This helps to stop the cytokine storm in the beginning and repairs your lungs (if not to damaged). 30 Mar 2021. I feel like there are a lot of propagandists showing up in the comments here. a cytokine storm. American Cancer Society Professor Tony Hunter previously showed that the cytokine LIF (leukemia Were on the receiving end of a very incomplete picture from mainstream media because they dont want to encourage vaccine hesitancy. Newswise LA JOLLA-- (April 30, 2021) Scientists have known for a while that SARS-CoV-2's distinctive "spike" proteins help the virus infect its host by latching on to healthy cells. Salk researchers and collaborators show how the protein damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease LA JOLLAScientists have known for a while that SARS-CoV-2's distinctive "spike" proteins help the virus infect its host by latching on to healthy cells. That video from a Canadian talk radio show purports to reveal that spike proteins in the vaccines break down cells, allowing the proteins bind and infect the vaccinated. However, there is no evidence that the spike protein is in breast milk, Kelly said in an email. the immune response to these spike proteins. The goal of the project is to increase exposure to accurate information about COVID-19 and vaccines, while decreasing the impact of misinformation.