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Our partners should be our safe havens from the world. If youre not yet living with your partner, this card is a good omen for cohabitation. We also could relinquish the matter to God. While passion is important your attitude might be more overbearing than affectionate at this point, It's important to be optimistic, but you shouldn't be fully committed on a single date either. Don't give up. So whilst this card advises you to avoid being a mediator, attempting to always tone down the situation, its meaning reversed also reflects its meaning upright; to stay in control. Two people, along with a crown, are seen to be falling towards the ground. A new article appearing in Frontiers in Psychology suggests that a better understanding of the human virtue of temperance has the potential to unlock new treatments for a range of psychological issues such as depression, relationship conflict, impulsiveness and impatience, and anxiety. I really love the Himalayan salt Lamp and my Crystal Tree of Life. But why are the angels eyes closed? Unfortunately, the reversed Temperance card points out a certain degree of emotional immaturity. A powerful affirmation for any kind of relationship, the Temperance card reminds you, even if you dont see it now, that you have friends who will support and stay with you through thick and thin. If youre not yet living with your partner, Temperance predicts that the two of you will be living together in the future. What does Temperance Reversed mean in Friendship? They are dependable and are always ready to listen and constructively work at problems. Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. After saying what you have to say, refrain from making further contact and realize that the other person is a separate individual with their own problems and viewpoints who possibly cannot deal with this right now because their cup is already full. It's often thought of as a card of inaction but it's not; it's element is Fire and that angel isn't inactive, just careful with what she's doing. If you are in an existing relationship, Temperance as love outcome means contentment. Temperance in the outcome position shows that the end result will be favorable. However, if you're quite happy with the way things currently are, all is likely well on the career and business front. If you are asking about what is the outcome of a relationship, and you draw Temperance reversed, that means that there is disharmony that needs to be addressed. . Are you constantly on edge? They like your vibe and believe that you are an exceptional human being who has found balance and knows what life is all about. Its a sign that youre on the right track, making the right choices that will ultimately be helpful. The ideology of the Temperance card is that achieving this mindset of tranquillity and patience will align us in the direction of our Higher Selves. When your intuition feels off, it might be better to wait it out a bit. more equitable standard will be adopted in the relationship. They may want to try to make time for a new project or person in their schedule. Since Temperance upright represents the merging or balancing of different ideas or people, its reversed position can be considered as their splitting apart. As a challenge, the Temperance card can indicate that you are having trouble attaining peace, whether it be peace of mind, or external peace. The other cards in the spread can help provide insight into what area this imbalance is affecting. Temperance Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: Imbalance, self-indulgence, excess, clashing, lack of perspective, discord, antagonism, recklessness, hastiness General meaning and interpretation (Reversed) In a general context, Temperance reversed indicates imbalance or overindulgence. Moderation is the name of the game here. Lisa publishes the daily digest, Divinerism Daily, where she gives her subscribers tips for developing their spiritual practices. What does the Temperance Tarot card mean? Re-establish that inner peace and balance, one that cannot be disturbed by everyday mishaps. Addressing these areas will provide you with the boost you need to feel healthy and energetic again. They were at once the lay face of the church, the spiritual heart of civic government, and the social kin who claimed the allegiance of peers and the obedience of subordinates. Avoid rushing forward without planning ahead. However, the Temperance card also asks for balance. The Three of Wands is a card of wanderlust that is aided by Temperance in any reading that occurs before you begin setting out on an adventure. Improving temperance through forgiveness, humility, and patience interventions. Click here to schedule an initial consultation with Mark or another member of the Awake Therapy team today. This can also be a chance to reconnect or rekindle a relationship that has gone cold. After youve gone through an extremely stressful time, you will find yourself in a relaxing space with room to breathe. However, I only recommend products that I personally love. Thats life! Have patience and work towards your goals. If youre single, youve been showing your hand too soon when it comes to your romantic interests and need to start playing things a little more coy. Remember that soulmates do not have to be romantically connected! Your relationship feels unfulfilling and you feel discouraged and hopeless. Its lack can lead us to react strongly to differences in political positions, race, religion, and even opinion. Forgiveness is one way of dealing with injustices. Dont waste your energy trying to change things that can only happen naturally. But that is the process that we must go through in order to see the end result benefits of starting anew. And if you asked about anothers feelings for you and drew this card in reverse, well, this person might not know exactly how to feel. They encapsulate dreamy far-away places, philosophy, and also the energy of abundance. This failure to communicate and handle your emotions can lead to anger, self-pity, and an imbalanced state of mind. Sometimes, Temperance will appear as an advisory card. Are there ways in which you can approach your relationship with more calm and generosity? Practices such as meditation can assist in doing so, but it remains difficult to properly quiet your mind in the midst of obligations and conflict. Restoring this balance is the key to achieving your personal goals and aspirations. Temperance is a good omen for healing. If youre single, Temperance serves as an indication that you will learn to balance other areas of your life so as to make room for a new, special lover to come into your world and swoop you off your feet. ), Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! Current relationships may be taking a toll on your mental health. The Knight of Wands tarot card urges you to pursue your goals with confidence. Temperance in a discouraging position can also mean that you avoid conflict to the point that it interferes with how you stick up for yourself. I am guessing it means working on the relationship. There is no indication of danger, just the notion of adventure. The person who practice temperance enjoys many psychological and physical benefits as well as do relationship partners. They perform well under stressful situations. Dont lose your cool and be mindful that you can do everything right and still fail. Temperance avoids extremes and prefers the middle way. All rights reserved. He is a regular contributor for Forbes and Psychology Today, where he writes about psycho-educational topics such as happiness, relationships, personality, and life meaning. Closing old chapters and beginning anew. Receiving this card is always a positive sign for medical matters. We often see the Temperance card as a card that encapsulates an optimal balance between not just all areas of life, but also between the spiritual and physical realms. One of the most recent is Chris Peterson and Martin Seligman's character strengths and virtues. Post by divination and fortune-telling with Tarot for love, romance and relationships. However, I would warn that your lover or potential lover doesnt like drama or big displays of emotion, so try to control yourself in front of them. But because we only have a human perspective, maybe we cant spot the ship coming our way to rescue us, or maybe the treacherous cliff of water turns out to only be a small step waterfall. You work well together. Collected and composed, they manage to enjoy the beauty of life in their own way, without excessively indulging in pleasures or vices. This study examined the applicability of the Chinese virtues questionnaire (CVQ) and the relationships between students' perceptions of virtues and resilience in Hong Kong, SAR, China. For a current relationship, a period of disputes and disagreements is about to ensue. They trust you, feel safe when next to you, and might even think of you as a role model! In reverse, Temperance as an action card brings a simple message: dont hold back. The angel pours water between two cups, symbolizing the flow and alchemy of life. This card reversed most likely points towards break-ups or an ending on bad terms. Sometimes we must get our opinion out there without worrying how it is going to sound. Everything in harmony, where its supposed to be, all is beautiful and peaceful. The word angel means messenger as in messenger of God, so this card might sometimes refer to a sign from your Higher Self, or actual messages, mail, and correspondence. Perhaps you juggle these personality traits because you have not found your place among the others yet, and as you try to maintain your composure, your insecurities rise to the surface. In regard to career, the Temperance card assures you that you are in a good position, with career goals and aspirations likely to be fulfilled, but not without work, balance, and dedication. There is no pollution, corruption, or any man-made structures to be seen. As opposed to its upright position, Temperance reversed asks you to avoid staying neutral in this situation. Forgiveness can close the injustice gap completely. When reversed, Temperance means there is discord and imbalance in your relationships. Is it true, though, or just an excuse? Theyre dealing with any logistical or financial constraints with patience. You need to find your inner balance so you can better deal with your relationship problems. But first and foremost, we must be honest and kind with ourselves. Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at /works/38514553. Questions concerning relationships are usually quite high on the list in readings and, perhaps, one of the most frequently asked is the possibility of reconciling with an ex-lover or partner. You're going to be hit with a sense of having to create something soon, and you'll feel the need to dedicate yourself to it. This equilibrium cannot be disturbed- the calm, balanced, and gentle exchange of energy. Be calm, but also firm and direct in your resolutions. Temperance reminds us that we must avoid going to extremes. It does have potential, but forcing it will do the relationship more harm than good. Christianity named three Christian virtues: faith (confidence in that which is not necessarily observable), hope (the motivation to persevere when things are hard), and love (willingness to value and not devalue others). This is a card that also advises you to take less action. Relationships can strengthen. What you are hoping for will slowly start to manifest and your life will be improved. Focus on your well-being and dont expect every person in your life to always show sympathy and understanding. All of these require temperance, which is restraint that moderates reactions. The person you may be asking about is unfortunately not a soulmate. Copyright 1996 - 2022 Aeclectic Tarot. If anything, now is the time to find new pleasures in life. Lucky Colour: Silver. The situation will unfortunately not end in a mutual agreement. If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party. Make sure that they know a relationship with you isnt going to bring toxicity into their life. In reverse, the Temperance card advises you to show your passions. Interventions have been developed to promote humility, too, and have been shown to be effective. Or, we could forgive. Focus on indulgences instead and you might find that you arent moving forward in a career or endeavor. Vekke Sind, Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning, A Complete Guide! I asked what the outcome would be of this situation in terms of reconciling or not. Remember, you can discover more love Tarot meanings (and the feelings of your lover) by checking out the Love Tarot Meanings E-Book. It can ask you to rein in excess habits. This might fuel insecurities and anxiety, and make it very difficult to deal with any kind of feeling, even positive ones. It represents alignment between our physical selves and the Higher Self, which may sound like something that is impossible to always achieve. This is a relationship that can be seen as a perfect fit, as you work extremely well together. If you are experiencing health issues right now, its because you are out of balance in these areas. Are there issues with your workplaces or social environments that youre taking out on each other? Tarot eBooks. Right now, I don't perceive it that way. Communication is hindered, differences spark arguments, and conflicting feelings muddy your perception. Clearly, we must be able to discuss differences, but I believe that most change happens if we practice committed civility rather than simply react to perceived provocations. Temperance is about carefully mixing and balancing elements in order to get something new. If you succeed, you go before the prince, at which point anything goes. A total of 2468 pupils from primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong were recruited as the sample for . In the reversed position, the Temperance card shows that their intentions may be to deliberately sow misfortune, cause problems, or create disturbances. Eat a balanced diet and incorporate exercise into your routine. Youll find that your respect for taking a path of acceptance, of situation or people, and your respect for the process required to reach a goal, will grant you with longer-term fulfillment. They are either confused, emotionally unavailable, or you have sent mixed signals to them, and they arent sure how to respond. You are finding it hard to work with other people. Still, that should not be taken so literally. As mentioned earlier, I sometimes also interpret Temperance as symbolizing the presence of an ancestral spirit. Sure, we want to be our partners confidant and best friend, but not someone to take out their frustrations on. Whereas the Temperance upright can be affiliated with a natural landscape, the reversed can be associated with the urban landscape instead. The Temperance card will appear in the outcome position of a Tarot reading to indicate a content future. Your partner is taking actions one step at a time, as they should. Temperance is the card of moderation, balance, harmony, and patience. Are you interested in knowing whether a potential mate cares about you? Privacy Policy. They may even find it hard to rely on you for help, due to a lack of dependability or maturity. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Their inability to come to an agreement, where all parties are satisfied to a degree, will inevitably create drama or arguments. Reversed, the Temperance card indicates a disharmonious inner or outer environment. See if you can reach a middle ground with the other person. Temperance is a card of physical, emotional, and spiritual balance, so perhaps it can indicate areas such as places of worship, a therapists place, an assigned place for meditation, or even reiki healing practices. If you are in a committed or long-term relationship, expect some positive changes to happen. Thats why moderation is needed when addressing passionate emotions, or else you might fall for your own bait and create a mood that is awkward at best. Research I've done and Robert McGrath has done suggests that one way of categorizing virtues is as warmth-based virtues (like love, forgiveness, compassion, etc. At times you seem otherworldly and ethereal, but you also have a stable anchor in reality. Don't allow this to stop you from having fun, however. As women strive for equality within the relationships, . Stay up late, have some tasty chocolate at the end of a long day, do something that is out of character for you. Youve relapsed again, or youve succumbed to your original diet or eating habits. You seem to be able to keep your playfulness balanced with responsibility, and joyfulness balanced with sincerity. A holistic and mindful approach is a passion which helps me work with temperance, curiosity, and a constant desire to learn.