A special education student who transferred to Columbine just three weeks earlier, Taylor was talking about his born-again Christianity with two Mormon classmates when the first bullet ripped through his left thigh. There are also a few other things that corroborate this. Walcher of the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office arrives on scene. "On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot and killed twelve students and one teacher at Columbine High School Littleton, Colorado. from the window. cancin: erased. I could see he was fiddling with the rifle, either reloading or his gun was jammed,'' Gardner said. "Yes, my mom and dad brought me up that way,'' Schnurr replied. At about 12:15 p.m., roughly an hour after the rampage began, biology teacher Bev Williams heard a gunman shout a chilling vow in the library: "Today I am going to die!''. We can hear get up cause they are screaming it, but they probably werent screaming everything, particularly do you believe in God? Val was on the total other side of the room and it was a one-on-one conversation, not a command to the room. Be the first one to, Patti Nielson 9/11 Call (Columbine HS Massacre), Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). When I heard of this being a theory on the patti call, I listened and heard right away some things were those echos. Rohrbough, Sean Two more students are I Can Hear Them Screaming Some time later, police officers talking to each other by phone, a mix of voices. I think I want to have it behind. Behind her, the gunmen rattled off six shots. Those students are trying to save the life of teacher Dave Sanders. shotgun). I cant imagine! "I wasn't going to know if I could go back unless I tried. Regaining consciousness later at Denver Health Medical Center, Kreutz remembered the pain of being rolled onto her wounded shoulder. Theyre not Band-Aids, but they have cloth to try to control the bleeding. just Walker. In actuality, a 911 call received from a student "I'm crouched down. When a second deputy's car raced up to help Gardner, Harris retreated inside the school, which echoed with a new round of gunfire and bomb explosions. That's the reason Josh, 9, Elise, 6, and Mallory, 3, have had their mom at home most of this school year - not because she has fallen apart. "Wait, there's one more thing,'' he told Harris. In Everyone who could run did. With four guns, 67 bombs and two hearts full of hate, classmates Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shocked the world April 20 with the worst school shooting in American history. throws something in the vicinity of the propane bomb. Most of the . can see other deputies on the west side of the school near the concrete shed and Last Update. The Columbine High School massacre had begun. Then they spotted Nielson scrunched under the librarian's desk. the library hallway. - Victim funds While Kirklin lay outside the school, exhaling blood with every breath, Rohrbough was dead and Graves was paralyzed. A pipe weekly ad specials from the denver post voices of columbine PATTI NIELSON Mother, Columbine teacher, library survivor By Susan Besze Wallace Denver Post Staff Writer Apr. I got worked up, frustrated." [3] The duo placed two homemade propane tank bombs inside of the school's cafeteria in an attempt to create mass casualties. advises multiple reports of shots in the library and multiple suspects with The gun is right outside my door, Nielson frantically told the 911 operator. The same loud noise can be heard on 11.23.11 at 1:03, with sounds of people reacting to it. It's incredibly difficult to listen to, even if you don't know the people they're killing or who's shooting who."[5]. The reports that Denver Police Department personnel are at the shed on the west side Kirklin turned his head to the sky and saw someone standing over him. (No you can't hear them during active calls. Now the only sound in the library was silence - and the clinking of ammunition and bombs beneath the killers' trench coats. Dispatch Artista: Dead by april. disseminating pertinent information to the initial responders. advises that the suspects are possibly wearing body armor. cafeteria. You can hear just after the gunshot the same operator in the same call ask "where, where is that?". Klebold and Harris standing just inside the schools northwest entry doors. Apologies for the long post, but I couldn't think of another way to do it. Together with two friends, Kirklin walked outside the cafeteria for a quick cigarette break. Though his buddies, Danny Rohrbough and Sean Graves, didn't smoke, the teens still met at lunch every day to swap Columbine High School small talk. At 4:56 is when amateur transcripts say Isaiah Shoels yells "Mom." But [Harris] doesn't. sees Gardner down the hill to his right, holding a service pistol. It was super distracting at first, but it would go away as you adjusted. The follow-up gunshot also doesn't sound any different than these "knocks," even though if, in fact, this is when Cassie Bernall was shot it would sound vastly different (considering a shotgun is significantly louder than knock on a desk). We went to the police twice.". Press J to jump to the feed. Phil Hy arrives on scene and begins identifying and Deputy The call was placed at 11:25 a.m.[4] She relays to the operator that she was on hall duty when she noticed an unfamiliar male student (Eric Harris) holding what appeared to be "a large [prop] gun." Lt. Dave Columbine High School. Fire Department announces that its command post is set up at Leawood and Pierce. Through the library window, the killers spotted a police car. Walker reports possibly seeing one of the gunmen through the windows on the enforcement officers on the east side of the school report noises and shots This page has been accessed 20,739 times. - Columbine main page remain hidden in the television studio. Some yelling occurs at 4:33 of Patti Nielson's call, and is, in fact, from one of the shooters. Awesome, man!'' They are in the science area in rooms one, two and three. Rare extracted audio from Patty Nielson 911 call of Columbine - reddit call made by Patti Nielson from the library is terminated by the dispatch center 9:19AM. This happens at 0:46 of 11.29.25. Neilson was in the library when she placed the call. Searle reports the man is still on the roof and has moved over to the north County Sheriffs Offices are en route. It landed about three feet in front of me,'' O'Shea said. hides in a nearby restroom, Just before turning the corner to go east, he is shot, Harris "I'm perfectly willing to talk to any of them. Stephanie Munson and another student walk out of a classroom into the schools GO! Klebold and Harris then pull their web pages "You want to ask why they let him go? A 911 Upon entering the library, Harris shouts, "Get up!" outside the west entrance of the school. ''. , Nielson: He turned the gun straight at us and shot and my God, the window went out. chemical storage room just east of Science Room 3, man on the roof wearing a red, white and blue striped cafeteria and direct students to get down. Ester reports that Denver Metro SWAT has arrived on the east side of the school. I'm working to get to April 21. She isn't always sure what to say. Deputy I did an in-depth analysis of Patti Nielson's call where I lined up other 911 calls to see whether the audio was from the library or the 911 call center. About how many people? Remaining behind in the library, though, were severely wounded students Pat Ireland and Lisa Kreutz, as well as teacher Patti Nielson, who was hiding inside a cabinet. area, stopping in front of the Student Patti Nielson had said it more than once: "If I get through this year, I'm going to wonder how I did it." This time, it worked. I've cleared up a lot of this by comparing several 911 calls with Patti Nielson's. "They said they waited their whole lives for this,'' Woodman said. Losing blood and consciousness, Sanders told several students, "Tell my daughter I love her.''. Paul Smoker, a motorcycle patrolman for the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office, Make a one-time donation today for as little as $1. While many in this community resent the media dredging up the awful memories of five years ago, Judy Brown and her husband Randy are eager to talk about it. She finished out last year and she taught for the first two months of this school year before taking leave. "Oh, I'm killing people. Patti Nielson speaks at a Capitol Hill news conference on gun control. The old tactics didnt work, said Mink, noting that now, the first responding officers that get to the scene of an active shooter engage that shooter as soon as possible to neutralize that threat., As the finger-pointing continues five years later, Patti Nielson said she has finally realized she cant alter what happened that day, adding, I cant change whatever went wrong with those boys. -Everybody get up NOW! (Dylan? Gardner has just pulled up in the lower south parking lot of the school with the Deputy Boulevard. Teacher Doug Friesen and several students ripped off their shirts and pressed them into Sanders' wounds, trying to save his life with makeshift tourniquets. But I don't want to impose. Gruffer voice) -HEEYYY! -the leaked bit: oh my god help me help me! and shut the fuck up!. Towards the 12-minute mark, a loud crashing noise is heard near the phone's receiver; Klebold was using a chair to smash a computer that was above Nielson's hiding place. I hear this, in order: -WOO-HOO! (From hall) -Get up! (Eric?) In students reporting a person in the school with a gun. "Stay tight,'' DePooter whispered. Injured and Survivors of the Columbine High School shooting "He shot me in the face.''. Two library employees Always tripped me out. And the comments on these YouTube videos actually believe its what they are hearing. Deputy "Maybe we should start knifing people - that would be more fun,'' Todd recalls the other killer saying. We're not going to go to the door. "The cops will come.''. and Harris leave the science area and go down into the cafeteria. I thought it was probably a video production, she said, so I went out there to tell him to stop., It was then she realized it was real as one of the young gunmen turned around and fired in her direction. students in that area with him. But toward the end of his freshman year at Columbine High School, he came across Corey DePooter a guy who, like Eubanks, appreciated the simple joys of golf, fly fishing and country music. perimeter has been established and all exits are covered by law enforcement. Survivors believe it all took less than 20 minutes. Become a member to support the independent voice of Denver Deputy According ", which happens at the start of 11.30.04. The ground shook. He survived. Seth Houy threw his body over Crystal Woodman and whispered a vow to take a bullet for her. duffel bags conceal 20-pound propane bombs timed to explode at 11:17 a.m. chool Two others, Pat Ireland and Lisa Kreutz, were too wounded to move. It was Klebold, wearing his Boston Red Sox cap. At about 11:19 a.m. a witness advises of reports of two suspects with UZIs, pipe bombs and shotguns. I timed all of the ones that are in Patti Nielson's call, and I compared them to the times between the rings on 7 other phone calls, and found that they matched up (nearly) perfectly. - How to share your thoughts Paralyzed on one side with two bullets in his head, Ireland dropped through a shattered library window into the arms of waiting officers. Gushing blood, Sanders staggered through the upstairs hallway while still managing to guide students. With Harris and Klebold out of the library, someone beneath a table shouted, "They're gone! Deputies Kevin Walker, positioned at a southern point in the student parking lot, is able Like, say there were no transcript available and youd never heard it before. tape from the library records the sound of many gunshots being fired during this She was emotionally strained. Would be interested in your analysis on the extra audio exchanged between Val Schnurr and Eric/ Dylan. Hiding beneath a lunch table, Keni Dooley watched a gunman lob a bomb into the cafeteria and shoot it. Magor sets up a road block on Pierce Street at the southeast corner of the They may be thinking the same thing. I don't know if I can chime in on this, but I'm going to, way back a few years ago (2009) I was a floor manager on a call center. Teacher It's easier to have your priorities in order when you are faced with the idea you could die today, and you ask yourself have you done what you really need to do, or are you just flapping your wings?" possibly wearing bulletproof armor. alarm in the cafeteria is activated. leave the library. is writing a speeding ticket on West Bowles Avenue, just west of Pierce Street, The eyewitness accounts are full of terror and courage, heartbreak and luck. Harris and Klebold apparently were trying to detonate it from across the room with gunfire and smaller bombs. While O'Shea fired into the doorway, DiManna and Phelan pulled Castaldo to safety. Jefferson County sheriff's officials say their final Columbine report still is months from being finished. I question that. Dispatch This article has been tagged as NSFL due to its disturbing subject matter. "Who's ready to die next?'' At 4:41 in Patti Nielson's call is when many amateur transcripts (the one that inspired me to do this project was this one) say when Eric says "peek-a-boo". Between two-hour 911 phone call (from 11:29 a.m. to 1:24 p.m.) from a school secretary And that was before two gun-wielding students changed her life. carrying two large duffel bags Search the history of over 797 billion The Columbine Library Audio refers to a 911 call placed by art teacher Patti Nielson[1] as she hid inside the library of Columbine High School during the shooting rampage on April 20, 1999. So he lifted his right arm, which had only one bullet. Beneath a table huddled Lauren Townsend, Lisa Kreutz, Val Schnurr, Jeanna Park and Diwatta Perez. Stay on the LineDispatcher: I just want you to stay on the line with me, we need to know whats going on. Behind her, the hallway suddenly turned quiet. I think that's the start of my new year.". I pray they are getting help." Were waiting to clear those . "You could. Stay down until the police come to you. DePooter was dead. So if a customer complained that one of my ladies swore on the phone, I would have to review that call, and fire for language. Columbine : L'Appel de Patti Nielsen au 911 - LRH #1 - YouTube Let me know what you think! IE 11 is not supported. Some people see it and think they are true. Television Harris The first bullet shattered the door glass and thumped harmlessly into Anderson's necklace. of the school, is evacuating students who have. "They would whoop and holler when they shot someone. What's also worse, is sometimes the linked lines, because the calls come in back to back, their seems to cause an echo on the lines, and sometimes you can also hear those calls, and the customers, softly talking as well. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Read More. But because I'm so trained to drain out the background noise, I could never get a good time line to see if I could debunk or prove this theory. I always disliked that someone made those very amateur and false transcripts. Another thing that corroborates this is a call at 11.32.23, in which a 911 operator calls Captain Boyd, and he responds with "c'mon, page me, it's Boyd," and the fact that he's called implies that they've already tried paging him, with no response. The 911 operator answered the call stating "911" at 11:27:47 a.m. determined the two planned to shoot any surviving students able to escape from New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I think shes paralyzed, the Good research. But I don't want to impose. Deputy videotape. But I just want to be one hundred percent sure that theres in no way anyone left in that school. It could be one or the other, but given the timing, definitely not both. On April 20, 1999, Nielson, a teacher, was a hall monitor at Columbine High School when students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, armed with sawed-off shotguns, a rifle and an automatic pistol. Now the school was in full panic. Nielson: The school is in a panic. When I trained new people on the lines we would be jacked into the phone. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. One But the call, on recording, picked up all the static noise of the center, other calls being taken, hearing myself asking somebody to close their line to take their breaks. Four These calls i have never heard and bravo to you for taking the time to audibly illustrate it for us. Warned that bodies might be booby-trapped with bombs, he felt gingerly for some sign, any sign, of life. After The fire sprinkler system Based on comments Yeah, I still have a hard time hearing it as anything other than that. Many tried to shield themselves with tipped chairs. On the ground 10 feet away, Castaldo tried waving his left arm, but it was torn with two bullets and didn't work. Patricia (Patti) Nielson is working as a hall monitor when she hears a commotion ballfields. Teacher on phone, overheard talking to students: Get down.. Stay down. On April 20, 1999, Nielson, a teacher, was a hall monitor at Columbine High School when students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, armed with sawed-off shotguns, a rifle and an automatic pistol opened fire, sending their fellow students running for their lives. As the Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Transcript: Columbine 911 Tapes - ABC News Dan O'Shea, passed by the emergency exit that at least 30 survivors earlier had used to flee the library. The easiest thing we can do with this information is listen for background talking in Patti Nielson's call, which I've already started to do in order to verify 11.23.11 was placed properly. Sgt. Nothing mattered but getting out of there and getting back to my children." An analysis of Patti Nielson's 911 call : r/Columbine - reddit Oh God! cafeteria area where it explodes. Hearing more explosions inside the school, the SWAT officers reached Scott. Sprayed with buckshot in her foot and knee, Park tumbled backward, with her torso exposed outside the table. Wow the hours invested. "It's the worst mass murder in school history in the United States, said Judy Brown, the mother of Columbine student Brooks Brown, It shouldn't go away." I can put myself right back in that place, Nielson said, and remember the panic., At first, she didnt believe it was really happening. senior prank. Get down!. Deputy I always wonder this as well, as she is literally screaming to get under the tables. The other put his gun in his mouth. But they waved their guns again and Kyle Velasquez, John Tomlin, Steve Curnow and Kelly Fleming all fell dead. Without breaking eye contact, Klebold raised his sawed-off shotgun. before he is fatally shot. informs the command post that bomb squads from the Jefferson County and Arapahoe units. We have found so many explosive devices including several car bombs, things like that. alerts the deputies that the shooter may have a shotgun. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? call from a Columbine High School student reports a girl injured in the south The I never attempted to explain this before. Jefferson When she does visit the school, Nielson is besieged by students who ask if she's returning. "And boom,'' Kirklin recalls. At about 4:17 in Patti Nielson's call, we can hear some yelling in the background, which is definitely from one of the shooters. "In some ways I was a magnet to some people, and yet other people felt uncomfortable around me. and Chatfield Avenues. Crouching behind a bulletproof shield, Denver Capt. Jeffco school and begin the rescue of two wounded students lying on the ground near the Hundreds of teenagers sprinted for the exits. Could it have been averted?Five years later, nobody knows exactly why Harris and Klebold went on that murderous rampage. SHOT. Gardner yells Audio File: a 911 call from inside the school, with fire alarm in background (placed at approximately 11:31 AM). Its merely a flesh wound! and the peekaboo thing and do you believe in God?. and Klebold walk into the school library. Still, Kastle was convinced the killers hadn't seen him yet. Then Harris aimed his 9mm carbine at the doorway window and fired. It sounds very convincing, and it's the main reason I did this project in the first place. An injured student (John Tomlin, 16) asks the shooters, "Haven't you done enough?" "When the year 2000 hit, it wasn't like a new year for me," she said. on February 7, 2022, 9/11 call from the Columbine Highschool Massacre, There are no reviews yet. above. Dylan "She was lying in the grass crying,'' Castaldo later told his mother. From under the table, the teacher could see only Klebold's black combat boots. Nielson, who suffered from a severe case of PTSD, refused to listen to the playback. Rohrbough was silent on the sidewalk. A student justgatheringinfo cafeteria below. Wednesday's training given by IMPD will feature a roughly four-minute audio clip of a 911 call made by Patti Nielson, a teacher who was hiding in the school's library, Green said. building. Join the Westword community and help support From the corner of his eye, though, he saw another girl get shot. Im going to give this a proper read. student can be seen on the cafeteria videotape crawling out of the cafeteria '', Savage ran to freedom. Columbine 911 call -Why didnt she just LOCK THE DOOR! "I realize she's shot in the head. a danger, Sanders and school custodians Jon Curtis and Jay Gallatine enter the reports that one of the shooters might be Ned Harris and that he is Which would be what you were saying, playing back slower, and randomly distanced sounding from your ears. paramedics transport student Stephanie Munson, shot in the ankle while escaping Fire Department is staged at Weaver and Pierce Streets. roof, one suspect in the library with a shotgun and several bombs, and another lower parking lot of the high school. The person pointed a sawed-off shotgun at Kirklin's head. custodian goes into the video room to change the schools cafeteria surveillance call reports that students are injured outside the school. is last seen running back down the north hall to the west in the direction of Walcher Denver's independent source of ''. One of the biggest issues with detecting anything that Harris and Klebold said on Patti Nielson's 911 call is the extraneous background noise, some of which people believe to be Harris and Klebold talking. Various Reddit users have falsely claimed to have heard the full 911 throughout the years. Schwieterman, From 20 feet away, Klebold pointed his gun at Kastle. Then he saw a head pop through the hole. Oh God! While I don't yet know who said it, it's someone in the 911 call center, since it's also clearly heard at 0:10 in 11.29.25. IMPD active-shooter training will include 911 call from inside Columbine Fire sprinklers sprayed. He picked up a chair and smashed it on the table. Kids are screaming . killed and two more injured in the librarys center section before the gunmen containing enough explosive, student parking lots to sit in their respective cars, The The tapes where things were "spelled out" for us in reagrds to what dylan and eric were saying was such a stretch. I found there were only three instances of the shooters being audible once in the library: Eric yelling "Get up!" One of the shooters yelling something like, "Hey!" On the library floor around Harris and Klebold, 10 teenagers - Cassie Bernall, Steven Curnow, Corey DePooter, Kelly Fleming, Matt Kechter, Daniel Mauser, Isaiah Shoels, Lauren Townsend, John Tomlin and Kyle Velasquez - lay dead. Writhing in pain and smeared in blood, Kirklin yelled for his friends. the double doors. Graves, and Lance Kirklin, Klebold I felt something in my shoulder, Nielson said, her voice quavering slightly, I got grazed by a bullet.. Nielson: Hes outside of this hall Hes in the hall There are alarms and things going off, theres smoke, my God, smoke is like coming Ive got the kids under the tables here, I dont know what is happening in the rest of the building. Fire calls for personnel to stage at the scene. Since the shooting, families of the injured and deceased have strongly protested the release of the entire 911 call, fearing that it would inspire future copycats. Columbine Library Audio (partially lost 911 call of Colorado school reports several shots fired at Columbine High School. Deputy I decided to use the extremely loud ringing of the phones in the 911 call center, which are so loud that some people mistook them to be fire alarms. "I can see light at the end of the tunnel. to watch the lower level main south doors of the school and the entrance to the Both killers moved on, leaving Scott unharmed. Apparently a faculty member inside the school talking to police, describing the situation facing some of the students who are hiding and speaking to the students at the same time. partial detonation of a bomb and a subsequent fire. There were flashbacks. Teachers Alarms blared. To better understand how such evil could take root in Jefferson County, The Denver Post interviewed dozens of students, teachers, investigators and parents to reconstruct the way two youths, cloaked in black trench coats, killed 13 and wounded 20 before fatally shooting themselves in the head. Many In a stairway leading up to the school library, Sanders was hit once, then again, by gun blasts. hallway, She drops the phone and So all the static noise your lining up, you can actually do with recorded calls coming from somebody who had to do this job. witnesses who entered the north main hallway from adjoining classrooms see Boom. O.K.? Vail's International Student Workers Feel Left Out in the Cold Over High Housing Costs, Meet the Woman Living in Boulder's Notorious JonBent Ramsey House, Help Prevent Car Theft: Let the Denver Police Department Track Your Stolen Vehicle's Location. Get down! Denver Post Staff Writer, Apr. caller tells dispatch. Too stunned to stand, Castaldo was slashed by gunfire, too. Kastle looked back through the crawl-space and saw light streaming through the tile he had cracked. In time, she says. However, this is an operator saying "Hello" quite loudly, and takes place at 0:04 of 11.30.13. When the makeshift bombs failed to detonate, Harris and Klebold approached the building with four different guns and numerous pipe bombs. At just before 4:35, a male talks and says "Page Boyd," and you can very faintly hear this on 11.29.25 at 0:30. Then she was heard yelling at the students in the library, Get down! This corresponds to 0:07 of 11.30.13. Sgt. I'm doing better concentrating. Nielson has written to most of the families whose kids were killed. Theyve got some Band-Aids. placing two 20-lb. Next to him, Scott curled in pain. shirt, students taking cover behind the patrol cars, Klebold walking directly over to the same bomb. response to Magors call for mutual aid, Jefferson County Dispatch advises 2. "[6] The audio turned out to be real, though it was eventually confirmed to originate from a rare German documentary about the shooting. By Susan Besze Wallace There was a five-minute silence. cafeteria videotape shows that, as the gunmen are walking away, there is a. I was afraid that they would see I was still alive,'' she said. She was emotionally strained. As chiiling as they are, such an important part of this horrifying puzzle. fire alarm sounds from the upper level corridor of Columbine High School. But friends and classmates scattered throughout the library did see and hear what happened around them. inside the library entrance, continues her phone contact with the Jefferson hears one of the suspects say, GO! Teacher: There are about twenty to thirty students and faculty members there. and a school security officer hiding in the schools main office reports.
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