What Should I do? As the U.S.A., have more than 300 military factories. It takes time for resistance to rise to the 90% liberation point. Attack the Monarchist (or both sides) before they can recover from the civil war. Rush the fascist focuses. Defeat France and in the peace deal puppet them and satellite every releasable nation from their colonies as your puppets. Start as UK (don't unpause) and release Egypt as a puppet (check "Play as" when the checkbox appears). And you should have this achievement in no time. Set some factories to build Transport Planes. Once in UK, focus on London and other victory points. If you are too late, they might get guaranteed by the UK. As the Netherlands, ensure the United Kingdom has no capital ships (carriers, battleships, battlecruisers, or heavy cruisers). This achievement can also be done along with True Blitzkrieg achievement. Keep wiping out the Italians that land in Zara. If you don't own. Countries keep fighting after capitulating. Safer to do in non-historical as Germany will often take longer to get their war goals and UK often end up not guaranteeing either. The earlier the war, the better your odds. It is likely Italy will join the Axis to aid Germany but, your faction would be huge and strong enough to take it out. As any Baltic State, conquer the entire shoreline of the Baltic Sea. Use decisions to demand ending the war. Doing it with "Holy, Roman, and an Empire" is also a good choice, after forming Rome, you have enough industry and manpower to grind your general to max level. Deleting all your units before the civil war and then deploying two units ahead of time outside of Riga and Daugavpils lets you end the war immediately with no casualties. Promote a Unit Commander to a general, and reach max level, As Italy, continue holding onto the First Rome, and gain the second and third Rome. France will surrender quickly. Shortly before or after Germany demands Danzig the Soviets will start justifying on you and the justification will be done between January and March 1940. A third option is to play as the UK - go down a Change in Course (any path is fine), get military access from Nationalist China (on historical, they are very obligated to help you), and launch naval invasions into the home islands (if you go communist, you can join the Comintern and attack from Vladivostok). Alternatively, taking the focus "Guarantee the American Dream" before the Civil War starts will cause the Midwest to remain loyal to you. As for how to become a major, I believe it has to do with faction leader status, as well as factory count. Rush into Submarines III. As the Netherlands, do not cave to the Germans, continue the Zuiderzee works, and do not lose control of any of your continental European states until 1945. Watch the battle bubbles and manually move troops if you are close to losing. They have some death stacks, but if you concentrate forces you should be able to find some points to surround some of these. As South Africa, have 9 civilian factories in Transvaal. If it capitulates to the an other faction and you don't see the popup, you won't get the achievement. West Germany or East Germany will not count, even if you puppet both. Declare on them and annex them as soon as possible, before they start war against you. While you take the decisions to boost fascism in Finland go for "Develop Natural Resources" and "Invest in Baltic Trade". Complete the "Continue the Zuiderzee Works" focus, defend your coastline and your provinces/states. Set up a naval invasion from Wilhelmshaven to either Dunkerque or Calais, and have your starting navy on Strike Force in the English Channel. However, if Germany is completing/has completed "Demand Sudetenland", the chance increases tenfold, enough that they will nearly always accept. And how none faction leaders become majors I still dont understand after 1000 hours of playing, Faction leaders are majors because without a major factions will collapse immediately. Repeat this invasion process for Belgium. Then head to "Force Abdication". Do not join in the faction's wars so you can continue to trade with all countries and focus on spies. Once Denmark has capitulated either annex or puppet them and then plan a naval invasion for Norway, to make it a bit faster/easier also put 1 or 2 divisions on Narvik. Don't pick a focus yet. This is best done with the Sunrise Invasion Achievement. The Soviet Union in 1.11 has an increased chance of capturing foreign operatives. The achievement will trigger when all Islamic states are Placated, and the Kurdish states are either at Separatist Fatigue or cored. Start the game with historical AI off, simulate the first 70 days and keep restarting the game until the German AI picks the 'Oppose Hitler' focus and Hungary 'balanced budget' focus. Scotland is a subject of The United Kingdom Put a few units there to guard the island. With : Go after France first - justify on France as soon as you have enough political power, train enough cavalry units to guard the Polish Border, use your starting infantry to guard the French-German border as soon as Rhineland is remilitarized (declare war to get it remilitarized; don't take Rhineland), convert all starting non-infantry to the panzer division, and use said panzers to capitulate them using naval invasions. After France capitulates, puppet them with one province, and take everything else. Quickly rush to Korea and push them off the continent. As Communist China, have over 100 military factories. By the time the justification is done, you should have 48 - 72 divisions trained and on the border with the Soviet Union. As China, reconquer all of China and Manchuria and force a Japanese surrender. Aim to liberate the six African countries controlled by Spain and Portugal by the middle of 1939. Sweden should have put most of their divisions on your border, but only rarely do they put any in Stockholm. In patch 1.6.0, German is very likely crush the Soviets without trouble in one or two years. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Adjust your industries as necessary, build only military factories and maybe infrastructures for now as you will get a lot of civilian factories very soon. After securing the Mediterranean, it can easily be done with a small 1944 strategic bomber fleet (without any escort) by taking control of the following provinces: Gibraltar (118), Azores (698), Bermuda (696). When Fascist support gets to 30.10%, it will be possible to take War Powers Act. Then once Togo revolts they'll join The Allies (since they revolted against your ally). Importantly, the chance of Czechoslovakia accepting is VERY low. Join them. Once there's been a civil war, the winner has created world tension and you can justify against them. As Hungary, have Miklos Horthy as a Naval commander and build a battleship. You can then annex those who accept via decisions, and declare war against the ones who don't. Stalin will not have any equipment except bunch of unequipped AA battalions. At this point, it should be trivial to conquer the rest of the world (you can also just join the Japanese faction if you annex Siam before they get the chance to ally them, thus eliminating the need to conquer them). At that point, you just need to be patient, because after that the AI will slowly progress down the focus tree and at some point reach the Central Powers focus. Then, use paratroopers to land in Dover and send your army into mainland England to finish the war. Only requires the Restore Byzantium decision, which can be taken by conquering all of Turkey and the entire Balkans (Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania and Hungary). You can get Republican Spain to join you if you choose to get involved in the Spanish Civil War but be mindful of your stability to not start a civil war of your own. This achievement is ideally tackled as a nation that can receive more than just the standard nuclear research bonus in the generic focus tree - Germany is an ideal choice if one goes Democratic, given that on top of a bonus to nuclear weapons, it can get an ahead of time bonus on nukes. The game seems to check for casualties at the end of each month, so, for example, if you have under 475 casualties on January 1st and force the enemy's capitulation by January 17th (or any other day before the end of the month) with 4000 casualties (or any other number, including above 475), you will still get the achievement. Alternatively play as Germany and play normally until you sea lion Britain. As Greece, capture Istanbul and rename it to Constantinople. For more experienced players, the Panay incident random event (which fires when Japan conquers Shanghai and Nanjing) grants the player the opportunity to start an early war with Japan to acquire even more factories. For Italy, liberate the Kingdom of Libya, Eritrea and then Somali Sultanate. Bring Carol II into power and make a huge army from the start. At this point you will get invitations from different candidates for the crown and you have to wait for Karl Albrecht I, the Habsburg claimant. After the Soviet capitulation, you and the Soviet collaboration government should have enough manpower and production to defeat the Axis. As Czechoslovakia, occupy Munich while at war with Germany. If you train regular forces and raise the special forces cap through Focus and Research you can easily make 9-10 units around '42/'43, Move them to Malta, make a paradrop order on Rome, and click execute. The moment they do this declare war on Britain. For railways to connect, the provinces must be owned by members of the same faction. The Focus "Our Place in the Sun" will give you Qingdao. Annex everything except for Romania, just take their lands except those 3 provinces that will be claimed by the USSR. You only need to occupy the required states for the achievement to trigger. Use these divisions together with your fighters to make a push through the low countries. Like with Russia, you need to justify against USA and declare before coup is finished. In the meantime you can annex or puppet Greece and Romania with naval invasions with "Reclaim the Makedonyal Sanjak" claim. The way In which hoi4 determines majors is strange, all the countries that start as majors are permanently majors, unless they dont exist. If you are lucky, a civil war in Germany might trigger in which case you can invite the rebel Germany to your faction. Now the states you are missing are controlled by Italy and turkey. The 4 divisions from this focus should be attacking the port you target for your naval invasions. Go for the Plot Against Boris focus and pick the decisions to kill him, then choose a pro-Axis regent and join the Axis. I think minors become majors when they have over 50 factories right? Take King Michael's Coup to flip to Democratic and wait until Poland capitulates and the Soviet Union takes Eastern Poland. Build units to hold that line, Hungary, and to attack Albania. Faction leaders are majors even if they don't have a single factory or division. When your claim is finished, declare war on France. After that take the focuses "Enemies on All Fronts" and "Pre-Empt Western Intervention." There's no need to do a naval invasion - you'd probably get curb stopped by the royal navy anyway. Because historical focuses are turned off, China will almost always demand the warlords subjugation instead of doing the Chinese United Front. Do not take the focus "Reconcile Japan" since North Sakhalin is your core. With DLC, Even when you get overrun and conquered by the Germans and/or the Soviets, you will continue the game as a government-in-exile hosted by the United Kingdom and remain eligible for the achievement. Make sure to improve relations and save up a few hundred political power before starting the imperial conference. This achievement can be done in conjunction with "The Lion King", because 'Fait Accompli' is in the same branch of the focus tree as 'The Kings of Kings' focus. That was the only country just fucking spawned after releasing it from japan. Note that Transylvania needs to own all Romanian cores, meaning that if historical focus is turned on, you have to finish the war before Germany does the Second Vienna Award focus. You can build your military suprisingly powerful and with the help of the allies, when germany eventually declares war on you, you can invade them. Hearts of Iron IV has 171 different achievements, all using the Steam achievements mechanics. Taking Moscow and Leningrad leaves you well positioned for 15% warscore, which you can further secure by pivoting east and reach for the Urals. Stage naval invasions from Wilhelmshaven to Hull and the provinces surrounding it (the British won't protect those as much; use the French navy + your navy to secure the Channel), and rush the provinces - capitulate the UK (as Poland is part of the Allies, you can take land from them in the Peace Deal, and then annex France through the puppet system (if you don't have , just annex France outright in the peace deal after they capitulate). You can do this as any nation, as long as you have camel units. Their army is really weak and the Germans will never go after it when you have it annexed. Complete "Rally Around the Emperor" focus, request permission to set up a government in exile in United Kingdom through decisions. Take Fascism route for independence, justify war on Portugal (don't leave Allies) and take their colonies - should be done before start of WWII. If you go too far, they will overrun you. Another alternate solution is to play Italy and go for an early war with France. As long as you haven't joint the Comintern and you do this during WWII they should not get guaranteed. Do note that the UK and France can individually bail on the war when you complete the focus to attack Turkey even if they agreed at the convention, but it is still easy to beat Turkey with just one of them and is possible to beat them by yourself. That way if you aren't making forts you are making military factories. Achievements cannot be earned prior to the version they were added in. Wait for Japan to declare war and have at least one nuke built. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Once you defeat Turkey and restore Byzantium, you can start working on Romania, dig in on the Bulgarian border and let the Romanian troops destroy themselves in the offensive, then start pushing in. Declare on Greece after the justification on Austria. You may time your guns decision to complete when the state is at approximately 65% resistance. Type the name of a command into the search bar to instantly search our database of 172 HOI4 commands for the most recent version of the game on Steam (PC). If that still isn't enough, conquer Germany and Italy, puppet Italy and satellite all of Italy's African territories as puppets (if Poland capitulated to Germany during the war, satellite them as well), and take the focus Disunite Germany to gain more puppets. In the meantime start going down the economic path of the tree. Option 2: Turn fascist and join the Axis. Place the army on the Bulgarian Border. After capitulating Poland give all polish states to Tannu Tuva. Get Fascist, justify on Hungary, leave Allies/join Axis, wait for Anschluss, paradrop from German Austria to the three Hungarian cities. But since you only need to occupy the land it isn't a big problem if they join a faction. Before the civil war fires delete all land units and make a single cavalry division in training. Now begin preparing for war with Denmark and Norway by sitting one or two units to attack the Danish strait and sending around four units behind them with a naval invasion from the north, after justifying, expand conscription and follow the collectivist tree to be able to produce a large amount of cavalry to hold the Norwegian line. If the La Rsistance DLC is active, you can just rush the focus, Play Canada as normal but always rush down economic focuses. If you do it early enough, it should be a quick conflict. Change your government, use the Hispanic Solidarity decision to invite Guatemala to your faction, then use the March Southward focus to get a war goal on El Salvador. Since you have taken the Believe, Obey, Fight focus, you should be able to hire Dino Grandi as advisor. It might be easier with historical AI turned off. Is fascist So depending on whether you started the game with historical AI on or off, you may have to capitulate The Allies. It may be advisable to create a faction with Mexico instead of joining the Axis to make it harder for Germany to take British states in the peace conference. Again, avoid direct fights with enemies if you can. First take out Hungary, and if you have time then Bulgaria too. Let them wear themselves out attacking you for a while. Don't ask for help in the war. Have your infantry secure the Maginot Line, convert all non-infantry units you control to the starting Panzer Division, and take Army Innovations to gain 10 XP (use said XP to add 2 more motorized units to the Panzer Division template) - optionally take Treaty with the USSR for early Medium Tanks if you plan on doing more than just this achievement. Wait for Allies to fight Italy in North Africa. You can wait with the "Agrarian Reform" until the last few days of the timer, this focus adds 70 days to the timer when it is selected. As an optional bonus, boost communist party popularity in. Donitz worked very hard to try and make sure it was the Allies, not Soviet who occupied as much as Germany as possible - because he knew how the Soviet treated anyone in the region once they occupied it. You can do this as soon as you have recruited your first operative but the more operatives you assign to establish a network in the same region, the faster the network will be at full strength. When it is possible take "March on Tallinn". It is recommended to use spies to create a Collaboration Government. Take Jerusalem as Ethiopia and move the capital there. Alternatively, this can also be done by playing as Germany or Italy, going to war with the Allies (France and United Kingdom, defeating them, puppeting them and satelliting all releasable nations from their colonies in the peace deal. The achievement can be gained while at war. Battlecruisers are built with Heavy Ship Hulls and Battlecruiser armor. If China falls you can alone keep Japan away at the border and look out for Siam because it can turn Fascist by Japanese Focus. A few months into 1941, Italy should be stretched thin. To trigger the civil war do not arrest the king and go down the focus "The Right to Rule". Do the whole left side of communist focus tree to get rid of debuffs (up to "Crush the Forest Brothers" and "Realign the Paramilitarists"). On historical Barbarossa happens in June 1941. As United Kingdom, release at least 14 colonies as puppets at the start of the game. If they do, just give it away. You just need to hold your line and not let non-aligned Russia get capitulated(you don't need war participation, rebellion will have all Russia after Germany capitulates Russia).
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