(Hugh Carey, The Colorado Sun) A: Parker County is one of the fastest growing regions in the U.S. We dont have time for on the job training with no Government experience. Under the current maps, Gonzalez only narrowly won the district against Monica De La Cruz, who is running for the seat again. Website or page where people can find out more about your campaign: A: Overall, the county roads in precinct 4 are in good shape. When she wins, it will be a miracle of God, she added. Republican Glen Whitley currently serves as the county judge, which is more like a county mayor or administrator that also oversees emergency management, and is stepping down after 15 years. I intend to bring my decades of leadership experience in higher education and healthcare to serve the citizens of Parker County. In State Court, three candidates are seeking to win the seat now held by Judge Pamela South, who is retiring. Get more election results on our homepage and Vote 2022 page. Parker was on the ballot in the Democratic primary on June 14, 2022. GOP candidates running in the primary include San Antonio businessman Adam Blanchard, former San Antonio City Council member Elisa Chan, banking executive Mark Daniel Cuthbert and Mark Dorazio, a former Bexar County GOP Chair. County elections and candidates November 8, 2022 (General) Parker Parker County Clerk Lila Jean Deakle (R) Parker County Commissioner Precinct 2 Jacob Holt (R) Parker County Commissioner Precinct 4 Mike Hale (R) Parker County Sheriff Russ Authier (R) Russell E. Hess (L) Joe Kilgore (Unaffiliated) Parker County Treasurer Rebecca McCullough (R) Shannon Parker ( Democratic Party) ran for election for judge of the Hampton County Probate Court in South Carolina. Governor Other awards I have garnered include the Outstanding Alumni Award in 2009-10 from the Association of Graduate Students in Higher Education at the University of North Texas (UNT) and in 2020, during the Health Science Centers 50th Anniversary, I was named as one of the 50 Heroes in 50 years., Relevant experience for this office: Five roles of a County Judge per the Texas Association of Counties, Presiding officer of the commissioners court. Now shes hoping to add congresswoman to the list. Three and a half years of no planning, no action, and no leadership is too long. A: The current County Judge brings a wish list budget with $10-15 million in additional spending each year. Sign up now to get our FREE breaking news coverage delivered right to your inbox. Candidates response appear in the order candidates are listed on the ballot. Other candidates have commitments and currently hold positions in Parker County, which I feel is a conflict. . These positions can be used to influence and intimidate current voters. Focusing on retail development is not sustainable growth. We later moved to West Lee Street in Weatherford where we lived for 15 years. While Granger has won handily in her previous re-election campaigns, Hunt said its possible for a Democrat to prevail in District 12. Boston College hung on to take down bubble hopefuls Wake Forest tonight, winning 71-69. To republish online, simply click the button, copy the html code and paste into your Content Management System (CMS). It is understandable that residents in the area have complained. Her campaign platform centers around balancing the federal budget and lowering tax rates, pointing to her work with then President Donald Trump to pass the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017. Its also easy all you have to do is vote, show up for the convention and fill out some forms. I served as a Vice President at the University of North Texas Health Science Center for 15 years. I have led multiple mediations to resolve disputes between parties. I have professional training as a Mediator and as an Executive Coach. Having a physical presence is essential to our work. . Here's an update on who is and isn't running. February 7, 2023 Results have been moved to the Past Election Results Page State ELection Results The following candidates ran in the general election for Union County Board of Commissioners on November 8, 2022. The positions are for governor, lieutenant governor, District 6 and District 33 U.S. representatives and Tarrant County Judge. Most common benefits . Election Results from the March 1 2022 Republican Primary including source links. Theres a four-way race for Parker Countys Precinct 4 commissioner seat, as candidates look to replace Steve Dugans position: Michael Chandler, Mike Hale, Fred Hammons and Eric Contreras. Her position is supported by a grant fromthe Marilyn Brachman Hoffman Foundation. Most common benefits . You have to credit Fort Worth Report. Much More Info Here. The Reporter: (607) 464-4009 County Shopper: (607) 74 Phone (410) 463-1818. The seat is likely to go to the Democratic candidate who wins the primary. A: Honestly, I am focused on my own race and not looking to speak negatively about any of the other candidates. Contact Information. The Elections Department is responsible for conducting: All elections at the federal, state, and county levels Certain other elections that contract with Parker County for election services Voter registration As of December 16, 2015 PARKER COUNTY has been accepted successful by Texas Secretary of State for Countywide Polling Places, I have served as the President of the Texas Association of College and University Student Personnel Administrators (TACUSPA). I believe in small government and minimal taxation. Seeking the open seat are three candidates: Christina Williams, Jeannie Young and Kirk Rivers. Joshua Rivero - 13,997 - 24.46% Anne Barrington - 12,824 - 22.41% Brandi Wilks - 12,078 - 21.11% Judge Tracie Cason has opposition from Andre Johnson; Judge Tim Hamil will face Karen Scott Greene; and Judge Angela Duncan has opposition from BT Parker. While unemployed during the COVID-19 pandemic, Hunt founded a nonprofit focused on alleviating food insecurity. Duties include, but are not limited to, collecting filing fees; appointing watchers; determining the order of names on the ballot; canvassing primary results; and setting/publicizing times and places for Precinct, County and State Conventions. As minority leader of the House Appropriations Committee, Granger is poised to become chair if Republicans perform well in the midterm elections this year and retake the majority, Riddlesperger said. During my time on City Council, we worked with Fort Worth and brought water to the city of Willow Park and our neighbors in Hudson Oaks this Spring. Cuellar edged out Cisneros, winning 51.8% of the vote in the primary. In other words, fixing potholes, mowing the right of way, picking up the trash in the right of way, and communicating with the people of Parker county. Look for the "Republish This Story" button underneath each story. 1. We need a fresh perspective and somebody whos going to think outside the box to solve these water challenges for the next 50 to 100 years. Analysis: Nominations are all but guaranteed for Democrat Tommy Calvert and Republican Larry Ricketts, who are running unopposed for Bexar County Commissioner Pct. Phone (240) 370-0926. We have been gathering once a month since our inaugural meeting on April 21, 2015. 2 Joe W. Harris (Please contact us with website info) Jacob Holt Response to questionnaire County Commissioner, Precinct No. I have been recognized with many other accolades and honors while at UNTHSC including; the Edward E. Elko Award for Distinguished Service to the Graduate Student Association, Outstanding Service and Contributions to the Public Health Student Association; and the naming of the Medical Student Governments annual service award after me, now known as the Thomas Moorman Unsung Hero award. Campaign themes Learn more at www.DrMoorman4Judge.org or on Facebook at DrMoorman4Judge, Education/background:Bachelors degree in Economics and Finance Texas Wesleyan. Under my leadership, this office will have an open-door policy, and the staff will be trained to assist the public in a professional manner. Join us for monthly planning meetings, watch parties, road trips, fundraisers, marches, parades, and good ol' happy hour. Youre going to get a response from me because its 2022 and theres no excuse for not being accessible. ad. There are no Democratic candidates. A: Precinct commissioners can make sure drainage ditches are working properly to recharge water storage areas; install Watersense products in all county buildings; and work with cities, developers, and taxpayers to encourage them to use gutters and a water collection system to harvest and re-utilize rainwater for irrigation purposes. In alignment with the Parker County Economic Development Council, Parker County has already begun bringing higher wage job growth to Parker County. Those are at the top of my list. I will implement a dynamic strategic plan with measurable goals that are tracked on a regular basis. A: The County went from $15M to over $26M in 3 years in fund balance. Catalas campaign platform features a number of single issue bills, including ideas for attracting top teachers to low-performing schools and reducing homelessness. I dont think thats true. Republish our articles for free, online or in print, by following our guidelines. The governor is competing with former state Sen. Don Huffines and former Florida congressman and former Texas GOP Chair Allen West, among others. Here are your candidates separated by state, federal and county : Federal United States Representative, Dist. Instead, Doggett will run for Congressional District 37, one of the states new seats. Q: Evaluate the countys budget and describe its strengths and challenges. A: With preventative maintenance and reconstruction getting better, Precinct 4; overall, has good roads. To find more information about polling places and voting by mail, visit Tarrant Countys elections website. GOP . Offices Up for Election in 2022. Since my time as mayor, Ive fought for the needs of the city, Granger said in January. Managed multi-million dollar payroll and budget expenses. I will be accountable to the citizens of Parker County. Sorry, there are no recent results for popular commented articles. We must rebuild our infrastructure as a wise investment in our communities,
[email protected] Click here to sign in. Without water, nobody will be here. Josey Garcia, a leader of local grassroots group Reliable Revolutionaries; Steven Gilmore, an attorney; and Gerald Brian Lopez, self-employed; are running for the Democratic nomination. Progressives organized against the moderate Democrat, backing immigration attorney Jessica Cisneros. However, the plan sits on a shelf and is only reviewed every year or two (per the current county judges statements at the January 6, 2022 Candidate Forum). PLEASE NOTE: Cell phones are NOT allowed to be used in the polling location. I led a division that included eight independent administrative units, 43 professional staff members, many with masters and doctoral degrees, and a team of over 200 hourly employees. We need proven leadership and a strong knowledge of how government works with established relationships working with TXDOT and NTCOG in accelerating critical transportation projects. 500 jobs ramping up over the next 5 years with a medium income of $50-60K. Navigating policies and procedures throughout the development processes. County Judge. The other Republican candidates running for the nomination are Justice of the Peace Sara Canady, retired Border Patrol agent Aizar Cavazos, assistant principal Vangela Churchill, former congressional candidate Mauro Garza, self-employed Angela Juarez, self-employed Ryan Krause, retiree John Lerma and professor Steve Schmuker Jr. Peters, who is a candidate for Secretary of State, has been indicted on 10 charges related to a security breach of Mesa County's election system in 2021. I spent the majority of my career as the Vice President of Student Affairs and Vice Provost for Academic Initiatives at the University of North Texas Health Science Center (UNTHSC). Since moving to Fort Worth in 2015, Catala said he has been rooted in community service thanks to his role as a public educator. A: I understand that it is predicted that Texas will lose about 30% of its 2010 groundwater resources by 2060 because of a lack of recharge in the Panhandle. 6637 E N Mkt-Ellwood Rd. People dont know how much you know, until they know how much you care. Politics May 16, 2022 4:59 PM EDT. That way, good candidates would have time to launch their campaigns, he said. . He was inspired to run after working for Lisa Welch, the Democrat who lost to Granger in 2020. Each candidate was sent a questionnaire seeking information about their background, education and experience, as well as their approach to certain issues. Filing in the Republican or Democratic 2022 primary. Website or page where people can find out more about your campaign: Q: How do you plan to deal with the growth the county is, and continues, to experience? Please contact us if you are a candidate and want to add a link for your website or social media attached to your name below. This facility would allow consolidation of existing facilities and departments that would meet the needs of the County for the next 40-50 years. Haley Samsel is the environmental reporter for the Fort Worth Report. Steve Penate, a church elder and founding pastor, ran for Fort Worth mayor in 2021. DeBerry threw her hat in the ring just hours before the filing deadline, making the decision to resign from the Pct. If elected, Hunt said he would prioritize increasing access to reliable transportation because of its role in helping people improve their economic status. Current Parker County Judge Pat Deen is being challenged by newcomer Thomas Moorman. It was also critical we kept our economy open. New events added to our calendar daily! I will look for and reward efficiencies while working to eliminate waste. The administration later revoked the rule following a Supreme Court decision to block the mandate in January. The republication tool generates the appropriate html code. Roughly 500,000 residents live in the precinct, which covers eastern Bexar County. *Candidates are listed in the district they are running for in the 2022 elections. Served as Project Manager on multiple Commercial Real Estate Projects, ranging from ground-up business park to dozens of tenant improvement projects. 3 county commissioner races that will be decided in the November general election, could change the makeup of the court for the next four years. A: Transportation, water, public health and safety, law enforcement funding, and our emergency response funding are all major issues that we, as residents of Parker County, care about. Occupation: Railroad Executive, but will resign when I am elected. On the Democratic ticket, social worker Priscilla Golden will face John Lira, a Marine. 3 Commissioner Trish DeBerry. For the 2022 primary on May 24 GwinnettForum asked all candidates facing opposition in Gwinnett County, and also asked all statewide candidates, to visit for 30 minutes, which qualified these visitors to answers six questions in 100 words each. Sunny. The victory is short-lived, as the two will rematch in November after uncontested primary races in March. Q: What would you bring to the office that your challengers do not? Both candidates have raised millions of dollars over the last six months and have already begun campaigning against each other. Relevant experience for this office: 30+ years, most of these years at two different counties working for Road and Bridge precincts where I have worked with budgeting, FEMA, State of Texas, TXDOT, TCEQ, DPS, sheriffs departments, game wardens, police departments, fire departments, and public utilities. Texas Scorecard Sits Down With Candidates For Attorney General, Texas Scorecard Sits Down With Candidates For Land Commissioner, www.facebook.com/parkercountyconservatives, Pol. = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey. I have experience with both running my business and also hands on project management in commercial construction and real estate development. She has risen to become one of the most powerful women in Congress, according to TCU political science professor James Riddlesperger. The director of the Nanomaterials and Thin Films Lab at Duke University, Parker said his work is driven by data, and he hopes . Parker County Candidates. These are lists of candidates who are running in this year's Texas primary elections. Analysis: After a lifetime of public service, Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff announced last year that he would not seek reelection for the countys top office. allocation of $403 million in federal funds, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, Got a story tip? Ricketts is seeking public office again after losing to Kathryn Brown for the precincts constable office in 2020. Four Democrats are hoping to succeed him, three of whom have held office before. Occupation: Parker County Precinct 4 Road and Bridge, Education/background: High School, TCOLE Jailers License. High around 75F. County Executive Leigh Bodden - Democratic Filed Regular -10/14/2021 Angela D. Alsobrooks - Democratic Filed Regular 02/09/2022 Sherman R. Hardy - Democratic Filed Regular -08/03/2021 Billy W.. I understand state budgeting and the proper allocation of state related funds. Williams . Elections were held to elect representatives from all 63 districts across the State of New York. You can only publish select stories individually not as a collection. Get more election results on our homepage and Vote 2022 page.Be the first to . County Government Departments Elections Sample Ballots Sample Ballots City of Aledo - Special Election February 7, 2023 Precincts 430 and 435 Please print sample ballot on yellow paper. There are a few locations that are currently being evaluated and will need to be repaired/completed. I am a servant leader who leads from a set of core values: Integrity, Compassion, and Excellence. Rieg is a member of Mercy Culture Church, a Fort Worth congregation established in 2019 that has become increasingly active in local politics. We are a busy and tightly knit community. I have passed a city budget, solved a water issue, and built roads for the tax payers in Willow Park. Q: What do you bring to the office that your challenger does not? As a Commissioner, I will devise and implement a plan for inspecting and maintaining safe roads in precinct 4. This office works for you; therefore, this office will have my full and undivided attention. Q: How are the roads in the precinct you hope to represent? I bring an economic philosophy that will manage, facilitate, and optimize Parker Countys anticipated population growth while maintaining our history, culture, and heritage. A third candidate teacher and organizer Tannya Judith Benavides is also running in the Democratic primary. $1.85M is the current 2022 budget for Roads/Bridges and I believe we need more to catch infrastructure up to the rapid growth. Lujan will be representing the district for his second time after a short stint in the office in 2016. Saturday, May 7, 2022 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Parker County Courthouse Annex, Annex Kitchen, 1112 Santa Fe Dr, Weatherford, Texas. Continue workingwith Brazos River Authority, Region G along with Tarrant Regional Water District to address long range water sources and solutionsfor the Western quadrant of the County. Education/background: Graduated Aledo HS in 2000, Communication Studies/Business Degree from Texas Christian University (TCU) in 2004. In particular, based on a citizen complaint, I have personally inspected a road that was purportedly resurfaced in early January 2022; however, even a week later the poor quality of the repair was obvious. This election coincided with New York elections for the governorship, U.S. Senate, and state assembly, among others. Q: Any final thoughts on why residents should vote for you? Im a more accurate representation of the ideology that the district now has.. Read more about our editorial independence policyhere. I see potential here, thats why I volunteered for Dr. Welch. I will return your phone calls in a timely manner; I will meet you at midnight if I need to. I served as a college and university administrator for three decades. Home; About Us; Events; Donate; Select Page. How long have you resided in the coverage area: almost 25 years. I never gave up hope on the merits of the project.. The schools attendance zone lies outside the boundaries of District 12, eliminating a conflict of interest, Catala said. Three and a half years of no planning, no action, and no leadership is too long. I care about the future, and our future generations of our Parker County. 4 Mike Hale Response to questionnaire Eric Contreras Response to questionnaire Justice of the Peace, Precinct No. Roy Parker and Kevin Holloway are running for Precinct Two County Commissioner and the winner will likely face Democrat Demarcus Holmes in the general election. The 2022 vetting committee consists of six members. In all that we do, earning the trust and respect of our audience is paramount. Election results are posted after 7:00 pm on Election Day - the first set of results will include early voting and absentee ballots. He is in the process of earning a second masters degree from the University of North Texas, this time in sociology. Does the Road and Bridge budget for that precinct need amending? The County Executive Committee (CEC) is composed of a County Chair and one Precinct Chair from each election precinct in the county. I am highly credentialed and certified in Law Enforcement, Public Safety, Project Management and Budgetary Processes. By focusing on light industrial enables the County to diversify the tax base and began getting the high taxes reduced. Relevant experience for this office: I have over 37 years of experience operating heavy equipment and a Class A CDL. We can and should provide equal opportunities for all . Subscribe to Fox News! Analysis: After serving in the Texas House for more than a decade, Rep. Lyle Larson (R-San Antonio) has decided not to seek reelection. Within the first 90 days in office, I will establish a commission that will provide short and long-term solutions to Parker Countys water issues. A: I am a local business owner that built my company from scratch here in Parker County. Three Superior Court judges have opposition. Ryan Catalas motivation to run against Granger in the Republican primary came from his opposition to President Joe Bidens COVID-19 vaccination mandate for large businesses. On the Democratic ticket, there is only one candidate personal trainer Angi Aramburu. I have a history of distinguished service having been recognized by organizations, institutions, and professional associations. Im the only one that knows how a city works and how a county works. You can reach them at
[email protected]. Name: Cheryl Poage. The strength is a vibrant economy with healthy sales tax revenue. As a Senior Equipment Operator for the City of Fort Worth, I have experience in building roads, parking lots, ball fields, playgrounds, waterways and structures. TribCast: How will Texas lawmakers cut property taxes? Granger voted against the $1 trillion infrastructure law that sent billions of dollars toward federal infrastructure projects. Filing in the Libertarian or Green Party 2022 Convention Process . Councilmanic District 1 Councilmanic District 2 Councilmanic District 3 Councilmanic District 4 Councilmanic District 5 Councilmanic District 6 Councilmanic District 7 State's Attorney Clerk of the Circuit Court Register of Wills Judge of the Orphans' Court Sheriff We should never tax people out of property and home ownership! County Commissioner for Precinct 2 in Parker County Jacob Holt, Commissioner Precinct 2 | Weatherford TX . You cant edit our stories, except to reflect relative changes in time, location and editorial style. Scroll within the result embeds to see all races. Make a Donation to the Parker County Democratic Party, Join/Pay Dues Parker County Active Democrats, Join/Pay Dues Parker County Texas Democratic Women, Providing education, health care, and good jobs that pay a living wage, Excellent, innovative and effective public schools for every child, Affordable education opportunities for adults, Well-built roads and bridges, with regular repairs. My wife and I purchased our first home in 1995 on West Ball Street in Weatherford, TX. by Haley Samsel, Fort Worth Report February 8, 2022, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.


, Haley Samsel is the environmental reporter for the Fort Worth Report. Overall the resurfaced roadway is substandard both in material and workmanship, and is a safety hazard and a potential liability for the county. The current need is to establish a reserve requirement enabling more funds to increase needed service levels. As soon as practicable after applications are received, the candidate's name will be listed below. A: The reason I am running for this office is to get our critical infrastructure in good order and to focus on addressing key arterial roads. I have no other obligations that would interfere or influence my position as a County Commissioner. Enable Google Translate But, we need and Office Volunteers to stay up and running. Contact herby emailor viaTwitter. A billboard for Andrew Brown Jr. is seen in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, April 11, 2022. Her opponent in the general election is already set: Trey Hunt is running unopposed for the Democratic nomination. Contact our sales team. I dont even watch the news. MEET THE CANDIDATES: Parker County Commissioner Precinct 4, Weatherford clean-up group recognized by city council, Mineral Wells 20-year planners discuss truck, p, Texas wins economic achievement award 11th cons, Weatherford Democrat 2022 Primary Election Guide, Weatherford officials confirm tornado; High winds up to 70 mph recorded, 'New' doors opening: Poston Dry Goods now Mineral Wells hub, History in the making: Gordon, Graford to square up in regional semifinal, Graford secures regional quarterfinal in dominant fashion, Brock fights off Vernon to advance to regional semifinals, Mineral Wells 20-year planners discuss truck, passenger vehicle routes, public input event planned, Rocker B Ranch youth baseball season saved, Mineral Wells native celebrates 103rd birthday. I am a graduate of Leadership Fort Worth and the Niagara Institutes Leadership Development Program. As Royal Examiner reported in late February, along with current council-appointed Town Planning Commission member Josh Ingram, political newcomer Jackson announced his November ru See you at the Conventions! https://bit.ly/2vBUvAS. I would also encourage us to be good stewards of our ground water available here in Parker County. A: Based in part on where you live, some roads get more attention than others. Click here for real-time live election results in Cleveland County, North Carolina. 4 As a FWPD (Reserve Officer, non-paid) I served the City of Ft. Worth with dedication, honor and respect. Another church leader, Nate Schatzline, is running to represent District 93 in the Texas House of Representatives. Website: poage.com. Troy Thomas Democratic Monroe County Sheriff 1/7/2022 Alan D Malone Democratic Perry County Sheriff 1/5/2022 The main reason I would encourage you to vote for me is for one simple fact. But we also have fun! Podcast host Candace Owens makes the case that President Biden is too old to effectively serve America on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.' #FoxNews #TuckerCarlsonTonight. The Commissioners need to consider water at a top priority and interact with the Texas Water Development Board and develop a long-term plan to identify the resources and actions needed to address the water issue. Qualifications required to run for office. Additionally, when immunizations became available, it was difficult for residents to schedule appointments. Getting involved in conventions is the best way to begin a political network, take advantage of volunteer opportunities and meet candidates and party officials. Calvert has held the seat since 2014, seeking a third term in office this November. Follow @heapevents on twitter. Our family has been a part of Parker Countys past and looks forward to being a part of its future. His boss is aware of his candidacy with the understanding that the campaign and Catalas job are separate, Catala added. You can read their answers by clicking on the name links below. David Ibaez has been managing editor of KSAT.com since the website's launch in October 2000. I provided leadership within the institution as the Chief Student Affairs Officer for 15 years. Getting involved in conventions is the best way to begin a political network, take advantage of volunteer opportunities and meet candidates and party officials. In addition, the Texas Water Development Board is planning for an 82% increase in water by 2060 with about 60% projected to come from people moving into the state. How long have you resided in the county:30 years, Website or page where people can find out more about your campaign:patdeen.com, re-elect pat deen for parker county judge (facebook). Q: What are your top priorities if elected? I will provide equal representation without hesitation, and ensure that this office operates after normal business hours for the convenience and safety of all citizens. Thank you. At the Fort Worth Report, news decisions are made independently of our board members and financial supporters.
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