With easy-to-follow outlines, this is an excellent resource for sermon . Anyways I love the blog and will read the rest too. I think not. Just Keeping my eyes on Jesus and his finished work. Required fields are marked *. This article may help. In Him, Dear Paul, what a blessing youre site is, I can only see the work of the Holy Spirit here and I gobble up every morsel and then. She started working at SonRise in January 2021. His Word is so rich, His wealth so vast, we can draw on it forever and never reach the end of it! Ministries. She started working at SonRise in May of 2021. He was the second child of Leslie & Elizabeth Roper Ellis. We want to state too that we are so Thankful for the Lord Jesus extending His Mercy towards us, of which we want to extend that same Attitude of Mercy towards these Preachers who mightunknowinglybe doing these wrong Practices. And if youre thinking about those scriptures on confession, read this post and check out the links at the bottom. Keith Ellis was for me, a bit like a fast food meal at an upscale restaurant. UPDATED 2017-2018 (8.5 HOURS on 2 DAYS) JUSTIN PETERS CLOUDS WITHOUT WATER II (A CALL FOR DISCERNMENT) SEMINAR DVD is a Fair Biblical Critique of the Word of Faith Prosperity gospel / Charismatic Movement & the New Apostolic Reformation. I serve two small little churches and lead worship. You can send your sympathy in the guestbook provided and share it with the family. They have three children, Justin, Heather, Eli and his wife Kim, and three grandchildren. Despite the many problems or outright deceptions of these so-called claimed visits to Heaven and Hell, the Bible tells us clearly that Heaven & Hell ARE real places where every single person that has ever lived will spend Eternity in. He is also a Senior Pastor and Founder of "Samuel School", a school of Prophetic Training, along with his wife Cheryl. Of course! Feed on the Word and drink its living water, indeed! There is NOTHING more precious than Gods grace, and it is the most important gift that we will ever receive. Keith Ellis was born in 1946. . Yes, preach the undiluted gospel of grace and pray that they will come to believe/see it. Hi Paul, Im back from the other post. Do I think we need to repent? They fail to please God and work against all humanity as they try to keep us from preaching the Good News of salvation to the Gentiles. I have written numerous articles on Joseph Prince and his books. I heard Joseph Prince say years ago that the Holy Spirit cant witness with lies only Truth: Jesus, the Word. Does Dr. Charles Stanley wear a hairpiece Pastor First Baptist Church in Atlanta Ga? There are 400+ professionals named "Keith Ellis", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. We dont have to keep asking for forgiveness over and over and over for something that Jesus ALREADY did. Church? Paul my sister is going through one tough situation after another. No matter how loud the band is or how many times the worship leader and minister say Praise the Lord or Glory to God, the absence of Holy Spirit power is palpable and leaves me, too, often feeling sad and lonely. Pastors wife a child molester in their school. This is one of the-age-old-questions but one of which followers of Christ need not be afraid. Your email address will not be published. it is true we are saved by grace but repentance is required of the sinner. I I know I have found that many are struggling with the same issues that I am and that you have also struggled with your understanding of grace. IfNOT, you are dealing with a False Prophet, and God takes False Prophecy and Adding To His Word Seriously- Deut 18:20-22, Rev 22:18-19. Welcome to the Rapture Forums. In his free time you can find Tim playing sports and spending time with His family. Jesus Only)LEROY JENKINS (WOF / Exposed as a Convicted Felon for Arson Sentence to: 12 years / Drugs & Alcohol problems) JESUS CULTURE MOVEMENT FROM BETHEL CHURCH (NAR)BILL JOHNSON Bethel Church (NAR/ Latter Rain) IAN JOHNSON (NAR/ False Signs & Wonders) BOB JONES[1930-2014] (NAR/ False Prophet) TONY JONES MANASSEH JORDAN T.B. Sept. 1, 2018. KEITH. (LogOut/ SCRIPTURE TWISTING HOW THE PROSPERITY GOSPEL TWISTS SCRIPTURE Q & A, FALSE VISITS TO HEAVEN & HELL VIDEOS, ARTICLES, AUDIOS, BY SO4J.com /SO4J-TV & VIDEO PRODUCTIONS. Where one spends Eternity, in either Heaven or Hell, is far too important a matter to be misled by: False & Unprovable Mystical experiences. Brenda Williamson. Read the latest articleto find out. Keith Butler was ordained as a minister of the gospel in 1974. Hi Paul. Souls are truly at stake. This TV Show is SHOW 6 OF 7 shows in a series called: Truth & Transformation. She is a Christian but maintains that God is sovereign so if he doesnt stop some bad thing then he allows it, so hes responsible. I write so that you may know that there is no bad news in the good news, and that life without Jesus is like a frame without a picture. Got something to say? They discuss some of the misconceptions of Cessationism, especially as it relates to the miraculous Gift of Healing. Extraordinary blessings are following this word! I have attempted to explain the goodness of God and that God does punish us. Charismatic Christian Center is a non-denominational full gospel church. Thank you for your blog. Pure water mixed with even a little Poison will kill you (Gal 5:9). Pastor Keith Ellis See our full Pastor's Resource Library Browse > Pastor Keith Ellis by The Joyner (Fort Davis) I just wanted to let you know how much my family appreciate everything that you do for the church every day. Judging Others Should Christians Judge? Thanks. 2003-2023 SO4J | All rights reserved. Hallelujah. LUKEWARM CHRISTIAN WHAT IS A LUKEWARM CHRISTIAN? Thanks VERY much for this blog!! I suggest you start with this post and then read this one and then check out this graphic. Greater Grace Temple of the Apostolic Faith Garden. He founded and is Pastor of Word of Faith International Christian Center in 1979. Pastor Howard Quillen Teacher & Pastor . This LAST SHOW in this series ends with the true Gospel of Jesus Christ as shared from Costi Hinn. this is how god expects us after he brings us into his kingdom of light out of the kingdom of darkness. He is most passionate about preaching and teaching Gods word. We too have a passion to see people free from the spirit of religion, condemnation and sin consciousness. I really want to understand why some people are putting emphasis on baptism. The teachings of JP have reassured me of this fact and also brought back the fullness, freedom and joy I had when I first recommitted my life to Christ. 11 BIBLICAL TESTS OF GENUINE SALVATION BY JOHN MACARTHUR, JUSTIN PETERS CLOUDS WITHOUT WATER II (A CALL FOR DISCERNMENT) SEMINAR DVD. Keith was born and raised in West Orange, New Jersey. Let what you say be simply Yes or No; anything more than this comes from evil. Regards from our family to yours. Daryl was born in Crisfield, MD but has lived in Berlin for most of his life. Consequently, your point of view is very helpful to me and I want to thank you for all the efforts you have made in publishing a biblical view from the starting point of Gods grace. Like so many others, I lost a sense of Gods grace. The author's desire is to get back to Bible basics. Pastoral Leadership Dr. Dock Hollingsworth Senior Pastor dhollingsworth@spdl.org 404.591.4344 Rev. Joseph Prince and Wommack are great, but there is a lot in your site so take a bow.Lastly PAUL, when the Bible talks about the heart of man, I know it is not about the heart that pumps blood. READ HERE:Judging Others Should Christians Judge? I confess my sins to God and my biological brother. Some of his favorite hobbies include cooking, woodworking, and spending time with his wife and kids. If you would like to support mywork, read this. SHOW 2 of 7: CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT: DEFINING KEY TERMS Justin Peters & Costi Hinn (Benny Hinns Nephew who LEFT the Prosperity Gospel) talk about the Key Terms/Definitions of the Word of Faith Prosperity Gospel & the mystical New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). I dont believe in the outer darkness view simply because Jesus says we will forever be with Him after the rapture, so we will all be coming back to earth with Him to reign for 1000 years. i am praying you have. The beautiful truths concerning our loving God and how He sees us were made known to us by the Holy Spirit after leaving mainstream Christianity and living outside the camp. I see sin differently and am full of compassion on those who participate with it in any form, knowing how much they are loved by their Heavenly Father. (LogOut/ I am part of a small fellowship that believes in the Grace of God and the finished work of Jesus on the cross. I have written more posts on this scripture than any other. Im not sure you can feel with your spirit but then theres a lot about the spirit we dont understand. Hi Paul, She is a professional photographer and is most passionate about capturing the events at SonRise. I found you looking for stuff about our sinful nature, or lack of it. By. Part of that Deut 13:1-18 Test is: Will you simply Trust & Obey Gods Word, or will you walk in a way that blindly Trusts & Follows people whoclaim to be Christians(Matt 7:21-23), those claiming to have aSpecial Revelation or Word from Godfor you or others (but their Beliefs are not in line with Gods Word); or Prophecies (that dont come true); Visions (that dont line up with Gods Word 100%); Hearing the Audible Voice of Jesus (but what they actually Believe does not line up with Gods Word); People who claim theyve Seen & Been with Jesus or claim to have been to Heaven or Hell (but the story doesnt match up with Gods Word 100%). Soon it will be daylight! I have a certain friend who is convinced that she has not been sanctified, that even though we are saved and wont go to hell, God still wants us to follow the law so that we can sanctify ourselves. Mark Kielar Part 1, MORE VIDEOS:Video: Doctrine: Good Doctrine vs Bad Doctrine Mark Kielar CrossTV.com PLAYLIST. Keith Maurice Ellison (born August 4, 1963) is an American politician and lawyer serving as the 30th attorney general of Minnesota.A member of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (DFL), Ellison was the U.S. representative for Minnesota's 5th congressional district from 2007 to 2019. Dr. McDaniel's ministry distinctively promotes reconciliation and redemption in such a way that lives are transformed by the power and mercy found in God's word. Dr. Keith and Cheryl Ellis, and his wife Kim. God bless! A passionate preacher and teacher of the gospel, He currently serves as the pastor of the 1,500-member Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church located in Spartanburg, SC. Some of her favorite hobbies include baking and cooking. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Follow Ellis Ministries Blog on WordPress.com. Now doing trans local stuff so we have recently built our web site. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Once He has that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. I just found your website researching some 1 John 1:9. You might say our spirit is that part of us that accesses the spirit realm but Jesus said were to love God with our hearts. (Video: Reuters) Gift Article Keith Ellis (and Charismatic Christian Center in Monroe, Georgia. My biggest frustration is finding a local church that teaches Grace. Carl is originally from Aberdeen, Maryland and started working at SonRise in 2016. JAKES(WOF / Modalism: Denies the Trinity / Cult: Oneness Pentecostal i.e. As a pastor and a professor, I worked six days a week and preached on Sundays. THANK YOU so much for taking time to share your heart and the true Gospel through your blog! I recently met someone and He is insisting that baptism is a requirement for salvation. However, beside the Meth I also lived out a life of sexual addiction. They have three children, Justin, Heather, Eli and his wife Kim, and three grandchildren. Video: Justin Peters: Exposing the Prosperity Gospel SO4J-TV, Videos: Charismatic Chaos By John MacArthur PLAYLIST (9 Videos), Video: Doctrine: Good Doctrine vs Bad Doctrine Mark Kielar CrossTV.com PLAYLIST. All rights reserved. Cremation will follow. Other occupants: Jason K Ellis. Dear Paul, Could your site be Free? Why do I write? I found it via Facebook. Definitely a case of writing out of the overflow! I have been learning about Grace from Andrew Womack, Joseph Prince & Gregory Dickow. He was a 1974 Gilbert High School Alumni. Theres justenoughTRUTHin whatFALSE TEACHERSsay tocome acrossas being Credible & Biblical. Hi Paul Predeceased by her father, Lewis Symonette Thought youd like to know.give and it shall be given comes to mind. Good to meet you and thanks for the feedback. Whenever you turn to Jesus youll inevitably turn from sin. My son found your site when he googled after hearing his dad make a comment on a verse from a song being sang at a memorial service. repentance may not mean what you think it means, the emphasis on turning from sin is misguided, Six Reasons Why Original Sin Cannot be True. I hope to be able to share with you in the future as I consider the things you have put forward. Keith was born and raised in West Orange, New Jersey. The quality was good and it tasted great, but it left one wanting something a bit more satisfying. Thank you so much, Education. sort by * Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. )PAULA WHITE(WOF) TODD WHITE(NAR/ False Prophets / Bethel Church / False Signs & Wonders)BRUCE WILKINSON Issue 72 DALLAS WILLARD [1935-2013] (Mysticism) JOHN WIMBER(NAR) False Prophet)OPRAH WINFREY/Issue 114(New Age)ANDREW WOMMACK(WOF)ED YOUNG JR. (WOF / Pragmatism) SHEILA WALSH (WOF) JEREMIAH WRIGHT (Liberation Theology Also known as a race-baiter like Al Sharpton as well as being known as being President Barack Obamas Pastor. When people ask I dont know how to answer that. What Happens to Unbaptized Infants Who Die? Regards I am learning every day too. In ministry she loves seeing how meeting Jesus changes the lives of people time and time again! Admit I am mulling over my understanding of unconditional forgiveness particularly forgiving myself. Pastor Martin Eli Ellis and his wife Kim Ellis are dedicated to, preaching the good news of Jesus Christ to their community, Dr. Keith and Pastor Cheryl Ellis are the founders of. I like most people was taught in order for God to forgive your sins AFTER you accept Jesus as your lord and savior.. you STILL have to confess everytime you sin. Dr. Ellis has meticulously served the Church of God In Christ, Inc. in many offices and on many levels. ) WILLIAM PAUL YOUNG(Author of The Shack/ He promotes Universalism)SARAH YOUNG JESUS CALLING BOOK Issue: 125 Mysticism, Extra-Biblical) ZIG ZIGLAR [1926-2012] (Positive Confessions, Self-Esteem, etc), Video: Biblical Discernment in the Last Days Mike Gendron. If you could elaborate, that would be great. What are your thoughts about the teachings of Joseph Prince? He is Founder of "Samuel School", a school of Prophetic Training. BY JOHN MACARTHUR, WRONGLY LABELING TRUE BELIEVERS AS FALSE TEACHERS, FALSE TEACHINGS IN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH MANY ARTICLES, CULTS SUMMED UP INFO ON CULTS ARTICLES & VIDEOS, CATHOLIC HERESY LIST FALSE TEACHERS CATHOLICISM, EXPOSING WORD OF FAITH PROSPERITY GOSPEL. Every illusion and lie of Satan has been shattered. Any tips? She is most passionate about loving others the way that Jesus does. Dr. Keith Ellis is a Prophet, Seer, Evangelist, and Author. Copyright Policy Keith Ellis @ElderKeithEllis 526 subscribers Subscribe Video Sermons Home Videos Playlists Community Channels About Recently uploaded Popular 27:44 Why Stand Ye Gazing Up Into Heaven 160 views. She is most passionate about making God known, meeting practical needs, and seizing every opportunity to share the love of Jesus. Very diappointed with my life. These days I spend most of my time curating the Grace Commentary, unpacking words for the Grace Glossary, and occasionally releasing installments of The Grace Bible. They have three children, Justin, Heather, Eli and his wife Kim, and three grandchildren. She was surrounded by people who love and respect her. I love your blog because it is so encouraging and uplifting. PS 5:12 Thank you for taking time to write. He also served as the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee from 2017 to 2018 and a member of the . Can you Trust ChatGPT to Teach You about Grace? She started working part time in January of 2017 in preparation for opening Open Hand Thrift on April 1st 2017. JOSHUA RICK JOYNER Issue 71 / (NAR / False Visits To Heaven & Hell) JOHN P. KELLY(NAR/ False Prophet) MORTON KELSEY Issue: 83&Issue: 112 (Mysticism) E.W. I too was leading a church (in the midlands in the UK) up until 2 years ago. Words are vehicles and we are instruments of the corruption of sin or of Gods glory. (RNS) Bishop J. Delano Ellis II, a Black church official who started Pentecostal organizations and emphasized ecumenism, died over the weekend. May the Lord Bless You, Strengthen You, and Give you (us too) Great Discernment as Cling to JESUS & Trust in Gods Word in an age of Apostasy & Deception (Matt 24:11, 2 Tim 4:3-4). God bless you and keep blogging. "From what I was told, she (pastor's wife) told the congregation what he had done. You are using an out of date browser. I came across this link from a complimentary comment Paul wrote about J Prince. Like many others, the churches I have attended preached a mixture of Law and Grace but the true gospel has been revealed and unveiled to me more and more and in the recent months, I felt like I have been led into the inner sanctum of this grace. Sorry, no records were found. I am so glad men ( I generally believe so) are so not religious because we found your site because of that observation !!! I am from Christchurch, NZ, so very surprised when I read you are a Cantabrian! The Info on this False Teachers page is not intended to be a Personal Attack on any one Person, or their Ministries. Everything here is free. Table of Contents Foreword Sid Roth 11 See our full Pastor's Resource Library Browse >, I just wanted to let you know how much my family appreciate everything that you do for the church every day. This video is a WARNING to ALL to RUN from these dangerous False Extra-Biblical Visions & False Teachers to the True Gospel of Repentance & Faith in Jesus Christ (Mark 1:15). Does that mean we dont worship Him with our heart? Thank God that things are changing: the light is dawning on our hearts, one by one, more and more. Navigated to your site this morning, thank God! Its sad that I only just heard this a little while ago, and Ive been a Christian for a long time. Hi Paul. (Signing up is also free.). LIST Click on these LINKS below to VIEW the INFO & VIDEOS as well of each particular False Teacher. Readers will be amazed at how clear the Bible presents God's pattern for husbands and wives. We have four amazingkids. Ive lived in Asia and California and I now live in Auckland. JUDGING OTHERS SHOULD CHRISTIANS JUDGE? David Gary Ellis, 66, of Gilbert, died Saturday, Feb. 25, 2023. 4 Oct 1935. Over twenty-five years ago, he along with his wife and four children, started the process of turning 119 Chapel Street into a light on a hill in the city of Clarksville. We are committed to spreading the gospel around the world for Jesus Christ. E2R went live on 5 February, 2010. Thanks for givings saints with what they are looking for too: grace! I hope it helps. Very few times, if ever, have we heard this message in a normal church service, but praying that this revelation of our LIFE IN OUR SAVIOR will sweep through the people of God!Having lived most of my life striving to live the Christian life, the wonderful Gospel thrills me more and more! Regarding the Grace Pack, see this. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Hi David, it sounds like the Holy Spirits doing something wonderful in your life! Justin Peters & Costi Hinn discuss these Issues as well as Costi Hinn also ANSWERS some of the CRITICISMS he has received since he LEFT the Prosperity Gospel and his Uncle Benny Hinns ministry. The message of grace, bring hope and live in me. About Dr. Paul Ellis As a pastor and a professor, I worked six days a week and preached on Sundays. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Part 1 of 4 John MacArthur, Video: The Devilish Pupper Master of the Word-Faith Movement Justin Peters Strange Fire Conference Part 1, Video: Spiritual Shipwreck of the Word-Faith Movement Justin Peters Strange Fire Conference Part 2, Video: Charismatic Chaos By John MacArthur Part 1, MORE VIDEOS:Videos: Charismatic Chaos By John MacArthur PLAYLIST (9 Videos). I have been stuck for so long. Really am enjoying all of your writings and the coversation strings. My books on grace have been published in a dozen languages and won awards. WHY IS THE WORD OF FAITH PROSPERITY GOSPEL SO UNBIBLICAL? 50 FACTS & 50 SCRIPTURES ABOUT JESUS CHRIST, LUKEWARM CHRISTIAN TEST EXAMINE YOURSELF, TOP 10 WAYS THAT UNSAVED PEOPLE THINK THEYRE SAVED, LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS ADVICE FOR FALSE CONVERTS. If you want to translate my books, read this. Keith Ellis is no stranger to working with children, especially those with special needs. The More Truth that is mixed with Error, the Greater the Deception. Thank you for sharing. Exactly what I said to the guy. Nice to have found yr site anyway, and look forward to more interesting articles. He was an avid athlete in high school with basketball and football. Clouds Without Water DVD Produced by Justin Peters & SO4J-TV, VIDEO: FALSE TEACHERS EXPOSED: Word Of Faith / Prosperity Gospel Justin Peters / SO4J-TV, Video Playlist: Costi Hinn & Justin Peters | SO4J-TV | Truth & Transformation Series, SHOW 1 of 7: COSTI HINNS TESTIMONY & JUSTIN PETERS: DIVIDING FROM DECEPTION: SHOW 1 | SO4J-TV Justin Peters interviews Costi Hinn (Benny Hinns Nephewabout his Testimony on how he LEFT the: Word of Faith Prosperity Gospel & New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) AND they talk about the Sovereign Grace of God in his life of how the Lord mercifully opened Costi Hinns eyes (and his wifes eyes) to the True Gospel of Repentance & Faith in Jesus Christ. Pastors Eli & Kim Ellis are our Associate Pastors at CCC. Hi Paul. Her favorite hobbies are boating with her family, crafts, and being in bed by 10pm. I agree with that. My question is this,for 14 years of being a recovery meth addict of 23 yrs, I thought I had given my life to Jesus. Hi Brenda, thanks for your comment. For 2 years now, the Lord has been opening our eyes to see how religious the church as we know it has become and He has been teaching us about His love and it has been exciting as well as lonely at times because we cant find too many who could understand what we are seeing that sometimes I couldnt help wondering if were off the truth. Your email address will not be published. A practical study on Marriage and the Home from the King James Bible. I do but theres not much on it. This study is designed to be simple, yet foundational. Its so encouraging to hear that Im not the only one who notices when lyrics in some Christian songs are not true/based on the Bible, the living Word of God. NAR = New Apostolic Reformation / WOF = Word of Faith Prosperity Gospel, JUSTIN ABRAHAM (New Age Mystic /(NAR/ Occult)ENOCH ADEBOYE(Extra-Biblical, Mysticism, False Prophet, Faulty Biblical Exegesis) CHEE AHN (NAR/ False Prophet / Signs & Wonders)A.A. ALLEN NEIL T. ANDERSON Issue 21 CAROL ARNOTT (NAR/ False Prophets) JOHN ARNOTT(NAR/ False Prophets) JOHN AVANZINI(WOF) DIONNY BAEZ(NAR / Bethel / False Prophet) HEIDI BAKER(NAR/ Bethel / False Prophet) JIM BAKKER (NAR / False Prophet) GEORGIAN BANOV(NAR/ False Prophet) WINNIE BANOV(NAR/ False Prophet) ROB BELL(SeeIssues 104a & 104bEmergent Church / Heretic / Universalist / No Hell) PAUL BEGLEY (False Prophet / False Prophecies)TODD BENTLEY(NAR / LATTER RAIN) MIKE BICKLE Issue: 107(False Prophet / (NAR)/Gnosticism / Contemplative Prayer) REINHARD BONNKE (WOF / Decision theology / Signs & Wonders)GREG BOYD Issue: 83(Open Theist, Mysticism) WILLIAM BRANHAM [1909-1966] (NAR/ denied the trinity / False Prophet) RODNEY HOWARD BROWNE(WOF / Holy Laughter / NAR) JUANITA BYNUM (WOF / False Prophet) JONATHAN CAHN Issue: 129(Mysticism / Extra-Biblical / False Prophet) PAUL CAIN(NAR/ False Prophet /exposed as a homosexual & alcoholic) STACY CAMPBELL (False Prophet) WESLEY CAMPBELL (False Prophet) HAROLD CAMPING TONY CAMPOLO CHARLES CAPPS (WOF) BRIAN CARN (WOF / False Prophet) MORRIS CERULLO(WOF /NAR/ False Prophet)MARK CHIRONNA ((NAR/ False Prophet) DAVID YONGGI CHO (WOF / Found Guilty of Tax Evasion & Sentenced to Jail & Fined 5 million / Pastor of the world largest church) DEEPAK CHOPRA RANDY CLARK(NAR) IAN CLAYTON(New Age Mystic /Occult Practices / Son of ThunderNAR) KIM CLEMENT[1956-2016] (NAR/ False Prophet /WOF) GERALD COATES GRAHAM COOKETODD COONTZ (WOF) KENNETH & GLORIA COPELAND(WOF / False Prophet)PAUL CROUCH [1934-2014] & JAN CROUCH [1938-2016] (WOF)JOHN CROWDER(NAR/ Latter Rain) PAUL CUNNINGHAMCREFLO & TAFFY DOLLAR(WOF)JOHN ALEXANDER DOWIE (WOF / False Prophet / False ApostleCLARE du BOIS (Extra-Biblical, Mysticism, False Prophet, Faulty Biblical Exegesis)EZEKIEL du BOIS (Extra-Biblical, Mysticism, False Prophet, Faulty Biblical Exegesis)JESSE DUPLANTIS(WOF / False Visits To Heaven) JOHN ECKARDT(NAR/ False Prophet) GENE EDWARDS LOU ENGLE (NAR/ False Prophet) CHARLES FINNEY RICHARD FOSTER Issue: 112(Mysticism)POPE FRANCIS (Unbiblical Catholicism) Francis Frangipane (NAR/ False Prophet)STEVEN FURTICK(WOF / Pragmatism) W.V.
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