Option 1 +4 physical perfection, whenever the wearer makes an attack roll to confirm a critical hit, it automatically succeeds. Option 1 +2, +2 scared bonus to fortitude saving throws. Choosing this just levels you with the partially completed item, but the enchant option in crusade mode just shows up in red as if you dont have the item. Please see the. Option 2 +3, mithral, whenever the enemy confirms a critical hit against the wielder of this shield every enemy in a 30 feet area must pass a fortitude saving throw (DC 20) or become blinded for 1d4 rounds and suffer 4d6 positve energy damage. Option 1 This rod grants you the ability to modify up to 6 spells per day so that in addition to their main effect they affect the target with a dominate person spell. The relic of Baphomet's fire have been fixed with the gloves. You have total concealment against the outsider under this effect. When the number of scorches reaches 3, they begin to glow, granting anyone a +2 bonus to attack against such creatures. On a critical hit it hits so hard that enemy would need to pass a fortitude saving throw (DC 20) each time it tries to attack, or become unable to attack for one round. Option 2 Whenever the wearer of this shirt kills an enemy with a fire spell, they gain immunity to ability score damage and their mental ability scores are increased by +6 for 3 rounds. Option 1 This rod grants you the ability to modify up to 6 spells per day so that in addition to their main effect they affect the target with a dominate person spell. If it lands a hit on an enemy wielding a weapon, the enemy should pass the same saving throw but suffer -2 penalty to attack for one round. Multiple applications of this effect dont stack. Option 2 This rod grants you the ability to modify up to 6 spells per day so that the energy type of the damage they deal changes to unholy. This young woman has forged her faith from . While activated, all enemies in a 10 feet area around the owner must pass a will saving throw (DC 36) or suffer a -5 penalty on saving throws against mind-affecting spells, -2 penalty on saving throws against enchantment school spells, and become vulnerable to sonic damage for 5 rounds. The effects of multiple applications of this ability do not stack. Opening Information You become immune to fire damage, but gain weakness to cold and holy damage. Option 2 +2 enhancement bonus to charisma. If the affected creature failed a save, any creature that is adjacent to it suffers half of the damage. Whenever this weapon confirms a critical hit against an outsider, the outsider has to pass a fortitude saving throw (DC 25) or suffer the plane distortion effect, for 1d4 rounds. Option 1 +2 enhancement bonus to wisdom, summoned elementals gain 50 additional hitpoints. At the start of every combat, all enemies in a 50 feet range around the wearer must pass a will saving throw (DC 32) or become confused for 2 rounds. When this effect ends, the first attack the wearer makes suffers -4 penalty to attack and damage roll, as well as caster level checks to overcome spell resistance (if needed). A successful fortitude saving throw (DC 36) halves the damage. Is it possible to add the names of the completed items to the list? Option 2 +5, made of crystals and be worn by a druid. You become immune to fire damage, but gain weakness to cold and holy damage. Though the enemy becomes immune to bleeding, they suffer -2 penalty to reflex saving throws. Option 1 Whenever the wielder confirms a critical hit with any bow, the enemy starts losing mind, thus suffering -1 damage to intelligence, wisdom, or charisma. The affected creature suffers 1d4 unholy damage for each scorch. Option 1 +3, extra 1d10 holy damage on critical hit, 2d10 is x3 multiplier, 3d10 if x4 multplier. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is the latest creation of Owlcat Games and an indirect sequel to the studio's previous work, Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Bardiche/Heavy Pick (both options come with same enchantments), Club/Flail (same affects across both weapons), Mask (These take up the helmet slot rather than the eye slot, despite it being a mask. Option 2 +5, made of crystals and be worn by a druid. You can find them throughout the game by completing different quests,. While in this state you share an unbreakable bond, while under this effect all members get an additional attack of opportunity per round. Option 1 +4, -2 to attack rolls and constitution, electricty resistance 30. If the bearer of this mark tries to attack the owner of the weapon, it must pass a will saving throw (DC 29) or suffer -3 penalty on attack rolls and -8 penalty on damage rolls for 2 rounds. This web also deals 1d6+3 bludgeoning damage each round. While activated, all enemies in a 10 feet area around the owner must pass a will saving throw (DC 36) or suffer a -5 penalty on saving throws against mind-affecting spells, -2 penalty on saving throws against enchantment school spells, and become vulnerable to sonic damage for 5 rounds. Whenever this weapon confirms a critical hit against an outsider, the outsider has to pass a fortitude saving throw (DC 25) or suffer the plane distortion effect, for 1d4 rounds. In addition, all wearers allies deal additional 3d6 fire damage on successful attacks with weapons for 1 round. Each round it tries to pass a will saving throw (DC 20) against the effect, if the save was successful the damage is halved. A successful saving throw negates the blindness and halves the damage. Option 2 These glasses are made of very thick crystal. If you kill using this weapon, you become immune to all eyesight effects for 1d4 rounds. Option 2 +2, ghost touch, whenever this scythe misses a hit it tears the enemys soul a bit, dealing 1d12 negative energy damage. Option 1 Whenever the wielder of this ammuntion lands a first hit against a new enemy, the enemy must pass a will saving throw (DC 32) or suffer 2d4 ability damage to intelligence (doesnt affect creatures with intelligence lower than 3) and become confused for 3 rounds. Instead it deals (1d6 + 1 per two caster levels) points of damage. The enemy starts doubting that violence is the answer and thus will suffer -1d4 penalty on attack rolls for one round. Option 1 +2, Radiant, whenever you confirm a critical hit you absorb part of magical essence, dispelling one random spell up to 5th level on the target. Whenever you use shield bash, the enemy has to pass a fortitude saving throw (DC 20) or become vulnerable to cold damage, taking 50% more damage than usual until the end of battle. Option 1 Whenever the wearer is fighting defensively and lands a first attack in this condition, the enemy is pushed 10 feet away and is knocked prone for 1 round. Bladeguard: Buckler Option 2 +3, speed, whenever the wielder lands a hit with this sai on a summoned creature, it deals additional 1d12 piercing damage. When you return (after the Ivory Sanctum), the witch will gloat they've taken Kyado prisoner but Kyado will break free and kill the witch in a cutscene right after, while weaing Delamere's treasures. Once per day you can charge both weapons in your hands with this flame for 10 minutes. A creature with ferocity remains conscious and can continue fighting even if its hit point total is below 0. Option 1 +3, adamantite, grants +2 additional daily uses of lay on hands, fervor, and channel energy class abilities, if you possess them (applied after rest). All enemies in a 50 feet cone must pass a will saving throw (DC 32) or suffer 2d4 ability damage to intelligence (doesnt affect creatures with intelligence lower than 3) and become confused for 1d4 rounds. All the wearers bardic performance and raging songs (if they have the corresponding class abilities) last for 10 more rounds per day. Option 1 +2 enhancement bonus to wisdom, summoned elementals gain 50 additional hitpoints. The amulet also increases the DC of spells with sonic descriptor you cast by 2. Option 2 +4 physical perfection, whenever the wearer kills an enemy who had full health with a single hit, all enemies in a 30 feet radius become staggered for 1 round. If they suffer any electrical damage, the armor becomes infused with electricity: for the next round, the wearers attacks deal additional 1d12 electric damage, and the spells with the electric descriptor they cast become quickened, as though using the Quicken spell feat. Option 1 +2, wielder does +1 bonus damage per dice rolledfor spells with cold descriptor. It also has to pass a fortitude saving throw (DC 19) or all bludgeoning damage it receives will be multiplied by 1.5 until the end of combat. If On A Winters Night, Four Travelers 100% Secret Achievements Guide, DELTARUNE How to Solve GIASFELFEBREHBER, After writing down the possibilities, i figured out the answer to the Blue Glyph puzzle at the Core Of The Riddle. Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Seelah Quest Guide. If you successfully land an attack of opportunity, the enemy must pass a fortitude saving throw (DC 17) or become paralysed for one round. All Traits in Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous. Option 1 +2, this shortspear absorbs water from the target on each hit. If you successfully land an attack of opportunity, the enemy must pass a fortitude saving throw (DC 17) or become paralysed for one round. Some of the act 3 relics can be obtained in act 2, but cannot be restored until act 3. Option 2 +2, 20 sonic resistence, +2 bonus on saving throws against sound based effects, if someone attacks with sonic damage, the wielder has to make a reflex saving throw (DC 19) for sonic damage to echo from this shield, dealing all enemies in a 10 feet area 3d6 sonic damage. You become immune to fire damage, but gain weakness to cold and holy damage. These spiders eat through the flesh dealing 1d6 damage per two wielders levels. Handaxe/Battle Axe/Great Axe (same effects across all three weapons). Each time you cast a spell on an enemy, it must pass a reflex saving throw (DC 20) or be entangled in a web for 1d4 rounds, trying to break free each round. Proving capable in Kenabres, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous heroes will be given command of the Crusade Army. This effect lasts 1d3 rounds. Creatures who fail the saving throw against it become dazed for 2 rounds instead of 1 round. If you have the Trickster mythic path, have him initiate you into the faith to receive Crypt Key (if you don't, he dies after you leave, meaning you lose him as a vendor). Option 1 +3, whenever the wielder casts a breath of life spell on an ally, the chosen ally gets +2 bonus to AC, attack, and damage for 1 round. Option 1 Whenever you cast a grease spell, all creatures within the affected area must pass a reflex saving throw or suffer 5d6 acid damage. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. Content For This Game Browse all (11) Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Season Pass 2. Manually download the mod archive (.zip), and install it through UMM. Act 3 - First Retriever - Padded Armor/Shirt. If you are hit, this bonus resets. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. If one of the party members falls unconscious, a giant spider is summoned to fight alongside you for 3 rounds. Option 2 +4, uses intelligence modifier as a damage bonus, you also use your intelligence bonus for attacks instead of strength. While in this state you share an unbreakable bond, while under this effect all members get an additional attack of opportunity per round. Such mark can only be on 1 target at a time. If the affected creature failed a save, any creature that is adjacent to it suffers half of the damage. Option 1 +2 enhancement bonus to wisdom, summoned elementals gain 50 additional hitpoints. If you are hit, this bonus resets. Option 1 +3, allows wearer 3 times a day to raise a deceased ally for 2d3 rounds. Option 1 Whenever the wearer of this ring deals sneak attack damage for the first time in a fight against an enemy, that enemy becomes filled with paranoia. Crusade Gained Items. If a marked creature dies, a will-o-wisp (CR 8) appears for 10 minutes or until a new will-o-wisp will be created, this will-o-wisp will try to heal and support your characters. Option 3 +2, whenever the wielder of this weapon is paralysed, staggered, stunned, petrified, or entangled, they suffer the weapons damage and immediately remove such an effect. We will tell you about all the mythical tasks in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous . N/A. Likewise, some of the act 5 relics can be obtained in act 4, but cannot be restored until act 5. Option 1 +3, whenever the wielder casts a breath of life spell on an ally, the chosen ally gets +2 bonus to AC, attack, and damage for 1 round. Option 1 +3, adamantite, grants +2 additional daily uses of lay on hands, fervor, and channel energy class abilities, if you possess them (applied after rest). Likewise, some of the act 5 relics can be obtained in act 4, but cannot be restored until act 5. The modified spell also becomes maximized as though using the maximize spell feat. If they suffer any electrical damage, the armor becomes infused with electricity: for the next round, the wearers attacks deal additional 1d12 electric damage, and the spells with the electric descriptor they cast become quickened, as though using the Quicken spell feat. To obtain it I had to add the relic to my inventory through toybox. 2 Item Locations. You'll find this temple slightly west of Drezen. Option 1 +6 enhancement bonus to charisma and intelligence. Option 3 +2, whenever the wielder of this weapon is paralysed, staggered, stunned, petrified, or entangled, they suffer the weapons damage and immediately remove such an effect. Once per day you can charge both weapons in your hands with this flame for 10 minutes. They also gain a +2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls against this target. Option 2 +3, +2 morale bonus to dexterity. Option 2 +3, radiant. A successful saving throw negates the blindness and halves the damage. 6250gp,+3, Adamantine,On kill summon demon 1x per fight. Option 2 You bound a part of your soul to the ring. Maddening Gaze: As a swift action, you can look in a certain direction. (This one currently shows up as null when moused over in crusade mode.). If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition. This is a guide to all of the restored relics in crusade mode, and what gear you can get from it. (This one currently shows up as null when moused over in crusade mode.). If a marked creature dies, a will-o-wisp (CR 8) appears for 10 minutes or until a new will-o-wisp will be created, this will-o-wisp will try to heal and support your characters. Option 2 Whenever the wearer of these gloves lands a sneak attack against an enemy, the enemy becomes vulnerable to fire for 1 round and suffers additional 2d6 fire damage. These spiders eat through the flesh dealing 1d6 damage per two wielders levels. All critical hits against this creature deal additional 3d6 piercing damage. If you kill using this weapon, you become immune to all eyesight effects for 1d4 rounds. Option 3 Whenever the wearer polymorphs into any creature, they get a +4 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls made with limbs. They also gain a +10 competence bonus on lore (nature)skill checks. Option 1 Whenever the wielder confirms a critical hit with any bow, the enemy starts losing mind, thus suffering -1 damage to intelligence, wisdom, or charisma. . Padded Armor - Option 1 - +4, -2 to attack rolls and constitution, electricty resistance 30. Three times per day you can try to dominate outsiders, this creature has to pass a will saving throw (DC 22) or will be under the dominating effect till the end of the fight. Option 3 +2 enhancement bonus to intelligence. The amulet also increases the DC of spells with sonic descriptor you cast by 2. The image is below. Bardiche/Sling Staff/Trident (Same effects across all three weapons) . A successful fortitude saving throw (DC 36) halves the damage. Option 2 These glasses are made of very thick crystal. Option 2 +3, mithral, whenever the enemy confirms a critical hit against the wielder of this shield every enemy in a 30 feet area must pass a fortitude saving throw (DC 20) or become blinded for 1d4 rounds and suffer 4d6 positve energy damage. Option 3 +5, axiomatic, whenever the wielder lands a hit against a new enemy, it marks it with Obedience. While activated, all enemies in a 10 feet area around the owner must pass a will saving throw (DC 36) or suffer a -5 penalty on saving throws against mind-affecting spells, -2 penalty on saving throws against enchantment school spells, and become vulnerable to sonic damage for 5 rounds.
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