June 1979: 23. Yeah, Roxas changes alignments a lot. Ergo, he is either this or Chaotic Neutral. Sometimes portrayed as this, being not at all interested in the affairs of Man's World and being totally content to just keep to themselves. Neutral good can be a dangerous alignment when it advances . Initially pretty submissive and subservient to first Darth Nihilus and then the player. After the finale it can be seen that he keeps the same personality, but behaves in a much friendlier manner. He comes out of retirement every so often to face an unambiguous crisis, but beyond that he prefers to keep to himself. Neeshka is listed as True Neutral, but acts like archetypal. Like MJ Gwen's pretty unambitious in her goals and is generally content to just go with the flow. A wandering Samurai who just goes wherever the action is, not caring who his opponent happens to be or what their moral alignment is. Rock, as of El Baile de los Muertos, has become this. True Neutral character types include: Those who have an Above Good and Evil mentality. We've got the definition nailed down. One of the nine alignments from the best-known Character Alignment system. Characters that fit this description: Sherlock Holmes, "The Driver" (Ryan Gosling's character in Drive), M (James Bond) Chaotic Neutral This character type is commonly known as "The Free . Kepachi is a warrior who lives for the thrill of battle. Betraying an ally or friend, unless life is in danger. Subtle mind control and multiple personalities are involved. Also Wan Shi Tong from the great Library. Thanks! While he certainly has his heroic moments by and large C-3PO is very neurotic and not at all interested in involving himself in dangerous and chaotic conflicts. The true neutral character would be willing to sacrifice his goals for others whereas Neutral Evil would view that as an unreasonable expectation. These girls are happiest when living peaceful and sensible lives, and getting . Which is the best? I find it incredibly helpful to look at some iconic examples from pop culture. Despair is neutral (if not very pleasant for others) as she only cares about her work and hoping the family will be nice (although she is easily swayed by Desire). If someone treats a neutral evil character well, they can only expect good treatment from that character as long as the current relationship offers the best advantage to him. Source of the page quote, though having said that he ultimately makes the transition to Neutral Good after seeing what Saruman has done and finally deciding to take action. If someone treats a true neutral character well, they can expect that character to treat them well. True Neutral: Characters who don't fall into either extreme. Captain Perry appears to care the press more than the investigation of the Origami Killer. They could be described as morally bland. Blindlord 3 yr. ago. They may behave in a good manner to those that they consider friends and allies, but will only act maliciously against those who have tried to injure them in some way. But it's not because they're malevolent: rather they are again animals trying to preserve themselves, and are largely incapable of telling right from wrong, at least in the original movies. Let's take a look at one of these alignments:chaotic neutral. True neutral characters follow a morality of reciprocity. If this happens, she'll be of the "Don't bother me and I won't bother you" variety. If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Perhaps they care little for the conflict and have their own goals, which are neither particularly good or evil. Each thing exists as a part of the whole, one as a check or balance to the other, with life necessary for death, happiness for suffering, good for evil, order for chaos, and vice versa. The Marvel Cinematic Universe version of the character seems to have settled into this by the end of the movie. Some neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. 2. In the Jump/Final Ending, Deadeus reveals itself to be this. Further, a Neutral character or organisation may work with an Evil party more easily than a Good character could, because the Neutral cares less and can more easily dismiss things that are only wrong "in principle" according to those overzealous Good characters for some silly reason, ie. Really he'd much rather prefer to just be simulating etiquette. A Neutral Good character is guided by their conscience and typically acts altruistically, without regard for or against Lawful precepts such as rules or tradition. An example of this alignment is found in one of the most famous books of Italian literature, This is apparently why George was picked to be a. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil-after all, she would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. They do this by playing pranks and being insulting sometimes. So legality could be the crux of a Lawful neutral character, it can also mean adherence to a moral code or philosophy, like mercenary who fights for profit but cannot be bought out from under an employer, or a monk that strictly adheres to a spartan lifestyle and has no use for money. Luke tried to be this early in his career, fashioning himself as the "Hero for Hire" who would do good only if you paid him and would keep to himself otherwise. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In this way, true neutral characters are very much like most real-life people. A Neutral Good character is guided by their conscience and typically acts altruistically, without regard for or against Lawful precepts such as rules or tradition. Will support his nation when profitable to do so, but will not act against his nation if profitable. A True Neutral scientist may work for the good guys because it furthers their research, but they may also work for the bad guys for the same reason. As such his fitting this should surprise nobody. It turns outs that it is on nobody's side, and that it just wanted everybody to let it destroy the world so that it could move on to other things. Dragon (#163). Neutral good characters, on the other hand, will behave altruistically even when dealing with others who are not friends or relatives, and may even forgive enemies that have done them grievous harm in the past (provided their enemy has truly mended his ways). Neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it represents apathy, indifference, and a lack of conviction. But all are of equal import, and none should be allowed to take precedence over another, unless an imbalance should be perceived--in which case corrective steps must be taken until the balance is righted once again. TSR: 1994. Is not concerned with those less fortunate. Since it has been stuck in a never-ending cycle, it has decided to make the boy the new Deadeus so that it can finally retire. This way, if we're struggling with how . Between that and his animal-level or near-animal level intelligence and I'd say he fits this pretty well. On works pages: Character Alignment is only to be used in works where it is canonical, and only for characters who have alignments in-story. I wouldn't go as far as to say he starts out evil though, making him more this alignment. Vote up the best examples of chaotic neutral characters. The Tomb kings are generally feared by many because of their undead natures, but most of the time, they just want to be left alone and have nothing to do with the wars of the living. Honestly, given how one-note he is I seriously question if he can even be said to have any kind of personality at all. Will take risks if the benefits are great. Food. A true neutral character may use poison as long as there is an overwhelming need. Although the true neutral character does not believe that the law should be followed all of the time, neither do they believe that laws are completely useless. God (Since God being Neutral in many stories and being above good and evil. Most anime characters can also be sorted into this system. True neutral characters will not extend the olive branch in such situations and may take advantage of their enemy's weakness to protect themselves from further machinations. As is stated in the series, his purpose is to discourage the humans to try to enter the domains of God. Though he can shift to Neutral Good or Neutral Evil depending on the player's actions, in general the cold-blooded Witcher fits this alignment by way of his moral ambiguity and resistance to doing anything that doesn't carry with it a monetary reward. He helps the Rebel Alliance around the time of Empire Strikes Back, but more for money than ideology. 10. Will provide for friends, and expects to be repaid in some manner. However, this has the consequences of many eldar embracing the path of the ranger, leaving their craftworlds to seek adventure and freedom, putting many eldar in a chaotic light too. Examples include the Rock at. True neutral characters believe that laws should be followed as long as the law benefits themselves. But that's not because he changed, he still has the same goal, it's just that in the new universe the most straightforward way of achieving it looks friendlier. But it's not good either! She very much dislikes the Alliance, and displays contempt for bureaucracy and authoritarian order, while at the same time respecting and enforcing Mal's brand of order on board the ship. As is the case with most animal characters. 5 True Neutral: Karin and Yuzu Kurosaki. 3. Obviously not the Lizard himself, but Curt Connors tends to be either this or Neutral Good. Mostly he's just a sleaze, but not quite evil in my mind. Thus, True Neutral. They're out for. The chaotic neutral character sees no value in laws, customs, or mores. Whether it's yakuza or law enforcement, no one gets in Mugen's way. The movie version played by Emma Stone on the other hand, is much more heroic, because she actively helps Spider-Man. They just want to clone, and research new ways to clone, and raise their clones, and and arguably did by manipulating her into waking up from the dream world and driving her insane, risking the balance of pretty much everything, Only Wants To Make The World A Better Place, Someone Who Only Wants To Screw People Over. Lawful neutral and true neutral characters are similar in their morality. However, true neutral characters prefer to follow the law, because usually it is in their best interest to follow laws. In essence True Neutral characters are a more mild and innocent Neutral Evil in that they are chiefly self-interested, but not to a ruthless, cruel, or well, evil degree. Many animal antagonists can be this, as long as they're acting like normal animals. Those in power prefer to pursue their private goals. Better for others to suffer the evil than the true neutral and his allies. I personally don't come from that school of thought, but it's an argument I can sympathize with at least, so I'll ultimately judge Galactus to be in-between this and Neutral Evil. The Guild of the Faceless Men's philosophy seems close enough of True Neutrality. True Neutral characters WILL pick a side if they are forced to, and usually side with good over evil (since the average person would rather have a good person looking after them than an evil one). There will be no Real Life examples under any circumstances; it just invites an Edit War. More Neutral Evil in "The Last Wish", but otherwise the morally gray sorceress of the lodge fits this rather well. Some true neutral characters do haenous things, but never without justification. A particular form of government lasts as long as the ruler or dynasty in power can maintain it. Refusing to kill when important to your survival. The people cooperate when it suits them. Undertale: Cold War is an Alternate Universe by Godmaster44*, that takes place in the Underground in 1961 during the height of the Cold War. It goes on to explain that "Clearly, there are very few true neutral characters in the world". Really he'd much rather prefer to just be simulating etiquette. Her chipper nature and demeanor would normally put her more in the direction of good, but she did try to kill Spider-Man just because she was in love with one of his enemies, and when she accidentally shot her villainous boyfriend instead during his fight with Spidey, she came to hate the hero. In the "Bloaty's Pizza Hog" episode, she gives a reason why she ignores Zim's efforts: That also serves as a particularly awesome. If an ally is in need, the true neutral will aid him, out of genuine love or because he may be able to count on that ally a little more in the future. His being a werewolf is cool though. They will also follow laws out of fear of punishment. Power? 4. Thing is though, Cage found that his conscience more often than not didn't allow him to act that way and he ultimately became more Neutral Good/Chaotic Good, including as a member of the New Avengers. Outside of that he just wants to be left alone and save his dying wife's life. Also Therkla, who in one strip claims she's "fed up with good guys and bad guys" and just wants everyone to be safe. However, they are prone to seeing actual Good alignments as zealotry, at least when they make demands of the Neutral except if the Neutral character in question is a self-acknowledged coward or similar and admits that there is a better way to live than how she actually does. It's also worth mentioning that shortly after Anakin won his freedom he gave Shimi hers. It's only as the game progresses that he begins to transition more to Neutral Good and then to Chaotic Neutral. to let it continue to grow until it is big enough to break out of the bottle on its own, "someone needs to feed the duckling while it grows", enforcing a peace by dispassionately saying "I go now to destroy your respective homeworlds. Either this or Chaotic Neutral, being a cold-blooded and remorseless seeker of vengeance who doesn't care who she kills in the process of attaining her goals. He leans a little towards Chaotic Neutral due to him dropping the title. True neutral is the philosophy that harmony and freedom are both important in society and that altruism and egoism are both legitimate ends. Any actions which seem good are merely actions which the neutral evil character has determined will give him a greater benefit in the future, often to the detriment of their benefactor. But outside of that he is chiefly out for his own and is very resistant to joining either the Rebellion or Darth Vader. They might talk a good game, but they just don't (or can't, or won't) commit to any cause for every long. I don't fault the humans for killing them mind you, but it's more a case of people vs. hostile wildlife than a true good vs. evil affair. The Oracle sells information to anyone who asks, to the best of his ability, whether it helps or hinders the OOTS. Outside of that he prefers to keep to himself and be alone. Killing a host who has provided you food or shelter. A lot of people consider Galactus to be this, arguing that he's just doing what he needs to do to survive and is thus no more evil than a predator in the jungle. They are a primarily self-interested and largely loyal-less species that are not all that good or evil, instead being most concerned with turning a profit for themselves. Gaz: But he's so bad at it. Left the Strider program and chose retirement and seclusion. -Welcome to the Hero/Protagonist wiki! As the philosophical "average" of altruism and egoism, equitism holds that harm to others should be minimized when advancing the self and that harm to the self should be minimized when advancing others. Sure he saves the world and genuinely cares about the Brigade members, Yuki the most. Chaotic neutral anime characters don't care about law and order - they'll either make their own rules and happily break them as necessary, or live without any kind of orderly system. Thus, True Neutral. Also, to the untrained eye, Sasuke seems to change alliances as often as he changes his wardrobe (the two actually seem to be somewhat connected anyway, Curiously, the Hidden Mist Village as well seemed to had transitioned to this. Middle-Neutral is a character that simply just doesn't care that much about good or evil or law or chaos. The neutral evil character will of course accept the altruistic generosity of others, and may even appear to return the favor on occasion. You decide. Usually though more Neutral Good or, at his most obnoxious, Chaotic Neutral. For the different types in which this alignment may manifest, check True Neutral/Analysis. Their methods vary; just as the Neutral Good character . I don't fault the humans for killing them mind you, but it's more a case of people vs. hostile wildlife than a true good vs. evil affair. Both women are even looking for a particular man, though their desires differ greatly. where the nasty stuff happens somewhere out of sight or to someone the Neutral doesn't care about. Harry and Luccio actually engage in a bit of a debate on this in, Bob the Skull, who is explicitly a morally blanks slate defined by his current owner when they take possession of him. A fairly independent warrior who respects martial prowess and strength of character, but is not as concerned with morality. After being freed from his malevolent programming and also Iago's influence he is content to just spend eternity with his mate alone and not interfere with anyone else's business before his mate convinces him to start acting like a true Gargolye again. However, the brutality of his kills certainly don't fall under any "Good" category I care to think of, he claims "I don't work for justice, and I'm certainly not its bitch", and he has a habit of doing things his own way when the situation calls for it, violence was the only way to keep her from being separated from Natsuki, As long as you do NOT double-cross him, of course. After getting Nora back for Mr. In contrast a neutral good character would view it as a noble and worthwhile goal. Justified since the doctor had possibly zero combat experience against the infected (Zoey, Bill, Louis, and Francis had been engaging the infected for 2 weeks) and would become, Kiritsugu Emiya, Shiro's adoptive father from. From what little I've seen him, he just wants to be left alone and attend to his garden. A lot of fiction doesn't pick up on this. She's fiercely loyal to her crew and isn't entirely cold-blooded; however, she has demonstrated a ruthless sort of pragmatism on various occasions. Mugen is an anti-hero who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and kill when he deems it necessary - but he refuses to take down innocent people for no reason. Not that they did anything before their formal introduction to the series, even in situations where their intervention would have been warranted Anthropomorphic personifications of Death. Seriously, that's all he EVER thinks or talks about. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order. The neutral evil character will not behave altruistically for the benefit of others, only for the benefit of the self. Aaron Davis Aarti Kaushik Abdulla Abigail (Final Fight) Abigail Walker Abominable Greench Abominable Snow Monster Abominable Snowman (The Powerpuff Girls) Abomination (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Acromantula Acromantula Colony Ada Mason Adam "Kane" Marcus Adam Meiks Adam Murray Adam Stanheight Shirou's response was basically, "Screw them. Ethical neutrals view both lawfuls and chaotics as extreme. This alignment is the narrowest in scope. While he can at times be genuinely cruel, he has also had moments of decency and kindness and by and large just wants to be left alone and have Spongebob and Patrick not bother him. Luigi,Izuku Midoriya, Android 16, Link, Quasimodo, Spider-Man (MCU),Batman (The Batman), Gandalf, Wander, DJ, Sierra Obenauer, Courage, Gizmo, andHiccup). Despite behaving in an extremely creepy manner at all times, he's only watching for the wellbeing of the universe, even though during the main plot that causes a huge amount of death and suffering. But outside of sometimes uniting with Earthrealm's main defenders against a common enemy Kenshi's main goal is neither altruistic nor malevolent: it is simply revenge against Shang Tsung for blinding him. Chaotic neutral is the best alignment you can be because it represents true freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-gooder's zeal. Though she's a benign character in the movie adaptation, the original novel. In the original Arabian Night, where his story is more akin to winning the lottery, rather than about a well-meaning underdog who stops the villain and saves the day. Also, Cernd, a werewolf-druid who spends most of his time speaking in. All images MUST now have proper attribution, those who neglect to assign at least the "fair use" licensing to an image may have it deleted. When he does fight, it's because of Froggy, curiosity, or for survival. True neutral characters see such behavior as detrimental to self-interest (and unfair to those who have helped them) and thus will not betray benefactors. If they can break a law which does not support their self-interest, and there is a good chance that they will not be caught breaking the law, true neutral characters may break laws. True Neutral characters are indifferent to Order Versus Chaos, and their only interest is in living their own lives. Justice and morality does not factor into the regulation of magic, only whether or not the wizard has violated one of the Laws. For these reasons, being nature's mediators, true neutral characters should be diplomatic and tactful, but they may also come across as being strange and enigmatic until one gets to know them and their "world view" better. Above all of course is his sheer apathy to everything. The Ten True Neutral Commandments Sasuke might lean more towards the side of good now, but entirely as a character, he's always been neutral. He just wants to get back home and will fight anyone who gets in his way regardless of their moral alignment. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order. Not to mention that Lizardman is shown to be just as willing to fight evil characters as he is good ones in the pursuit of his goal, and even defeats Nightmare at the end of his story mode. All new pages should use the preloadable templates feature on the edit page to add the appropriate basic page markup. This may because of the enemies they've also wiped out killing them when they show up at the door and claiming they want to swap. One method of categorizingfictional characters is through thecharacter alignment system, which is derived in the fantasy tabletop gameDungeons & Dragons. While he can at times be genuinely cruel, he has also had moments of decency and kindness and by and large just wants to be left alone and have Spongebob and Patrick not bother him. Martin himself has outright said that Tyrion is the most neutral character in the whole series. At least the police force is severely low on corruption. Hence, the motives of a highly philosophical true neutral character are perhaps the most difficult for any other alignment to fathom, for such a true neutral being will usually act first to preserve the balance, second if he deems it his business, and third if it is in his own best interests. hello.". His anime-only henchwoman Slur is quite probably Lawful Evil, though. They see lawfuls as overly strict and rigid while chaotics are viewed as overly lax and inconsistent. ", Due to never receiving instructions on anything from their state legislature, the New York delegates in, Luke Skywalker, as with many other young heroes in fictions, also starts as a, Anakin Skywalker. The oath she took to protect Ashenvale is her only priority and until the . (4) Parlagreco, Carl. True Neutral characters are indifferent to Order Versus Chaos, and their only interest is in living their own lives. Well known true neutral characters from film or literature include: The Watchers (Marvel Comics), Horace Slughorn (Harry Potter), and Tom Bombadil (Lord of the Rings). Such behavior makes true neutral characters unpredictable, and the cumulative effect promotes chaos more than anything else. And then we have Kyon of course. True neutral characters will behave altruistically when it comes to friends, relatives, and allies, but for the most part will return the kind of treatment they receive from others. Probably in-between this and Neutral Good in the end. Well she IS a baby after all, if not also a surprisingly and deceptively intelligent one. Given that she's in a way an extension of Roxas their sharing an alignment (and similar alignment transition) is fitting. Obviously not the Lizard himself, but Curt Connors tends to be either this or Neutral Good. He will follow the law unless breaking it is in his best interest and he's reasonably sure that he will not be caught. She seems to be this, given how she often comes off as lacking a terribly distinct personality and being more of a "go with the flow" kind of person. True neutrals are offended by those who are opinionated or bigoted. In the MCU, at least initially. Unlike chaotic good characters, who care about bettering society and helping others, and chaotic evil characters who are all about causing misery, chaotic neutral characters don't really care if their actions help or hurt others. The only motive she seems to have is that of protecting Sigil's existence. Chaotic neutral and true neutral characters have a similar moral outlook. Oliver May of MS Igloo is probably an example, too. Seems like more of a "go with the flow" type character. These characters can be some of the most puzzling, but also the most complex. Though he's always been seen as one of Spider-Man's greatest foes, it should be noted that Eddie Brock is often in fact an anti-hero who outside of his vendetta with Spider-Man actually considers himself a protector of society and to his credit does know how to play the part fairly well. Yeah, Roxas changes alignments a lot. Like MJ Gwen's pretty unambitious in her goals and is generally content to just go with the flow. He is devoted to helping others. A race that is pretty far removed from the rest of the galaxy and most concerned with turning a profit for themselves. Much like Han Solo and Dash Rendar before him, Cade Skywalker pre-Character Development is a fairly self-centered and selfish individual, also being a bounty hunter. Neutral good and true neutral characters both believe that any means should be used to achieve desirable outcomes, but they disagree on exactly what types of outcomes are desirable. In keeping with his being an animal character but besides that he is also noticeably more selfish than Aladdin. Neutral good characters follow the Golden Rule. With the exception of Gamora, all of the members of the team start out as this in the movie before Character Development sets in.
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