Mostly helpful. This site is great! dinnington high school alumni. first experience was really positive. Some chapters there was no code with functions similar to what the challenge questions were asking. It helped me learn with the readings and then practice/ apply my new-found knowledge with the labs. I really enjoyed using the interactive textbook. The headers for each section are really helpful in navigating through all of the material, or for navigating to a certain topic. Create an account or sign in to enter your code. Its gotten a lot better. Though it would be nice if on some of the more difficult problems there would be hints or something to help push us along. I like print material, it would help me to have one, with the quiz answers listed in an appendix. When comparing the answer to the chapter, I couldn't figure out how they derived the solution from reading the text. I think its good, but I wish it went into more detail of explaining. The service is nice because I can always go back to the information and review something if I'd like. Dont students want a hard copy? I liked that it was interactive and had a lot of useful material to help me learn. I personally favored zybooks of all the shitty homework softwares I had to use lol. I feel that I now understand a lot more than I did coming into the quarantine and that the extra time has helped me fully realized how helpful the zyBook activities are when they are correctly used. zyBooks was defiantly a useful resource for me during this semester. I enjoy ZyBooks much more than traditional books. Thank you. So many online sources don't do that but I like that it encourages students to learn from mistakes. I really like the interactive features because practicing code right after learning makes it solidify in my memory. It is a great platform for a class such as CSE which is computer-based. These tools can also be used in an enjoyable way in class to decrease the temptation to . By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It was very fun and easy to use for learning the more complete parts of C++ but I still had a lot of fun. It is harder moving back in forth because when you come over to zybooks -it acts like it don't want to bring up the information that you need to do your work. The first textbook I've actually used in my college career. The sections are also broken up into easily digestible parts. ZyBooks interactive features like animations to help visualize key concepts, learning questions which are presented in different formats, and the many tools with minimal text are very beneficial to build skill and intuition. But it is ok stressfu. I find that learning with interactive material on zyBooks is more beneficial than just reading examples and notes. I thought it contains super helpful tips and tricks. I really like the way one can visualize the processes instead of looking at static images. I have never experienced another resource that met my needs as well as zyBoooks. So here I am. It's very easy to understand and do the work. I had to BREAK THE PROGRAM in order to get it to pass the testing mechanisms in zyBooks. For example, when trying to read an example where a diagram is near the start of the example problem, one is constantly needing to scroll up and down the page, and thus difficult to follow along the example in an efficient manner. I found it easy to use and a great help. Quite intuitive and useful for my learning in that each lesson was comprehensive and interesting. I like that there are extra problem available to practice below with pencil and paper. If it were just the zyBook, my opinion may be changed. I like the way the material is presented and I have learned a lot from it. Pretty well organized for an online Textbook. I learn best through examples and homework problems. I am so beyond grateful for having zyBooks for this course. Zybook is clear and easy to understand. Less text doesnt mean less learning. zyBooks is terrible Hi all! I feel that zyBooks is an adequate learning tool that helps me learn on my own, rather than waiting for the rest of the class in lectures. to long and need to be able to go back to the previous easier and better named, helped me learn better than just reading my textbook. I've often found myself choosing to look back at zyBooks instead of googling a question I had. At first I was upset because it costs money, but it is so much better than reading a stupid pdf. It was actually just super helpful with the examples, I think there are improvements to be made but they were much better than my other text books. We have providedcourseware to1.1 million students at over 1200 academic institutions,and were growing fast. I think the financial team should rethink it's margins and what they profit. Like the main class was in the. I feel that is a good resource that is organized well and it helped me to better understand the java language. Zybooks was much better than a typical text book as I felt I learned the material better with the interactive format. I think zybooks is pretty good. By far my favorite online textbook platform, love the interactive modules and progress tracker! The textbook overall could have used more detail for the contents. My only request is that the labs (Python Labs for my class specifically) included a little bit more guidance. Giving virtual examples of concepts was extremely helpful. Its an interactive textbook which makes it faster to learn how to visualize code in real time and allows you to code as you learn. This way no other student ends up like me with some backwards test that everyone pulls their hair out trying to figure out what the test is actually testing for (Shaving bit after bit out of the script until it tells you that you got 1/9 points as opposed to 0/9, etc etc etc) On to my next point: You guys do feedback VERY well. I thought the zyBook was a really great way to present material and see what I was understanding based off of the questions given. The practice sections were very beneficial. What I dislike about zybooks is we need to pay high prices just to rent the books. Great information. In one case - I had completed a program as specified by our teacher, and when I put it through the tests it failed 0/9. zyBooks use animations to dynamically illustrate complex concepts. but instead of giving us assignments on them, he would just check that we had done these in-book assignment things that we could just click through, so I never gave a shit about the readings. It is a great software for students to utilize while taking college courses. I appreciated the ability to have instructors supply their own material. zyBooks are available in topics ranging from introductory programming courses in various languages to mobile app development. Learn more here. It was very helpful and the practice problems were very well designed. zyBooks is a great learning program that helps the user learn the material that is needed, the hands-on challenge really enhance the learning experience. The questions at the end were also very useful as It made sure I was prepared for my class's tests and quizzes. Great Job! There is some things that may not be taught the same format for coding in the zyBook. It isn't bad, but I wish the problems were in a bit of a different style, and that all the bugs were worked out fully. It's pretty simple and intuitive, however on some fill-in the blank answers, there were a couple times where it was extremely and unnecessary tedious and frustrating to use. It has been a good learning tool, however my one complaint is the jump in difficulty from the chapter material to the lab material is a bit steep for me. I really enjoy the coding and the test we have to take a part in. So here I am. I loved using ZyBooks. The examples helped me do the challenges and labs a lot. This is my first time using zyBooks. Can Zybooks Detect Cheating? - What Box Game Much more user friendly then my experience with ____ and ____. The zybook really helped me to better understand all of the topics in this class. I like zybooks quite a bit. I'd like to talk about the material in the books, but I never had access to them, so this is only especulation based on the level of understanding of SNHU's students: It seems to me that the material tries to simplify things, but what it actually happens is that it doesn't cover concepts well, and students feel that the material is doing big leaps from one concept to another. Overall, the participation activities are fine. (Supporting the student with feedback that guides their learning process is needed; otherwise, they may give up and find the answer online. Its helpful could be more helpful with fewer assignments. The interactive learning segments and in-text quizzes allowed me to really grasp a deeper understanding of the text I was reading. See notes at the bottom for what we have done, and for discussion about the responses. zyBooks is really a good material to expand my horizon about coding. Easy and convenient way to learn how to program. You guys are doing great! and had specific due dates for chapters (still not bad!) The approach zyBooks took me through to learn the same material was leagues ahead of my learning experience last year. zyBooks was helpful in reviewing or getting ahead in the class. I think its great for learning things like circuits because it makes it easy to interact and see how they work internally and how all of the equations and systems would apply. I believe it is very useful for interactive learning. Australia. Zybooks has helped me immensely to conceptualize matrices and linear algebra. While easy to use it feels tedious, this is most likely because of my own interests and things of the like, not because of what it is. The step by step examples are super helpful. Availability I think it conveys material in a way that is easily understood. Change your testing methods. It is not my favorite software to use, but it is definitely helpful when it comes to reviewing materials with the challenges and participations. I hope future online classes use zyBooks. Honestly pretty good for consolidating and reinforcing retainment of material, I found it to be a pretty engaging and low-stakes way to read a textbook, its a great and interactive way to learn course material. One of the challenge activities gave wrong answers for the questions, and chapter 7 had the sections out of order. a good source for clearing up the textbook. It takes advantage of the fact that it is an online material and uses that advantage to help students learn. Usually, I generally am okay with zyBooks for the few classes I take it with. I think it's a helpful, interactive textbook for learning matlab. I am actually really glad my professor choose to use zybooks because she doesn't do zoom and I don't have to worry about that becasue i get all i need to know from here explained in full. Install the script, preferably using ViolentMonkey. They were a great practice to learn the materials. However, would run better with videos and more help on the activity challenges on the bottom of the page. Was really intuitive and ran smoothly, basically what an interactive textbook should strive to be. not much, so far, pleasant experience. I had to mess up methods in my classes in order to get it to pass. Had this been new to me I also believe the layout of zyBooks would make it quite easy to learn. Zybooks is nice to force you to read and learn. A very convenient platform to access information about the course. Professors in the past had used some sort of online homework method and more often than not it presented problems in grading, ended up actually shutting down the conversation to learn more, and added to self-doubt and confusion about the topic. Very engaging. I enjoy doing the participation activities as I read. It explains the material quite well. It's a bit on the expensive side. Very easy to follow, and informative. Zybook was SUPER helpful in learning the material and way better than reading normal textbook chapters. I enjoyed writing code to solve the problems given. It allowed me to try concepts and questions and get immediate feedback I could learn from, preferred over other textbooks, better value for money. It requires "just right" code input which is absolutely not applicable in the real world, where there are many ways to solve the same problem. It was convenient to use, it complemented my web and technologies course very well. 269: zyBooks is a very good platform for educational purposes. This is an amazing application. I'm enrolled in a Data Science class that was just offered for the first time this semester. It as almost self teaching, which is probably the best book I have read since it allowed me to take the interactive mini quizzes and what not during the chapters. I think it is very helpful and easy to follow. Ready to see zyBooks in action? zybooks lays out the material in a flow that makes it easier to understand and view. It was so helpful having learning activities right under the information to enforce it. I like zybooks, I enjoy the interactive aspect of it, and the fact that it helps me understand concepts and it is something I can easily go back to. At first I thought having to pay for a book for coding was really dumb since almost all information is available on the internet anyway and my class already has a structure and planning but honestly zyBooks did help nail down some concepts but what it did most was let me see things in different forms then what my instructor did and that gave me a better understanding of how things work and better let me form my own system and ideas on how to format and use code. _brudy 2 yr. ago Whats the desktop IDE? Having to pay full price for a text and still losing access to it after the semester ends is frustrating, especially if you have to retake a course - you have to buy the same book twice. Not to mention the frustration. Clearly, some of those 50% of students are going to be upset they cant access our content free or just ignore it (due to points). Zybook is very closeminded with answers. Zybooks learning materials are very clear and concise. Great system overall. zyBooks was a good introduction to learning python and made the learning process a lot smoother and easier. It really helped me a lot to understand the course and made it really easy. So, this would be great to use on the side, but wouldn't be helpful for the assignments. I love it! The lessons really help me grasp information needed to pass the class. Very useful for my computer science classes, but the math courses use such intense jargon that it simply takes too long to process. I like how it explains the material. However, until now, everything points to Zybooks (if I have access to the book that's being used, I'll write an update). Least-prepared students. What was the color of Dooku's lightsaber when he was a Jedi? I learn well through it. Really good interface, although the processing of some assignments is very slow. Explained a lot of the material the professor didn't in a streamlined way, and tested it in little bits and pieces which i liked. It has made learning some of the topics considerably easier than just the normal text book lessons. I am not a computer science major, and I thought this was a really helpful introduction to the material. We have users at all such schools, and student responses are overwhelmingly positive across all. This is ultimately okay because after having a foundation to work with, it is easier to build upon it with more formal material or more technical explanations. Being able to make mistakes was useful too as it helped to build an understanding of how to address things that didn't work as expected. Link: Student survey Basics A loop commonly must iterate a specic number of times, such as 10 times. zyBooks ZyBooksreplaces theoretical content and walls of information with a richer, more immediate learning experience through simulation environments, animations, and embedded tools, all proven to better prepare students and save instructors time. The animations are a bit clunky and slow sometimes, and $75 is a bit steep for one-semester licence to a digital textbook, especially when lost of courses are moving to open textbooks. Very thorough and interactive with its material. I've only got through the intro so far but I think the concept and instructional method will be of much help. The participation activities help me to make sure I understand the material, but it is always nice to be challenged. However, there have been a couple of instances where zybooks has mad it difficult for me to learn a specific topic, mostly because the lesson along with the challenges and participation activities introduce coding topics that have not been covered yet. I didn't actually have a problem with zyBooks itself, but I didn't like that we were doing the class in C because I don't really have a use it for in my degree (applied math). I thought it was very engaging for the student. zybooks is bad - I liked it a lot, it helped me study the best I could. However, I do believe that some of the feedback messages could have been more descriptive/helpful when writing the practice codes. The zyBooks e-textbook is one of the best e-textbooks I have ever used, with progress checks that are actually substantive. I am currently in the Scripting and Programming - Foundations class. Upon switching to zyBooks in 2013, then integrating new zyBook features as they appeared (homework, program auto-grading), and adjusting teaching to use best practices around zyBooks, one sees that the first-year retention rate steadily rose since 2013 to about 90% and has been steady there ever since. zyBooks uses thousands of questions integrated into the content to help concepts sink in. It was helpful to have the resource of zybooks to go back to in order to remember information and study but I would not consider it a tool when first being introduced to new course content. Before I end this post, I'd like to say that maybe it isn't Zybooks fault. The videos were helpful since it helped to visually watch the material make sense. Sometimes DIY coding probelms are too hard. Imagine paying $50 to have access to a book for a limited amount of time when i can find practice problems and references online. Its such a hassle to write the code in the website. I liked using it way more than any other interactive online textbook I've used before. It is a lot easier to follow than a regular textbook. vegan options at biltmore estate. So worth paying the amount I paid for this class. The generic examples and the primary use of flow charts instead of code used as examples makes it difficult for me to practically apply what I've learned. Decent learning, the best advise I can give is that the information at the top seems disconnected from the activities, it might be useful to bring some tips or formulas down to the questions so I feel more motivated to actually use them. Overall the quality of the service was high. It is easy to follow I have only seen one mistake on one of the labs. Students: Using a zyBook in your class? There were some homework hosted on zybooks that were very difficult to understand how to do. A great book has to be interesting to every level. So easy to keep track of assignments and presented the material in a very clear, understandable way. Sometimes the reading was difficult to understand, but other than that I enjoyed zybooks. Terms of Use Privacy DMCA Notification Policy 2021 zyBooks, Katherine Murphy, Student, Clemson University, Dale Reed, University of Chicago, Illinois, Laiba Mustafa, Student, University of Guelph, inspired by a Chinese philosopher, 818 AD. zyBooks has interactive activities that makes the process of learning more interesting, I enjoy working through zyBooks and find it a very good way to learn. I really like the interactive part of zyBooks. This was a good way to ingest information outside of the classroom. We did not filter responses based on positive or negative comments. I appreciate the non-strict learning style. Seeing multiple ways to use the tools during the reading as well as at the end of the chapter were extremely helpful when working on the week's assignments. I think that it is beneficial to my learning, but I learn by doing more than reading, such as labs. The playing feature becomes extremely frustrating to follow along. zyBooks is very helpful and makes things seem easier than than it is. So far it has been extremely useful for diving further into topics, The visual aspect of zybooks is really nice compared to others, I like the interface and the variety of questions, This has been very helpful during the crisis. The reading could be a bit confusing in places. I like the fact that it is a virtual text book that has questions to answer as you go. It seems good to work at a certain pace, definitely helps when you have to go back on a specific part of an assignment youre doing, it's a lively demonstration of books, it's great. It helps me learn programming very easily, Good for referencing but tedious and not enough coding, Easy interactability, helpful for computer science course. Fun to use because assignments are baked into the reading. It was the first online textbook I enjoyed more than physical textbooks. This mentality has come back to bite me this semester. I love this platform. I thought Zybooks was going to be like _____, but I actually liked it better than _____, I found it easier to use and navigate. I can just look at the explanation and understand concept better. First is a unique experience compare to others third parties learning website. the website and platform is organized very well, it is easy to read and functions well. for example entering '5' should not be marked wrong because the answer it is looking for is '5.0'. I thought it made the content more enjoyable and harder to lose focus while reading. They help me understand things better. zyBooks is a great platform for beginner programmers like me. Zybooks is one of the best way of self-learning. It was my first time using zyBooks but it was easy to learn how to use and I like the structure of the problems assigned. You also never talked about memory and underlying representation. In coding the labs are overly sensitive to white space, otherwise the textbook is fine.
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