City Of Pontiac Building Department. Read about the functions and responsibilities of the City Engineering Department. City Planner: Planning Check out these local assistance programs. WebROOFING MATERIAL. Gather information about Pontiac's wastewater treatment facility and process. 0YPC@a` 7@hD&G)&Sc2/xL(S,d`:X"q>4>a~7n]v/?sN;r{;lnWof.Yts3o}L6u)zZ[;;JKjk*+ WebThe City and County of Broomfield collect use tax on building materials at the time of building permit issuance. City of pontiac department of building & Source: The Municipal Performance Dashboard includes financial and operating measures important to the government and its citizens. 4114 0 obj
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This is a hands-on position that will work side by side with the divisions of Building Safety, Code Enforcement, and Planning within the Community Development Department. Located at 49045 Pontiac Trail - Either at the Finance department (7:15AM - 5:30PM/Monday through Thursday except Holidays) or in the drop box located inside the WebFirst Floor - Building & Safety Office Pontiac MI 48342. Business Hours: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Telephone Number: (248) 758-2816. 26000 Evergreen Rd. Phone: 586-445-5200. In addition to, the Planning Division provides support and recommendations to the City Council, Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, Historic District Commission and the Executive Office to assist each in making decisions regarding land uses and development proposals. WebCity of Pontiac | 47450 Woodward Avenue, Pontiac, Michigan 48342 | 248.758.3000 City Hall Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Obtain information about Pontiac's many attractions. Having trouble searching or not finding the results you expect? Please call; 248-758-2815 or email Step 2: Select 4042 0 obj
Search by Record Number through Building Department Records. WebThe Building Department also oversees and inspects all construction, alterations, and building projects within the township. hb```g``bl,.00h` N@Y ,R1 km .71iHVa
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hb```O} ``ahr200hR_XT\Y^QU]S[RZVPww3N? ** Please note that a fee will be required. Search by Record Number through Building Department Records. WebDemolition Permit Application. The following are guidelines and codes that all citizens need to be aware of to ensure that no violations exist. Welcome to BS&A Online, powered by BS&A Software. Your fee total will be sent with the permit. View cemetery rates Search by Record Number through Building Department Records. Read a list of building codes and guidelines. %%EOF
Website (248) 796-4150. The phones are being Welcome to BS&A Online, powered by BS&A Software. 47450 Woodward Avenue . The building and zoning office is responsible for enforcing city and state codes. Parcel Number Search by Parcel Number through Building Department, Miscellaneous See how the Police Department is protecting the city of Pontiac. Search by License Number through Business Licensing Records. WebPlease check the specific department's web pages to locate forms not found here. City Codes are established to protect the health, safety, and welfare of residents and also visitors to Pontiac. WebCity of Pontiac | 47450 Woodward Avenue, Pontiac, Michigan 48342 | 248.758.3000 City Hall Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. __I__ HEREBY MAKE APPLICATION TO DO AND PERFORM SAID WORK AND CONSTRUCT SAID PROJECT AS DESCRIBED IN THE FOREGOING, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SUBMITTED; AND __I__ AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PONTIAC IN THE PROSECUTION OF SAME.
Director. Civic Ice Arena. Link to Vermillion River Flood Information. Source: 47450 Woodward Avenue . Search by Name through Building Department, Tax, and Business Licensing Records. Homeowners performing all of their own work shall list the total materials cost on the permit application. Guide to Development:The Guide to Development includes a snapshot overview of the development review process in the City of Pontiac. hbbd```b``
"I0 The Building Safety Division administers and enforces the building code statutes and other related municipal Visit the library's webpages. SAID BUILDING TO BE THE FOLLOWING CHARACTER: *APPLICATION VOID IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN 6 MONTHS AFTER PERMIT ISSUANCE, *ANY CONSTRUCTION IN A FLOOD ZONE MUST FOLLOW THE REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF PONTIAC FLOOD ORDINANCE AND ANY APPLICABLE STATE AND FEMA REGULATIONS. *Please note: Project will NOT start if subcontractor is not registered with the City*. Other inspections are required as needed. By continuing to use this website you agree to the. Step 3: Make Payment. This form has been modified since it was saved. Step 1: Search Use the search critera below to begin searching for your record. 248-758-2800/FAX 248-758-2827 . WebFind 36 listings related to City Of Pontiac Parking in Utica on Search by Parcel Number through Building Department, Miscellaneous Receivable, Tax, and Business Licensing Records. Search by License Number through Business Licensing Records. IN CASE THE PERMIT ABOVE APPLIED FOR IS GRANTED, __I__ DO HEREBY, IN CONSIDERATION THEREOF, GUARANTEE TO SAID CITY OF PONTIAC THE COMPLETE FULFILLMENT OF THE ABOVE AGREEMENT ON THE PART OF THE SAID ___OWNER/CONTRACTOR____. %%EOF
You may call with a Credit Card Number, send a check/cash, or stop into City Hall to pay for your fee. Areas of focus include the following: Search by Address through Building Department, Tax, and Business Licensing Records. WebCity of Bloomfield Hills 45 E Long Lake Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 Phone: 248-644-1520 Fax: 248-644-4813 60 Parkhurst, Community Level, Room #206. Having trouble searching or not finding the results you expect? In Pontiac, a diverse city in Oakland County of a little more than 60,000 residents, it is no different. WebCity of Pontiac, Oakland County. The Planning Division is responsible for administering and implementing the Master Plan, the Zoning Ordinance, lot splits and property description changes, site plan reviews, special use requests, planned unit development proposals, subdivision and site condominium proposals, rezoning requests, and variance requests. 0
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Xd5*$$("]k0t!D=&CYf+Id-Lqz#"T@$sX$ D/6X=o0&`L. Leadership Team; What We Do; Contact Us; Job Shadow; Events; News; Projects. The building and zoning office recognizes the importance of maintaining the quality of life that Pontiac residents and property owners deserve and enjoy. %PDF-1.6
By continuing to use this website you agree to the. Search by Name through Building Department, Tax, and Business Licensing Records. Sanitary Sewer Disconnection Permit Application. The Municipal Performance Dashboard includes financial and operating measures important to the government and its citizens. Occupancy Application. This page is filled with customizable widgets that allow you to interact with the BS&A data provided by the online and desktop applications. Provide assistance to all citizens and developers regarding their development needs consistent with the citys codes and ordinances and to promote a healthy and safe environment for the Citizens of Pontiac in a friendly and professional manner.Want to get in contact with the Planning Division?The Planning Division has provided multiple opportunities to interact, contact, and engage with Planning Division staff.Pre-Development and Application MeetingsTo better provide these services and to provide developers with insight on process workflows, developers are encouraged to submit for Pre-Application Site Planning or Zoning Compliance Review Meetings prior to the submission of plans and the submission for permits. Click here to submit the Pre-Development and Application Meeting request. **I UNDERSTAND THAT AS THE PERMIT HOLDER, I OR MY AGENT, WILL BE REQUIRED TO NOTIFY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT ON EACH OF THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND WILL GIVE AT LEAST 24 HOURS NOTICE PRIOR. Alcorn County like most counties holds their Tax Sale on the last Monday in August at 30. This data includes a current and prior year overview comparison as well as charts and graphs that allow you to view trends over multiple years. At City Hall. The City of Pontiac Building Department is committed to providing the highest quality of services to its citizens and WebCITY OF PONTIAC . Move Building Permit Application. Click here to download an application of membership, City of Pontiac Parks and Recreation Masterplan (2016), Click here to open the Future Land Use Map. endstream
4043 0 obj
Planning Staff reviews development plans to ensure compliance with City ordinances and assists citizens and developers to better understand the land use policies and regulations of the City. Click here for Virtual Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting, Click here to download the Zoning Verification Request Form, Click here to submit the Pre-Development and Application Meeting request. WebCall the Billing Office at (248) 858-1110. JavaScript is currently not supported or disabled by this browser. JavaScript is currently not supported or disabled by this browser. Links to web pages are provided throughout the document for easy access to the most up-to-date forms, applications, and more information. Fire Protection Application. Schedule Appointment. This page is filled with customizable widgets that allow you to interact with the BS&A data provided by the online and desktop applications. Planning Division: 248-758-3030 Option 2Monday through Friday - 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.Building & Safety Office - City Hall47450 Woodward Ave. - 1st FloorPontiac, Michigan 48342Planning Manager, Mark Yandrick - (248) 758-2816City Planner (248) 758-2815, If you need to reach the Planning/Zoning department or need to submit a permit for a driveway, patio, fence, small shed, site plan etc. Pontiac City Hall115 West Howard StreetPontiac, IL 61764Phone: 815-844-3396, Eagle Performing Arts and Conference Center, Chautauqua Pool Memorial Brick/Plaque Order Form, Prescription Pill and Drug Disposal Program, Department Structure (Organizational Chart) (PDF). Click here to learn more about this BS&A Online page and widgets, Click here to learn more about BS&A Online basics, Click here to learn more about free lookups on BS&A Online, Click here to learn more about BS&A Online payments, Click here to learn more about BS&A Online favorites, Click here to view the Municipal Performance Dashboard. Contact the Building and Zoning office at (815) 844-1038. 32sRs The building and zoning office recognizes the importance of maintaining the quality of life Quick Links. County Administration Building 160 N Main Street Memphis TN 3103. Search by License Number through Business Licensing Records. WebCITY OF PONTIAC . All contractors and sub-contractors must be registered with the City of Pontiac in order to perform work in the city limits. Step 1: Search Use the search critera below to begin searching for your record. endstream
Click here for search tips. Search by Name through Building Department, Tax, and Business Licensing Records. Click here to learn more about this BS&A Online page and widgets, Click here to learn more about BS&A Online basics, Click here to learn more about free lookups on BS&A Online, Click here to learn more about BS&A Online payments, Click here to learn more about BS&A Online favorites, Click here to view the Municipal Performance Dashboard. For questions regarding Concealed Pistol Licenses, call 248-858-0571 or contact us at WebBuilding Department Online Payment Service. }V `e.^pmlzmev9|>sW.\zsN@ 8x|+ggbXtu76C &p;50XD@[pF0AA!acQ
nuK$=oTdRk) NvZ!+&/`Ujm@pD%@WAY7 ESzDr32, View a list of registered contractors here. Click here for updated Planning/Zoning and Code Enforcement Department information including contact information. Please check prior to starting any project to make sure that a permit has been obtained and that the contractor is registered with the City of Pontiac. WebInternational Existing Building Code 2012: Ordinance 2014-0-017; National Electrical Code 2011: Ordinance 2014-0-018; All Appendices to the Adopted International Codes; State of