What do you think is going to happen if you go to a Foreign country seeking to buy drugs and then get on the news and play the victim when something bad happens? Is Puerto Vallarta Safe for American Tourists? Can I take my car to Mexico permanently? Is it safe to drive through Mexico at night? Mexico is safe and I am sure you eat a Mexican restaurant every Friday and drink margaritas every Tuesday. That is why it is dangerous. {2021 Cancun Travel Advisory & Safety Guide, What To Pack For Mexico - 50+ Essentials For Mexico [Updated Feb 2021], MUST READ: 10 Safest Cities In Mexico [Updated February 2021], Best Country for Plastic Surgery | Eleven Countries for U.S. Travelers, 11 Luxury Father's Day Gift Ideas [Updated Feburary 2021], MUST READ: Where To Stay In Belize - Best Luxury Resorts & Beaches, READ NOW: Is Mexico City Safe For Tourists? Thank you. why are you walking? I got extremely sick in the Czech Republic last year and that was the one time I decided to forego travel insurance I racked up thousands of dollars in medical bills and they wanted their money before I would even be seen by the ER Doctors. Saying it is safe is hogwash. extends to certain parts of Sonora state, which borders . Imagine 111 people out of the nearly 8 million visitors (about 1 million of whom make Mexico their full-time home). Thousands of tourists travel to this part of Mexico every year and it's become one of the safest regions in Central America because of it. And Indianapolis. The few crimes that happens to tourists are most of the time related not to organized crime, but to petty criminals. There is no reason to be nervous whatsoever. Motor insurance is an essential part of owning a car, as it offers protection against . Have you allowed the Mexico travel warning to affect your travel decisions and are you still wondering is Mexico safe for American tourists this fall? Your email address will not be published. traveling to this beautiful country because you are worried if is Mexico safe. Mexico is no different than any other city or country. Why bring up black and brown? They do not like Americans and we are the great melting pot, so no color, just being American is enough. DO NOT GO TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!! Rome is notorious for criminal activity but it does not receive the same fear as other destinations. . amzn_assoc_asins = "B07GDKQRJY,B07PGL5DFV,B06XZTZ7GB,B000UVTDLG"; Millions of people visit Mexico each year and 99% of travelers do not run into any trouble but the 1% that makes the news is all that you hear about. Yes and no. Love it. Is this a trip I should be stressing this much about Ive seen the Taken movies lol. However, several times you reference that the press have exaggerated the danger of travel in Mexico. Mexico City comes in with a Level 2 advisory that means travelers should exercise increased caution when visiting, because of possible crime and kidnapping. Are you regurgitating what the media wants you to believe or have you had first hand experience with crime in Mexico. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "passandgrub-20"; I dont suggest walking anywhere maybe catch a bus or hire a driver. for driving in Baja Mexico as a tourist. In fact, over 30 million people visited Cancun in 2022 - and the vast majority of them come and go completely unscathed. So, remember to enlist these general rules during your vacation and you will not have to ask is it safe to travel to Mexico?. Even as travel is discouraged to all of Mexico because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. State Department continues to update its warnings concerning kidnappings and . Firstly, is it safe to travel via ADO buses across the Yucatan? When was the last time you visited Mexico? I was felt more unsafe in Rome than I did in Mexico. No one! In short, dont go looking for trouble and the probability is very high you wont find it. I went to the grocery store and purchased beer and wine because it was cheaper. BUY YOUR OWN COCKTAILS! I was actually scared to death in Rome but thats another story. It would be wonderful to find a blog of expats who regularly contribute and live in Mexico. There is far more crime in countries where the majority of citizens are black or brown. Use common sense and you will be fine. We are planning to go to Mexico in March. I felt more unsafe in Rome than I did Mexico. They are more concerned with the multi million dollar quantities that people might be bringing one direction or the other. Are you wondering is Cancun safe because of the latest Cancun travel warning and Cancun travel advisory that was issued by the United States in August 2022 regarding the travel of U.S. citizens to Mexico? Any ideas? YES! As a few other Western countries have done, we need to legalize drugs and take away much if the profit motive for the cartels. What advice can you give me? Am I saying a trip to Mexico is going to mean certain doom for you? Our Police rarely catch criminals. Mexico is open to travelers. Located just a three-hour drive away on the Yucatn Peninsula, it's the perfect getaway to trade in the poolside resort experience for a dip into freshwater cenote sinkholes - over 6,000 of which can be found along the coast, thanks . of Cancun and the Mexican state of Quintana Roo over a potential conflict between taxi drivers and ride-hailing service companies which has caused many tourists to wonder is Quintana Roo safe. Yes! It has a population of 1,696,923 and is Mexico's sixth largest city. I walked around in the city, I ate with locals, I shopped and I had a great time. Were quite nervous about this. They keep asking for Bribes / extortion of cash from us at traffic violation stops and they fail to post the fines; they can charge us whatever they want. I saw on the news today Venezuela was experiencing some issues. Mexico is the undisputed murder/rape/kidnapping capitol of the world. I see more knee jerk reaction from the general public that has created the hysteria rather than it being perpetuated by the press. Cabo San Lucas is a popular beach resort town located on the Baja peninsula of Mexico, filled with top-rated boutique hotels, trendy restaurants, and crystal-clear waters. Avoid mini-bars in our rooms? Traveling by day and on deluxe or 1st-class buses, which use toll highways where possible, minimizes this risk. Taxi drivers are reportedly furious over a court ruling. Instead, theyll bash Mexico from the sidelines waiting for the wall and will continue on with their angry lives and penny bank accounts mad at every Mexican with a nickle. Be cautious if you are driving alone at night- while Tulum is extremely safe there has been the occasional robbery. Mexican rays are intense and can lead to severe burns or sun poisoning, especially during the warmer spring and summer months. the mall, a garlic festival, a concert, or just an average day at school. Mexico City (Distrito Federal) is Level 2. Yep, lost me in that 1st paragraph. I have traveled to Mexico and just returned from traveling to Cancun solo in March. Mexican politicians and officials are like the Sopranos! The Mexican government is highly motivated to keep tourists safe in order to preserve the tourist trade but you must also do your part when traveling to Mexico, Here are some precautions that you can take in order to make sure your. San Blas All my family and friends warn against it. 20 Are cars cheaper in Mexico? Much appreciated!!! I have been to Mexico twice,once to Puerto Vallarta and to Cancun,but me and my friend are headed to Playa Del Carmen in September-no major worries? This is to reach the mountains of Mexicali and the end of the peninsula to vacation spots such as Cabo San Lucas and Todos Santos. No! Public work projects are often delayed because they fail at securing the resources needed to complete the projects; the contractors steal the money and run! The writer is pushing racism. Yes, it is safe to either rent a car or hire a driver, We are taking A cruise that is stopping in Cozumel and Progreso , We are traveling with 4blonde headed, blue eyes children 11,9,8,6 we have booked excursions, I am terrified after some of the things I have read on the internet (my own fault). Mexico is a beautiful country and worth the effort if you plan sensibly. The part of the trip I have been warned the most about is driving there. Why would you want to just stay at your resort? Bottom line Mexico is absolutely NOT safe for anyone ! I am worried because i have 2 kids and one is 7 months old baby with me. Stop by the local grocery store grab a 2 6 six packs and a bottle of wine for half the price. Is it safe to travel to Guadalajara Mexico? Or Evansville, Indiana. Learn how your comment data is processed. Why not save this post to your Pinterest board for later? Yes, traveling to Mexico can be dangerous. I honestly believe they wanted to sell me to human traffickers. While some parts of Mexico have experienced an uptick in violence, Tulum had for the most part remained a relatively safe place to travel until recently or so that is what the media portrays. No! Travelers should also follow general safety measures (listed below) on a daily basis while visiting Mexico. So sorry to hear about your loss. #pathetic. The short answer is yes, it is safe to visit Mexico City. It depends on where and when you're driving. Hi Sonia- are you renting a car to go to the beach? For example, murders in Playa del Carmen are up by 200% this year, and many executions and armed robberies happen in the tourist zone, which is an area of about only 4 square miles. (We are a family of 5 with blonde haired blue eyed kids. Do you leave your valuables out in plain sight in the states? This is the worst thing that you can do. I have explored off of the resort and I have never experienced anything but love from the people of Mexico. But driving the northern roads around Page prepared us for Baja roads. Not only are some areas of Mexico indeed seeing the worst homicidefigures in decades,but the country recorded its most violent year on record last year, ultimately pointing to an alarming rise in cartel activity. A safety expert who has coached countless drivers and worked with numerous fleet managers discusses the importance of cultivating a passion for safe driving. At lease they share a small amount with the police and city officials/inept employees. We are currently looking for a second home and a reprieve from the winter months. 18 How safe is Mexico right now? Travelers should have common sense when traveling to Tulum, especially in the downtown area: Dont walk alone at night, lock your doors, and dont walk alone on the beach at night. While this may happen occasionally this is not the Denzel Washington movie Man on Fire. They feel like once we transfer to hotel we should stay at resort. You do not have an automatic. #DOBetter. Cancun and Cozumel are just like staying in any American city and you will be completely safe. Travel advisories are in place for a reason and even they are not as strong as they should be. Since you mention Rome, Rome is far safer then even the safe places in Mexico. I think about 30% of the comments are slandering Mexico and supporting Trump. They also fail to mention that most of that violence is drug traffic-related, or that you could count the number of tourists who are affected by it on one hand. Avoid back roads and nighttime driving and hire taxis and driving services through the hotel where youre staying. If you're taking public transport or taxis, use only first-class buses and official registered taxis. I havent seen an area improve as migrants take over. As citizens, we cannot trust our police; its been decades of corruption, no one stops this. It is an appealing fishermen village that offers you a familiar and safe environment, whose main attraction is its beautiful and highly protected bay just a few kilometers from the hotel zone. Rental cars are very cheap. Violence is used. If you are stopped for a traffic violation in Mexico. When it comes to International Driver's License, Mexico is not that strict as long as your license is in Spanish or English. Youre not likely to be killed by an organized crime group in a resort city like Puerto Vallarta or Cabo San Lucas; instead, youre more likely to have your valuables stolen while in a touristy area during daylight hours. This has nothing to do with Mexico because any country will check your documents but more about you deciding it would take too long or you didnt feel like renewing your documents and mad because you got into trouble. Ask for a hotel concierge: The hotel staff will be able to provide full tips about where to eat and what attractions you must see. Have you notified family and friends of where you are going and what you will be doing? Latin countries are corrupt from the top down that is the main problem, cops are on the take everywhere their morale is LOW ! Its amazing. Take a Border Patrol agent to lunch sometime. I am going back in April myself. You should get to one of the dedicated agencies to facilitate the process of getting Mexican car insurance. The common advice that youll be fine if you dont do drugs or go out at night is a myth, more murders are happening in the day and drugs are not found at the scene. Tomiko, obviously you are a paid promoter of mexican tourism. On another important note you complain about the border, illegal immigration and so called unwanted immigrants from Mexico? Is It Safe To Drive in Mexico To be completely honest, that depends. The latest Mexico travel warning was put in place to slow the spread of COVID-19, but the restrictions on non-essential travel apply only to crossings by foot or car at the land border, meaning that travelers can still jet off on vacation by plane. In 2021, the Mexican Supreme Court ruled that Uber is not a public transportation company, so it doesnt have to comply with the same regulations as taxi drivers.