"He that believeth on him is not judged: but he that believeth not is judged already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda, having five porches. The character is wholly different from the position and glory of Messiah in Israel, according to promise and prophecy. In truth, Christian baptism did not yet exist, but only such as the disciples used, like John the Baptist; it was not instituted of Christ till after His resurrection, as it sets forth His death. Not Jacob was there, but the Son of God in nothing but grace; and thus to the Samaritan woman, not to the teachers of Israel, are made those wonderful communications which unfold to us with incomparable depth and beauty the real source, power, and character of that worship which supersedes, not merely schismatic and rebellious Samaria, but Judaism at its best. God the Father forms a new family in, by, and for Christ. (VersesJohn 7:33-36; John 7:33-36) Jesus was returning to Him that sent Him, and the Holy Ghost would be given. He tells Philip to follow Him. Click on the Arabic text to below to see word by word details of the verse's morphology. and they are they which testify of me; as they do of his proper deity and divine sonship, calling him Jehovah, God, the mighty God, and the Son of God; and of his offices as prophet, priest, and King; and of his incarnation of a virgin; and of the tribe, family, and place of his birth; of the miracles which he should work; of the treatment he should meet with from men; of his sufferings and death; of the circumstances leading on to them, and attending them; as his riding on an ass into Jerusalem, the betraying him by one of his familiar acquaintance, the selling him for thirty pieces of silver, the spitting upon, and scourging him, giving him gall for his meat, and vinegar for his drink, and parting his garments, and casting lots for his vesture, and the crucifixion of him, and that between two thieves; and of his burial, resurrection from the dead, ascension to heaven, and session at the right hand of God, and of his future coming to judgment. Abstract:Editorial on the Research TopicHomeostasis and Allostasis of Thyroid Function A basic understanding of thyroid control involving pituitary thyrotropin (TSH) has become a It is not now the revelation of God meeting man either in essential nature, or as manifested in flesh; nor is it the course of dispensational dealing presented in a parenthetic as well as mysterious form, beginning with John the Baptist's testimony, and going down to the millennium in the Son, full of grace and truth. Why should He not show Himself to the world? These two are interwoven, because what he taught explained what he did, and what he did confirmed what he taught. Though He could not, would not deny Himself (and He was the Son, and Word, and God), yet had He taken the place of a man, of a servant. that you may want to read to your class as part of your Bible study. But what we learn is, that our Lord (viewed as having entered into heaven as man on the ground of redemption, i.e., ascended, after having passed through death, into glory) from that glory confers meanwhile the Holy Ghost on him that believes, instead of bringing in at once the final feast of gladness for the Jews and the world, as He will do by-and-by when the anti-typical harvest and vintage has been fulfilled. So on the last day, that great day of the feast (the eighth day, which witnessed of a resurrection glory outside this creation, now to be made good in the power of the Spirit before anything appears to sight), the Lord stands and cries, saying, "If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink." (ver. John 3:31-36) he speaks of His person in contrast with himself and all; of His testimony and of the result, both as to His own glory, and consequently also for the believer on, and the rejecter of, the Son. 39-44 The Jews considered that eternal life was revealed to them in their Scriptures, and that they had it, because they had the word of God in their hands. I would render John 5:39 this way: The context makes it unmistakably clear that is Jesus' observation about the current occupation of those to whom he is speaking, not his instruction for them to go and be so occupied.. One has to be careful not to coerce the scriptures to support personal points of view. John 5:39-40: "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life.". "He must, increase, but I decrease." WITNESS. International Bible Study Commentary. How were they not enjoyed in despised Samaria those two days with the Son of God among them! THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL Expressly had He told the man to take up his couch and walk, as well as to rise. 5:39 The indicative of eJrauna'te fits the context better (indicative and imperative forms are the same here). The sacrificial death of Him who is God goes far beyond the thought of Israel. A second and wholly new man appears the bread of God, not of man, but for men. (VersesJohn 3:7-8; John 3:7-8), It is hardly necessary to furnish detailed disproof of the crude, ill-considered notion (originated by the fathers), that baptism is in question. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and 115718567810 The person of the Son was there the object of divine and overflowing joy even then, although, of course, in the full sense of the word, the Holy Ghost might not be given to be the power of it for some time later; but still the object of worship was there revealing the Father; butJohn 7:1-53; John 7:1-53 supposes Him to be gone up to heaven, before He from heaven communicates the Holy Ghost, who should be (not here, as Israel had a rock with water to drink of in the wilderness outside themselves, nor even as a fountain springing up within the believer, but) as rivers flowing out. Did they charge Jesus with self-exaltation? In Him was life for this scene of death; and it is of faith that it might be by grace. Here, in suited circumstances to render the thought and way of God unmistakable, pure and boundless grace takes its own sovereign course, suitable to the love and personal glory of Christ. What can be more evident, or more instructive? Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary; John; Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary John 5. Search the Scriptures The writings of Moses, and the prophets, which were of divine inspiration and authority, and are often appealed unto by Christ, and his apostles, for the truth of what they delivered; and were the standard of faith, and the test of doctrines; and therefore to be searched diligently into, for finding divine knowledge and improvement in it, and for the trial of doctrines. If he receives Him, it is everlasting life, and Christ is thus honoured by him; if not, judgment remains which will compel the honour of Christ, but to his own ruin for ever. It is not simply the new birth such as a saint might, and always must, have had, in order to vital relations with God at any time. The refusal of His precious blood will, on the contrary, make their case incomparably worse than that of the heathen who never heard the good news. Before the manner of His manifestation comes before us in verse 14, we have the secret explained why some, and not all, received Christ. Furthermore, you do not have his word living in you; for you do not believe the one whom he sent. (Read John 5:39-44) The Jews considered that eternal life was revealed to them in their Scriptures, and that they had it, because they had the word of God in their hands. Indeed, it is the total eclipse, not merely of law and remedial mercies, but even of promised Messianic glory, by everlasting life and resurrection at the last day. It is not merely a Messiah, who comes and offers Himself, as we find in other gospels, with most painstaking diligence, and presented to their responsibility; but here from the outset the question is viewed as closed. john 8 32) John 5:39 (King James Version) 5:1 After this there was a feast of the Jews; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. John 5. It is evident that the failure of many men to find Christ is not from any deficiency in the means of discovering Him. This brings in the great counterpart truth, that even God present on earth and made flesh is not enough. John 6:1-14 Philip Fails the Exam . Now, it is the Holy Ghost in the power that gives rivers of living water flowing out, and this bound up with, and consequent on, His being man in glory. Thus we have here the other side of the truth: not merely what God is in life and light, in grace and truth, as revealed in Christ coming down to man; but man is now judged in the very root of his nature, and proved to be entirely incapable, in his best state, of seeing or entering the kingdom of God. His glorious person would have none now in relation to God but members of the family. John 4. He speaks of Himself as the Son of man in death; for there could be no eating of His flesh, no drinking of His blood, as a living man. This leads Philip to Nathanael, in whose case, when he comes to Jesus, we see not divine power alone in sounding the souls of men, but over creation. John 3:14-15; John 3:14-15) It is not a question simply of the Son of God, nor is He spoken of here as the Word made flesh. Nay, the Father has given all judgment to the Son. "No man hath seen God at any time: the only-begotten Son," etc. I. Here He is not portrayed as the Son of man who must be lifted up, but as the Son of God who was given. (Verses John 7:19-23) What judgment could be less righteous? John 7:6-8) They belonged to the world. And they asked him, What then? The effect is thus final, even as His person, witness, and glory are divine. John 8:31-James : . For He who spoke was divine. He who inspired them to communicate His thoughts of Jesus in the particular line assigned to each, raised up John to impart the highest revelation, and thus complete the circle by the deepest views of the Son of God. Verse (39:53) - English Translation. You must be doing the will of the Father. All is fitly closed by the declaration, that "the Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand." Bible sermons, Evidence that Jesus Christ is God, John 5:36-40. They wonder, as they had murmured before (John 7:12-15); but Jesus shows that the desire to do God's will is the condition of spiritual understanding. To the Pharisees, indeed, his words as to the Lord are curt: nor does he tell them of the divine ground of His glory, as he had before and does after. John 1:20-25) John does not even speak of Him as one who, on His rejection as Messiah, would step into a larger glory. The subject is introduced abruptly, but rises naturally out of the circumstances. The question whether the mood is imperative or indicative, whether we have here a commandment to examine the writings of the Old Testament canon, or a reference to their habit of doing so, is one which has been discussed through the whole history of New Testament exposition, and one on which the opinion of those best qualified to . How singularly is the glory of the Lord Jesus thus viewed, as invested with the testimony of God and its crown! He saw him under the fig tree. Of this we learn nothing, here. Beholding Him as He walked, he says, Behold the Lamb of God! How striking the omission! (Psalms 132:1-18) Then they wanted to make Him a king. All disciplinary action, every probationary process, disappears. Ron DeSantis. (SeePsalms 2:1-12; Psalms 2:1-12) But the Lord tells him of greater things he, should see, and says to him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, henceforth (not "hereafter," but henceforth) ye shall see the heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of man. They had stumbled before, and the Lord brought in not alone His person, as the Word made flesh, presented for man now to receive and enjoy; but unless they ate the flesh, and drank the blood of the Son of man, they had no life in them. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary. Thus we have traced, first, hearts not only attracted to Him, but fresh souls called to follow Him; then, in type, the call of Israel by-and-by; finally, the disappearance of the sign of moral purifying for the joy of the new covenant, when Messiah's time comes to bless the needy earth; but along with this the execution of judgment in Jerusalem, and its long defiled temple. not the Jews only; for, as far as intelligence went, it was little better with the disciples till He rose from the dead. Coming after John as to date, He is necessarily preferred before him in dignity; for He was ( ) [not come into being ( )] before Him. The Scriptures teach the way of life, and it is our duty to study them. Hence, then, we have the Lord Jesus alluding to this fresh necessity, if man was to be blessed according to God. John 5:31-38 Bear Witness. (VersesJohn 6:1-21; John 6:1-21). So bright was His glory, so concerned was the Father in maintaining it, so immense the blessing if received, so tremendous the stake involved in its loss, that God vouchsafed the amplest and clearest witnesses. For as the Father hath life in himself, so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself; and hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. Nicodemus, not understanding in the least such a want for himself, expresses his wonder, and hears our Lord increasing in the strength of the requirement. b. Amen. Yet before a miracle, as well as in the working of those which set forth His glory, it is evident that so far from its being a gradual growth, as it were, in His mind, He had, all simple and lowly though He were, the deep, calm, constant consciousness that He was God. (Verse John 7:39), Nothing can be simpler than this. (Verses John 6:59-71) What and if they should see Him, who came down and died in this world, ascend up where He was before? Nay, "the world knew him not." All is in the character of the Son of man. In a certain sense, the principle of John 4:1-54 was made true in the woman of Samaria, and in others who received Christ then. This is the more striking, because, as we have seen, the world and Israel, rejecting Him, are also themselves, as such, rejected from the first. It is the wider, universal glory of the Son of man (according toPsalms 8:1-9; Psalms 8:1-9); but the most striking part of it verified from that actual moment because of the glory of His person, which needed not the day of glory to command the attendance of the angels of God this mark, as Son of man. He will have all honour the Son, even as Himself. Man is morally judged. Verse 3. But this, however worthy of God, and indispensable for man, could not of itself give an adequate expression of what God is; because in this alone, neither His own love nor the glory of His Son finds due display. For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him." Here, then, we have a remarkable display of that which preceded His Galilean ministry, or public manifestation. But there was this difference from the former occasion, that, at the marriage in Cana (John 2:1-25), the change of the water into wine was clearly millennial in its typical aspect. There is the nicest care to maintain His personal glory, no matter what the subject may be. (Ver. The allusion to the fig-tree confirms this. Practical Bible study on John 5:19-47. John 4:27-38 The Harvest is Ready. He has not placed his salvation in sacraments, or books, or priests, but he has kept it in himself; and if you want to have it you must come to him." (Spurgeon) ii. Governmental healing even from Him might only end in "some worse thing" coming. See John 5:38-40 (printed below), note, especially, verse 38. From the series: Commentary on the Gospel of John PREVIOUS PAGE | NEXT PAGE 8. Such is God's vindication of His outraged rights; and the judgment will be proportionate to the glory that has been set at nought. But here these streams of the Spirit are substituted for the feast of tabernacles, which cannot be accomplished till Christ come from heaven and show Himself to the world; for this time was not yet come. Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource for the Holy Quran. He is ever God; He is the Son; He quickens and raises from the dead. Changelog Sourced from browserslist's changelog. The president of the United Church of Christ writes to say he doesn't recognize the Christianity espoused by, and used as a defense for, the actions of Florida Gov. Hanlon's razor is an adage or rule of thumb that states, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. But even this sufficed not: the Son of man must be lifted up. The contrasts are as strong, at least, as the resemblance with the healing of the centurion's servant in Matthew 13:1-58 and Luke 7:1-50, which some ancients and moderns have confounded with this, as they did Mary's anointing of Jesus with the sinful woman's in Luke 7:1-50. It is the revelation of God yea, of the Father and the Son, and not merely the detecter of man. Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible. John 4:1-54 presents the Lord Jesus outside Jerusalem outside the people of promise among Samaritans, with whom Jews had no intercourse. It was but preliminary, of course; still it was a deep reality, the then present grace in the person of the Son, the Saviour of the world, who filled their once dark hearts with light and joy. It is this which our Lord so emphatically marks in the case of the Jews. Now they testify about me; (40) but you will not come to me so that you may receive life. Verse 42. The incarnate Word was here full of grace and truth. There is no other way in which the new nature is made good in a soul. Under all changes, outwardly, He abode as from eternity the only-begotten Son in the bosom of the Father. Jesus heals an invalid on the SabbathHe explains why men must honor the SonJesus promises to take the gospel to the deadMan is resurrected, judged, and assigned his glory by the SonJesus obeys the divine law of witnesses. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. Leftists Backtrack on Being Wrong About Wuhan Lab Leak Former Communist from East Germany Warns Americans About the Nightmare of Living Under Authoritarian Rule Russia Warms to China as Zelensky Insists Sending America's "Sons & Daughters" to DIE For NATO - FULL SHOW 03/01/23 EcoHealth Alliance Whistleblower: I Believe Ukraine Conflict . After this we have, suitably to this gospel, John's connection with the Lord Jesus. So in the baptism with the Holy Ghost, who would pretend to such a power? (Verses John 5:13-16), A graver issue, however, was to be tried; for Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. Nay, therefore it was they, reasoning, denied Him to be God. , , , , , because ye think in them ye have eternal life. Now it is that the great question is decided; now it is that a man receives or refuses Christ. This testimony differs from the rest in having a more permanent character. In the five porches, then, of this pool lay a great multitude of sick, blind, lame, withered, waiting for the moving of the water. )7.30: Studio recital by Maurice Turley (boy singer). Jesus raised the corpse of Lazarus from death to life. John 1:11-12; John 1:11-12) It was not a question now of Jehovah and His servants. Observe, it is not (as is often very erroneously said or sung) a question of sins, but of the "sin" of the world. (Verses John 4:31-38). (Verses John 7:40-53). John 1:26-27; John 1:26-27) For himself he was not the Christ, but for Jesus he says no more. Jesus urged them to search those Scriptures with more diligence and attention. For the astonishing thought is, not merely that Jesus receives the Holy Ghost without measure, but that God gives the Spirit also, and not by measure, through Him to others. They did indeed search the Scriptures . He entered this world, became flesh, as born of woman; but there was no diminution of His own glory, when He, born of the virgin, walked on earth, or when rejected of man, cut off as Messiah, He was forsaken of God for sin our sin on the cross. (Ver. 17.30: Slat.' Oporn Orchestra 7.48: "Paul Clifford. Mark what, as such, He does declare Him. Judgment is the alternative for man: for God it is the resource to make good the glory of the Son, and in that nature, in and for which man blind to his own highest dignity dares to despise Him. For nothing can be more observable than the way in which He becomes the centre round whom those that belong to God are gathered. (Verse John 3:16), Let it not be passed by, that while the new birth or regeneration is declared to be essential to a part in the kingdom of God, the Lord in urging this intimates that He had not gone beyond the earthly things of that kingdom. International Bible Lesson. Here we see Him accepting, not as fellow-servant, but as Lord, those souls who had been under the training of the predicted messenger of Jehovah that was to prepare His way before, His face. This question is raised, or rather settled, by the Lord in Jerusalem, at the passover feast, where many believed on His name, beholding the signs He wrought. (Verses John 5:1-7), On the other hand, the Lord speaks but the word: "Rise, take up thy couch and walk." Verse 5:4. (Verses John 4:20-30), The disciples marvelled that He spoke with the woman. If He judges, it is not without full warning. Jesus is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world, but withal, as he had said, the eternal One, yet in view of His manifestation to Israel (and, therefore, John was come baptizing with water a reason here given, but not to the Pharisees in verses 25-27). John 6. John 5:39-47 Search the Scriptures. It was an extraordinary birth; of God, not man in any sort, or measure, but a new and divine nature (2 Peter 1:1-21) imparted to the believer wholly of grace. Using the Bible to impress others rather than to grow in humility and love for God will keep you from faith in Christ (5:39-42). 1. Believers Delivered from. The looking for signs and wonders is rebuked; but mortality is arrested. Thus the Holy Ghost, given by the Son in humiliation (according to God, not acting on law, but according to the gift of grace in the gospel), was fully set forth; but the woman, though interested, and asking, only apprehended a boon for this life to save herself trouble here below. a. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." 3. The disciples of John dispute with a Jew about purification; but John himself renders a bright witness to the glory of the Lord Jesus. . (Verses John 1:41-44), On the morrow Jesus begins, directly and indirectly, to call others to follow Himself. In short, the riches of God's grace are here according to the glory of the Son, and in the power of the Holy Ghost. One must be born again. 29) on which, as it were, Jesus speaks and acts in His grace as here shown on the earth. What more glorious proof than that the Holy Ghost is given not a certain defined power or gift, but the Holy Ghost Himself; for God gives not the Spirit by measure! John 5:39. Without sign, prodigy, or miracle, in this village of Samaria Jesus was heard, known, confessed as truly the Saviour of the world ("the Christ" being absent in the best authorities, ver. As a weapon of conviction, most justly had it in the mind of the Lord Jesus the weightiest place, little as man thinks now-a-days of it. His death on the cross included much more, clearly answering to the first; His baptizing with the Holy Ghost followed His going to heaven. The Word, in order to accomplish these infinite things, "was made. None the less did the result of His death proclaim His Deity. But when the Lord speaks of His cross, and not God's judicial requirements only, but the gift of Himself in His true personal glory as the occasion for the grace of God to display itself to the utmost, then, and not till then, do we hear of eternal life, and this connected with both these points of view. John 5:25. The words may be rendered in the indicative, as an assertion, "ye do search the Scriptures": the Jews had the sacred oracles committed to them, and these they read, not only their kings, princes, and judges, but the common people, who brought up their children to the reading of them, and instructed them in them: and besides this, these writings were read, and expounded publicly in their synagogues every sabbath day; and at this time especially these records were examined, and particularly those of them which respected the Messiah, since there was now a general expectation of him: and certain it is, that the chief priests, Scribes, and elders, or the sanhedrim, were very much versed in the Scriptures, and could readily refer to those which concerned the Messiah; see an instance of this in ( Matthew 2:4-6 ) ; for in them ye think ye have eternal life; not the doctrine of eternal life, nor the promises of it, nor the way to it; though all these are contained in them, and pointed out by them: for though life and immortality are brought to light by the Gospel, and the promise of eternal life belongs to the covenant of grace, and the way of life and righteousness by Christ is manifested without the law, and not by it; yet there is much of the Gospel, and an exhibition of the covenant of grace, and its promises, and Christ, the way of life, is directed to typically by the tree of life, and the brazen serpent, and other things in those writings. Proud member But the meaning here is, that they imagined, by having these writings in their hands, and by their reading them, and hearing them expounded every sabbath day, they should obtain and inherit everlasting life: hence they call F18 the law eternal life, and say F19 concerning the reading of it, that. Not only man under law has no health, but he has no strength to avail himself of the blessing that God holds out. Free current stock price quotes and data for Umpqua Holdings Corp (UMPQ). (Ver. But the Lord reproaches him, the master of Israel, with not knowing these things: that is, as a teacher, with Israel for his scholar, he ought to have known them objectively, at least, if not consciously. Christ was the true sanctuary, not that on which man had laboured so long in Jerusalem. Notably He is now applying it to the reconciliation of a people, who are also baptized by the Holy Ghost into one body. This we have had fully before. The Lord Jesus did, without question, take humanity in His person into that glory which He so well knew as the Son of the Father. John 7:25-31) He is going where they cannot come, and never guessed (for unbelief thinks of the dispersed among the Greeks of anything rather than of God). For evidently it is the theme of worship in its Christian fulness, the fruit of the manifestation of God, and of the Father known in grace. Commentary on John 5:39-44 (Read John 5:39-44) The Jews considered that eternal life was revealed to them in their Scriptures, and that they had it, because they had the word of God in their hands. No doubt Jesus Himself had the Holy Ghost given to Him, as it was meet that He in all things should have the pre-eminence; but it shows yet more both the personal glory of Christ and the efficacy of His work, that He now gives the same Spirit to those who receive His testimony, and set to their seal that God is true.