This pairing can definitely workdont give up or get scared because of what youve read. Im totally in love with this Pisces girl in my class. my advice to all pisces gals like mesteer clear of leo menor you`ll end up in divorce court like me! Leos do want to move fast and everything. We have also already told each other that we love each other and it felt right. She is dreamy, mystical and seems to him to be a bundle of secrets. I am a leo, I look for a woman with good mindset that is not manipulated by these movies and stuff. No one can really guarantee anything it depends the kind of person you are and how he is ,just understand his nature n he shall understand yours and that should be good but remeber pisces r v sensitive n some time leis can really hurt us nit intentionally but they do. This particular Leo woman did not care about satisfying me sexually. There is often a problem here with a union of this kind. Where the public only gets royally curated bits and pieces of Meghan and Harry's life, Riverdale fans. We are complete opposite but in the same way we have so much in common. But I have my reasons. Leo is a sensual sign, relying on the affect of passion for a feeling of security and contentment. I hope it helps. Im a male Leo and my advice is You absolutely do NOT try to tame a lion. You will come off as being uninterested, manipulative, and appear to be stringing him along. A Leo man instinctively knows she's dangerous, but he has a courageous heart, and that's why he works so hard to attract her. Leo man is generous to the end as well as gracious; warm, affectionate and his lover should have that same self expression. And because theyve gotten used to me putting in all the effort while they analyze me. She just has velvet gloves on her fists and defends herself in her own evasive way. This magic will make your Leo man want a relationship with you. A Leo man and Pisces woman in bed can have a powerful bond. My emotions keep me connected with him although no part of me is glad that Im not hurting. I dont know what to do anymore. I love him more so because of the great amount of love and care he has for me. But this is not the easiest marriage. He is my best friend, the love of my life , and my soul mate . How Long Does a Buffet Wedding Dinner Take? A Leo man is also likely to enjoy the sexual connection with a Pisces woman but may not know how to handle her sensitive emotional nature. Leo Man & Gemini Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Hi every one please give me the suggestion, i m pisces women & going to do arrange marriage with leo man can i do marriage, my family astrologer told me that do marriage with leo man, your both compability is not good your relaction will not go to far so dont doo, my mom belive this but i am not belive in astrologer to much, and that leo man is not beliver in all this things, so i m very confused please give me a sugesstion i like that leo man & he also like me i am a gujarati girl please reply me as soon as possible. Im In Love With A Leo . During our conversations I put out some feelers to let her now I was interested in her, which she took and returned. Instead, a Leo man will just assume that his actions speak for themselves. And he is so impulsive and annoying while Pisces needs care and patience. We have both made sacrifices and changed our ways for each other. He always told me, I made him a better lover and a better person and he always motivated me to achieve my dreams and supported me through every up and down. He is the most draining and soul sucking person I have ever met. He's the master, and she's his slave girl. But I also know that sex changes everything. My Leo guy and I dated online for 9 months until just recently when we broke up. Agreed. At the end of our conversation she asked me what my astrology sign was and I said a Leo and then she paid another compliment of how I definitely was a leo and smiled. That is interesting because he always mentioned how I was really attractive and he felt I was outta his league and he always mentions how I can get any man I want when I ask him what really happened. A Leo man is independent, but he is also authoritarian as well as controlling and possessive of the things and people he considers his. Im a Leo male & honestly, attempting to control me without communicating (which then would remove the control) is a downfall. We had much in comm, Leo Man And Pisces Woman thankyou very much. He is one of the most devoted, charming, loving guys you could ask for when he can stay focused on you, but as a Pisces woman if you dont learn to adjust, adapt, and overcome his short comings, you wont make it with him. I have to say when its good its good and when its bad its reallllllly bad. This is how to lose a pisces 101. This appeals to a sensitive Pisces woman. Dont push us down to the edge. If they are in a community theater troupe, a band or other creative based collaboration, these two can help each other succeed. They basically want her to be a person to bare a child and not work and to look pretty.they apparently disliked her getting education. Leo Man & Sagittarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match. Prince Harry, a textbook Virgo, and Meghan Markle, a fierce Leo really do make the perfect pairing. Im a leo man. This is how he treated everyone in his life except his immediate family, who he is completely whipped by. With that aside she told me some other information that makes me feel confused. She knows how the human heart loves and would never think of separating herself from such a beautiful quality. He is dynamic, determined, assertive and confident. Nope. My only concern is our age difference. Hes an amazing romantic and goes slow with me because I have been hurt many times by guys in the past. He is all for it,Wow!! Leo and Pisces are the lovers of the zodiac. Please think before you type, people. In return, however, he expects her to budge a bit too. We need freedom and to dream and do what we wish. Although Mila and Ashton are born under opposing signs - she's a Leo and he's an Aquarius - they're a successful couple! Age could play a role in this. Like she had interest in me when I put out my feelers two months prior to that day. Astrological compatibility, however, can offer some basic insight. Something about him is the perfect combination to make me completely disgusted and turned off. I am a very luckey pisces woman and am ready to spend the rest of my life wih my beautiful leo lover. The way a Leo man approaches you it makes you think this is true love. Im a Leo who is 8 years younger than the pisces woman Im interested in. A Pisces woman is an introvert and more reserved. He's her Prince Charming: the handsome, utterly romantic man of her dreams. A Leo man and Pisces woman who are successful in love need to accommodate each other at every turn. He loves to stare at me while I stare into space taking time out in my own little world. He also knows that he shouldnt feel threatened that she would want to take over his position being first in the relationship nor resist his authority. Let leos have their superiority. He broke my heart. I dont wanna break up. She told me they basically want her to do nothing but be a vessel to bare the child and of course a boy. He will become overwhelmed by her moody nature. Leo Man & Libra Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? 2023 LoveToKnow Media. I will say that the part about multiple breakups is true. Pisces and Leo might be the most artistic signs in the zodiac. he thinks of himself as an emotional man but he is just possessive and angry, a terrible combination especially for pisces women who care about all people around her and are sensitive, not fake sensitive like leo but actually gets deeply affected by her environment and the people around her. So she met this guy when they were 17 and had been together since than. "Aries may feel . I think it is true because I am dating a Leo and I am a Pisces so I believe pretty much everything this says. Hey there:) dont know if you guys are still going, just couldnt walk past this comment. Most of the time he makes me speechless and makes me the happiest Ive ever been. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Aquarius Man & Pisces Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Because I was dating a younger female Leo and she sounded more sexual. Leo Man And Pisces Woman We broke up because of so many small things like this. I felt that I knew I had the upper hand and was very emotionally mean to her and I dont think I really made the effort. Usually, she's a gentle, agreeable woman who from the first date wants the man to take the lead and make all the plans. Required fields are marked *. Besides the fact that there are over 40 different astrological aspects that make up every individual chart. She is intuitive and sensitive and he doesnt always consider other peoples emotions. She needs to let her loyal, generous, yet stubborn and proud lover know just how much he means to her. I feel you girl. She is a little bit of a flirt, but i dont mind, i just want her to be happy, she already broke my heart once when she was in a relationship with a libra boy. It can amplify a Pisces's feelings of being used or mistreated, which a Leo doesn't totally understand. Well, Im a little confused cause, being this site the third I see, there are things here that is different from the other sites. complete mismatch ? She even went against her familys wishes to be with me, moved out for me. She said she doesnt want to marry anyone for money cause money isnt important to her. What a fascinating character. He's drawn to her simply because she's an irrespirable force that he hungers to conquer. Leos aren't typically planners, and. Nor does he always see the need to do this. He was 19 and Leo. But it all like to cherish a viper in ones bosom. She is so happy with him, well, thats the way it seemed to me, so i really dont mind. Join the conversation, be positive, and stay on topic. Pairing Capricorn and Gemini is like pairing up Yoda with Tinker Bell. its been 4 year we r together. She's a chameleon and shape-shifter who presents herself as a fantasy of her own making. Good Luck to all the Leo/Pisces couples out there . If her compassionate nature doesnt overwhelm him, they can make it work. We do have one child together which has brought me closer to him 10 times over. He brought up the conversation of marrage and now we are engaged. The Pisces man will be disappointed and upset with this, and he will view it as selfish, which it is. He legit only saw me as an object to pick up when he needs me and put down when I am inconvenient to him. 25 years ago I started dating my Leo man . 2 minutes and nobody looking, yes, there he will go.He will be back however, because he knows your dedicated and willing to overlook the issues that cause you to freak out when hes away. Good luck girl! I have been in love with a leo man for 2 years he cheats on me i know that for a fact but i can never win when it comes to him defending himself. Theyre probably a little insecure about it sometimes. In return, he generously pampers and showers her with love and all the accouterments of love, which, in turn, leads her to love and adore him more, which results in more love and pampering from him to her. Both a Pisces woman and Leo man prefer to find the easiest solution to a problem, even if this doesnt really fix the underlying issues. A Leo man is a hyper-masculine romantic guy who likes to take the lead in relationships and believes presentation is everything. Idealism and Romance The Leo man and Pisces woman are drawn to each other by their shared romantic natures. This man craves all the best that life can afford him, which applies to food and drink, lifestyle, as well as women. He was everything I wanted and more. I love him. A Pisces woman is a paradox and an enigma. Therefore, he's not in a hurry. I guess its a Leo thing cuz my best friend and brother acts the same way. I feel stupid, but I pretend joining the things he does. When this happens, serious situations arent addressed and they can both pay a high price for their procrastination. She's his Cinderella: the delicate, beautiful, gossamer woman who romantically enchants him and who he's drawn to save and protect. He was always flirty with me even when he was dating someone so Id stop talking to him because the girl he was with didnt deserve that. She is not much on expressing herself but she always gives it her best shot. In the bedroom is where this couple's love really steams and sizzles. In order to determine how compatible a couple might be, you have to go far deeper than sun signs. Copyright 2023, Indian Vedic Astrology Horoscope Online Portal @ She would be the wife who stays home with expensive things and who bares a child or two and has to be the house wife doing laundry, cooking and etc. As a husband, he's loyal and supportive, and as a father, he's loving, playful, involved, and very proud of his children. As long as they both understand each others expectations and boundaries, they can enjoy a fun and exciting sexual relationship. To her Leo man, it is a cold look she has because she doesnt really want to be with him. He saw that I was afraid to let him in because of my past. Leo Man & Taurus Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Slow and steady is the way to go when dating a Capricorn man. He likes to play, and she loves doing things that are different and exciting. these people come in all shapes, sizes and astrological signs. How to Attract a Sagittarius Man: 12 Keys to His Heart. When this pair is successful, it is usually because the Pisces woman has plenty of emotionally supportive friends and doesnt put all of the focus on the emotional connection with a Leo man. On top of all that her boyfriends side of the family are very Asian culturally traditional. Im a pisces dating a leo man as well but hes taking it slow with me. Pisces are so emotional compared to Leo. A Leo man and Pisces woman who are successful in love need to accommodate each other at every turn. And you are too! @[emailprotected] Celebrity couples are both intriguing and baffling; while their love stories capture the hearts of many fans, it's impossible to truly know the inner workings of famous relationships. I have much respect for him and I let him be the man, because that is what I need..Hes awesome. I wil. Now at this point I was astonished to find out this information this late in the game. And us pisces can do anything for family n thats whet she is doing for her mom. Trust me, if a leo wants to move fast, he has probably known all about you that he requires(or he might just want to be in bed with you). Im 29 and hes 31. Pisces Man & Pisces Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? He is confident and will take the first step to meet her. This couple also struggles with practical matters in a marriage as neither is particularly keen on keeping track of finances, dealing with mundane responsibilities or setting boundaries with children if they have a family. I make more than he does and he hated to see me living well! But if they are trying to be the main support in each others lives, they will clash. I hope for the best of luck with the couples here. It was killing me. Leo and Pisces are idealistic, self-aware, and tend to rely on intuition to navigate . Plus, he just can't resist that steamy sizzle he feels when she's by his side. Another important point is: don't be selfish, in any way. He wants me to move in and idk about that . Another major issue between these signs can be jealousy. I played hard to get for like 9 mo. Now she has another leo man. Dont let what these horoscopes say about you guys. Remember when I said I felt like his proposals for being a couple and talk of marriage was cheap? Leo men tend to be procrastinators and lazy at times too. As u r leo I can guarantee that u will understand her better . My wife and I have been together for 5 years going on 6. She doesnt know what to do because the guy she had been with for this long is a partner her family wants her to marry. The Pisces woman is ready to accept the dominance of her Leo man as long as she gets respect from him. So you probably can guess what sign she is since this is about pisces. We have a lot of things in common. These signs strike a successful balance when they meet. In a long term relationship, like a marriage, both a Pisces woman and a Leo man will try to keep the pleasure alive. The Leo man loves being the center of attention, and that is exactly where she will spot him. She needs to realize that when he gets fired up he wont back down until all of his fury is out and everyone knows it. Pisces is kind, gentle, and loving. All rights reserved. Be he very strong minded of his opinion and as am I. Mind you we broke up a little over a year ago. If a Leo man and a Pisces woman can work through their differences and come to an understanding of how to balance out each others personalities, they may consider marriage. A Leo man can seem vain, demanding and insensitive to a Pisces woman. I started dating a Scorpio last year and I am very happy. But I dont know how to feel about it. . i still admire him ( with stars in my eyes). It's more about knowing how the blueprint works for each pair. When argument start hell gets more mad then it needs to. A Leo man and a Pisces woman complement each other in many ways. Famous Capricorn Man and Pisces Woman Celebrity Couples 1- Alex Kingston (Pisces, 11 March 1963) and Ralph Fiennes (Capricorn, 22 December 1962) 2- Henry Miller (Capricorn, 26 December 1891) and Anais Nin (Pisces, 21 February 1903) 3- Richard Nixon (Capricorn, 9 January 1913) and Pat Nixon (Pisces, 16 March 1912) 4- David Lynch (Capricorn, 20 . Leo men are independent and confident, and Aquarius women move through the world in the same way. She may see his sexual style as proof of deeper feelings that he doesnt have. I am so looking forward to marry this man in the future and live happily with my Leo King. Leo and Capricorn both appreciate being respected and appreciated by their peers and will work together to guard their privacy and make sure their reputations are what they desire. The Leo man Pisces woman compatibility pair are drawn together by their mutual romantic natures. As for you wanting to make sure he isnt with you just for sex, just play hard to get. If there is any infidelity to be had in this relationship, rest assured one can see the fury of the Leo mans roar and Pisces woman getting extremely hurt. of course Peter O'Toole and Ursula Andress are just some of the famous Leo-Pisces couples that made it work, despite the unique challenges they had to face . I Broke Up With Him . Im fighting for my marriage but the distrust is bothersome. We have not had any problems, suspicions, or difficulty talking out our differences. Its a mystery to me how Ive dealt with it over the years but I continue to be faithful. Leo and Pisces are two markedly different signs, conscious efforts to understand each other and to make adjustments are necessary in order for this relationship to be harmonious. Only if she tried to understand me, to understand the situations, it wouldnt be like this. Sprouse is the Leo, born on Aug. 4, 1992, and Reinhart is the Virgo, born on Sept. 13, 1996. He is generous and kind and earnest but he cant control him self or his anger. Leo men can also ignore character flaws of their lover to save themselves from being hurt. but since he is a man, leo man got super possessive and territorial and tried to cut him out of my life, said i was a whore and said racial slurs against his race. It doesn't have to cost a lot of money to show one another how much you care. But she would prefer if he made her something unique or just spent more time talking and cuddling. Though even a friendship between a Leo man and Pisces woman can be complicated. Yet hes not as expressive as she is. On our first date he took me to the movies, and while we were sitting waiting for the movie to start, I could feel the tension emanating from him and then he sends me a text message saying Im at the movies with the most beautiful, sexiest woman. I have only seen Sagittarius and Leo woman shut down sexual after having a organism. You have to make her realize this is her life n she have the right to stay happy. He came on strong. Sex is great! . He still says love you so Im unsure of his feelings towards me. nah. Im speaking with you from a place of very recently experience. I like it when hes around and I like it when hes not. Ive just started dating my Leo 2 months ago, he is just like this horoscope describes a Leo man to be. I told him that we should let things happen naturally with out any restrictions to see what wondrous things will happen in our lives. While the Nawaab of Pataudi, Saif Ali Khan is a Leo (August 16, 1970), Bebo aka Kareena Kapoor Khan is a Virgo (September 21, 1980). Once he gets out of that phase, it will be very difficult to get him back, even worse if you decide to string him along and he picks up on it. The zodiac sign Pisces man is ruled by the planet of Neptune, which is also known as the God of the Sea. She may see him as too authoritative, dramatic or overbearing. When she in this state, he should realize he can't be her sunshine man and call on his own sensitive side, tell her he admires her empathetic feeling nature and the compassion she shows for all living the creatures, bring her some flowers, gently hold and comfort her, and then lovingly give her time and space. Dont fight for someone who wants to leave once a leo made up his mind thats it. Copyright 2023, Indian Vedic Astrology Horoscope Online Portal @ At least for me, I have at times had to be a cheerleader for him to focus on projects and work. A Pisces woman may not always want to go along with his ideas but also is not always assertive enough to make this known. abuse-both mental and physical-manipulation, heartache, misery and tears. I know they say that Leo men have bad tempers and my Leo has told me stories where his temper got the best of him, but he said that he will never let me see that because he loves me. I cant tell if Im just emotionally withdrawing or regretting that I didnt try hard enough in my relationship now that its over. A Pisces woman may try to placate him to avoid dealing with temper tantrums and this also becomes counter productive. She may be great for his ego as she will show the admiration he desires, but she may feel disheartened when he doesnt reciprocate. Leo and Pisces one of the least compatible couples and don't enough in common to form a meaningful relationship. She left me cause I told her to move on. He enjoys the attention of women and will treat them all like queens, but the many he'll date are just ornamental playmates and laymates until he finds that extraordinary person who he believes best matches his romantic and idealistic notion of feminine beauty. A Pisces woman can be insecure and a Leo man is prone to jealousy. She also puts love and the man she's in love with on a pedestal and idolizes him. Great sex can ease the tension that exists in other aspects of their relationship if they are a serious couple. Weve only been seeing each other for about two months but I feel like Ive known him for years because we have both been so honest with each other from the very first conversation. Never understand what ended us and everytime he gives different explanations that all dont make sense or add up. Both can find greater excitement in their sex life when they channel their intense feelings. A trip with an elder or a mentor of the Leo man would help you both grow and learn. And my Leo ex seems happy too. I was not used to that so I was really flattered so we became official before we even had sex which was a first for me. She needs and wants to have a time alone. I think the variables by the individual(s) make anything possible but you must choose quality partners to begin with. Are you guys still together ? But we both knew, we still love each other. She said the only reason she hasnt broken everything off is because her parents sacrificed a lot for her and want her to marry him yet what is hold her back is because she doesnt get a long with the guys mother and cause if she does get in a marriage with the guy she sells away her freedom to do what she wants.