The Solar actively takes the initiative and the role of a leader, if other aspects do not contradict this. There can be distinct ego wars between you, especially if you are around each other often. The Lunar considers the Solar insensitive and unbearable while the Solar considers the Lunar easily changeable, gloomy, and lazy. Had an ex whose Mars conjuncted my Medusa. At first, things might feel a bit off, but with a bit of communication and trial/error, the couple can learn to balance both of their needs. She seemed to be asking for compliments for her beauty. Both the Sun and the Mars person respect each others individuality. Appreciate your basic differences, as you have much potential to complement each other. They will also need alot of communication surrounding their sex life in a way that doesnt make the other feel defensive. Conjunctions between these planets will help the two get along better and will reduce the tendency to clash over egos. The Sun conjunct the Moon synastry embodies a natural principle of polarity between creative and perceptual factors. It can easily lean towards a love-hate relationship: you love and respect each other when you are able to complement each other, and you hate each other when you fail to understand and appreciate your differences. You may find yourself in a position where your achievements are recognized. Exact and orb 1. Your relationship is dynamic and energizing. You strongly identify with each other and are very much alike in important ways. Synastry:Mercury-MarsAspects Something else i find interesting is i am the only person who has darkish curly hair in my family!!! Sometimes situations arise when the Lunar feels downed by excessive Solar who responds by considering the Lunar weak, indecisive and pessimistic. A Sun-Sun synastry combination suggests a strong creative connection between the partners. With the Sun sextile Mars synastry aspect, you must actively work to encourage each other. At any rate, Medusa had beautiful hair. Sun Conjunct Sun synastry shows a very intense and loving relationship between two people. One day, I mentioned the asteroid Medusa. Sun-Venus Synastry: Opposite, Square, Conjunct, Trine, Sextile. Synastry:VenusJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Maybe the trine is why I see it as a humbling experience? She decided to pursue someone else after that month. When the Sun conjuncts another persons sun, it can create an instant bond of trust and comfort between you and another person, as well as an innate sense of knowing that you have found your soulmate. No its not my synastry. In the beginning of the relationship, these people were probably very attracted to each other physically. They express themselves harmoniously . They want to change what is to what they want it to be. The aspect will create a connection between them, however. They dont overstep when their partner is doing something important; they probably arent overly needy in these areas. We are engaged in a platonic love affair, without a doubt. Whether this is expressed through liberal compliments between the two, or boasting about ones partner to friends and family, or both, there exists a mutual respect and pride in the relationship. Together, you feel you are going somewhere. I hate to be so blunt but I try to keep it real lol, I have Medusa quintile mc and quincunx ascendant can you tell me what that means? Thankyou , Lilith conj the asc can mean magnetic sexuality esp in house 1. She had Medusa conjunt the ASC. *Daily and weekly incentives based off appointments and performance. The Sun square Mars synastry aspect has a lot to do with ego. It is only later on that the lack of balance will start to become an issue. Most people have quite a few struggles but they are different for different people. It will generally mean that two people are alikealmost too much alike. wouldnt I be a bad tease if it was conjuct my own NN? The Sun Conjunct Sun synastry combination shows a tendency to form connections which are intense and enduring. Your life goals may often be at odds with one another, and this fact can deplete both of your senses of vitality. However, over time, both partners can start to feel annoyed by virtually everything about each other. If the attraction is prolonged, the Sun will have a dominant influence and the partners can achieve a lot together. This can bring them together and it can create problems. if conjunct Mercury, your mind would think in terms of the Medusa myth. Totally lures men into her web, by being a complete tease, then rejects and bad mouths them, for asking her out, after she throws herself at them. I had to tell him that I did not know how it would work in a mans chart. Hi gorgeous Ami As discussed above, signs tend to run in families. With Sun conjunct Mercury synastry, you may also have a similar sense of human and way of talking. I have Medusa conjunct Venus, Juno, and Lilith. I have medusa in my first house making no major aspects yet i feel like i embody this asteroid. YEA, this will come to pass in my opinion, so dont do anything you cant get out of like get married, buy a house, go into business together etc. I think you are a natural astrologer, Tina. In the natal, this person will be an awful user of men. Mutual striving for creative activity allows them to successfully join forces in solving various problems. With this conjunction, energies blend, and the individuals are able to peer directly into how the other person ticks in ways that are foundational to their personality. People who knew both of us in college were perplexed as to how the two of us even got involved with one another, but yeah. Under the Sun conjunct Venus synastry, a strong emotional-intuitive connection is possible since Venus exalts in Pisces. With the Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect, there is astrong physical connection. The Sun is the ego and the Moon is the emotions. This is definitely true from my experience. This Sun sextile Mars synastry aspect has a lot to do with balance. Dont forget: the Sun square Mars synastry aspect is full of passion. Synastry:SunUranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Those who live outside of Utah can reach the National . But Pluto is such a slow-mover that if - for example - your birth Venus is 2 Aquarius, the Transit Pluto conjunction wouldn't show up in a report for the next 12 months. Your overall characteristics and energy levels are very similar. My chart is also water void, so could it be that sometimes I am just oblivious to the effect I am having on guys? In intimate relationships of such partners, the Sun conjunct the Moon synastry is most likely to result in a strong mutual attraction, especially if the Solar is a man and the Lunar is a woman. I want to be considered attractive, but who doesnt? In the astrology chart it is represented by two suns touching one another. They conjunct his valentine and his eros in virgo. In the Sun conjunct Mars synastry relationship, its easy for either person to get super defensive. Dejanira (10th house libra) conjuncts my MC by 3 degrees. The closer the Sun is by degree, the stronger and more intense this aspect is. This means that there is a high incidence of this aspect between family members, which can account for quite complicated connections between them. There are significant disagreements on financial, business, and pedagogical (in relation to the upbringing of children) issues. This aspect is a very supportive one in any chart comparison. Deja conj the MC may be abuse that happens either in public( Nicole Simpson had this) or at work. Persephone square my ASC by 32 minutes. It kind of describes me. Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. Your email address will not be published. There is a great deal of compatibility between you, for you understand and are in harmony with one anothers basic needs, aims, and approach to life. It would seem to explain why I was bullied so badly by my peers when I was young too. Synastry:SunMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts When disagreements arise, the argument is between your egos. the ones I dont have an interest in, I tend to run away from them. I would definitely like for you to do my complete chart one day when I can save up enough. Ultimately, if you have this Sun trine Mars aspect, you are relaxed and in tune with your partner. However, as the relationship progresses, there can be many ego clashes in the relationship. I did not say it but thought, Why do you act provocatively sexy and then get angry when men respond? I watched this drama but did not say anything. I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. I dont mind men being attracted, but I want them to keep their distance unless I express definite interest in return. Could this be an indication of sexual harassment? These must be dealt with if the relationship is to survive. Athena was jealous. When one person wants space the other person needs attention, then this dynamic swaps. In this is the case, Sun opposite Moon synastry affects the emotional side of the relationship well stimulating the partners to harmonize the moral climate in the house. Jeez. The key to handling these relationships is to avoid becoming haughty and self-righteous with one another. I no longer have her in my life (the non financial identity thief), but when she was in my life, this behaviour was so uncomfortable to observe, that it was quite sickening! They are comfortable expressing their sexual needs to each other without judgment. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. You have to SEE the chart in people. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. The roots of the disagreements are often emotional (this is especially true for the Lunar). The individuals tend to boost each others energy levels, or, at the very least, allow each other to function efficiently without draining energy from each other. Ok, I did what you suggested, and this is what I found: Opposites attract! This was an error of youth more than an inherent character flaw in Medusa, in my opinion. Logic is hard to come by. Usually, there is a level of competition between the partners, but there is a strong attraction even through this competitive energy. The impact of this aspect depends on a variety of factors. I have a dear client, who has medusa conj his ASC. Yea, Valentine would make you full of love so this would hamper the Medusa. Synastry:Mercury-MercuryAspects At the same time, the Solar tends to be more active and influential. Be careful that this remains healthy (as it certainly can be) and doesnt turn too competitive or nasty. What might this mean? Ive read that the challenging aspects to Medusa, in a womens chart, can actually make other women envious, and seek to attack the native with the challenging Medusa aspect.