The Florida Education Finance Program provides a formula taking into account the local property tax base, the cost of education programs, the cost of living within a school district, among other factors. He asked his colleagues and administrators present at the session to let the district's lobbyist know about the financial presentation. He added the state lottery provides funding that amounts to five days of the districts operations. Some School Board members and the Polk Education Association teachersunion president agree. Register an account or Add a Student: Click Here Thank you for visiting the official website of the Polk County Department of Education. This policy has been developed and reviewed in consultation with District students, parents, teachers, administrators, school staff, school volunteers, community representatives, and local law enforcement agencies as prescribed in F.S. The districthas lost a third of taxable value from the increases in home values since the Great Recession because of the rollback on millage rates, he added. View school menus and replenish your accounts. practices and standards defined by Section 508 of the U.S. The Staff Portal is where you can update your address & phone number, view remuneration statements, tax information, and more! Using our Services does not give you ownership of any intellectual property rights in our Services or the content you may access. After his presentation, several School Board members wanted more information or called for legislative action on seeing the outlook for its next spending plan. All complaints about bullying and/or harassment that may violate this policy shall be promptly investigated by the principal or assistant principal, who is trained in investigative procedures. Members are required to set up their own account and designate their own username and password. Search the Destiny library catalog, find online resources and learn how parents can give input on library materials. 88 0 obj
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If you would like additional assistance or have She commended new Polk County Schools Superintendent Frederick Heid, who began in June. While Polk's average teacher salary is 35th in the state. Use the Password Reset Tool to reset your password now. User Name. 3 Steps To Hiring Quality Employees Step 1: Create A Vacancy. InJanuary, district officials extended the COVID sick leave through March31. Find everything to ensure your child is on track to graduate on time. Library Media Services recently purchased Camerons Collection, a mental health and wellness e-book series for secondary students. "Harassment" or "bullying" also means electronically transmitted acts (i.e., internet, e-mail, cellular telephone, personal digital assistant(PDA), or wireless hand-held device) that a student(s) or a group of students exhibits toward another particular student(s) and the behavior both causes mental or physical harm to the other student and is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for the other student(s). %%EOF
Students, parents, teachers, school administrators, counseling staff, and school volunteers shall be provided training and instruction, at least annually, on the District's policy and administrative procedures regarding bullying and harassment. Extending the FFCRA COVID leave that covers quarantines through the remainder of the school year is a common-sense move, said Yocum, whose union represents 9,000 Instructional staff, paraeducatorsand clerical personnel. Forgot Your Password? Florida Southern College receives $120,000 state matching grant for nursing education, Winter Haven doctor, a pioneer of emergency medical services in 1960s, dies at age 98, Events celebrating legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. planned in Lakeland, It takes more than numbers to sum up Castle's career, As development comes to Lake Wales, some residents worry about changes to quality of life, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy, Polk County School District is the 24th largest in the nation based on the number of students, The Polk County District would be the largest in 39 states, Polk County is the seventh largest district in Florida. Search . Anti-bullying Assemblies - e.g., Jaylen's Challenge, Yellow Dress, Omega Man, etc. website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless We are very proud of our students, our schools, and our communities. However, we are working with the union on this matter and reviewing available options., More:Polk tops 200 new COVID-19 cases for 3rd-straight day, More:Polk teachers see a pay bump, but no raise for paraeducators or school staff, More:Polk teachers 'just thought it was adisruption.' Polk County Public Schools strives to reduce its energy footprint. A step-by-step guide for becoming licensed to drive. ; College and Career Readiness Information for planning the next steps of your education and beyond. If you have forgotten your Polk County Schools password click here. In West Virginia, it spends $12,270 per student and pays an average teacher salary of$50,261. Learn about the ways were safeguarding our students and schools. Use these tools to encourage collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking, and work one-on-one or with the whole class. Paul Nutcher can be reached at Delores Shockley PCPS provides students with access to a variety of free resources, including eBooks, videos, articles and much more, to conduct research and build literacy skills. Polk County also has unique challenges having both a rural and urban population as well as being an inland county, Pitts said. MLK Day: Events celebrating legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. planned in Lakeland. Coronavirus Information A place for current employees Employees are not required to contribute to the districts self-insuredplan, but do pay for spouses and dependents. For questions related to your benefits or for assistance with Benefitplace, please contact the PCPS Risk Management and Benefits department. School Board Member Lisa Miller said she was interested in seeing an in-progress efficiency audit of current contracted services with the district. Reports may be made anonymously, but formal disciplinary action may not be based solely on the basis of an anonymous report. Pursuant to Florida law, "sexual cyberharassment" means to publish a sexually explicit image of a person that contains or conveys the personal identification information of the depicted person to an Internet website without the depicted persons consent, for no legitimate purpose, with the intent of causing substantial emotional distress to the depicted person. The issue came up. Work online or offline, anytime, and on any device with myPolkApps, powered by Google. The District will provide bullying incident, discipline, and referral data to the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) in the format requested, through Survey 5 from Education Information and Accountability Services, and at designated dates provided by the Department. The district operates 540 buses and transports more than 51,000 students for a total of 60,670 miles travelled each day. I hereby authorize The School Board of Polk County to initiate credit entries and if necessary, debit entries and adjustments to my account at the above financial institution named. The District shall provide for appropriate recognition and positive reinforcement for good conduct, self-discipline, good citizenship, and academic success. Herhusband, whoalso works from home,contracted it firstand hassincerecovered. The instruction shall include evidence-based methods of preventing bullying and harassment, as well as information about how to effectively identify and. "I know that we have not charged anything to the employees and we have talked about it for a long window of time and we wont needtodo it for the next year or two, but I think at some point,that might change, Fields said. %PDF-1.5
Our Services may display content that does not belong to Emerald Data Solutions or its affiliates. Staff Directory Administration. During the first semester, the Superintendent shall inform school staff, parents/guardians/other persons responsible for the welfare of a student of the District's student safety and violence prevention policy. Students are expected to conform to reasonable standards of socially acceptable behavior; respect the person, property, and rights of others; obey constituted authority; and respond to those who hold that authority. If a provision of this policy is or becomes illegal, invalid, or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, that shall not affect the validity or enforceability in that jurisdiction of any other provision of this policy. But she worries about other newer teachers who might not. That's an importantpoint for many of the boardmembersits part of the recruitment we have for staff, Miller said. About 300 teachers in Polk County, both public and private, have contracted COVID-19 between Sept. 6 and April 3, according to records with the Florida Department of Health. The Polk Education Foundation is a nonprofit organization that directly supports Polk County Public Schools. Data reporting on bullying, harassment, unsubstantiated bullying, unsubstantiated harassment, sexual harassment, and threat/intimidation incidents, as well as any bullying-related incidents that have as a basis of sex, race, or disability should include the incident basis. . ", Students, parents, teachers, school administrators, counseling staff, and school volunteers shall be provided training and instruction, at least annually, on the District's policy and administrative procedures regarding bullying and harassment. Quick access to forms, resources, and information. Information regarding dress code, Code of Conduct, attendance, and Student Progression Plan. Pursuant to State law, District students, parents, teachers, administrators, school staff, school volunteers, community representatives, and local law enforcement agencies shall be involved in the review of this policy. Charter school monies pass through the district coffers and that is expected to be $128 million for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. The current general fund was set at $1.167 billion. Wools, 53,woke up April 1 withunbelievably intensemuscleaches, fever and a pounding headache. She tested positive for COVID-19 and went to apply for the special sick leave on Sunday. Steps for getting your child started at Polk County Public Schools. hbbd```b``Z
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There will be no changes to the district's health insurance plan. So,ahome valuedat $200,000 afteranyexemptions would pay$1,165.80. Implementation of the plan by each principal will be ongoing throughout the school year and will be integrated with the school curriculum, the bullying and prevention program, District disciplinary policies, and violence prevention efforts. The Principal shall establish and prominently publicize to students, staff, volunteers, and parents the procedure for reporting bullying and how such a report will be acted upon. Step 3: Interview and Hire! The Student Progression Plan describes requirements for students to be promoted to the next grade. Search results from our Services may contain copyrighted material and, if so, you may not use such content unless you obtain permission from its owner or are otherwise permitted by law. Follow us on Social Media for the latest news and updates. The student may also report concerns to teachers and other school staff who will be responsible for notifying the appropriate administrator. School Board Member Justin Sharpless wanted something done to improve revenues. Discipline and referral data will be recorded in Student Discipline/Referral Action Report and Automated Student Information System. Implementation of the plan by each principal will be ongoing throughout the school year and will be integrated with the school curriculum, the bullying and prevention program, District disciplinary policies, and violence prevention efforts. I'm confident we will get it extended,though, and anyone having to take their own time for quarantine will be given their time back, Yocum said. A helpful overview of Polk County Public Schools Fine Arts programs and opportunities. Yocum said in a text message that the teachersunion has been in talks with PCPS Associate Superintendent for Human ResourcesTeddra Porteous about the extension. Cyberbullying also includes the distribution by electronic means of a communication to more than one person or the posting of material on an electronic medium that may be accessed by one or more persons, if the distribution or posting creates any of the conditions enumerated in the definition of bullying. What You Need To Know About Section 504 A Guide for Parents. This page contains links to important documents, including the Code of Conduct, Student Progression Plan, School Board polices, and more. I know my password and it has not expired. "Cyberbullying" means bullying through the use of technology or any electronic communication, which includes, but is not limited to, any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data, or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic system, photelectronic system, or photooptical system, including, but not limited to, electronic mail, Internet communications, instant messages, or facsimile communications. "That's something that is really alarming to me.". through the use of data or computer software that is accessed at a nonschool-related location, activity, function, or program or through the use of technology or an electronic device that is not owned, leased, or used by the District or school, if the bullying substantially interferes with or limits the victim's ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the District or school or substantially disrupts the education process or orderly operation of a school. Polk tops 200 new COVID-19 cases for 3rd-straight day, Polk teachers see a pay bump, but no raise for paraeducators or school staff, Polk teachers 'just thought it was adisruption.' Reporting an act of bullying or harassment that is not made in good faith is considered retaliation. "Within the scope of the District" means regardless of ownership, any computer, computer system, or computer network that is physically located on school property or at a school-related or school-sponsored program or activity. The intended audience is 6th -12th grade students and parents. PEA President Stephanie Yocum said the school district received more than enough federal relief money to extend the COVID sick leave to those who need it, as other counties have done. During this time, Mrs. Blackman was an integral part of the leadership team that dramatically raised and maintained student achievement at Oscar J. Pope Elementary School. We are committed to providing a a written report by the principal/assistant principal. Instruction regarding bullying, harassment, and the District's violence prevention and school safety efforts shall be integrated into District curriculum at the appropriate grade levels. I need to reset my password. "I am so sorry, said School Board member Lisa Miller. The District shall provide a referral procedure for intervening when bullying or harassment is suspected or when a bullying incident is reported. Stephanie Yocum, president of the Polk Education Association teachers union, whichrepresents 7,000 teachers, along with534 support staff and 1,546paraeducators, said she and the 26 union negotiators are ecstatic to get a contract ratified this early in the process. But she warned that the health plan might not be free to employees for long. Our district consists of 3 elementary schools, 1 middle school, 2 high schools, and a virtual learning academy for grades K-12. home of the beautiful Ocoee, Conasauga, and Hiwassee Rivers and the Cherokee National Forest! College funding: Florida Southern College receives $120,000 state matching grant for nursing education, Trailblazer: Winter Haven doctor, a pioneer of emergency medical services in 1960s, dies at age 98, "One of the most concerning things for me is not just this presentation, but in school funding in general, is where we rank in our district's costs differential," Sharpless said. Users can also select how they wish to receive communication about their benefits (text and/or email). The Polk County School Board kicked off itsbudgeting process for the next school year with a report that showed the district ranks among the poorest both nationally and statewide for such a large district. Information for vendors and potential business partners, including purchasing and construction bids. The principal/assistant principal or District will make a determination if an act of bullying or harassment falls within the scope of District authority. Learn about the wide variety of school options Polk County Public Schools offers for students of all ages. Please use your Polk County Public Schools (PCPS) credentials to access the Staff Portal Admin System. Victims of these offenses should also have the incident basis (sex, race, or disability) noted in their student record. Find out dates for spring and winter break, early release days, and more. The state and federal government also contributes roughly47% and 9% respectively (based on National Center for Education Statistics) to complete the majority of a school districts funding sources each year, Education Week reported. PCPS and the PEA signed a memorandum of understanding on this issue, which did not need a votefromthe School Board. hb``b``*c```w01G30i.F E(|_ PyLsY\&mv e4
The investigator shall document in his/her report the reasons for needing up to an additional ten (10) days. Related:Polk schools budget is estimated at $2.2B,but its not as much as it could be, Minimum wage:See Florida and federal minimum wages over the last 20 years. 68 0 obj
This includes two high schools, one college and career academy, two middle schools, and six elementary schools. 1006.147 (known as the Jeffrey Johnson Stand Up for All Students Act) to address both bullying and harassment that does not rise to the level of or is comprised of discriminatory conduct. The Polk County School District operates 135 schools; 84 elementary schools, 24 middle schools and 17 high schools. They can share this with their significant other if they want that person to handle benefit-related matters. Ledger reporter Kimberly C. Moore can be reached atkmoore@theledger.comor 863-802-7514. The investigator shall collect and evaluate the facts including but not limited to: whether there were past incidents or past continuing patterns of behavior; the relationship between the parties involved including whether the individual was in a position of power over the individual allegedly subject to bullying or harassment; the characteristics of the parties involved; where the bullying and/or harassment occurred; whether there have been other incidents in the school involving the same or other students; whether the conduct adversely affected the student's education or educational environment; the context in which the alleged incidents occurred; and. False charges shall also be regarded as a serious offense and will result in disciplinary action or other appropriate sanctions. InAugust, the district implemented paid sick leave specifically for COVID through the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which uses the federal funding to pay the sick leave salary, among many things. Use your Polk County Schools username as follows: Staff: (firstname.lastname only, do not include to access Moodle. Complaints against the principal should be filed with the regional assistant superintendent assigned to the school. Many of the teacher vacancies and other services are covered by contracts with outside vendors such as INVO, providing behavioral support. You can search, save, and share with ease. The District will utilize Florida's School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting (SESIR) Statewide Report on School Safety and Discipline Data as prescribed. Im not going toplay with this, shesaid. In his 27-page snapshot of the districts financial health, Pritt said the biggest and most pressing challenge for the district in the future will be capital funding. Log In Sign in with Staff Sign in with Students Florida Department of Children and Families Abuse Hotline 1-800-962-2873 Students: Forgot Password? Alsoin the contract:If per-student funding, which provides staff raises, fluctuates greater than 2% of the current funding up or down, both sides can come back to the bargaining table to work out a new agreement. The School Board then votes on the general fund millage rate, he said. "Bullying" means systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress on one (1) or more students or employees. 110 East Polk Avenue, Lake Wales, FL 33853 PH: 863.678.4244 | FX: 863.678.4680. Any student or student's parent/guardian who believes s/he has been or is the victim of bullying or harassment should immediately report the situation to the school principal. Consequences and appropriate remedial action for students who commit acts of bullying or harassment or found to have falsely accused another as a means of bullying or harassment may range from positive behavioral interventions up to and including suspension or expulsion, as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct. The tentative budget for the 2023-2024 school year will be prepared by June setting a proposed millage rate, which is determined by a state formula. The next largest category is contracted services at $56.3 million. The investigation of a reported act of bullying or harassment is deemed to be a school-related activity and begins with a report of such an act. "The School Board takes the taxable value from the property appraiser to determine the millage rate that needs to be charged in the general fund to generate the $437,500,000.". Upon the completion of the investigation and if criminal charges are to be pursued against the perpetrator, the appropriate law enforcement agencies shall be notified by telephone and/or in writing. Links to additional information for the community. He vowed to visit Florida's legislative offices in Tallahassee himself to make them aware of the alarming numbers facing the fast-growing school district. Teachers, CommonSense Media has developed lessons for Digital Citizenship and Literacy. K-12 Students: (username only, do not include to access Moodle. This year, the minimum wage went up to $11 an hour. "We have the issues when it comes to transportation costs but we don't have the advantages of some of those larger districts' coastal property taxes and things like that," he said, giving one example of a financial disadvantage that Polk County faces.