ALWAYS sleep in the expectation of good. Use that time wisely to literally program your life and future days ahead. Psalms 91, 23, 27, 39, 37, 46, 100, Repeating your own affirmations that you have written down, A simple thanksgiving phrase that implies success and gratitude like. Here are a few Affirmations I wrote which you may find useful: If you found this Blog useful, share with your friends and loved ones. The law of attraction implies that you can attract anything you want into your life but does it really work? These instructions do not necessarily work in your favor. Your subconscious mind doesn’t understand the difference between what’s real and what isn’t. Before … “Don’t let the sun go down on your anger”. The time before sleep is a wonderful time to impress your subconscious mind with Good. Feel The Love. Self-suggestion is a script from yourself to yourself and its incredible at reprogramming your subconscious. Studies show that 95% of your daily activities are habitual, and you repeat these habits every day without conscious awareness. Yes absolutely, I can’t say it any clearer than that. You can’t presume to attract good into your life if your vibration at a low frequency because you’re in a negative state of mind. The most significant shift you can make in your life is to use and control the power of thinking. Unforgiveness means you are holding judgement towards someone and in so doing, you are holding judgment against yourself. “Your subconscious mind works continuously, while you are awake, and while you sleep.” — Napoleon Hill. The subconscious determines 90% of your actions; However, many people lose control of their own subconscious mind or let their subconscious mind fall into a deviation, also known as subconscious cruelty My Faith is so strong that I can now see the money before my eyes. During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress. Alternatively, I make up some as I lie in bed. Switch off all of your electrical devices, your mobile phone, laptop, tablet and computers much be off at least 90 minutes before bed. I love affirmations and I have made it a habit to meditate upon what I want, what is good, in thanksgiving before sleep. The majority of us want more wealth, better health, or to strengthen our relationships. Most people are sending a negative impression to the creative power of the universe through their subconscious mind, before sleep, so before bed. Not only should you release all worry and anxiety from the mind, but let the physical body be in harmony too. The past doesn’t vanish, it advances as a seed which will be the harvest of our tomorrows, unless you interrupt every unwanted harvest, and plant something different. link to Why The Law Of Attraction Doesn't Work - Common Mistakes. Hill’s book is responsible for making more millionaires than any other book ever written. Allow that feeling of having your desire to flood your mind as you sleep. Please leave a comment and share any of your bed time habits that have worked for you. Utilise self-suggestion when something is blocking your advancement or when you want to embed a new positive habit. When you wake up after sleeping in that state of mind of affirming good and being grateful, your days will gradually change. 95% of your life is subconscious. This astral travel is done while at the time of sleeping. The subconscious either deletes the information it thinks you don’t need or classifies the rest for later use. Subconscious Stimulus Recognition and Processing During Sleep Abstract During sleep, consciousness is reduced, associated with a diminished connection of the brain to the environment. Take time to relax your body and mind before you get to bed or attempt to impress your subconscious. It’s essential you physically write your tasks as this method helps your subconscious mind acknowledge the importance of the tasks. That part is a myth. If the body is disturbed it causes disturbed sleep which could affect the quality of subconscious manifestation. Never go to sleep with resentments and negative feelings towards people. They will be programmed for success. If you are listening to a hypnosis or guided audio, then you’re not really reprogramming your subconscious. Growth is a deep desire in all of us, and you always want to strive towards success but never neglect what you already have. You can use any style of music to calm your mind, and you can find thousands of playlists online. Use meditation to target weakness within your mind, thoughts and limiting beliefs and see a significant transformation in your results, mood, happiness and energy. What you don’t forgive is something you are holding on to with feeling. As you lie in bed before sleep, don’t waste that time regurgitating the hurts of the day, feeling sorry for yourself, thinking about all the people who hurt you, how bad you feel, how bitter you are or plotting evil. And that simply means that it is your unconscious mind … There are several brainwave frequencies, and you can utilise these during your relaxation time.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'oursubconsciousmind_com-banner-1','ezslot_13',109,'0','0'])); To get into one of the brainwave states use binaural beats to get you there quicker. Avoid I want, or I need  instead use I have, or I am. When you spend the time writing your goals, your subconscious trusts the effort involved and agrees with the instructions. When you go to sleep, your subconscious continues to work to bring forth what you have been meditating upon and thinking about in your waking hours. Your subconscious mind is controlling your body, your breathing, your organs functionality, your cell’s growth and everything. Whoever told you that you shouldn't go to sleep with the TV on was right. Final Result. The subconscious mind is responsible for your daily habits, thoughts and beliefs. The process is for your subconscious mind to automatically accept the goal and raise your vibration for you to begin attracting the things required to accomplish the goal. In sleep man impresses the subconscious with his conception of himself.” Neville Goddard. If your phone is used for an alarm, buy an old fashions alarm clock. The subconscious determines 90% of your actions through 3 aspects: behavior, attitude, and habits. It will be consolidating memories, breathing, moving your eyes in REM, recalling memories to create dreams, creating dreams, and basically making sure that the body is functioning well enough that you won't be dead by the time you wake up. I believe it all starts in our subconscious mind and until you learn how to control its phenomenal power you can't progress. To eliminate the temptation of glancing at your mobile phone when you’re in bed, place it in any other room and switch it off. The sounds you hear, the scents you inhale, and the vibrations you feel are all registered in your subconscious mind. Our Subconscious Mind also participates in affiliate programs with Bluehost, Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. Write until you have nothing left in your mind, finally write a statement to clear these thoughts from your mind. Before bed, review the events of the day especially those which are bothering you, and in your imagination, change those events you didn’t like and replace them with new mental images of what you would have preferred to happen. In return for this money, I will give the most efficient service of which I’m capable, rendering the fullest possible quantity, and the best possible service in the capacity of a ……. The first place to start is when you sleep. It is an amazing thing that will change your life. You want to avoid going to bed, still thinking or worse worrying about the day’s events. Demand to appreciate good and you begin to attract good because like attracts like. If you need guidance, feel grateful to your subconscious for the answer. Improve your thinking and increase your frequency and witness success attract into your life. Our Subconscious Mind is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to But even when we’re on autopilot, we continue to register information within the brain. The more you see the statement, goal or desire, the more useful it becomes and quick it grows. Stage 1 sleep demonstrates that states of consciousness not only fluidly run into each other, … Because your conscious thinking mind is at rest during sleep, right before sleep is the best time to turn over all your desires and problems to your subconscious. An excellent nights sleep is essential for your subconscious mind to thrive. Switch Off Your Electrical Devices 90 Minutes Before Bed. The unconscious mind is much more challenging to access . Before you go to sleep, use self-suggestion to direct your subconscious mind towards your new achievement. Meditation is considered a type of mind-body complementary medicine. They are also a good habit to develop especially when you may not have specific desires to impress on your subconscious at night. If you want to reprogram your subconscious mind to embed a new habit, thought or belief, you must repeat the process each night until your subconscious mind accepts the change. The hours leading up to sleep, during sleep and first thing when you wake up are crucial times for reprogramming your subconscious mind. Your job is to look out for the opportunity and take action upon them. Your subconscious mind- the creative center, the womb of creation, the great within, which is God in you, never slumbers, nor sleeps. My favourite method to slow the mind is through the mastery of meditation. Most people devalue the importance of sleep and aren’t conscious enough to sleep the right way. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. How To Change Your Life and Become a New Person in 30 Days, The Right and Wrong Way to Apologize and Why It Matters, In Defense of Getting Dressed (Whatever That Means To You), 5 Overlooked Reasons Why You’re Constantly Unhappy, Reading or repeating a Bible verse before you sleep. Your goal is to work on your most important task first thing in the morning while your energy is high, and your mind is clear. Sleep represents an amazing opportunity to bypass the filter of the conscious mind allowing us direct access to that subconscious portion of our selves that seems to control many aspects of our behaviour without us being totally aware if it. The law of attraction is a lot more than just wishing, and it will come to you. Our subconscious mind is always in its working state, whether we are in sleep or awake, you can reach it at any time. (Success While You Sleep!) Planning your day the night before enables your subconscious mind to work on the problems while you sleep. This is the site where I share everything I've learned and I really hope it helps you. Sleep programming is set to take advantage of this and to potentially allow us to reprogram the mind. You will then be cleansing your consciousness and impressing your subconscious with only good. If you strive for change, you need to remove the old habits obstructing your success and replace them with success habits. It is your own reactions to what other people do that cause you pain. eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'oursubconsciousmind_com-box-3','ezslot_3',105,'0','0']));Your greats opportunity to reprogram your subconscious mind is during sleep, and I have included proven techniques to help you transform. They are often embedded during childhood, or as a result of painful experiences, and can cause self-sabotage, low self-esteem, bad habits and a host of other unwanted behaviors. The reason for this, you have over 80,000 thoughts every day, and your subconscious mind doesn’t know which to accept or delete. There are several ways to use auto-suggestion, and you can place the suggestions of your goals, hopes and desire in familiar locations. Repeat your suggestion until you feel it’s deeply ingrained into your brain. I believe that I will have this money in my possession. Forgive everyone for everything. I am waiting for a plan by which to accumulate this money, and I will follow that plan when it is received. change or transform in your own life. In the “Love Study” experiment, researchers sought to show the effects one’s … A mind full of stress and anxiety will lead to inadequate sleep resulting in unproductive work towards your goals and desires. Because your conscious thinking mind is at rest during sleep, right before sleep is the best time to turn over all your desires and problems to your subconscious. I can touch it with my hands. Nothing you can ever do will change or bring those moments back. The movie and book "The secret" made the law of attraction popular with its numerous... Why The Law Of Attraction Doesn't Work - Common Mistakes. Prepare earphones and hear this audio whereas you sleep. If you spend the hours before sleep listening or writing your affirmation, the subconscious mind will remember and action … It’s because they are not conscious to sleep in the RIGHT WAY. Binaural beats are designed to help your brain vibrates at the same rate of frequency to that generated by that sound. It is now awaiting transfer to me at the time, and in the proportion that I deliver the service, I intend to render for its return for it. Find music that creates balance and harmony within your subconscious mind, and enjoy the time to think and ponder. We are all one. Make them brief and simple. Nothing rests in sleep. This site is owned and operated by Our Subconscious Mind. Goal setting is one habit common with very successful individuals, and most importantly, they accomplish their goals. We go on autopilot. Repeated affirmations either written or listen to can impress your subconscious mind quicker than any other method described. The light produced from these devices interrupts and hinders the natural release of the sleep hormone melatonin, which is made in the pineal gland. A repeated affirmation every night stating “I am a millionaire” increase your vibrational frequency, and the money is attracted to you like a magnet. Sounds of nature calm the mind and provide you with the same benefits to meditation. I would advise you write the statement and include your goals. Reprogram your subconscious mind and manifest while you sleep. That feeling will replace the previous unlovely feelings and these new feelings will be carried into your subconscious mind instead, reproducing more of the same. So, now you know what the subconscious mind is. Not only are the hours of sleep important for the healing and generation of the body because the conscious mind is at rest; but also, the subconscious takes all impressions made into it (thoughts, feelings, desires) and sets the creative process in motion to express as objective reality, what was impressed during the waking hours. “Sleep conceals the creative act while the objective world reveals it. The subconscious does pretty similar things when you're awake and when you're sleeping. Use this time before sleep to impress your subconscious with your desires. You are giving your subconscious mind permission to forget these troubles and to concentrate on new and positive ideas. Using specific brainwaves frequencies will slow down the thoughts waves in your mind. If the body and mind are not at peace doing affirmations or any visualization will be difficult. It can give you the solutions to problems, provide the way forward, give you new ideas and help you make the right decision when in confusion. The Psalms have wonderful affirmations. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'oursubconsciousmind_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_11',110,'0','0'])); Napoline Hill’s famous book “Think and grow rich” incorporates a written statement where you fill in the information personal to you. 3.8K views Your statement, once written, must be read before you go to sleep at night and again when you wake up. Know what you are doing, it’s your feeling and faith behind the words. Self-suggestion advises you to create the statement that best suits your desires. When your vibrational frequency increases, you begin to attract the thing you desire into your life. place while you sleep. Binaural Beats. If you don’t take heed to impress your subconscious with good, to let go of the misfortunes of the day, to forgive, and sleep in the consciousness of the GOOD you desire, you will find all your misfortune is advancing in your future to be repeated and multiplied. Affirmations can be as simple as: But remember it’s not the vain repetition of words that does anything, it’s not supposed to be hard work or empty repetition. Nothing will happen if you only practice these methods once because the power rests in the consistency, repetition and belief every night until you witness lasting change. Typically, an external stimulus is the cause for the unconscious mind to be triggered, such as an intoxicant or bodily injury. There are different devices we … Your subconscious mind never rests or sleeps. Classical music such as baroque vibrates in a frequency that decreases your mind activity and relaxes you. If you have a habit you are struggling to break, repeat. 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