Thirdly, the school must maintain a list of children who have reported lost and stolen tickets and the number of occurrences for each child. More and more students with disabilities are educated in general education classrooms alongside their peers. This can be challenging because school systems might have related services personnel who are: Because of the challenges inherent to the work of related service personnel (e.g., travel between schools, contracted positions), teachers should strive to keep related personnel abreast of any information pertinent to students they have in common. First, each child must be allowed a minimum of three replacements each school year. Contractual personnel hired through a home health agency or a rehabilitation hospital to provide services for a school system, Self-employed therapists hired through their private practice. Reg. Some districts are training all staff members, including administrators and bus drivers, to be more customer-friendly. Early Intervention  (Part C) Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities, The National Information Center for Children }. If the service consumer does not request and consume the service during this period, the related resources may go unused. Public agencies are not responsible for optimizing these devices, maintaining them, or replacing them. Newsletter Archives Law School & Clinics Glossaries Any legally-constituted entity or licensed provider who contracts with a minor under this provision is immune from liability for the determination to contract with the minor (with the exception of gross negligence or willful or wanton acts or omissions). PE and Adapted PE An IEP meeting is also held to review and … Teachers & Principals (71 Fed. Future Planning Due Process For example, Vocational Rehabilitation counselors participated in only 13 percent of the IEPs, and … School districts may not charge parents of eligible students with disabilities for the costs of related services that have been included on the child’s IEP. Statute/Regs Main » Regulations » Part B » Subpart A » Section 300.34. IDEA does not expressly require that the IEP team include related services personnel. The IEP must also specify with respect to each service. Services > FAQs: Related Services,