The Toronto Star: February 20, 2005, pg. Similar to the main timeline Smithers, the sailors had a fanatical amount of loyalty to Private Burns, as he gave an order to "defend our fearless leader" as well as declaring for Homer and Bart's surrender and "Mr. Burns for ever!" ... Mr. Burns also had a son, Larry, with the 21 year old daughter of his college sweetheart in addition to several other attractions to women over the course of … "Flash! Smithers was not included among these nine characters, and it caused a mild online controversy. Waylon is de persoonlijke assistent van Mr. Burns, en volgens eigen zeggen ook diens beste vriend. Gray/tanBlue (originally) In "Rosebud" and "Who Shot Mr. In the episode "The Old Man and Lisa", Mr. Burns loses his fortune and regains it by opening a recycling plant, which allows him to regain his nuclear power plant. [34] The first appearance of yellow Smithers was "There's No Disgrace Like Home", the fourth episode of the first season. When sensing that he would soon lose, he opened his cape, revealed to be filled with explosives, cackling maniacally only to react in shock as he discovers that the explosives had activated, causing him to be caught in the explosions. (Age 54), 1940 - Burns would become a father to Larry Burns. [30] They also described Smithers and Mr. Burns as being "TV's most functional dysfunctional couple". Despite his crush on Mr. Burns and several times coming close to coming out, he also was shown to be horrified when someone implies they know his sexual orientation, as evidenced by the episode "The Springfield Files", when Mr. Burns, when asking Smithers what he was doing on the weekend, he said "something gay, no doubt", causing Smithers to stammer and be taken aback by the question until Mr. Burns revealed he meant the antiquated definition of gay that meant doing something fun or happy (apparently being unaware of the definition change to be a euphemism for homosexuality), with Smithers then laughing nervously after confirming Mr. Burns's question. If things had turned ugly, I always had my mace. Smithers makes a cameo in the Harvest Moon manga where he appears as the driver of Mayor Theodore. In "The Mansion Family", doctors at the Mayo Clinic discover that Mr. Burns has contracted every known human disease, as well as several that were discovered during his checkup, but that they have cancelled each other out in a condition they call "Three Stooges syndrome;" although a doctor warns him that his physical health is extremely fragile and that "even a slight breeze" could upset the balance between his diseases, Mr. Burns misinterprets his condition to believe that he is invincible. Harry Shearer is the voice actor for Burns. [32], Forbes estimates Mr. Burns' net worth at $1.3 billion, placing 12th on the 2008 Forbes Fictional 15 list. ", he needed a great deal of effort to wrench items from Maggie. [26] Shearer said that Mr. Burns is the most difficult character for him to voice because it is rough on his vocal cords and he often needs to drink tea and honey to soothe his voice. Chief Wiggum was listening due to it being a police trap and arrested Smithers, who was later exonerated. He has difficulty performing such simple actions as giving a thumbs-up, and crushing an insect by stepping on it, or using a door-knocker. As such, he also implies that he is a regular attendee at the annual StacyCon at San Diego in Airport Hilton with his statement of "Hello, Malibu Stacy Fans. [15] Animator David Silverman parodied Mr. Burns' appearance on Fox founder Barry Diller, and modeled his body on a praying mantis. After attending the annual Harvard–Yale football game, Mr. Burns and Smithers take a train back to Springfield. He then fights the family, remarking "Welcome to my world!" Bailey. [35] The script for "Blood Feud" originally featured Smithers saying "Just leave me enough to get home to my wife and kids," but the line had to be cut for time. said Smithers. Burns, however, rarely views Smithers as worth any sort of genuine warmth or care,, and much of the humorous dynamic between the two characters comes from this tension. [29], In 2006, Wizard magazine rated Mr. Burns the 45th-greatest villain of all time. Waylon Smithers is his assistant.He is the owner of Springfield's power plant. In 1995, when Burns tried to steal oil from Springfield Elementary, although Smithers nominally had Mr. Burns' back, he secretly was disgusted with what Mr. Burns was doing, even going as far as to, after surveying the closure/damages to the Springfield Retirement Castle, Moe's Tavern, and Springfield Elementary as a result of his slant drilling operation, sarcastically "congratulate" Mr. Burns for wiping out his "enemies" in thinly veiled contempt, and when Mr. Burns attempted to block the sun from Springfield after stealing oil from the elementary school, Smithers objected and was fired. Zijn stem wordt gedaan door Harry Shearer. [57] In a 2003 article, Entertainment Weekly named the Who Shot Mr. Burns? [58] The second, released in 2002 as part of "wave ten", is called "resort Smithers" and shows him dressed as he was at the resort in the episode "Homer the Smithers". Conan O'Brien has called Mr. Burns his favorite character to write for, due to his arbitrarily old age and extreme wealth. [17], He was once, however, made the CEO of the Nuclear Power Plant in Burns' stead when Mr. Burns was arrested for stealing paintings from an art museum, a position that is arguably better than vice president, although he hints that he didn't want the job. 2; retrieved October 26, 2007. He is also a minor character in The Simpsons Movie. In "American History X-cellent", Mr. Burns gets sent to jail because he is in possession of stolen paintings. Charles Montgomery Burns, más conocido como el señor Burns o Monty Burns, es un personaje ficticio recurrente de la serie de televisión de dibujos animados Los Simpson, creada por Matt Groening. He later enlisted in the U.S. Army and served as a member of Springfield's Flying Hellfish squad under Master Sergeant Abraham Simpson and saw action in the Ardennes during the Battle of the Bulge. In "Homer the Smithers", it is revealed that Mr. Burns' mother is still alive at the age of 122 years, although Mr. Burns dislikes speaking to her, because she had an affair with President William Howard Taft and she refers to him as an "improvident lackwit". He employed his wealth to make an ultimately unsuccessful run for governor to prevent his plant from being closed for safety violations, only to be denied his chance to be Governor by Marge Simpson. Charles Montgomery Plantagenet Schicklgruber Burns, or better known as Charles Montgomery Burns, Mr. Burns, Monty, or simply known by his surname Burns, is one of the four main antagonists of the Simpsons franchise (the other three being Kang, Kodos, and Sideshow Bob). At one point it was implied that Smithers was linked romantically to John, the owner of Cockamamie's thrift shop. Il est également un antagoniste mineur dans Les Simpsons: le film (2007) et le principal antagoniste et boss final du jeu vidéo populaire The Simpsons Arcade Game. There was debate among the writers about his orientation. Burns? Charles Was a Happy and amiable Child at a young age He left His Parents to live With his grandfather and Heartless Billionaire Colonel WainWright Burns and in doing so accidentally left His beloved teddy bear Bobo Behind WainWright Molded Burns into the ruthless Evil Man He became. Bob was smart enough to thwart his evil genius brother after being doublecrossed and the son of Frank Grimmy. urns's paternal family is of Scottish descent while his maternal family is of Scottish, German, and supposedly Mexican descent (although this is contradicted many times). Rayner, Ben. Occupation He initially tried to be an employee-friendly boss, but after overhearing a conversation between Lenny, Carl and Homer while meeting at Moe's Tavern that revealed that they were abusing his employee-friendly nature to in essence goof off, he became a worse CEO than Mr. Burns (even going as far as to release wolverines in the house instead of hounds). Smithers to come out as gay to Mr Burns in upcoming season of The Simpsons IT'S been a long time coming but finally Mr Smithers is set to come out to Mr Burns on The Simpsons. He gets along well with Lisa as well as willingly aided her in tracking down Stacey Lovell,[21] and is good friends with Marge,[22] with whom he has a lot in common. He eventually gave up on the position willingly after Burns was released by Lenny, Carl and Homer. 17; retrieved October 26, 2007. The next morning is as usual until Waylon discovers Burns has undergone a drastic change overnight- one that affects them both, and presents them with new challenges and the chance to truly change themselves. This dam houses all of the town's water, and we're going to take it for ourselves." However, when it becomes apparent the 'apocalypse' was just a hoax, Burns still remains oblivious to Smithers's feelings, while Smithers covered up his actions by claiming it was a sign of respect. Voiced by Harry Shearer, learn more about Shearer here. Waylon Smithers is Charles Montgomery Burns' assistant and foster son. He also displays mannerisms which are considered outdated, such as practicing phrenology, writing with a quill pen, and using an antique view camera to take photographs. Sex The stuffed animal was lost and eventually, the stuffed bear became a toy for Maggie. [46] Speculation on who it would be was printed in newspapers throughout the United States and Canada (even claiming Smithers's "sexual orientation was about the worst-kept secret in Springfield,")[47] as well as in Australia,[48] New Zealand,[49] Ireland, (the Irish Independent called Smithers "too obvious" a choice)[50] and the United Kingdom. The Blunder Years tried to explain this by having Mr Burns' be a father-figure to Smithers after unwittingly causing Waylon Smithers, Sr.'s death. Shearer has voiced the character ever since. Assistant to Mr. Burns [28] Burns, for his part, views (and refers to) Smithers as a lackey, albeit a highly valued one for his competence and toadying. Smithers was once married to a woman, but it fell apart when she wanted to have sex with him, and also referred to Mr. Burns as "awful". No charges were pressed in this case, mostly because Jasper already forgot about it. Cartoon series promises answer in January, but what's the buzz on Batman and Robin?". Burns accompanies Homer to Canada in his airplane in order to get Smithers's medicine before he passes on. "Homer sexual mystery as Simpsons character outed.". As he and his fellow henchmen were making their escape, he (quite literally) bumped into the Simpsons family, causing him to lose the diamond, and for Maggie to catch it. Burns. Pre-Simpsons Series 1914 - Graduated from Yale University. [39] As the chief of "Springfield Republican Party" Mr. Burns endorsed Mitt Romney in 2012 US Presidential Election. Waylan Smithers Jr, Mr Burns’s loyal, long-time assistant on The Simpsons, will to reveal to viewers this weekend what most of them have known in their hearts for years: that he is gay. He is the evil, devious, greedy, and wealthy owner of the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant and, by extension, Homer Simpson's boss. He is allergic to bee stings and has hypothyroidism, both of which can kill him. Here are his best episodes. Smithers chooses that he needs to be Burns' assistant and eventually gets his job back. Bretts, Bruce; Roush, Matt; (March 25, 2013). [52] A "future Burns" was included in the set as a companion to "future Smithers" and depicts Burns as a … (1) watch online for free in HD quality Smithers finally comes out to Mr Burns after 27 years in the closet in Simpsons storyline inspired by a show writer’s gay son. When Mr. Burns joined Homer's bowling team in "Team Homer", he was barely able to roll the ball down the lane. They take him to Burns' mansion, where Larry reveals that he i… [32] At age 1035, Smithers's head is on a robotic dog body and follows Mr. Burns's head everywhere.[33]. Mr. Burns' trademark expression is the word "Excellent", muttered slowly in a low, sinister voice while steepling his fingertips. Mr Smithers, the loyal and put-upon sidekick of Mr Burns, will confirm that he is gay in an episode of The Simpsons tonight (April 3). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, Australia): February 22, 2005 LOCAL; pg. Perigard, Mark. Additionally, in the episode "The Seemingly Never-Ending Story", Mr. Burns loses both his fortune and nuclear power plant to the Rich Texan after losing a scavenger hunt, but eventually gains both back after a series of events that includes him briefly working at Moe's Tavern. Smithers is the definition of neutral. [11] Later on he was shipped to the Pacific Theater and was a co-pilot along with Abe Simpson and his brother, Cyrus. Mr. Burns resides in a vast, ornate mansion on an immense estate called Burns Manor, on the corner of Mammon and Croesus Streets. [55] They have also described Smithers and Mr. Burns as being "TV's most functional dysfunctional couple". [13] When Smithers informs him that Mr. Burns' credit card PIN is his age, he types four digits in his answer. He pitched the opening baseball at a game in "Dancin' Homer", but was only able to throw it a small distance, which drew mocking laughter from the crowd. Smithers lui obéit d'ailleurs au doigt et à l'œil car il est fou amoureux de son tyrannique patron. Relatives Mr Burns explained. He has Springfield's largest collection of Malibu Stacy dolls. Smithers appears in The Simpsons Arcade Game as the first boss of the final level, as well as one of the main antagonists. Mr. Burns absconded with the bill and kept it in his possession for many years until it was lost to Fidel Castro in "The Trouble with Trillions". However, sometimes he's been hit hard and gave up like in Who Shot Mr. Burns? Ayres, Chris. "[38], In the run-up to the New York City's 2009 mayoral election, several posters appeared throughout the city, showing Mr. Burns and accompanied by the words "No Third Terms, Vote for Burns"—a reference to Mayor Michael Bloomberg's run for a third term that year—in the style of Shepard Fairey's Obama poster. But Mr. Burns does not take Smithers’ resignation very well. Smithers acted as the main antagonist of The Simpsons Arcade Game by Konami, where he abducted Maggie (due to her taking a diamond that he had stolen during a heist at a jewelry store). He later appears as the bonus level character for the final level, "Flaming Tires." 24 Simpsons Stars Reveal Themselves", TV Guide,. He is also angered when Springfield Elementary children mock his dated car, saying it was "the first car to outrun a man!" When Mr. Burns convinced Sideshow Bob to run for mayor, it was Smithers who revealed to Bart and Lisa a clue that would lead them to the truth about Bob's not-so-honest victory in the mayoral election, hinting that his reasons were due to Sideshow Bob planning on enacting policies that were oppressive to his orientation. I'll be seeing you at StacyCon '94 at San Diego Airport Hilton. (Mr. Burns walks over to a cage full of winged monkeys and opens it.) He is also seen during game play where he acts as the driver for Burns' limo. He attended Lisa Simpson's wedding with him. Waylon Smithers, Jr. Smithers is the most obvious Simpsons gay character. [27] He describes Mr. Burns as his favorite character, saying he "like[s] Mr. Burns because he is pure evil. [54], In a 2007 article, Entertainment Weekly named Smithers the sixteenth greatest sidekick of all time. He then tasks him with finding "Dr. Wunderstein's Tooth Powder" (which Mr. Burns needs despite not actually having teeth anymore due to it making him feel young again when rubbed against his gums, with Smithers implying he only does it because he loves Mr. Burns and not because he enjoys the activity, to Homer's disgust). Mr. Burns refers to many celebrities of the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the present tense, assuming they are still alive. And this is where we learn that, years prior, her son tried to killed her by pulling the plug, so he could finally get rid of her. Smithers dreams about Mr. Burns in "Marge Gets a Job." Mr. Burns: Well, Smithers, I guess there is nothing left but to kiss my sorry butt goodbye. Although normally not that bad a person he is obscenely loyal to Mr. Burns (to the point it is heavily implied he is gay) - although it is worth noting that Smithers is often the subject of abuse rather than malice on his own part: he is shown to have a jealous streak and can be rude and even physically violen… The first shows Smithers in his normal attire with a picture of Mr. Burns at his feet and was released in 2000 as part of "wave two". [2] In 2016, Rolling Stone ranked him #8 of their "40 Greatest TV Villains of All Time". Jenny Stewart, the entertainment editor at the site said of the poll, "We've never had such an avalanche of people voting in any of our polls as we did on The Simpsons. [3], As the primary antagonist, Mr. Burns spends his time in his office at the nuclear plant, monitoring his workers via closed-circuit cameras planted throughout the plant. I … Sorry about that, anyways, oh and yes you would also be executed for singing after dark. Smithers, ravi, accepte de redevenir son assistant, et tous les deux se réconcilient par His voice is heard in the episode "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire" and physically appeared in the episode "Homer's Odyssey". Charles Montgomery "Monty" Burns, usually referred to simply as Mr. Burns, full name Charles Montgomery Plantaganet Schicklgruber Burns, is a recurring character in the animated television series The Simpsons, voiced initially by Christopher Collins, and currently by Harry Shearer. One, called "Bobo Smithers" shows Smithers dressed as Mr. Burns's teddy bear Bobo;[60] and the other, known as "future Smithers", shows him as a robotic dog. Homer and Smithers try to get Mr. Burns to talk to his mother on the phone. In the same episode, it is implied that he was once in the SS. Waylon Joseph Smithers, Jr. is a majorantagonist/anti-hero and a major character in The Simpsons. Smithers is an obedient and sycophant assistant to Mr. Burns. When it was proven that he had not, Smithers seemingly forgave Burns and demanded that the culprit be brought to justice, offering a reward for the capture of the perpetrator. Smithers with black skin and blue hair, as seen in "Homer's Odyssey", Waylon Smithers was partly based on how numerous Fox executives and staff members acted towards Barry Diller. He appears in the ending of "Lisa the Tree Hugger", where he drives Mr. Burns' limo and apologizes for the loss of the woodcutting industry, and also proceeds to phone some of Burns' goons to beat up Al Gore to make him feel better. Waylon Smithers has finally come out With Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith. Homer begs for his help regarding the "frightening, odd, godless fascinating stuff" that is occurring in town, but Smithers declines as he has to do errands for Mr. Burns, even though those errands were occurring the same time as a brunch date with someone (Smithers implies that this was typical). [23], Mr. Burns was originally voiced by actor Christopher Collins in the episodes "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire", "Homer's Odyssey", "There's No Disgrace Like Home", and "The Telltale Head". For example, in Smithers's fantasy of a naked Mr. Burns popping out of a birthday cake in "Rosebud", the censors had not wanted Mr. Burns to be naked. Mr. Burns is Springfield's richest and most-powerful citizen (and also the richest person in Springfield's state; his current net worth has been given as $1.3 billion[1] by Forbes, though it fluctuates wildly depending on the episode). Homer ended up destroying his car via the Plow King (which he borrowed from Barney). [6] Mr. Burns later attended Yale University, where he studied science and business, joined Skull and Bones, competed in the "etherweight" wrestling class, and graduated in the class of 1914. As a (not very well) closeted gay man, Smithers has had a crush on Burns for as long as he has worked for him, but Burns is almost always oblivious. On one occasion, Smithers is forced to go to Dr. Nick's "no questions asked clinic", having apparently put something in his butt which was now stuck there. Burns considère Waylon Smithers comme son chien, à tel point qu'il a surnommé « Petit Smithers » un chiot qu'il a adopté. [42] The debate is referenced in "The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular", when the episode host, Troy McClure is answering viewer questions, and one that is asked is "What is the real deal with Mr. Burns's assistant Smithers? For the play featuring the character, see, Fictional character from The Simpsons franchise. [19], Aside from his suspected shooting of Mr. Burns, as well as any acts he did on Burns' behalf, he also did a very bad thing in a park during the night at one time while Chief Wiggum had been on patrol, although the latter did not arrest him during this time. Additionally, Christopher Collins died on June 12, 1994. In high school, he was a target for bullies (including Homer Simpson),[3] while he was the announcer for the high school gymnastics competition, giving particular emphasis on the male gymnasts over the female gymnasts. "Simpsons'" Smithers Part of Shrinking Minority? : Simpsons fans hitting the polls. [26] Smithers once said; "I think women and seamen (semen) don't mix". Although originally conceived as a one-dimensional, recurring villain who might occasionally enter the Simpsons' lives and wreak some sort of havoc, Mr. Burns' popularity has led to his repeated inclusion in episodes. He, or at least sailors modeled in his likeness, were also prevalent in the final mission for the Medal of Homer level as enemies. Unlike his current personality, Young Charles was so happy he was nicknamed \"Happy\", until his grandfather, Colonel Wainwright Montgomery Burns, lured him away from his parents and raised him as his own son. [29] Smithers has been shown to be somewhat dependent on his relationship with Burns, like the occasion when Burns orders Smithers to take a vacation and Homer is hired as a temporary replacement. [25] Smithers has declared his love for Burns on some occasions, such as kissing Mr. Burns on the lips after saying "Oh, what the hell! Is it hard to find the answer to today’s clue “Smithers, to Mr. Burns” of 7 Little Words game? This was all my fault. Mr. Burns' extreme old age is a frequent source of humor on the show. The Simpsons has been dropping clues about Mr. Smithers' sexuality and love for Mr. Burns for years, but when did it all begin? 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