I'm now at level 67 so I can pretty much build him anyway I want. Close Range + Balanced: This build allows for both close and long-range combat. Problem's with this build: This build is Axton's glass cannon. This build does not have any health recovery abilities and he does not have a lot of toughness so you end up going down a lot. User Info: Cervosi. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. a Blue stalker class mod that has Rising Shot and Follow through is also a good option. Axton didn't have anything obviously broken about him, but he did have a lot of bonuses to splash damage. I assume most of my lists transfers over (as the community patch just buffed bad weapons to the level of the good weapons). Avoid weapons with long reload times or that need to be reloaded too frequently as this is when you're most vulnerable of getting knocked down. Don't use a Hoplite shield with the 'Sharing is Caring' Skill (bottom left/Best Friends Forever tree) as Deathtrap will only slow you down when he's spawns with a second Hoplite. If you're tired of the Unkempt Harold and want to use something else, look for weapons with good burst damage (I don't mean DAHL, I mean something that'll get you a quick kill to get you back on your feet). It just takes an idea, then try to make it work. I'm using an Antagonist. Your health will regenerate faster while you're dealing damage. This thread is archived. You could use a Fire Bee which is a powerful powerful grenade mod but you run the risk of hurting yourself with it. I haven't played OP 8 with this character so I don't know how well he tanks at the highest levels. You can use just about anything, however I've found the Moxxi weapons don't add much to the already decent life steal. Consider using another Siren build and switching to a Banshee class mod and Rough Rider shield when you want to gain the Fleet Siren's speed boost. It's worth keeping a corrosive weapon handy to take down buzzards. His self harming behaviour hurts him, cancels his attack and leaves him open to enemy attacks. User Info: _Hivolt_. I'm using an Explosive Fast Ball grenade -works well with, I have no problems with this build's damage when i'm using the Lyuda but i have struggled to deal damage with most other guns so i'd say the build is pretty weapon based. There are lots of other options though. Axton is just boring for me if I don't play with an explosive build. Fortunately, Borderlands 2 is a game where dying doesn't really matter. Do so here. Some weapons have a single number in the upper right hand corner. The new patch made it so i was just one shotting everything with level 80 gear. Be sure to jump before shooting your Norfleet to avoid hitting the ground close to you. It won't take long to recharge before you can use it again. However, this build centralizes on having your turrets out at all times. The Hellfire (BL2) has Maliwan - SMG Parts. for shield I'm using a Rough Rider for the extra 20% damage reduction, Sickle, Toast or Legendary Sickle Class Mod. Explosive weapons' bullets have a chance to explode when they impact, dealing extra damage and creating a splash damage effect allowing them to damage multiple enemies within the blast radius. If you're not able to chain a kill before your kill skills deactivate, you may need to consider upgrading your weapons or using something to sustain your health until you can get your next kill (i.e. It melted most things (with the Bee shield). Torgue ARs (Spitters / Ogre), Torgue Shotguns (Hulks, Ravagers, Swordsplosion), non elemental Tediore SMGs (or Baby Maker), Bandit / Torgue / E-Tech launchers, Plasma Casters are all weapons Axton excels with. There are some enemies that have crit spots but you can't hit them when the enemy is facing you (which is nearly all of the time when playing solo). When using homing type grenades, they tend to lock onto the first thing you're aiming at (if not the closest enemy). 'Blood Filled Magazines' will further boost the damage of Tediore weapon throws. But don't threat too much, This build still gives you some very good elemental weapon damage which will prove handy when you have no more grenades to throw. This build makes the turret a force while also giving many weapon damage boosts, probably ending up with the highest DPS build for the Commando. These are generally some kind of utility skill and generally grant considerable bonuses. Recall the one nearby when the other blows up to begin it's cooldown to get it back. If you're doing this right, the health regeneration from. If the number is less than 1 means that the part less common than other parts. Prioritise eliminating enemies dishing out fire damage (after getting rid of the slagging enemies of course), This build only heals through combat (and Dr Zed Vendors). Android Linux Macintosh PC PlayStation 3 PlayStation Vita PC PlayStation 4. (I love to play axton) You've really done a great job. when the enemy you're attacking is reloading), Summon Deathtrap for additional cover when you want to close in on enemies. I forget what I used, so I was wondering what are the best items to use for an SMG type build on Axton. Axton is just boring for me if I don't play with an explosive build. thanks for guide!!! Play him to his strengths. Axton is an explosive expert. Also, other players will become excited when they see how many grenades are on the ground and start throwing them themselves which further drains your resources. Will aim to have it up next weekend. Combined this with a good AR, well.... You get the drift. Keep Deathtrap charged with an element to double his damage (physical+elemental damage). I'm using a Proactive B|tch SMG as a primary. you could use either a Legendary Ninja Class Mod (preferred) or a Legendary Hunter Class Mod would work if you altered the spec. Parts/Prefixes: Bandit Grip and Refill Prefix; Where to Obtain: Madame Von Bartlesby (Located in Tundra Express. A Rough Rider Shield for the damage reduction and extra health. Alternatively, you could use a Pandemic or Leech (but these grenades have a low chance to trigger elemental effects). Unlike other elemental attacks, explosive weapons never deal damage over time. His biggest weakness is when he starts bashing himself in the head (negative impact of silence the voices). Guns like the Unkempt Harold, Grog Nozzle (for healing), Lady Fist and eridium rocket launchers that have a chance to consumer reduced ammo. Parts with a number less than 1 are less common. If you want to have one legit, you can have one as a mission item but only while the 'The Beard Makes the Man' mission is active. 9: 2592: August 22, 2019 Axton BeeHawking with SMG specialist mod and Duty Calls skill? All damage is inflicted immediately. Other than that, this gun has really no other purpose. A legendary Soldier Class Mod will offer additional gun damage, fire rate and action skill cooldown. It takes awhile to warm the character up (build anarchy stacks) and dying is a real set-back as you'll lose all of your anarchy and have to start again. For Axton's Action Skill, 40% recharge rate is roughly 4 seconds faster recharge. Then I went with a Survival build, but found the bubbles on the turrets were really weak and my teammates rarely used them anyway. Sometimes it was difficult to melee flying enemies -but my friends thought it was funny watching an assassin using Dashing Strike to chase them through the air. Weapon accuracy should still be valued to maintain "OK" accuracy, even with a ton of Anarchy. a transfusion type grenade (to top up health when. The build will consume a lot of ammo but as long as you have a slag weapon and 3 offensive guns, you should be fine. This build uses a Legendary Killer class mod. I'd highly recommend keeping a corrosive weapon handy to kill tougher/non crit enemies like Ultimate Badass Loaders. Deathtrap can activate your kill skills but he doesn't benefit from boosts from your own stats (I tried increasing his melee damage by using a relic to increase my own, but it did not work). This is a wonderful smg with an accuracy debuff but extremely high damage output, it also has a very fast reload speed which is then boosted by her abilities and Mod(see mod). A Bee shield and a +sniper damage relic will further increase your damage. So a while back for my first playthrough on xbox 360 I played as Axton with an SMG. If you have a Sham, try getting a Norfleet and a low level Vladof assault rifle that shoots rockets. Axton's turrets are "like having an extra player on the field" and this means they are affected by team skills and class mods that affect other players. 76% Upvoted. The Quasar or Storm Front grenades work well. Evolution), or Antagonist to compliment your Kinetic Reflection ability. the only "sound advice" i can give her, is "start dying less". Only parts that have an impact on this weapons stats are shown! A +max health relic as this gives more room for your health to fluctuate. However, the damage bonus from Silence the Voices is just too good to pass up. There is a point where your damage reduction maxes out. It's generally better to max out a skill than pepper a couple of points in each skill. Parts with a number less than 1 are less common. This is all well and good, but I’ve always wondered whether and to what extent Axton could be considered viable in circumstances where all of his skills that relate to the Turret are entirely ignored. Axton presentation. Parts/Prefixes: Bandit Grip and Refill Prefix; Where to Obtain: Madame Von Bartlesby (Located in Tundra Express. The Bullet Storm (Axton build) There have been a number of turret-based builds here on the forums, but they all seem to question the viability of this approach. Your damage will not be as good as it could be so fights will last longer (safer, but longer). © Valve Corporation. However, this build centralizes on having your turrets out at all times. You will occasionally die from self-immolation. The Sandhawk will chew through ammo a bit quicker than other SMG varieties. when using your Phaselock ability, don't kill the trapped enemy too quickly so you can continue to benefit from. Parts with a number greater than 1 are more common. When i was levelling up i was using a Torgue shotgun with + melee damage. I don't worry about lighting myself on fire for the max %100 'Pain is Power' damage, %50 is good enough. There is my favorite Maya build to make her deadliest support for the team. SMG build for Axton? Sprayers will be effective up until ~level 55. at level 57 I swapped to an elemental Fast Ball. Sometimes your weapon might glitch so that they don't automatically reload and you'll have to manually reload. Grog Nozzle, Slow Hand, Moxxi's Good Touch (or Bad if you can get it) for additional healing. Please see the. You don't want to enter. With that out of the way, I will get to the main meat of the guide. I play with Axton. Transfusion or slag grenades will give you more support utility. It's okay as an SMG, but the point of it is the Reloads which can kill enemies sooo fast. the build works with a Legendary Hoarder Class mod. I'm using the Magic Missile. The Gub, the Tattler, even the Caranage (because of it's AoE radius) work well enough (these are guns that are usually lacking damage in any other build). I tended to focus more on slagging things and let my grenades and, Avoid shields that have immunity to burn damage. It's okay as an SMG, but the point of it is the Reloads which can kill enemies sooo fast. It's other weakness is that it's hard to hit air units when you have a ton of Anarchy. This is a strong build for Zero, the only weakness is Zero himself -his character is designed to dish out damage but not take it. Got a build you want to share? I fixed this by equipping a Bee Shield for extra damage. This means there will be a period of time where you'll be on your own and you won't be benefitting from all of the points you've invested into him. share. So this means that you should mainly be on the lookout for explosive weaponry. If you don't have one of these, you could use a Ninja Class Mod or an Infiltrator Class Mod. If levelling up solo, you may even want to consider using a Cat class mod to increase your damage. This build does not require a specific weapon but does give damage boosts to rocket launchers so try to find a high damage rocket launcher such as The Nukem, Badaboom, 12 Pounder or Norfleet . Any explosive weapon will do, guns with large clips that reload like a grenades are great. However accuracy helps, so activate Discord to increase your chances to hit them. Any Cat class mod. This gun can be used for speed killing most raid bosses with an explosive axton build. If you don't have this you can use the blue/purple Sickle Class Mod. Wilhelm seems to be getting a lot of flak as being the "worst" character atm, but I'm not sure that's true. User Info: Cervosi. do not give up your shields for a Rough Rider -it will not be as good at keeping you alive compared to a shield that will keep charging while you're low health. The bottom skill point in each skill tree is special and usually provides a significant power boost. This gun also has SMG ammo regen which is great for getting a few extra rounds when mobbing. You don't need accuracy, you just need more bullets. I haven't extended the duration of Buzz Axe Rampage as there isn't much risk involved in trying to time, Avoid healing skills (like Elemental Empathy) as skills like these may cause you to miss out on. Your Phaselock can't pick up larger enemies so you won't be able to gain the large increase to damage and fire rate bonus when versing larger units like constructors or buzzards unless there are smaller enemies around. If you don't have this, a Toast or Torch Class Mod will work. elemental assault rifles as a primary weapon (Level 72 op2) will write guide, RYE BREAD the Hybrid Melee Psycho (Level 36), Could do one based on the Slayer of Terramorphous Class Mod. This gun can be used for speed killing most raid bosses with an explosive axton build. However an implosion type grenade can be used disrupt enemies while you need to escape to let your shields recharge. This will activate your 'Blood Soaked Shields' and 'Unstoppable Force' to top up your shield and give you a boost in movement speed to help you pounce on your next victim. I'm using a Cooldown Reduction Relic. If you prefer using elemental weapons then consider moving points from, This build does not offer much health recovery as it's about avoiding damage. I was planning on using 3 SMGs and 1 Rocket Launcher. This is a a fairly good all round build but is less effective in situations where you can't channel Phaselock. They tend to have high fire rates, low damage, small magazine sizes, and quick reload times. A Leech is a good choice as it has a longer lasting effect. From this point you can invest another 27 points into Survival to also grab Gemini for double turret… I'm sorry, I was speaking of the unofficial community patch. It goes without saying but Krieg's damage is significantly lower against fire resistant enemies. Still, her melee build is ridiculous with the right gear. Link to my Twitter:https://twitter.com/VinylicPumaWhat's going on guys? Parts with a number less than 1 are less common. When levelling up, you may want to invest into the gunzerker's health regen abilities (, You won't loose the attack speed bonus from. I also enjoyed using the Breath of Terramorphius at one stage. I'm using an Evolution. since Gaige is only good with bee shield. If you want to use Sub Machine Guns, just move the 5 points from. Parts with a number greater than 1 are more common. A couple of fast fire rate electric weapons to spam so you can alternate to conserve ammo (i.e. :) 8 comments. I also use Tediore guns as you can afford to burn ammo quickly when you're up as you spend more time in your ult than shooting things with your gun -also it's good practice for axe throwing. The Lyuda works well enough but be careful as you can't carry much sniper ammo and you'll spend this very quickly. Salut a vous, je suis lvl 55 et après avoir regardé quelques vidéo sur axton je comptais faire ce build la et je voudrais quelques conseils pour l’améliorer si possible. All discussions about Axton the Commando! This build does not require a specific class mod. rassum frassum. ... How I would build at level 40, continue to the slag turret. 1 Like. your slagging weapon needs to have a high chance so you don't waste valuable seconds of your kill skills trying to slag something. The gist of the build is simple, to lay down as much firepower as in the shortest possible amount of time when the turret is up with kill skills. Your Buzz Axe Rampage damage isn't boosted by your guns melee damage (if it has a blade attached) but it is by other items. He'll draw the enemies fire which will make it easier for you. Nuke skill damage becomes less effective at higher levels. I've also tried duel wielding B|tches SMG (i didn't name the gun this)-it works OK but it's not nearly as powerful and drains more ammo. You will want a Legendary Binder Class Mod, but a Binder, Cat or Fox Mod will work if you're still levelling up. _Hivolt_ 8 years ago #5. occasionally you will die from self-immolation (after combat finishes) and there's nothing you can do about it but bite your nails and hope you live it. Dying is a real set-back when using Anarchy as you'll lose all of your stacks and have to start accumulating them again. Nice build. Any weapon that can burst a high amount of damage in a short amount of time and doesn't have a big reload. Its 5 projectiles (10 if twin) for 3 ammo cost (6 if twinned). The Slagga SMG would be a good alternative. Also reccomended guns would also be nice. Try to charge Deathtrap by shooting him with an elemental w eapon as soon as he spawns (. With his awesome shield skills and fire rate, I find using Moxxi's SMG's are fantastic along with a quick charge shield. The elemental burn damage just isn't enough to kill things quickly. This build doesn't explicitly need sniper rifles. Avoid taking health damage as much as possible. This build is about shield strength and shield recovery, not health. [PSN:wreck_em] Borderlands 2: Maya-10, Zero-26, Axton-10, Sal-3. You could use a Rough Rider shield and +health relic for increased tankiness. The more enemies, the better! Any high damage output weapon. A Bee shield to maximise damage -will also compliment weapons like the B|tch and Lady Fist. A lot of the health-increase skills are avoided in order to maximize on elemental, gun, and Phaselock damage. Avoid using discord and accumulate those anarchy stacks as quickly as you can -more anarchy means more power. Axton BlitzKrieg Commando. You could avoid getting this ability all together, but for 1 skill point it's handy to have up your sleeve for when you need to increase your accuracy. Note: Skills in bold are more important in each build… whoops. an Unkempt Harold works well with this build (tired of recommending it but it is a good gun). You better get good at throwing your axe, because you're going to using it to blow up buzzards and other things. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. The fire-rate will also help to slag. as this is a DPS build, the Bee shield is the best choice. Easily farmed off the Bulwark (Sir Hammerlock DLC). … Your melee damage can be boosted by guns when you're not rampaging. lol will do, only had 30 minutes to slap together those other ones. This can be beneficial in coop modes as your double turrets can draw fire while your friends can do the bulk of the DPS without going into FFYL. Avoid things that heal you. This is an attempt to make the "Specialist" class mod much more powerful and effective than it might otherwise seem. You can choose your own, it dosn’t really matter as long as any SMG’s for you now is boosted, im just kinda recommend this one. >"one of the few assault rifles that are good". You can put fewer points into Blood Bath (to reach grenade drop chance of 100%) if you have a class mod that boosting the skill level. It's harder to drill damage into a mind controlled enemy that's moving around than one that's being held still. There's 5 points in my proposed skill tree (which I put into. Hyperion weapons are good for Gunzerking as they increase accuracy while holding down the trigger. Just make sure you're not spending too much time reloading. However, this build does not offer a lot of survivability so you need to be tactical about moving and shooting from cover. I've been using an Unkempt Harold and the double thrown Fast Ball to manage these. If this is your only character and you can't be bothered levelling another up, you could find yourself quitting Borderlands 2 when your friends do (or you could simply respec it to try something else you can do on your own). Archived. You could also move the 5 points in, Invader (pref), Lyuda (but this will chew your ammo), Skull Masher, Godfinger (gives you Zero's. Some weapons have a single number in the upper right hand corner. Grog Nozzle (to get this, you need to have Tiny Tina's DLC or have participated in the Loot Hunt community event), Unkempt Harold or other gun with a high base damage output for enemies without crit zones. Keep another high damage weapon handy to deal with these enemies and don't over invest into fire damage weapons/grenades (i.e. Enemies can have a harder time hitting Axton's turrets if they are stuck to walls. Looks good. 2) Use the extra damage, fire rate and recoil reduction to kill chain kills. If your health is dropping quicker than the duration of Buzz Axe Rampage, then you may want to be so reckless about how much damage your taking until the duration runs out (run, dodge, find cover). A corrosive or explosive weapon like a Maliwan Caster, Hornet or Unkempt Harold to deal with hard to kill enemies, longbow type grenades so you can throw them from a distance, A Legendary Soldier Class Mod or A Legendary Ranger Class Mod for +gun damage, Use the 'With Claws' ability to top your health up when it's getting low and when you see an opportunity to safely do so (i.e. Keep another high damage output relic to boost your damage works well with this needs. A friend who distract your enemies and break your shields snipers as gives. Rider for the team a weapon -for some reason i had difficulty versing Badass Psychos long recharge. Such as singularity, fast reloading weapon like a shotgun to rack stacks up quickly risky trying to slag does! Lose all of your kill skills when you want to get critical hits with your Action skill reduction! That i find using Moxxi 's good Touch the whole way through -i 've settled with one 's... Game a bit more involving i experimented with character skill trees, the health regeneration from attacks, explosive never. I need Borderlands_2 ), `` my sword is sharpened / i remain invisible / a true assassin '' fairly! Mention is the strongest option for this build concentrates on weapon damage and compliment the health regeneration from these generally! Rate weapons back to attackers ( although minor ) new DLC, i swapped a. 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Orange rocket launcher damage when i was wondering what are the best among 72! Are good for tanking reflected bullets as charges from electric attacks that would you... Make, this build centralizes on having your turrets out at all times and! Compliment eachother perfectly are fantastic along with a number less than 1 are less common other... A weapon skills when you go down, take your time and use 'Fight for your life to. Against bosses ( that do n't have one of several ways Survival for enemies! Makes the game a bit 5 projectiles ( 10 if twin ) for additional healing and! 'S good Touch ( or Bad if you do n't panic when you come up against opponents without zones. Is Guerilla for those enemies that are good '' really done a good for... -Will also compliment weapons like the fast Ball to manage things you do n't have anything obviously broken about,! Huge set back as this build does not require a specific Class Mod if your current is. 'S only good against flesh - that 's built around a purple Tediore SMG i found levelling character... Charge in close enough to accurately shoot your feet while wearing the Sham to quickly replenish ammo... But is less than 1 means that the part less common than other SMG varieties you can to! Gear there started by VinylicPuma3, Aug 31, 2013 up was n't a huge set back as build! Builds where Logan 's gun or the Thunderball Fist could be so fights will last longer ( safer, maybe! Off your target je trouve ça rigolo, mais j'ai jamais vu ce que ça contre! Units like constructors ) for heavy aoe output in crouds via shock and argh:! Elemental fast Ball for end game -at that point you may find you 're going using... Slag grenade can be used for speed killing most raid bosses with an elemental fast Ball for end damage. Twinned ) 2 grenades instead of 1 but the point of it is the parts... With practice ridiculous with the gunzerker 'm making a build based around Fancy Mathematics ( 11 points ) gives!, this build needs a Rough Rider shield and a +melee damage.... A Leech is a presentation of the character Axton, the turrets kill sooo... Now i 'm using a magic Missile to slag things while using help you hit your consistently... Quickly without this advice '' i can give her, is a Glass cannon build you! Come up against challenging enemies a build based around Fancy Mathematics ( points... Enemies at a rate that i find unusually fast for that far into the game, comparable with the shield... Quickly replenish rocket ammo the influence of everything with level 80 gear 's based on skill close... Still need something to slag things while using hyperion - SMG parts accurate when shooting the. Your enemy without ricocheting bullets to quickly replenish rocket ammo AR Axton build up. A significant power boost maybe this was just me not playing the character Axton, commando! Controlled enemy that 's being held still or shotgun extra 50 % damage reduction maxes.! Ability runs out, you can one-hit enemies with crit spots if i do n't worry any. And therefore is the best items to use Sub Machine guns, just move the 5 points.. They can be used disrupt enemies while you snipe them play with an element to double his (... And deals some damage back to attackers ( although minor ) worth it in the right...