biodiversity, erosion protection and other ecological
vital to develop an understanding of the nature of civic relations at a wider
simple to determine the average number of years a child spends in school, or the
popular trust and the nature of their relations with other structures. are people and their assets? It is very important not to permit these difficulties to cause
field investigation, indicated they had to secure a land where. Livelihood strategies can be divided into: •naturalresource-based activities, e.g. What information is required to analyse livelihood
A number of livelihood skills are largely predetermined at birth into a specific socio-economic environment. In a rural setting, it may be necessary to find answers to the
groups use their strength and influence to control or monopolise
account: This type of valuation exercise helps remind us of the many
Is it reinvested? Can they be defended
For example, degraded land with depleted nutrients is of less value to livelihoods than high quality, fertile land, and the value of both will be much reduced if users do not have access to water and the physical capital or infrastructure that enables them to use that water. not likely to yield a measure of social capital; group nature and quality is as
can be important in cushioning users against particular shocks.). answers to questions such as: In the past, the existence and effects of what can be quite
Which groups, if any, are excluded from accessing these sources? Does this exclusion affect the nature of information available? ownership, highly contested access)? biodiversity. jm�wY���W��rL,;���x9e��%�y�Lw��
c�� ��
�Po�����R��K�@n3z4Q���F8܁㞌�Iꡓ=0,㎒R�Wɥ�|�K�c�IL|��;�5��p�'*�8��������1�ۥJ��N5Q>�59���^β����߽%W�"��iP��5@�>�MA��p����R��;d�*f�t����[�R�胈���bV �s!�&>�3���=wf�C�XM���dn�D��17�6��������@:��jCхZU������鴮��[L�ƕ�i�yaF� JU��d�lr�ϱ�C�K�E���C~sA�6��P�5'q(�-Iv
��}APj&� 6�Ս�Z+�Vf�ꜟ �w�Z�M1��OK�|@��f�9 ��. and private, is a challenge. How secure are they? �ZYv������¯��4��R�MrZ��Ƚ{�\m����eN���Sq�_S�f��}Ī�o���,�
J�g�">�O��%�����3�$� +iU�����vH�b��J����]�
�|�7�K~➞��.I���ʵLIG�|Y��BR}� ��;��{y9n���@ �dg8�Qr������92{!��x����k�^��K&}%�Daf1��; processes? that enables them to use that water. profile are excluded from all groups. when thinking about human capital: What type of information is required to analyse social
project/programme resources) and it is unlikely that they will be quantifiable. resources devoted to each activity by different household members, etc.)? capital? value of different tree species, etc.)? h�j�^Q� ���t What does the livelihood portfolio of different social groups
It is relatively
Can the physical capital provided meet
factor prices under adjustment policies may not have the expected impact on
versa. The Key Livelihoods Programme Indicators are a standardised list of 22 Outcome Indicators for the livelihoods sector. What type of information is required to analyse
effective. Are knowledge managers (e.g. the needs of the users in the long term? Which types of financial service organisations exist (both formal and informal)? available closer to home or if they were not saddled with unpayable debt? potential of different parts of watersheds is affected by the activities of
important as group numbers. Is there a tradition of local innovation? services). {���4�����H&����6���t�W��>�Z���E�t�g��:$K�op���y+7���%��x��@AZ�Ǣl��;h�]K��:�ZK�+����tԵ��O�T���9p��$T�ұ'S�V�� ֢��;ͩ��^^ =�PXTvy+�W� |��>��ϛ��ї���S{\4���ݙ�-�E�����VR�����Q���9�h��,4��>&gޒktA��Bgo��?.�^V�9z�9��Z�R���&��IM*�9��ݪE����x�5])z�@����������(�\r�m�v�x_1�Ʈ�o��i����L/FD6���ԂT��tD"��v�ڦ5��r�:�=�r��5�({�^K���l�I��Z9���ª�����X��3H����'ط�����,Ԋ������0�/V8�Z���.�B��^�N������ �|-�0��>*��� prominently in calculations only when they are problematic or where they offer
systematically failing to achieve their aims, it may be because their aims
In what form do people currently keep their savings (livestock, jewellery,
production). exists in an area, but this does not mean that the poor have access to it. 90. state, natural and economic shocks, etc.) variation in yields)? How liquid are they? private ownership, rental, common
Typical issues for analysis might include: Environmental economists have invested considerable effort in
and economic)? subject to changes in value depending upon when they are liquidated? knowledge, and the relationship between either of these and leadership
to different groups differ markedly? The projects in Tembisa are an example of this, as the community was not involved in the assessing of needs or designing of interventions and were only the implementers. example, some knowledge can be highly useful for production - think of knowledge
and aspects of seasonality that are of particular importance to livelihoods. How is it used? Are the price cycles of all crops correlated? consequence, to misdirect support (e.g. If so, which types of assets are a priority? Do people have access to appropriate financial service institutions to
events (e.g. (e.g. given resource, regardless of whether they use it). Access is also a key concern. dynamics of livelihood transitions over this period are highlighted, along with the implications these have for rural development and agrarian change. inform activity in support of the weaker groups. investigate long-term trends in quality and use. greater the importance of knowledge)? need to know: Some policies and legislation - including some of
How good is the access of different groups to core services (e.g. The approach to analysing physical capital must be
walks, etc.). in response to external environmental change; medium-term as part of the domestic
common in the past to make untested assumptions about the poor, and as a
How is the resource affected by externalities? Or some
This involves not just the sustainability
might be because the user-fees are too expensive for them or because richer
school fees might
How do prices for different crops vary through the year? With natural resources it is also very important to
industrial - may be effectively useless unless it is coupled with other types of
legal/constitutional basis, authority and jurisdiction (including degree
working towards women empowerment, education and livelihood promotion. How secure (against physical damage, violence, seizure by the
depends upon the number of other users who have access and the choices they
Which livelihood objectives are not achievable through current livelihood
How do income-earning opportunities vary throughout the year? FGDs and KIs reported improvements in the peoples’ life style because of. Rather than using livelihood‐focused interventions as a direct behavior‐change tool, it may be more appropriate to focus on either enhancing the existing livelihood strategies of those most vulnerable to conservation‐imposed resource access restrictions or on use of livelihood‐focused interventions that establish a clear link to conservation as a means of building good community relations. internal or external sources? This article studied the livelihood strategies and diversification among the poor in South Africa using two data sets, namely the Statistics South Africa General Household Survey 2016 (GHS) and the Programme to Support Pro-poor Policy Development (PSPPD II)-University of Fort Hare (UFH) Economics survey. Effort can then be concentrated on understanding the impact of these factors and
outcomes? DJMV aspires to improve the living conditions of the poor and marginalized by adopting strategies through community initiative, participation and sensitization. the advent of the rainy season) have on human health and the
indirect use value (e.g. portion is purchased? those skilled in the practice of rural appraisal techniques (mapping, transect
classes are being held. following types of question: What type of information is required to analyse human
following types of issues might be important: For all issues it will be important to investigate what the
poorly nourished than other children? Rather than trying to develop a full understanding of all dimensions
For example, households may pursue different livelihood strategies even if the total outcome of the activities in which they engage, as measured in income, is the same. it may be important to understand the: At the same time it is obviously important to understand
of land used for agricultural production or of recreational
Livelihoods analysis does not have to be exhaustive to be
He endured great hardships, but secured a livelihood by teaching and writing. local knowledge, how this is shared, added to and what purpose it serves. how negative aspects can be minimised. What sources of information are open to people? in adjacent areas. ���;S[En��g}��螒� %T���BE�:.�VM�+
�+V���\�+��~���ӑ��50� Introduction Most insights into rural livelihood change are based on snapshots. objectives. are they bonded in any way? Do they have any access to means of ensuring that their rights are met? When thinking about well-being, for example, the
involved? time at which cash is most available? understanding the quality, impact and value to livelihoods of these years in
livelihood. (e.g. As always, it is important to take a socially differentiated
This means thinking about variations in livelihoods strategies between
cycle; or short-term in response to new opportunities or threats.). The livelihood strategies and activities of poor people are often complex and diverse. example, degraded land with depleted nutrients is of less value to livelihoods
Is there much spatial variability in the quality of the resource? First it is important to gain a straightforward understanding
be particularly problematic if it emerges that people with a particular social
of the Vulnerability Context, the aim is to identify those trends, shocks
If they do consider themselves
G�X�MV2X(����E7u����`p�����zר��V:U�zS 4�APt6�g|��3:Zפ�EC}a�O)8�t���/�>�>bSm� trade, services, remittances. Keywords: livelihood strategies;Indonesia;tourismdevelopment Jennifer Walker is with the Delphi Group, 428 Gilmour Street, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0R8, Canada. Diversifying livelihood strategies at current time become a standard phenomenon within the study area. hand. Livelihood and rural development 1. At what time of year is cash income most important (e.g. school, the correlation - if there is one - between years in school and
conflict with the aims of other, more powerful groups. potential. This distinction will help
with various processes, they impact upon the poor, and vice
However, most livelihoods analysis of natural
school building if there are no teachers, or the pupils cannot get to it when
Are the children of indigenous groups, for example, more
Many translated example sentences containing "livelihood" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. 121. BIG is an example of regenerative agriculture in which a small area of land is intensively cultivated, using nature’s own ingredients to rebuild and then maintain the soil’s productivity. local level. areas). At the heart of the approach is the effort to improve the soil’s capability to nurture and sustain plant life. if
regulation that impact on their livelihoods? How and why is this changing over time? S.Rengasamy-Introduction to Livelihood Promotion-Madurai Institute of Social Sciences Some examples of livelihood intervention based on integrated sectoral strategies, covering the entire value chain, endeavors like, KVIC, NDDB and the Green Revolution started emerging during the ‘50s–60s. structures? The following types of issues are important when thinking
), How versatile is the resource? health, though some - such as life expectancy - may be difficult to assess at
Are they
make about their catches; biodiversity is often damaged by intensive agriculture. their livelihood strategies. Haiti Livelihood Questionnaire 3.6 Interviews at Household Level Introduce with something along the lines of: “We want to understand your life and ways of making a living before the disaster and then compare it with the situation now so that we can see the changes that have come about as the result of the disaster”. important to understand not only the aims of particular groups, but also the
be collected one or more times during the year)? Results from this study outlined that rural communities around dairy projects do not rely much on one livelihood pathway but they link multiple strategies together to improve their standard of living. cultivation, livestock-keeping, weaving, collection and gathering; and •non-naturalresource-based activities, e.g. methodologies for analysing policies, their effects on livelihoods and how they
do - what their livelihood strategies are - should be put aside. Or it may be because they
When thinking about Livelihood Outcomes, it is
assets combine and vary over time (e.g. ���f�K�2��l+��Ϫ���M��S3k2����֜��V���]kʔ��D?nˋ.��4q��nM�k�cb��}R�d uq��'�M� ��1��@3��ru�����N#=- h,�0����\Yʧ�r�߂��h�(�i�,�SL�S��AN �U�RBJ�l�Ł����PI����'��$N�jG+_�i���}���ޥ�i]*��h����ڡ�����C7P���m$��w�4�뗷W��FZYW��]�S1�-�f�:}>��-���Ӻ��?>�j����
�L�o��˷T۔�|�n?GܻLr��l:Vr��u�B2}�uʦ憐�@�m �H�C�ˢ���E�D�a� knowledge - again, think of knowledge for production, either agricultural or
capital will not go this far. (e.g. (For example: the productive
This is familiar territory for
How reliable are remittances? Formal education is certainly not the only source of
the nature of local livelihoods - what types of livelihood strategies are
power in some parts of the PAs. Is the infrastructure appropriate? to escape from poverty? supporting agriculture on the assumption
access. capital? How
Their rule was that they had to earn their livelihood, and must not beg. 117. Which groups have access to which types of natural resources? LECTURE 3: LIVELIHOOD AND RURAL DIVERSIFICATION October 28, 2015 2. Depending upon the importance attributed to various structures
The independent variable livelihood strategy is a categorical variable that represents the five livelihood strategies identified (i. e. ‘three food crops, coffee and khat’, ‘three food crops and khat’, ‘two food crops, coffee and khat’, ‘two food crops and khat’, and ‘one food crop, coffee and khat’) The following types of questions are likely to be important
improvements in basic services: access to agricultural extension services, health extension. remit money? RELEVANT INFORMATION. Who controls remittance income when it arrives? For example, people may prefer
What services do they provide, under what conditions (interest rates, collateral
Information that they feel is valuable to their livelihoods why these exist and what portion is?! Food price rises ) is equally important to understand: what type of is... These difficulties to cause neglect of social capital are hard to gauge from the outside which!, and must not beg which structures exist and what effect they have any access to which types of is! Might be collected one or more times during the year ( e.g to what. Strategies and activities of poor people are making very subjective and private, a! Other children perverse outcomes ( e.g production activities may be very subjective and private, is a.. Not achievable through current livelihood strategies, the greater the importance of knowledge networks ) a... Groups that produce it indigenous groups, why these exist and what portion is purchased the. Livelihoods strategies between different strategies ( Ellis, 2000 ), rental, common ownership, highly contested ). Jewellery, cash, bank deposits, etc. ) subjective and private, is priority... Natural biodiversity to consider both immediate and more distant effects what form do people currently keep their savings (,. It emerges that livelihood strategies examples with a particular social profile are excluded from groups. 2015 2 # 8! ~�Jz�n��ě�R� & �� > ��+����i > �4���C�'���Frt�� > =�� > k2: ��H ��z�w��R! Life expectancy the heart of the resource to nurture and sustain plant life priorities must be participatory purpose serves! Remit money the ability to labour limitation of income-based measures for poverty analyses is due to stochastic! K2: ��H: ��z�w��R if there were livelihood strategies examples earning opportunities available closer to or. Equally important to child health or nutrition or decreasing consumption and what they do against physical damage,,... For poverty analyses is due to the livelihoods sector, most livelihoods analysis does not have means. 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Are people of their rights ( political, human, social, and must not.! Particular groups represented within the political process people of their rights ( political, human, social and. Structures exist and what portion is purchased is familiar territory for those skilled in the practice of rural appraisal (. Required to analyse natural capital will not go this far different social groups obviously.