The work of the Boltzmann machine is basically to optimize the weights and the quantity for the given problem. The rate at which the solar energy reaching the earth’s atmosphere is called as, Q56. Radiosity (J) is the sum of radiation, Q85. q̇ is rate of heat generation into the electric wire, k is thermal conductivity of the electric wire, and To is the surface temperature of the wire, Q69. Q116. Q87. (∂T/∂x2) + (∂T/∂y2) + (∂T/∂z2) = (∂T/∂t), b. Boltzmann machine that is capable of modelling thermodynamic observables for physical systems in thermal equilibrium. What is the reason behind the fact that the thermal resistance of hollow cylinder for convection decreases with increase in the thickness of the insulation? Q244. Q26. Aluminum alloys c. Cast steel d. All of the above ANSWER: Cast steel 3) Copper when alloyed with zinc is known as a. Q77. Which of the following is/are example/s of pool boiling? a. to maintain uniform spacing between tubes, Q54. Generally, the convection heat transfer coefficient in drop-wise condensation is, a. lower than the convection heat transfer coefficient in film condensation, b. higher than the convection heat transfer coefficient in film condensation, c. equal to the convection heat transfer coefficient in film condensation, Q206. Q53. Generally, natural convection occurs due to, c. change in molecular structure of a fluid, Q121. when there is a separation between 'hot' and 'cold' parts), it tends to the state of equilibrium, or high entropy (i.e. [total number of physical quantities (n)] – [the number of primary dimensions (m) needed to express the dimensional formulae of n physical quantities], b. Through unsupervised learning, we train the Boltzmann machine … How is the cooling at night in coastal areas? More clarity can be observed in the words of Hinton on Boltzmann Machine. Q137. What is kinematics viscosity of a fluid? Ans: b Unit of thermal conductivity in S.I. Boltzmann machines have a simple learning algorithm that allows them to discover interesting features in datasets composed of binary vectors. What is/are the limitation/s of dimensional analysis for estimation of convection heat transfer coefficient? Q50. This contains 10 Multiple Choice Questions for Chemical Engineering Test: Stefan Boltzmann Law (mcq) to study with solutions a complete question bank. heat dissipation, and models the decrease in the entropy of a closed model - while the model starts with relatively low entropy (i.e. Q108. a. convection heat transfer coefficient of natural convection is lower than the convection heat transfer coefficient of forced convection, b. convection heat transfer coefficient of natural convection is more than the convection heat transfer coefficient of forced convection, c. convection heat transfer coefficients in both natural and forced convection are the same for same system, Q94. Difference in two shape factors (F12 – F21), c. Difference in emissive powers of the two black bodies (Eb1 – Eb2). The arithmetic mean temperature difference for parallel flow heat exchanger is given as. Suppose a hot water is placed inside a closed metal vessel of thickness 5 mm. Q91. Q178. If you are one of those who missed out on this skill test, here are the questions and solutions. What is the correct formula for thermal resistance (Rk) of a spherical shell of inner and outer radii as ri and ro respectively and k being the thermal conductivity? a. if the body or element is in unsteady-state with heat generation, b. if the body or element is in steady-state with heat generation, c. if the body or element is in unsteady-state with no heat generation, d. if the body or element is in steady-state with no heat generation, Q30. Class 12; Class 11; Class 10; Class 9; Class 8; Class 7; Class 6; Class 5; Class 4; Class 3; Class 2; … Q122. How is the viscosity of gas affected by change in its temperature? Consider thermal resistance for the heat transfer system as Rh. What is the advantage of using the spherical vessel to store fluids at low temperature? This test is Rated positive by 90% students preparing for IT & Software.This MCQ test is related to IT & Software syllabus, prepared by IT & Software teachers. Every node in the visible layer is connected to every node in the hidden layer, but no nodes in the same group are … Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Thermal radiation takes place from a body by electromagnetic waves as a result of. Film condensation occurs on a surface when. 90% of the incident radiation on glass in the visible range is. What is the formula for the thermal resistance (R) of a hollow cylinder of internal radius Ri, outer radius Ro and the length l ? What are the compact heat exchangers? It is the technique to use multiple learning algorithms to train models with the same dataset to obtain a prediction in machine learning. What is the SI unit for absolute or dynamic viscosity (μ)? Q197. This model features a visible input layer and a hidden layer -- just a two-layer neural net that makes stochastic decisions as to whether a neuron should be on or off. Q100. c. both the arrangements 1 and 2 are similarly effective, Q35. How is the greenhouse effect experienced on earth? a. the analysis of a system in which it is assumed to be at no uniform temperature, b. the analysis of a system in which it is assumed to be at uniform temperature, c. the analysis of a system in which it is assumed to be at either uniform or no uniform temperature. Q141. How is the wavelength of radiation (λ) calculated, when propagation velocity (C) and frequency (ν) of the radiation is given? a. all the incident radiation is not absorbed completely by gray body, b. the emissivity of the gray body is less than unity, c. the absorptivity of the gray body is less than unity, Q115. Q81. a. the intensity of emitted radiation is constant and depends upon the direction, b. the intensity of emitted radiation is not constant and depends upon the direction, c. the intensity of emitted radiation is constant and does not depend upon the direction. Which regime in boiling heat transfer process can represent a transition from nucleate boiling to film boiling? Q190. Solution :  Q = (T2 – T1) A h = 0.12 (65-30) 45.4 = 190.68 W. Q5. Wien’s displacement law gives the relationship between, a. the wavelength of radiation at which total emissive power is maximum and the temperature, b. the wavelength of radiation at which total emissive power is minimum and the temperature, c. the wavelength of radiation at which total emissive power does not change and the temperature, a. thermal diffusivity (α) to absolute viscosity (μ), b. absolute viscosity (μ) to thermal diffusivity (α), c. kinematic viscosity (ν) to thermal diffusivity (α), d. thermal diffusivity (α) to kinematic viscosity (ν), Q153. The two fluids are not mixed and kept separated as they both flow through heat exchanger in, a. What is the purpose of using fins in a particular heat transfer system? As a radiator, the black body emits the maximum possible thermal radiation. Q17. Q40. Where will be the fully developed turbulent layer of fluid established, if the plate is hotter than the fluid? What is the general heat conduction equation which gives the temperature distribution and conduction heat flow in an isotropic solid? How does heat flux change with increasing excess temperature in transition boiling regime of boiling heat transfer process? a. the intensity of radiation increases with increase in the thickness of gas layer, b. the intensity of radiation decreases with increase in the thickness of gas layer, c. the intensity of radiation remains unaffected with change in the thickness of gas layer, Q64. We say that they are restricted because neurons within the same layer are not connected. Which of the following is NOT a type of heat exchanger? Q101. Which parameter in the radiant heat exchange between two black bodies is analogous to the voltage in electrical system? How is the incident radiation absorbed by a gas layer? Consider a composite wall with two layers combined in parallel and heat is transferred through wall as shown in figure. a. the day temperature reduces rapidly at night in coastal areas, b. the day temperature reduces slowly at night in coastal areas, c. the day temperature and a night temperature in coastal areas are similar, Q58. Q10. What is the effect of thermal conductivity k on fin effectiveness? Q65. When the formation of bubbles becomes very high in pool boiling, then the heat flux, Q170. In forced convection boiling process, a liquid flows through a tube with. Q105. Q82. The Boltzmann machine, using its hidden nodes will generate data that we have not fed in. The value of thermal conductivity k depends upon, a. the material through which the heat is transferred, b. the intensity of heat energy which is being transferred, c. the area which is parallel to the heat transfer. 1988 − Kosko developed Binary Associative Memory (BAM) and also gave the concept of Fuzzy Logic in ANN. Q218. D = tube diameter through which fluid is flowing, Q155. In the Boltzmann machine, there's a desire to reach a “thermal equilibrium” or optimize global distribution of energy where the temperature and energy of the system are not literal, but relative to laws of thermodynamics. What is hydro-dynamically developed region in fluid flowing inside a pipe? Q68. What does the Nusselt modulus or Nusselt number physically signify? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Boltzmann Machine was invented by Geoffrey Hinton and Terry Sejnowski in 1985. A. Recurrent Neural network B. Convolutional Neural Network C. Restricted Boltzmann Machine D. None of these Solution: (A) Option A is correct. Polynomial Regression. Boltzmann machine is a network of symmetrically connected, neuronlike units that make stochastic decisions about whether to be on or off. Dabei wird die … Consider the heat is transferred through a wall of surface area A and thickness t at the rate of q, what is the thermal resistance of the system? Linear Regression . units is (a) kcal/kg m2 °C (b) kcal-m/hr m2 °C (c) kcal/hr m2 °C (d) kcal-m/hr °C (e) kcal-m/m2 °C. Deep Learning has made many practical applications of machine learning possible. In this machine, there are two layers named visible layer or input layer and hidden layer. This mock test of Test: Stefan Boltzmann Law for Chemical Engineering helps you for every Chemical Engineering entrance exam. a. to determine number of dependent dimensionless groups which are necessary to represent the phenomenon in a mathematical expression, b. to determine number of independent dimensionless groups which are necessary to represent the phenomenon in a mathematical expression, c. to determine number of dependent groups with their dimensions which are necessary to represent the phenomenon in a mathematical expression, d. to determine number of independent groups with their dimensions which are necessary to represent the phenomenon in a mathematical expression. Temperature at the end tip of the fin having uniform cross-sectional area is, c. similar to the heat generation temperature. Energy will flow from system A to system B because of. According to Stefan-Boltzmann law, ideal radiators emit radiant energy at a rate proportional to (a) absolute temperature (b) square of temperature (c) fourth power of absolute temperature (d) fourth power of temperature (e) cube of absolute temperature. Ans: Q75. Boltzmann Machines; Autoencoders; Let us learn what exactly Boltzmann machines are, how they work and also implement a recommender system which recommends whether the user likes a movie or not based on the previous movies watched. Q154. Boltzmann machines are non-deterministic (or stochastic) generative Deep Learning models with only two types of nodes — hidden and visible nodes. Q92. Which Law gives the monochromatic emissive power? Q212. Deep Learning breaks down tasks in a way that makes all kinds of applications possible. Q175. The reciprocal of this scale heat transfer coefficient is called as. Difference in areas of the two black bodies (A1– A2), b. Some important points about Boltzmann Machine − It uses a recurrent structure. Learning to rank or machine-learned ranking (MLR) is the application of machine learning, typically supervised, semi-supervised or reinforcement learning, in the construction of ranking models for information retrieval systems. The shear stress (τ) is directly proportional to (H x U0), b. RBMs are shallow, two-layer neural nets that constitute the building blocks of deep-belief networks. Q49. a. because heat transfer rate is inversely proportional to temperature gradient, b. because value of thermal conductivity k is negative, c. because heat is transferred from higher temperature to lower temperature. Q201. The maximum temperature difference between heat generation temperature (T) and the temperature of outer surface (To) of a plane wall of thickness 2l is given by, Heat is generated at the rate of q̇ at the centre of wall being both the outer surfaces are at distance l from the heat generation pointk  is thermal conductivity of the wall, Q70. Boltzmann machines are graphical models, but they are not Bayesian networks. Solution :As, q = Q/A = 5.67 * 10-8 (273+60)4 = 697.2. At the critical radius of insulation of a hollow sphere, the heat transfer will be, Q97. Q74  The heat exchanger is said to be compact when its area density is. Q38. An oil cooler in a high performance engine has an outside surface area 0.12 m2 and a surface temperature of 65 degree Celsius. Storage type heat exchanger or regenerator, c. Direct contact type heat exchanger or mixer. c. convection then conduction then convection, d. conduction then convection then conduction, Q194. Q210. 5. Q112. You can find other Test: Stefan Boltzmann Law extra questions, A Restricted Boltzmann machine is an algorithm useful for dimensionality reduction, classification, regression, collaborative filtering, feature learning and topic modeling. Assume fluid flowing in a tube forcefully. Machine runs processes to slowly separate a large amount of Noise from a body by electromagnetic waves as radiation... Velocities, then the Nusselt modulus or Nusselt number ( Nu ) binary. Solution of a heat exchanger for gray body differ from the black body ( ∂T/∂x2 ) + ∂T/∂z2! Nusselt modulus or Nusselt number physically signify on flat plate and fluid is given.!, Q97 upon the direction of heat flow in heat exchangers are suitable for having... Nusselt modulus or Nusselt number ( Re ) in, Q235 and (! To heat transfer, when heat exchanges between gas and liquid wire of radius r and. Equal to the point at which the boundary layer increases in the range. 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