It was almost entirely rebuilt by Trajan. Dio) was pycnostyle  and built of solid marble Latin Library: (Ov. While the official designation was forum Iulium (Mon. -. Anc.) II.102); six dactyliothecae or collections of engraved gems; and a thorax adorned with British pearl. On this axis the temple was built, facing south-east. Hermes 1875, 342‑343; Gilb. A. At the battle of Pharsalus Caesar vowed a temple to Venus Genetrix, the mythical ancestress of the Julian gens, and proceeded to build it in the centre of his forum (App. At first it was a vicus- a center that didn’t have an administrative independence, but it was associated to Aquileia (that was previously founded in 181 B.C.). ; in diesem Jahr berichtete Cicero in einem Brief an Atticus, dass er zusammen mit Oppius im Auftrag Caesars Land für ein neues Forum erwerben sollte. I.583.4277.) Die Planungen für die Anlage begannen spätestens 54 v. von: Maiuro, Marco. At this time Palladio (Quattro Libri dell’ Architettura 1570, IV. cit. Der Platz umfasst ein Rechteck mit einer Seitenlänge von 170 mal 75 Metern Seitenlänge. Therefore, an attempt to uncover 177-180," in: Dr. David Newsome, "THE FORUM AND THE CITY: RETHINKING CENTRALITY IN ROME AND POMPEII (3RD CENTURY B.C. The forum space consisted of a long narrow piazza, with the Temple of Venus Genetrix on one end (Appian, Civil Wars, 2.102). 178‑180, 371‑372; Gilb. III.226). Praen. Forum Iulium o Forum Iulii fou una ciutat del Vèneto a uns 40 km al nord d'Aquileia al peu dels Alps Julians. A piece of the architrave still exists in the Villa Medici. All that remains of the forum is part of the enclosure wall of peperino on the south-west side (Via delle Marmorelle 29), 12 metres high and 3.70 thick, and some small vaulted chambers or tabernae opening into the corridor of the forum through a row of peperino arches with Anio tufa piers and travertine imposts (TF 46). and Labacco (Libro appartenente all’ Architettura, 1552, 25‑28; 1559, 33‑36) drew a plan and reconstruction from what was then visible, representing a peripteral octostyle structure with very narrow intercolumniations. Reconstruction, the Forum of Caesar or Forum Iulium in ancient Rome, Rekonstruktion, Das Caesarforum oder Forum Iulium, im antiken Rom. I.583.4277.) cit.). which thus became in effect a porticus surrounding the temple, a type followed in all the later fora. 69-69    which thus became in effect a porticus surrounding the temple, a type followed in all the later fora. The forum Iulium was rectangular, about 115 metres long and 30 wide, surrounded by a colonnade and wall. 56, No. Damasc. What Was the Forum Iulium Used for? L. Richardson, Jr., A New Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome (Johns Hopkins 1992) 165-167. suggest that the Forum lulium was the only one of the Imperial fora built to supplant directly the traditional civic functions of the original Forum Romanum. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Der Komet erschien an den von Caesars Adoptivsohn Octavian zwischen dem 20. und 23. Forum Iulium (Graece Ἀγορὰ Ἰουλία), primum inter Fora Imperatorum quae Foro Romano adiacent, iussu C. Caesaris dictatoris constructum est et die 26 Septembris 46 a.C.n. )=33960; BC 1915, 170‑171; possibly Phlegon refers to this forum as ἡ Ῥωμαίων ἀγορά (Mir. Chr. Foros imperiales-colores.png 1,414 × 881; 59 KB. Chr. 07-ago-2018 - General View of the Forum of Julius Caesar in Rome, first of the so-called "Imperial Fora," excavated in 1932 by Corrado Ricci. The Fiscus and its Jurisdiction in First-Century ce Rome. Where in Rome is the Forum of Julius Caesar? All that remains of the forum is part of the enclosure wall of peperino on the south-west side (Via delle Marmorelle 29), 12 metres high and 3.70 thick, and some small vaulted chambers or tabernae opening into the corridor of the forum through a row of peperino arches with Anio tufa piers and travertine imposts (TF 46). Forum Iulium translation in Latin-English dictionary. 22‑24; CIL X.1624). Rome, The Forum Iulium and Forum Augustum. 22; but by Octavianus after the dictator’s death. Much of the material found is on currently on display in the Imperial Fora museum in the Markets of Trajan. Ort/Verlag/Jahr: (2010) Que faisait-on sur un forum? Die Errichtung des 54 v. Chr. B. C. II.102); six dactyliothecae or collections of engraved gems; and a thorax adorned with British pearl Later, Augustus is stated to have set up in the temple a statue of the deified Julius with a star above his head (Cass. Yes, The American Institute for Roman Culture | All Rights Reserved | Privacy & Legal Information | Cookie Policy | Social Media Usage Policy | The American Institute for Roman Culture is a certified 501(C)3 US non-profit organization registered in the United States, EIN 22-3885181. Please support our mission to aid learning and understanding of ancient Rome through free-to-access content by donating today. Oct., CIL I2 p215, 219, 240, 322‑323, 330; Fast. Es mussten zahlreiche Wohnhäuser der Subura abgerissen, Ausläufer des Kapitolshügels abgetragen und sogar die Curia des Senats verlegt werden. 46 B.C. * INTRODUCTION The "Imperial fora" of Rome share characteristics of design, siting, and decorative theme, most of which were manifest in the first of their number, the Forum of Julius Caesar. Pinc. Iulium Carnicum was founded by the Romans in I century B.C. 31, 128, ) and Labacco (Libro appartenente all’ Architettura, 1552, 25‑28; 1559, 33‑36) drew a plan and reconstruction from what was then visible, representing a peripteral octostyle structure with very narrow intercolumniations. The plan of this forum had been conceived as early as 54 B.C., for in that year Cicero and Oppius engaged in purchasing land for Caesar from private owners, and had already paid sixty million sesterces. C. Morselli – E. Tortorici – C. Alvaro, Curia, Forum Iulium, Forum Transitorium, Lavori e studi di archeologia (Rome 1989). Praen. Greg Wightman, “The Imperial Fora of Rome: Some Design Considerations,”, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. in BC 1915, 170, 346), although the forum was not finished by Caesar (cf. There is some portico rebuilding after the fire of Carinus in 283. ‘What was the Forum Iulium used for? Caes. von: Le Gall, J. ch. begonnenen Komplexes war äußerst kompliziert und kostspielig. The main cult of the forum is that of Venus Genetrix. ), The Death of Caesar: The Story of History’s Most Famous Assassination. III.226). Forum Iulium:  the first of the so‑called imperial fora, begun by Julius Caesar and designed, not for a market, but to provide a centre for business of other kinds (App. In the imperial period, a hall was added on the other end (behind the Curia). loc. Ptolemeu diu que pertanyia als carns. There can be no doubt that the Forum Iulium was immense, even by comparison with what followed. I.2.436‑441; Théd. 22‑24; CIL X.1624). Its main axis ran north-west to south-east, corresponding with that of the curia Iulia which adjoined it at the south corner. The forum Iulium or as we usually call it, the Forum of Julius Caesar in Rome. Strena Helbigiana 139‑142 and DAP 2.xv.366). Nap. ; CIL VI.10097 (? Most of the architectural remains in the forum date to the Flavian period and later, although s… Allein die Grundstücke schlugen mit der gewaltigen Summe von 60 Millionen Sesterzen zu Buche. Foro de Cesar-planta.png 1,264 × 881; 46 KB. 13). While the Forum of Caesar, underwent some renovations in time of Trajan and the year after the fire 283 d. C. Figure 2: Remains of the Forum Iulium (or Forum of Caesar). VIII.155; Stat. At the battle of Pharsalus Caesar vowed a temple to Venus Genetrix, the mythical ancestress of the Julian gens, and proceeded to build it in the centre of his forum (App. The plan of this forum had been conceived as early as 54 B.C., for in that year Cicero and Oppius with engaged in purchasing land for Caesar from private owners, and had already paid sixty million sesterces (Cic. Style/Period: Roman; Culture: Ancient Roman; Subject: Forums, Roman--Italy--Rome. 13). it appears regularly in our sources as forum Caesaris (locc. ). IV.16.9). Last modified 03/13/2020. 22; but by Octavianus after the dictator’s death. Its main axis ran north-west to south-east, corresponding with that of the curia Iulia which adjoined it at the south corner. A colossal statue was erected near the temple in honour of Tiberius by fourteen cities of Asia Minor which had been relieved by him  p227 after the earthquakes of 17 and 23 A.D., with personifications of them on its base: and a copy of this in relief was found at Puteoli Atti Acc. ; Fast. In the forum Caesar allowed the erection of a statue of himself wearing a cuirass, and he himself dedicated a statue of his horse with ‘humanis similes pedes priores’ Latin Library: (Plin. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. Subject 2: Caesar, Julius. Einige Quellen (z. A piece of the architrave still exists in the Villa Medici. 1891, 99‑112). Cookies help us deliver our services. 31, 128 sqq.) An der südwestlichen Längsseite des Caesarforum, die am Clivus Argentarius, der Straße der Geldwechsler, lag, waren mehrere Ladenlokale (tabernae) untergebracht. 178‑180, 371‑372; Gilb. d. k. sächs. Consider sponsoring us with a tax-deductable donation today: The American Institute for Roman Culture | All Rights Reserved |, JOIN OUR NEW ANCIENT ROME MONTHLY MASTERCLASSES - CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE, Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, Tue Comitium, Quintessential Structure of Republican Rome, Seminar – The Mausoleum of Hadrian (Castel Sant’Angelo). Dio, Ἀφροδίσιον Cass. The forum Iulium was rectangular, about 115 metres long and 30 wide, surrounded by a colonnade and wall. The forum was rectangular in shape, about 125 metres long and 90 wide, and joined the forum Iulium on the north-east, its longest axis being perpendicular to that of the latter. Vall. The temple of Venus (aedes, Livy, Pliny, Suet., Vitr., templum, Ovid, Pliny, Tacitus, νεώς Appian, Cass. Basilica Aemelia is not visible from here. Its main axis ran north-west to south-east, corresponding with that of the curia Iulia which adjoined it at the south corner. III.224‑227; LR 302‑304; ZA 34‑36; Mem. Pau Diaca diu que fou fundada per Juli Cèsar.. Inicialment sembla que era només un lloc de reunió dels carns i després el lloc d'encontre entre aquest poble i els magistrats romans. Nic. Verfasser: Maiuro, Marco. Photographer: Gina Ciancone; Image Source: Photography by Media Center for Art History, Department of Art History, Columbia University . ; CIL VI.10097 (? Foros imperiales-superposición.jpg 1,304 × 881; 406 KB. The Fascist era anastylosis (architectural restorative technique employing original pieces of ancient building material)  of the marble columns of the temple are impressive, with missing portions filled in with small bricks imitating the marble flutes. Caesar used his great wealth accumulated from the conquest of Gaul to purchase a large portion of land contiguous with the Forum, along the Capitoline Hill slopes (Cicero, Letters to Atticus, 4.16.8). it appears regularly in our sources as forum Caesaris (. Also visible is Mamertine prison. What Was the Forum Iulium Used for? ; in diesem Jahr berichtete Cicero in einem Brief an Atticus, dass er zusammen mit Oppius im Auftrag Caesars Land für ein neues Forum erwerben sollte. The construction began at 54 a. C., and was finished at 29 a. C. by Augustus. The Fiscus and its Jurisdiction in First-Century ce Rome. But there can likewise be little doubt that each and every one of Julius Caesar's successors sought to outdo him in size as well as lavishness of adornment. Cassius Dio berichtet uns außerdem, der Feldherr habe in diesem Tempel eine Statue der Claopatra aus vergoldeter Bronze aufstellen lassen. Das Forum Iulium (oder Caesarforum) war das erste der Kaiserfora und als Erweiterung des alten Forum Romanum angelegt. – 2ND CENTURY A.D.)." Caes. d. k. sächs. Forum Iulium Untertitel l’area del Foro di Cesare alla luce delle campagne di scavo 2005–2008. Excavations continue today, led by the Danish Institute. (Cass. The Museum of the Imperial Forums in Trajan’s Market, Ed. All that remains of the forum is part of the enclosure wall of peperino on the south-west side (Via delle Marmorelle 29), 12 metres high … (For forum and temple, see also Jord. Arv. 1903, 119 sqq. It was perhaps the most famous comet of antiquity. I.2.436‑441; Théd. Work was probably begun in 51, during Caesar’s absence in Gaul (Suet. 148). It stood on the site and followed the design of its predecessor, begun by Julius Caesar after another fire … dies iovis ante diem XII Kalendas Februarias MMDCCLXXIV ab urbe condita, Iuppitertag, 12. On this axis the temple was built, facing south-east. Die Arbeiten hatten mit Veränderungen am Forum Romanum (Neubau der niedergebrannten Curia, Renovierung der Basilica Aemilia) begonnen, später folgte eine Ausdehnung in das dicht besiedelte Wohngebiet auf dem Sattel zwischen Quirinal und Kapitol. : The Forum Iulium and Forum Augustum, pp. Caes. The Forum of Caesar, also known by the Latin Forum Iulium or Forum Julium, Forum Caesaris, was a forum built by Julius Caesar near the Forum Romanum in Rome in 46 BC. Licensing terms, errichtet durch Gaius Iulius Caesar und dessen Nachfolger Augustus im 1 De... Roms, errichtet durch Gaius Iulius Caesar und dessen Nachfolger Augustus im 1 Iulium-Übersetzungen... Built of solid marble Latin Library: ( Ov 40 km al nord d'Aquileia peu... Was pycnostyle and built of solid marble Latin Library: ( Ov a colonnade and wall Ajax and Medea a. “ Julius Caesar in Rome the curia ) on the other end ( the... 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