Plus, we accept all major payment methods! 9 comments. Many skins are offered at this price and there’s quite some variety of quality levels; despite sharing the same price. Much of the background is just black but as the setting is a forest during the night it’s understandable; yet no less disappointing. In the end, it’s a piece with a good idea behind it that struggles due to its uneven quality. Longhorn Alistar is an interesting irony that actually manages to fulfil its premise quite well. Minor model changes for Dr. Mundo and new textures for his cleaver. The drawing isn’t perfect: the face looks flat like the dress’s bands. Legacy skins are still obtainable thanks to our high end account store which features League of Legends accounts with the rarest skins at the best prices. The weaponry and helmet are what distance him from the source as both armour and clothes are practically borrowed from He-Man himself. ... A lot of people run just once piece of legacy. The river in the distance, trees with splendorous growth and animals that peacefully roam. Another set of skins remains: Badger Teemo, Caterpillar Kog’Maw, Crimson Akali, Mr. Mundoverse, Nightmare Cho’Gath, Nottingham Ezreal, Sasquatch Nunu, Sonoran Kog’Maw, Swamp Master Kennen and Toxic Dr. Mundo. New Season 1. Besides, her left boot doesn’t have a convincing perspective and the back bands are missing. If you prefer a green Kog’Maw this skin delivers but there’s nothing else here. End of Season 1. This piece is just a simple re-colour of Kennen’s classic splash art. The cowboy outfit is well done and suitably adapted to Alistar’s huge frame. For the impactful portrayal of Shen there’s a noticeable lack of relevance. Worse may be that, despite what’s noticeably different, he still looks like Classic Ryze but with some changed colours. The blade is also re-designed into a more sober but equally effective shape thus making for a distinct look; though a darker colour would’ve made the blade more unique. Moreover, the reasonably colourful armour and multiple adornments make the skin quite interesting to look at. That’s not to say that Freljord Ashe looks bad, because the new colours suit her rather well. Sep 13, 2017 @ 7:36am You can't. Red Riding Annie’s recognizable red clothes consist of a nice dress, shoes and hood along a basket on her back. Firstly, Annie looks very nice in her little princess dress and tiara; the concept is surely delivered. The depiction isn’t completely faithful to her actual appearance but it surely looks nice and leaves a good impression. In the end, it’s an effective splash art that looks good and serves its purpose but that leaves one wondering what all the fuss is about. If there were a competition to determine the most unclear background this piece would be a top choice. Vancouver Amumu is a super-rare League of Legends skin that was introduced when the player base was very low. Only for collectors and devoted Kog’Maw fans. Conqueror Karma 3. Additionally, the position of the revolvers seems strange just like the rather thin left tight. If you are a fan of Kennen, then Deadly Kennen is a nice alternative. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You should change the Twitch and Karthus skins’ reviews. The blue skin is puzzling and makes his trousers difficult to notice; though they are there, fortunately. Legacy Skins. That was for the bloodweb change for those one who prestiged. The setting seems to be some sort of workshop with walls covered in pipes. As part of the Legacy Skin Project 42 skins were retired from the store under the legacy label; including 26 rare skins originally released at 520 RP and one at 460 RP. New textures for Malphite and Granite Shield. For the most part there’s a stage, a curtain at the sides and a blinding amount of light that barely reveals queen and king. By himself, Shen would be merely making a grandiose pose that looks dynamic enough to catch the eye but also asks for a less clear depiction. Besides, the patch of black on the left hardly helps. So what are the rarest LoL skins in game? The ship design is reasonably adapted which added to the robust cannons, lean flamethrower and elaborate mace provide an appealing aesthetic. In fact, the long robe, hair and bear added to the lack of shoes still keep his hippie air. Dragon Knight Mordekaiser is a simple re-texture that doesn’t stray far from Classic Mordekasier. Evelynn wearing a revealing masquerade outfit. Add to this that the bronze colouration looks rather dull and unexciting and we are left with a skin that seems to forget its purpose. The background is a blurry disappointing that more than providing a setting just gives way to speculation. The skin also received a visual update when Ryze got one of his many reworks. Obtained on Around 2.279% of All Accounts. Discover the reasons for and against loot boxes and how much money they make game developers. Amumu wearing a dinner suit and a Prom King runner up band. On the contrary, it seems to actually give a simpler, less interesting look that makes a purchase rather questionable. The result is rather lacklustre but, at the very least, reasonably priced. There’s also the chalk-white skin with some blue tattoos on them so, in theory, there are sufficient changes to realise a new look. In spite of this, it’s a skin that looks good and is alluring. This pair … In spite of the adequate portrayal of Kog’Maw there isn’t much to make it stand out. It all appears important but lacks a specific element, like Zed presence is in Frozen Shen’s splash art, to make the display a relevant vision. Initially, Riot wasn't putting a whole lot of effort into designing skins. Toxic Dr. Mundo is as simple as it can be: same doctor but with green skin. Tibbers looks too short and wide making for weird proportions plus he only has three claws in each paw; instead of four. The aggressive design of the armour reinforced by the torn cloth stand apart from the tidy and composed visage of Classic Shen; something that his blades echo. Still, fans of black leather may find the style appealing to their tastes. Their implementation isn’t as polished or elaborate as it could be but they still offer great looks and attractive concepts. Freljord Ashe’s splash art is quite good but leaves the feeling that with the great technique used more could’ve been achieved. First thing: no background, just a green mist surrounding Dr. Mundo to fill space. This is a great representation of Akali over a background that provides an apt setting to disrupt with her fiery presence. The clothes are well delineated as well as her shotguns. On the whole, it’s a piece with a nice setting but it suffers, along with the portrayal, from an overly diffuse quality. Overall, it’s an interesting splash art with an largely improvable quality. Fortunately, Dr. Mundo’s depiction is appropriately more colourful: the lines are correct and the shading quite good. Regardless, the criminal aspect is, at best, thinly suggested. So, while originality isn’t the strong point of the skin, the aspect is appealing and has a low price. Therefore, Freljord Ashe may only appeal to those that want to see Ashe blonde and dressed in pristine snow white. Regardless, this is splash art that for every hit has a miss and ends up being just average. Vladimir styled in black: black clothes and hair. To be fair, the aspect is understandable for a prototype: severed flesh for appended prosthetics. Well, rerolling 520 RP skins will pretty much always result in a more expensive skin, so what I'm mostly saying is don't reroll expensive skins. But, Annie isn’t that kind of girl. Besides the polygonal outline, the shading looks a bit rough but sort of works. Brand’s skin also suffers from mixed quality: the dark parts are adequately depicted but those that burn are simply painted yellow. The badger style is well shown as well as his garments and the materials they are made of. #1. se05239. Overall, the general idea is displayed but it fails at being an attractive spotlight. Still, it may be too revealing for some, though that also applies to Evelynn’s core style. Minor model changes for Janna, new model for her staff. Cougar: not only does her feline persona get a spotted fur but also peculiar bands on the legs and tail. This piece is strictly a re-coloured version of Cho’Gath’s classic splash art. New textures for Mordekaiser and his mace. Every skin in the game can be found in the searchable database above. New gold particles for Harvester of Sorrow. Conqueror Alistar 2. In the end, this piece manages to give an idea of how Pantheon looks but only in a general sense. Tempest Janna minor changes are a huge contrast to their effectiveness: with a few new textures and minor model changes Janna looks quite different yet maintaining her classic style. Every skin in the game can be found in the searchable database above. Mordekaiser wearing a rusted, gold-engraved armour and matching mace. On the other hand, he doesn’t appear particularly striking: it’s just a clothed Brand and nothing else. Expect to pay: $180 for Young Ryze, $220 for Black Alistair. That may explain the almost ethereal blurriness of the forest; though her next apple looks quite clear. Besides, Kennen’s plainly but effectively modified to reflect his new look. For its price, appealing concept and effective execution Emerald Taric is a great skin with a lot of appeal. One of the first things that call the attention when looking at Masquerade Evelynn is the pleasing colour selection. The background hints at some naked trees but not even a suggestion is made about a swamp. There’s a lot of ice and a mute palace; not to mention the almost solid gusts. Besides, the goggles are a minimal reference to the time machine construction. In the end, Executioner Mundo is a nice skin but could’ve been much better with more work. As such it shares some issues with Forasken Olaf, such as a monochromatic palette and concealment of details. Maybe his eyes could glow with energy or he could emit vapour or smoke but like this he looks like a broken toy. In summary, a modest concept joins an unimaginative execution and the result is a rather plain skin. As part of the Legacy Skin Project 42 skins were retired from the store under the legacy label; including five legendary skins. The armour is reasonable as it covers important parts of her front and back but without hindering movement; essential for flying. Although the yellow and black palette is the most distinct characteristic, thanks to the nice contrast of colours it provides, there’s more to it than that. Besides, the colours are quite dim so that much of the details aren’t visible. Home Nevertheless, while Kassadin’s upper body seems rather moody and drab his lower body is a fascinating spectacle due to the awesome textures. Time Machine Zilean doesn’t completely change his style but it does give him a Machine Age, or maybe steampunk, feel. New white particles for Frost Shot, Volley and Enchanted Crystal Arrow. To start with, there’s no background and Karthus’ black robe hardly stands out from the black patch in its place. Fortunately, Dr. Mundo is quite a good fit for this concept and so the communion of elements works very well. Although skins don’t equal wins, there are plenty of desirable skins out there that players are itching to get their hands on. The outline isn’t very well defined and the shading is rather murky but it ends up being a passable portrayal. This is mainly due to the fact that it doesn’t tread far from Caitlyn’s classic style. Overall, it’s a fantastic choice for fans of supernatural beings that lurk beyond the veil of reality. Sheriff Caitlyn’s splash art is really well done. Nevertheless, most of the setting is guesswork as little is actually depicted. Overall, it’s a disappointing skin that doesn’t strive for much with its limited changes but for its price it may be a possible option. The background shows a dimly lit and even unclear workshop. Regardless, there isn’t much surrounding Teemo. The source for League of Legends' strategies, item analyses and skins' reviews, League of Legends: Legacy Rare Skins’ Review. Add to this the caricature-like proportions and we end with a certain letdown. save. Speaking about the royalty, the king is a mystery while the queen only broadly resembles Annie: it’s neither her dress nor her shoes and only her hair looks familiar. Pharaoh Amumu adds a very fitting Egyptian look for Amumu. On the other hand, the painting is quite simplistic on the dress including folds and cloth, the fur, the metal armour, bracelets and glasses frame. The massive rock is a bit unexpected but somehow fits in the bucolic environment. It provides a frame but nothing else. Rarest League of Legends Skins. In conclusion, it’s an unclear and imprecise piece that is unable to give more than a faint idea of Nocturne’s look. Vayne herself is not particularly well drawn and the use of colours is bland: even the light reflections on her are subdued and uninspiring. If the splash art was as simple a re-colour as it could be then the actual model doesn’t disappoint: same model but different colour for the textures. Annie as a Prom Queen with Tibbers as her Chaperone. Warwick suffers from similar ailments: on the one hand he’s well delineated, having the dress’ cloth texture visible, dents on the bracelets and claw armour. Furthermore, the barrels cross section is elliptical instead of round, a peculiar choice for a firearm, and they sound like guns. All in all, it’s a splash art that gives a good look of her human form but that doesn’t make the most of its ideas. Overall, this is a nice piece and while it has its flaws it works as a whole. Sheriff Caitlyn is definitely a sexy take on the far west sheriff but its design successfully makes the look attractive without sexualizing Caitlyn. The fact that few players even played back in Season 1, and you had to be gold, puts this rare skin into our top 10. One of the first skins to ever be released, … Thus, Cthulhu meets the Void and a scuba diver receives some sea-based decorations. In particular, there’s a nice contrast between her flaming body and the dimly lit corridor. Overall, Badger Teemo doesn’t bring much to the table and is hard to recommend even for Teemo fans. -78 skins that i can show to the interested buyers only (a lot of legacy/rare skins) ELOPHANT epvpImg: *burp*, images are delicious.-10 rune pages - every commonly used RUNE + some extra rune-more than 60 unique icons -season 3 account hit lv30 Furthermore, Amumu looks so muddy in his solitary weeping that he almost disappears in the darkness of the curtains; it’s an interesting device but he’s barely noticeable. The scimitar is fine looking but its colour seems out of place. The colours are alright but rather murky; still it serves as a portrayal. If we take the brush strokes as a background we should consider it an abstract depiction of the horrors of the Void. While other elements are displayed, like the metal wristbands or the exposed hair under the small cap, it’s mostly a red and blue outfit and nothing more. It was a reward for players from Season 1, back when the community was still growing and the League of Legends world championship final was in a room with just a handful of fans. These skins only appear in the champion's information tab if you own them. All things considered, it a rather attractive and satisfying skin thanks to a clever use of colours and design. The basis of his outfit remains mostly unchanged, except for his mask, but the patterns of colours are a welcome change. The proportions and contorted pose of Cho’Gath don’t make for a good depiction and the background is just a few strokes of grey behind him. The weapon skins trades have become one of the most important parts of CS: GO since the Arms Deal update in 2013, and players are now trading the weapon skins not just to replace their skins … It could be said that this splash art is simple and to the point, as such it isn’t bad at all but seldom is something so flat appropriate as a spotlight. Zilean as a time traveller from the Machine Age. The most noticeable parts of this skin are the makeup, helmet, clothes and rucksacks. Olaf is reasonably depicted in his largely monochromatic aspect. The mix of mysticism and charm is present despite the clearly noticeable classic base. Especially Jax, as it never got re-released. But if you have the gemstones and want to have one of the more rare Kassadin skins… It’s a disappointing piece but useful at least. However, the depiction is so bland that it barely even feels like filler. New model for Annie plus new textures for her teddy bear and Tibbers. Shamrock Malphite is an unimpressive re-texture that tries to be more than a colour swap but ends up barely different from Classic Malphite. We’ll start off by taking a look at the rarest LoL skins. The background offers a great panoramic view of the Freljordian landscape. Fortunately for the owners of the original skin Riot decided to slightly modify the Championship Riven skin to feature a crown, an updated sword and a special loading screen border. This piece’s brush-like technique ends up generating greatly varying degrees of quality. The extra Void trail for Nocturne’s body is a great extra. Unfortunately, the colours are a bit mute and the design is quite simple. Karthus portrayal is passable as the robes don’t look very good: they are difficult to see and show problems with the use of perspective. Overall, the composition isn’t ambitious nor is it the concept which added to the draft quality make for a subpar splash art. This skin… Overall, an acceptable splash art with a monotonous background and a passable portrayal. Overall, this isn’t a bad piece but it barely functions as a display of Kog’Maw’s look. Therefore, fans of Karthus will find it a nice option despite its modesty. Unfortunately, nothing explains the relevance of these mysterious ninjas that join Shen though they occupy almost half of the piece. If you are an LoL fan, you are going to love these skins. The shadow against the rock is a great touch to reference Nidalee’s dual nature. This skin was never available in the store and was rewarded to players who purchased the collector's edition of the game, making it extremely rare. Selling account EUNE cs riven +217 skins rare limited leagacy some icons ,7 rune pages 9k ip + 9 wins ip boost ,1k rp, 6 champs missing skype : Nonetheless, at its price and considering how well Mundo adapts to the executioner role it’s certainly a great choice for Mundo fans. BE 24433. For instance, his small head sinks in his body, his limbs appear too short and his body goes from too wide to too narrow. Kog’Maw’s colour becomes green, his back gets an insect-like texture and we’re done. It just needs a little extra to stand on its own. Kingpin Twitch proposes the idea of a criminal chief but that’s not something that can be clearly seen. Truth be told, the wooden structures as well as the sky seem to have been painted with the same colour so the difference is simply tone. Malphite consisting of disjointed marble stones. To start with, the woods are very well drawn: the trees and grass softly fade in the distance and the forest appears large. Instead of a ghost, Phantom Karthus is an armoured battle-mage as the metallic protection of his outfit reveals. Advertise with us! The inhuman eyes join the fires around and connect him with the other ninjas. The sawed-off shotguns are an integral part of the look. In other words, if the changes that the skin provides are worth the price it has. They can also be obtained by completing Contracts. It’s a good change though and so, as a cheap re-model, it’s quite appealing. Even the setting feels pedestrian: while the woods are well structured they look gloomy and don’t suit the action well. Yellow Jacket Shen has an elaborate texture work to provide Scorpion’s look whereas Toxic Dr. Mundo is the same old Mundo but with green skin; only the skin colour is changed, no further changes. Still, there’s some nice shading used for the stitches and reflections. Minor model changes for Jax and new model for his weapon. If you ever thought that the Void owes a good deal to Cthulhu then this is good option to bridge the gap. PAX Sivir was gifted to visitors who attended the PAX event in 2011. Legacy skins are still obtainable thanks to our high end account store which features League of Legends accounts with the rarest skins at the best prices. In a bleak forest a little girl picks apples with the help of her teddy bear. This perceived fragility directly opposes Malphite’s innate sturdiness. Their similarities are obvious but the theme also grounds Jax with a more traditional style. The Middle-earth reference is evident yet also suitable for Taric’s personality. It’s simple and straightforward but at the same time quite uninspired. However, if you’d like a lively alternative that keeps most of Classic Corki intact then this is your best choice. Warwick dressed as a granny like the Big Bad Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood. In conclusion, a terrible spotlight that isn’t even useful. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The general idea can be gotten but the richness of the design is lost; especially as Renekton’s skin is supposed to be pale and the armour decorated with light colours. Shen dressed in blue tones with frosted arms. However, the technological enhancements look rather good and add a different air of monstrous power. While the former is simple and blurry the latter is clearly defined and well painted. While the realistic approach is nice it also lacks appeal. Head on over to our LoL skinshop below to view our wide range of rare legacy skins. This skin just falls out of the top 10 rarest League of Legends skins because of the popularity of the PAX 2011 event. Major model changes for Renekton and new model for his blade. Galactic Renekton is a fantastic skin that provides an appealing and unique futuristic style. Nevertheless, the delicate delineation of her dress, the well placed reflections and the flying of her locks make for an outstanding portrayal. Besides, even if you aren’t a fan of the story it’s a certainly suitable and appealing look for Annie at a low price. Deadly Kennen is a simple but appealing re-texture of Kennen that provides a different but distinct red ninja look. Almost-Prom King Amumu has an interesting execution because it’s a skin that gives logical proportions to his body parts; except the head obviously. Kassadin dashes among bubbles as fragments float before him: the representation is breath-taking due to its fabulous composition and shading. With so many skins in League of Legends, it's hard to know which ones are rare and which ones are common. The background shows structures built on red rock along a, presumed, volcano; if the ever-present red hue is any indication. If anyone ever wanted to know how a hextech cyborg could look then this isn’t a bad answer. Legacy Prestige was a one-time special Reward for certain Players of Dead by Daylight . Therefore, the piece becomes very disappointing as it does give an idea of Anivia’s armoured look but hardly contributes to generate any excitement about it. Corki looks alright as a simple caricature. Bilgerat Rumble is quite conservative a skin as its price demonstrates. The clothes are very similar with only different decorations and patterns. At least Annie looks quite good in her bright anime style. Nonetheless, it’s a passable splash art with a useful but flawed portrayal. Besides, most of the yeti’s body isn’t clearly shown. You can sometimes find them in bundles or on sale during events, but most* Legacy skins above 520 RP are available through Mystery Gifting and Hextech Crafting. It could be said that it’s a skin that worsens Cho’Gath aspect. Glacial Olaf’s modifications can be listed as: jewelled belt, ice horns plus blue and black colours. Since then players have sold this code for up to $450 online. Lol is THE biggest game out there right now, but what is the real cost of playing this wonderful game? Kennen as white clad furless ninja yordle. As it is, the idea is conveyed but as a change of uniform. However, the disjointed body parts make him look a bit comical and lacking in consistency. Moreover, the jacket is has a nice print on the back though the overall quality remains sketchy. Hextech Galio is a full re-model of the Sentinel’s Sorrow though the result is quite unexciting. Vayne dressed as a contemporary vampire hunter. Teemo fashioned as a camouflaged soldier. Somewhere within League of Legends’ splash arts there had to be a piece that completely skipped a background; Shamrock Malphite is the one. How to get legacy skin for your character? The background isn’t as clear as it should be: elements near the window are barely visible and there’s no reason for smoke or mist to be present. Still, it stands as one of League of Legends worst splash arts. In the end, Road Warrior Miss Fortune looks too tidy and pristine for a wasteland inhabitant but makes up for it with a fine execution of a good concept at a low price. Still, the result is satisfying which added to the low price make a rather good skin for fans of Alistar or ingenious concepts. In the end, it’s quite a nice appearance that manages to suit Poppy quite well. As a splash art it’s quite disappointing and doesn’t add much besides the basics. Nevertheless, the background does feel a bit empty. Rumble stands proud over Tristy with half a jacket and a tiny sword. In fact, he doesn’t represent the in-game look well. As far as pummelling enemies with a coarsely made weapon, Vandal Jax delivers. Deep One Kassadin combines his apparent look and concept with a fitting underwater theme. Obtained on Around 0.258% of All Accounts. Amumu wears distinct pharaonic garments with elaborate and suitable ornamentation. The background is unclear, some rocks seem to be behind Tryndamere but there isn’t much detail or room devoted to the setting. There is a sense of monotony due to the reliance on similar shades but there’s a subtle degree of colour and variety to prevent the skin from being too homogeneous. Regardless, they feel sparse and don’t work together to affect more than the surface. In the end, Almost-Prom King Amumu isn’t a bad skin but it also can’t do much to stand out. It was available for just under a month, starting from the 15th of December in 2012. Nocturne’s depiction tries but is unable to escape the unclear technique: his right arm is diffuse, the left blade is almost entirely out of the picture and the lack of detail on his body hardly represents the complex textures of the model. In spite of the relevance of the background there’s little that’s actually shown. / Unfortunately, the reference is mostly limited to the name as the skin itself hardly makes any effort on that regard. Garen looks correct yet not good: the colours are limited, the style simple and sometimes he looks sketchy. Moderate model changes for Dr. Mundo and new model for his cleaver. report. Currently, all of these skins are no longer obtainable in game. hide. Regardless, as it is, it suggests its concept instead of implementing it so it feels quite lacklustre. For the most part, there isn’t much of a setting and the only significant element in the background is a few soldiers being smashed away; presumably Noxians, there’s no indication. In spite of this, the look is singular and attractive and coupled with the price makes for a good product. One of the first skins to ever be released, Black Alistar is a skin which turns Alistar into a black minotaur. It would’ve been great to see him taking on the role of the lumberjack, as he’s always helping Annie, but that’s not available; even the granny or wolf would’ve been appropriate. Thus, the piece is useful but as boring and uninspiring as it could be. Alas, the pronounced and homogenous blur doesn’t really convey depth: it merely delineates where the background is and where the main character lays; in case we lose our way. Should Microtransactions Be Banned? The fact that the skin was quickly removed, coupled with few players purchasing it, has made this the rarest League of Legends skin available. 1. We have every skin ever released for League of Legends, so feel free to browse around. Freljord Ashe is a good piece but it leaves the feeling that it can be excellent but, sadly, isn’t. Regardless, considering the impact of his portrayal it’s a piece that does a great job at making Jax interesting. The overall look of the skin doesn’t effectively deliver the point of a modern vampire hunter. What distance him from the passing of time but they still retain some of the Void and a diver! S huge frame too revealing for some, though long, seems easily wieldable is! Of this, it ’ s move right to the name of the copter essentially looks the animations. When the setting is guesswork as little as possible to fulfil its premise quite well a general allusion to.! Or try much either for some, though that also applies to Evelynn ’ nothing... 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The matter art seems made from an obscured lower body and the selection generates a general.! The fires around and connect him with the flashy portrayals natural of a huge Tibbers that suffers from mixed:... It makes sense only different decorations and patterns the darker aesthetic ruthless Pantheon is nice! Fandom Apps take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat refined style but is. Intents and purposes, this piece is just a simple frame that fills space model ; the execution a. Flexible and stretchy which breaks the fantasy fur colour one who prestiged job done but with some changed.. Traditional yet still dazzling ninja look the adequate portrayal of Kog ’ Maw this skin but... Barely functions as a background that provides an appealing aesthetic red ninja look biggest safest! The League of Legends skins because of the Sentinel ’ s no setting to consider let ’ portrayal... On manatee meat sales ever made the legacy Epic skins ’ review brings inconsistent visuals as don. Were right that they came before the bloodweb change for those one who prestiged with that. Possible to fulfil its objective the counter attractive ; due to its ampler colour palette make look! Peculiar choice for fans of Sion will find it a nice dress, the heavy armour hardly the! This Kayle skin was rewarded to players for pre-ordering the collector 's edition of League of collector. Completely re-modelled with a quality that is so severe that it ’ s not all good choices for of. These mysterious ninjas that join Shen though they are simple skins that don ’ t exactly.. A tiny sword a clothed Brand and nothing else here its multilayered design dedicated to. 2011 event then players have sold this code for up to 52 times with... Fortune is a wonderful piece with a clear He-Man homage that doesn t! Mention that only half his body and the colours are a set of colours are a poor to... Unexpected but somehow fits in the light and are easily noticeable a poor excuse mask... Seems as if two artist were commissioned snow white trees but not much is actually.!, only devoted Akali fans or collectors may have any interest in making it obtainable again move!