So excited and grateful to be able to share this with loved ones!! American Gospel: Christ Alone Review – Very good and shares the truth about the prosperity preaching, health and wealth, name it, word of faith and claim it movements. Netflix Review: American Gospel: Christ Alone anxiouschristian0392 Uncategorized 10th Jul 2020 2 Minutes One morning I was scrolling through instagram, minding my own business when someone mentioned that they were encouraging their followers to watch “American Gospel” on Netflix. The documentary American Gospel: Christ Alone (2 hours 19 minutes) produced by Brandon Kimber is a defense of the gospel from the perspective of the conservative evangelical movement. FAQ For Christ alone. It presents a huge problem with Christianity today as not being biblical within this stream of Word of Faith/Prosperity gospel. The name American Gospel may sound familiar to you, as this film is a follow-up to director Brandon Kimber’s 2018 American Gospel: Christ Alone. This documentary pulls those masks off. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS!!! In summary, American Gospel: Christ Crucified is a very thoughtful, biblically-sound documentary that will encourage you. Review – American Gospel. Highly recommend and looking forward to the next ones. It was phenomenal! I pray the Lord blesses it and that many eyes and ears see the truth! It is written and directed by Brandon Kimber and features interviews from many well-known American preachers and some not so well known. External Reviews In many peoples' eyes our country has made a … It is rotten at the doctrinal core; they have a false gospel. AG2 powerfully and skillfully makes the case that Progressive Christianity, for whatever social good its advocates might be seeking, fails exactly where it matters most. I have watched this and will watch it again. American Gospel: Christ Alone has some real errors with its message. through the distorting lens of American culture. I cannot recommend this film high enough! Today I want to review the documentary American Gospel: Christ Alone which was released in October 2018. Check it out! Posted on February 1, 2019 February 1, 2019 by Doug Eaton “This is the best clarifying juxtaposition of truth and prosperity preaching I know of. American Gospel: Christ Alone, Film Review In the U.S. there has arisen a particularly virulent form of false teaching—a gospel which promises cash and comfort to Christ’s followers, and in so doing bilks the poor, the needy, and the ill. This is the most relevant film made in the history of America for those who call themselves Christian. © The Master's Seminary 2021 | Accredited by Since 1988, American Gospel: Christ Crucified, Film Review. I think some viewers will find themselves surprised at how familiar the language of Progressive Christianity sounds to their ears, as it has already made inroads into many otherwise sound churches. Another praiseworthy attribute of this film is its honest representation of both sides. No matter your view of theology this is a must watch. But Kimber maintains the integrity of their arguments. Finally, this film succeeds by the only metric that ultimately matters: It glorifies God. AG2 demonstrates just how important it is that we think about doctrine and actually plant our feet somewhere. Greear, Trevin Wax, Matt Chandler, Bryan Chapell just to name a few.) Kris Schaal is the Associate Pastor at Life Point Baptist Church , Apple Valley, CA. Unfortunately, this stream of Christianity is growing and bring exported globally. January 1, 2021 Emily Whitten Film. The takeaway was a humble, confident devotion to Scripture, holding in the balance man's depraved nature and the grace we've been given to know the Truth we've received. This film was written and directed by Brandon Kimber, and can be found for rent on Vimeo.Unless you’re wanting to purchase this in DVD form, I have yet to find another source showing the documentary thus far.That might change in a few months, if so I’ll update this post. Metacritic Reviews. I am confident that Christian viewers will find themselves, as I did, praising God in all His attributes as displayed in the cross of Jesus Christ. MARY REICHARD, HOST: Today is Friday, January 1st. American Gospel is an excellent film to watch individually or as a family. "CHRIST ALONE" REVIEWS TIM CHALLIES THE MASTER'S SEMINARY This is probably one of the best Christian documentaries on the word of faith health and wealth doctrine ever made. Thank you and all glory to God! Review of Brandon Kimber's "American Gospel" America and Americans, like all other nations and peoples, will have a lot answer for on judgment day. American Gospel Review Jon Meacham takes a moderate stance in regard to his discussion of the impact on religion in the development of the nation. Does that Aug. 19 Rapture come? this my review of the film. Anytime an entity, whether individual or corporate entity like a film production, attacks and criticizes another aspect of Christianity, there is always room for great skepticism of its intention as it intentionally breeds division based on a particular doctrinal position. If you are not a christian, there is no better film out there for giving you an accurate presentation of what true christianity is. As a follower of Christ, I recommend it as a resource for guarding against false doctrine and sharing with non-believers who are open to hearing what our faith is REALLY about. Not only does it cover the subject of the problems with the health and wealth word of faith doctrine it also preaches the Gospel. This is not the wake-up call to repentance and new life in Christ through the spirit of God that the church needs, but rather a self-righteous film aimed at destroying the reputation of others. Published on March 12, 2019 March 13, 2019 by wanderingpastor. The runtime of AG2 is nearly three hours. By Kevin Schaal | March 10, 2019 | 6. I will leave you with this: Any church with a concern for sound doctrine would do well to show this film to their whole congregation. 10/10 would recommend! This film does an excellent job of exposing how dangerous and false that belief system is. It would have been easy to turn this into a smear piece, editing the interviews to make those representing Progressive Christianity look foolish. I was encouraged and convicted. Everything that makes Christianity what it is is from the Bible. American Gospel: Christ Crucified does a great service to the church in bringing these issues to light. Though parts of the documentary almost become “gotcha” moments as the tricks or failings of the prosperity celebrities are exposed, the overall tone of the two hour movie is more Four Corners than A Current Affair . I ahave recommended this movie to a ton of people I know and will be showing it to people who are currently subscribing to this false doctrine as a means of challenging them. What a joy it's been to share this video with other congregants of my church! Review: “American Gospel” theconfessingmillennial Uncategorized October 22, 2018 October 22, 2018 7 Minutes After months of anticipation from the confessional Christian community, the documentary “American Gospel: Christ Alone” was finally released last Friday (October 19, 2018). One of the great blessings to the church recently has been the emergence of quality Christian documentary filmmaking. Done in a documentary style, this film is desperately needed in the confused Evangelical church. | Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. There are inclinations in every denomination and there may also be some things in the faith movement that need to be supplemented, but if you deal so unfairly with brothers and sisters, and completely ignoring and denying the wonderful, powerful and good that God does through them, you will have little chance of being taken seriously by them. 1302 Words 6 Pages. Spanning nearly the whole of US history, his book begins with the Founding Fathers, returning to them frequently, and ends by discussing the Reagan period, and the eras in between. I can't stress the importance of the message in this documentary. I was supposed to be taking notes while I watched, but I kept finding myself so absorbed in the film that I would lose track of time and have to rewind so I could jot down quotes. It takes you directly into Scripture to support its viewpoint. The documentary introduces us to Bart Campolo, a Progressive Christian who eventually fully embraced Secular Humanism. American Gospel does not merely “destroy arguments” of the prosperity kind in keeping with apostolic aims (2 Cor. This time around, however, we hear the complete story of how Berger converted from Atheism to Christianity and developed a love for sound doctrine. This film does a remarkable job of presenting what true Christianity is, showing the sharp contrasts between the biblical gospel and the modern American heresy known as the "health & wealth" gospel. But by addressing a movement that many believers may not yet have a category for, and addressing it at the doctrinal level, AG2 travels into even bolder territory. Directed by Brandon Kimber. May God bless this work and continue to save the lost and further How kingdom and Glory. A great presentation of biblical Christianity's true heart message, Unfortunately no fair approach to the topic. It is a wake up. This format lends itself to being watched and discussed over several weeks in a Sunday school class or Bible study. "American Gospel: Christ Alone" is a feature documentary that is 2 hours and 20 minutes in duration. Now to what I find unfair: A moving, faithful defense of the true Christian Gospel, This is the most relevant film made in the history of America for Christians, BEST Documentary I've ever seen on Prosperity gospel vs TRUE Gospel of Christ, The best movie exposing the dangers of the prosperity gospel. Conservative and progressive theologians debate the meaning of the cross, and the most difficult parts of the Christian gospel. Within the first week it had been released, I had watched the film 4 times. I would encourage everyone Christian and Non-Christian alike to watch this if not just to come to an accurate understanding of what Christianity really is. It was reverent and glory to God and shared the gospel so beautifully and fully. With Mike Abendroth, Voddie Baucham Jr., Alistair Begg, Alistair Begg. Reagan earned his Master of Divinity from TMS in 2017. As a pastor, I would recommend this to my fellow workers and members of the Church; as a tool and rallying cry for action. These serve as natural breakpoints so viewers can consume a few chapters in each sitting, if they don't want to watch it all at once. This film was created to make you think, and think deeply. Enjoyable as it is, however, AG2 is more than just a piece of entertainment. I truly wish that this movie could be watched multiple times by every Christian in America. The people they interviewed and sought out were high caliber (Mark Dever, J.D. User Ratings Right off the top, the author makes it clear, the American church as a whole (not just Evangelicals) has invited secular society through its doors. This documentary is a resounding response. It also shows us that the natural man craves miracles: healing, wealth, favor, better “benefits” and sales “commissions” (this is literally what a Bethel pastor leads a congregation to ask God for), a life stripped free of suffering and challenge. Throughout the film, interviewees raise many thought-provoking questions. Maybe some of the people involved had good intentions, but I can't confirm that this is a well done documentary. Reviewer: Laura J. Davis When I first started reading The American Gospel by Josh Lafferty, I fully expected he was going to talk about the current state of decay in the Evangelical church.He did that and a bit more. Gave a clear message of the true gospel! He lets them present their full case in their own words. Examines the prosperity gospel preaching of many televangelists (spoiler: this video is against it.) Love love love this film! Also, viewers who may not be as familiar with theological concepts like penal substitution or the simplicity of God will find technical terms explained in an understandable way. most of those testifying are ones who came out of a prosperity church and the other side isn't represented. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(5914839, '7ce9816a-e612-4d77-afe5-ce18e603ad38', {}); Even those well-studied in theology will enjoy the depth of the dialogue and the intriguing issues raised in this film. Those featured in the film are articulate and gracious, even towards those with whom they (vehemently) disagree. Today on American Gospel Review we will go through some of my opinions on the movie called the American Gospel. “American Gospel: Christ Alone is thoughtful, compelling, and, most importantly, God honoring.” - John Ellis “This is the best clarifying juxtaposition of truth and prosperity preaching I know of. Many Christians today tend to push controversial doctrines aside, refusing to come down decisively on a side. I’m usually not a fan of “Christian” movies. Viewers will find themselves engrossed in the stories presented by the film's three main characters. I am very sad about the way in which here is dealt with brothers and sisters in faith, by taking quotations out of context and misinterpreting many statements in extreme ways. And non-believers will likewise hear a crystal-clear presentation of the gospel. The documentary goes over a lot of the known false teachers. The makers here seem to be mining Kate Bowler’s brilliant book Blessed: A History of the American Prosperity Gospel. 10:4–5). Movie Review – American Gospel: Christ Alone. Praise God that he opened my eyes to this destructive, unbiblical doctrine a few years ago. American Gospel: Christ Alone, available on Amazon and iTunes), looks at the biblical Gospel, and contrasts it with the so-called prosperity gospel, which is no gospel at all (Galatians 1:6,7). (on screen notes say that they chose not to comment but the film crew doesn't even talk to any of the prosperity preachers' followers.) My husband and I loved this film. Without resorting to sensationalism or fear-mongering, this film grabs your full attention and never lets go. Just how important is it that we get the attributes of God right? What IS the Gospel, is explored in detail and… Every single Christian needs to watch this. This movie is a must see no matter if you are a believer in Jesus as the savior or a non believer. It may also be ideal to play before a church, youth group, or young adults gathering (though you’ll want to talk to Transition Studios about a special license for that before you do it). Yet, so few believers seem to be acquainted with this cancer. I was surprised to see several of the pastors from my church in this documentary! This film is a worthy follow-up to the first American Gospel and shares all of the attributes which I praised in my review of the first. I have already purchased this film and plan on having viewing parties for everyone I know! He is also the author of Redeeming Productivity, a blog about how Christians should approach getting things done. | It left me with tears and a heavy heart for people to know the truth and to share this incredible movie with everyone I know! the main thing that was a turn off with this documentary was that it would flip between testimonies for and against the prosperity doctrines so quickly it would be hard to tell which point of view was being promoted. While this video was shot over a month ago I thought it good to post now since the movie is getting some additional press lately. This film exposes the false god of Progressive Christianity, not through invective or straw man arguments, but by simply comparing the statements of its proponents with those of Scripture. After each viewing, everyone felt a desire to pray together. And it would be of tremendous benefit to anyone who is driving by the scene of the accident that has become the Evangelical church in America today and wants to understand the Gospel and its many counterfeits. This video is the absolute best of its kind. American Gospel is a glorious novel about what people choose to believe—and, more importantly, why they choose to believe it. From an hour long fantastically presented gospel, to the deconstruction of this movement and testimonials of people who have come out of it. While the director and the majority of those interviewed clearly take a side against these false teachings, they do so in a fair, honest, and deeply engaging way. Some of the best and most respected preachers and teachers in today's Christian world discuss and explain the danger of this doctrine and how to identify true Christianity over a false and counterfeit Christianity . Sitting through a documentary of that length may sound daunting, but the film breaks into ten easily digestible chapters. I noted this in my review of the first American Gospel film, but it bears repeating, Kimber’s skill in pulling together so many disparate interviews into a single storyline without relying on the glue of narration is simply masterful. In this sequel, the filmmaker sets his sights on the latest iteration of a movement which is broadly known as Progressive Christianity and seeks to compare its tenants with Scripture. The "Feel good", Christian movement which is popular today, teaches that anyone can enter heaven and doesn't need to live a sanctified life here on earth. Bravo Brandon Kimber on the excellent work and glorification of Christ, the truth of God and His Church. This past Sunday night, here at New Life Church, we watched the movie, “American Gospel: Christ Crucified.” Here is the trailer for the movie: The week following the movie I received questions from a number of people asking me what the main point of the movie was. My husband and I watched this movie lasts night (11/29/2018). This is a film that every professing Christian needs to watch. This is not a biblically sound approach. We also hear more from Russell Berger, who appeared in the first American Gospel film. This movie is extremely well done and has a legit, theologically sound lineup. This is a fantastic film that exposes the false gospel and shares the life changing power of the gospel. | The prosperity gospel is a heresy that is leading people away from Christ. This movie accurately depicts the Gospel as presented in God's word and shows the history, absurd growth, and danger that is the Word of Faith movement and how it cannot be the true gospel. The movie is predominantly highly paid pastors and seminary folk giving us their opinion on why their doctrine is right, and others are wrong (classic American gospel if you ask me). I pray millions of people around the world will watch this for the glory of Christ and his Good News.” -John Piper. His … I finished this film greatly encouraged. Been sharing this movie with many friends and family. I am usually the opposite of a fan. The editing of many different interviews and clips was a masterful accomplishment that wove everything together into a cohesive whole. Eventually, Childers came to understand the true gospel and particularly the centrality of Christ's penal substitutionary atonement. A well produced and edited documentary of accusation and division. This important documentary is a "must have" in every Christian library and book store. I learned quite a bit from just the first half of the film and give a lot of thanks for the time and focus given to the true gospel. It very clearly shows the key differences between prosperity preachers - who are only after money and fame - and godly preachers of the Scriptures who are unwilling to compromise truth; who's only aim is to glorify God and see the lost come to Christ in saving faith as well as see true believers continue to grow in the faith. By Elizabeth Prata American Gospel: Christ Alone explores the core question of Christianity, 'What is the gospel?' Reviewed by Eileen Gonzalez November / December 2020. Progressive Christianity doesn’t come right out and call itself Progressive Christianity, but this film will help you to recognize it when you see it. It also shines a light on the wickedness of the false teachers who peddle that nonsense. We both loved the first half of the film, the emphasis on the true gospel of Jesus Christ, the explanation of the catholic church vs Christianity post reformation, works and grace. Review: American Gospel, Christ Alone. This is a wonderful GOSPEL-centered tool to share with family and friends who are being deceived by this false gospel. American Gospel: Authored by Jon Meacham The American Gospel At this time in our nation's history, two-hundred thirty years and counting, there is a great debate raging on. The American Gospel succinctly describes the nature of man, the composition of man, the problem of suffering, the trinity, the humanity and deity of Christ, the means of salvation, the distortion of the gospel nationally and globally, key doctrinal differences between the Protestant and Catholic Church, the heresy of the prosperity gospel, the definitions of: love, goodness...and more. American Gospel by Lin Enger As in Revelation, spooky beasts prowl — a cougar, a bull and a boar, all of whom stand for death that’s been largely cheated. And the third faith story comes from Alisa Childers, who grew up in the church and was even a member of a popular Christian singing group but had serious doubts after attending a progressive Christian church. The name American Gospel may sound familiar to you, as this film is a follow-up to director Brandon Kimber’s 2018 American Gospel: Christ Alone. This movie is an intense, two-hour declaration, against the American prosperity gospel and FOR the True Gospel; rooted in Christ alone. And these powerful testimonies are braided together with interviews from an astounding number of familiar evangelical voices. In that first film, Kimber investigated the so-called “prosperity gospel” in light of Scripture, and the disastrous effects it was reaping in the lives of those who had embraced it. As someone who came out of the Emerging Church movement, I can speak firsthand of the damage and the doctrinal decimation that Progressive Christianity can reap. 'American Gospel' Book critic Maureen Corrigan reviews American Gospel: God, the Founding Fathers, And the Making of a Nation by Jon Meacham. It dispels the prosperity gospel and delivers the true, message of Christ which is preached in the gospel. But the heart of this movement is not social action, community, or any other number of things its proponents tout. Reagan Rose is the Director of Digital Platforms at Grace to You. There are so many non-biblical forms of Christianity that are really just a masked form of something else. Exposure of false Gospel preaching. Awards Rumble — American Gospel Review. Accurate, encouraging, convicting, and so well done. The film quality is excellent. It’s a gospel which elevates man and deposes God. This course studies the entirety of God's plan of redemption, beginning in the garden and finishing in eternity in an online, self-paced format. These additional interviews supply historical and doctrinal depth to the issues so that viewers can understand exactly what's at stake. Can't say that I've ever seen the Gospel laid out so beautifully. I pray millions of people around the world will watch this for the glory of Christ and his Good News.” - John Piper American Gospel – Documentary Review. That's what I heard myself whispering at the television 15 minutes in to watching American Gospel: Christ Crucified. She now runs an apologetics ministry. We have already watched it thrice in three different groups and will watch it again with his parents this weekend. Had watched the film breaks into ten easily digestible chapters been strenghtened to Bart Campolo, a about! And sought out were high caliber ( Mark Dever, J.D the stories presented by film. Kingdom and glory as the savior or a non believer Alone explores core. Gospel and for the true Gospel ; Review of American Gospel film, editing the interviews make. 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