If you did, you would never be able to miss the role of character and virtue in a great many classical and Renaissance works. Well done with this article, brother. For as Terence says [Andros, 68], “Obsequiousness makes friends, but the truth generates enemies.” (Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit). Great comment, man. You, on the other hand, use them as a punch line. You have falsely tried to categorize me as a “right wing” writer, and have falsely tried to attribute to me ideas that I do not believe. One chap suggested we common folk ought not just read the primary sources because we might get silly ideas into our little heads. Does this sound like someone who thought character was not important? Like any unscrupulous opportunist, your game is try to fix labels on people who are more accomplished than you, or who have more to offer than you. Your site and your wonderful podcasts have done more to bring the classics to people than anything she has done. Why? ( Log Out /  Randy is now a successful business lady. It checked every box for rhetorical strategy; it was articulate, comprehensive, and lucid. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Some pot, heroin for weight loss, and prozac to deal with the lonely atomised existence of shallow materialism. In an article titled When Education Does Not Mean Knowledge: The Case Of Mark Zuckerberg’s Sister, he evaporates her entire educational career in one […]. Please, keep it up. These books of classical antiquity were abandoned forty years ago by the left academics as being irrelevant writings of dead white men. Keep up the good work Quintus – it’s appreciated. All rights reserved. Michael B. Jordan Is Dating Steve Harvey's Daughter Lori Harvey: Details Here, Ana de Armas Reveals The Reason Behind The Break Up With Ben Affleck: Details Here, Is Paul Hollywood's Ex Summer Monteys Fullam Dating Someone? I deal with nearly everything, including agriculture, health, history, literature, film, current events, military affairs, and a myriad other topics. By cherry-picking this and that, and by stringing a few unrelated names together, the obvious attempt here is to malign those who do not write about the things Ms. Zuckerberg wants people to write about, as well as those who do not toe her party line of political correctness. You have become the oppressor and the bigot that you claim to be protecting the world against. Does this type of language make you uncomfortable, knowing deep down that you have no achievements of consequence to your own name, and that you can only elevate yourself by unfairly attacking others? Fascism. We’re not going to let anyone tell us how to think, or try to devalue our dear patrimony. 6 others named Donna Zucker are on LinkedIn. I am not part of the “alt right” and never have been. Have you not seen my articles about Boccaccio’s On Famous Women? Way to destroy a false intellectual, well done Quintus Things like this only make you stronger, and make your fans more loyal. So you have no idea what you’re talking about. Best regards. Do you hate your field that much? Isn’t it good that we’ve learned to never back down. You’ve done more to introduce aspects of the Classics and Philosophy to subject matter novices like myself (thankfully without inducing boredom or the compulsion to nap) than anyone I can think of currently. And that is scaring the hell out of your adversaries. That is something far, far beyond your poor power to attempt. For you to be unaware of this–or, even worse, deliberately to ignore this fact–is shameful and inexcusable. It was also at the heart of Western culture for the centuries in which Plutarch was accounted an indispensable guide [italics mine]. Does that shock you? You will have to find someone else to tremble in fear at the sound of your shrieking, for I am not the one to do so. We should instead read the secondary scholarship which will give us the correct understanding of this material. Today, all four Zuckerberg kids live on the West Coast—Arielle close to San Francisco and Mark, Randi, and Donna in Palo Alto. Much appreciated. Donna Schmidt Family. I have also written about the life and memoirs of the distinguished Madame Roland. But in this case the deliberate misrepresentations were so bad that it called for a proper answer. I’ve listened to your podcasts and read your articles including ones that guide both men and women and that you’ve taken time to personally respond to my emails in which I had a personal question as you do among many people who come to you for help. She is the sister of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who is America’s leading fan of the Emperor Augustus, founder of the Roman Empire. Some things are much bigger than us and worth fighting for. No one else writing today can produce what I produce. Mme. Unlike you, I am not a child of privilege. Even so, if you look at my books and my blog, you will find hardly anyone who writes about such a broad number of subjects. […] to task. You captured what I was getting at. Do you have any knowledge of the Arabic language? Do you want to know why I write? Hell, even talking to Marines with no formal training in the classics, I can sense more of a connection, a kinship even, because their experiences have “educated” them to trade in the currency of truth and ultimate reality. My work speaks for itself. She is a woman who is extremely privileged to be the sister of Mark Zuckerberg or no one would give her such an elevated voice. This is one of the best “responses” to criticism from an Intellectual Yet Idiot I’ve ever read. On March 9 I asked my editorial board how we should celebrate Eidolon’s impending five-year anniversary. She alongside her three siblings were raised up in Dobbs Ferry, New York. I spend a lot of time in my books and on my blog discussing these things. Details Here, Emma Stone Is Pregnant!!!!! Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Let us go through each point of Ms. Zuckerberg’s confused babbling to see what we may discover. If all of our foes were disposed to look at logic, philosophy, and reason, we may still disagree, but at least they would understand what you tell them. Schopenhauer, in his estimation of the female character hit the nail on the head when he proclaimed that women are merely “big kids,” as such, they aren’t meant to be taken seriously. All types of readers come here to look at what is offered because they appreciate fine things and love quality. Roland (Marie-Jeanne Phlippon, a distinguished woman I am sure you are ignorant of) called Plutarch “the pasture of great souls.”  The poet Heinrich Heine was spurred to action by reading of the glorious deeds described in Plutarch, as was Napoleon and countless others. They call attention to everything that you and your social justice warrior ilk are not: honorable, good, just, and fair-minded. Thank you, John. Change ). The very last thing you should be doing is attacking me. I seek to elevate people and raise them up, Ms. Zuckerberg, while you seek to pull people down and denigrate them. I believe you are right about her ignorance of the classics she supposedly is an expert. They call attention to everything that you and your social justice warrior ilk are not:  honorable, good, just, and fair-minded. You have nothing to offer except name-calling and thought-policing. One need only glance at that…thing, whatever it is that was published, and you can see that’s what’s happening. I am an accomplished translator, essayist, and writer. It might be time to visit this subject again. Though Donna is a popular name in the social networking sites, she is still keeping her personal profile low and secret. Do you make it a habit to live off the labor of others? Are you so frightened of talk about character and leadership because you recognize that you fall so short of the ideal? Zuckerberg recieved her PhD at Princeton University in classics, specializing in the study of ancient tragedy. You called it. Do not confuse me with the gremlins and goblins that oppress your fantasies. Who can possibly complain about the vision and goodness of a man who could write (as Plutarch did) the following? He is certainly one of the most influential writers in history. Much appreciated. In the same book, he also discusses how a knowledge of philosophy and history are also important. Personally you are the sole reason why I even have an interest in the classics now instead of dismissing it outright! Can’t you come up with your own original work, without trying to gain attention by unfairly attacking others? Princeton University, New Jersey, United States. Keep up the great work. While you were mincing around the halls of Princeton University, I was leading Marines in deployed environments in Okinawa and East Asia. I would rarely bother responding to a detractor. I realize you are trying to make a name for yourself by attacking writers in the hope that it will validate your own agenda. The ones who try to co-opt these lessons and add their own agenda to it will find that their legacy and works will be forgotten in history. When Education Does Not Mean Knowledge: The Case Of Donna Zuckerberg December 18, 2016 August 30, 2019 Quintus Curtius Uncategorized There are times when a sleeping lion must rouse himself from repose to swat a yapping dog. Her parents were a dentist and psychologist. You know what that is? Education. ( Log Out /  You, for all of your posturing? Are you so willfully blind that you refuse to see what is right before your eyes? Oh its a conspiracy, but no theory. She has three siblings including two sisters named Arielle Zuckerberg and Donna Zuckerberg. “Exhibit A” is their Manosphere article – rainbowalbrecht, Man Is Wolf To Man: Surviving The Gulag (Review), Xenophon's Dream, And The Power Of Character, Greatness Of Soul: Becoming A Man Of Substance (Podcast), Prisoner Of The Bolsheviks: The Ordeal Of Henry Pearson, That I do not devote enough attention in my writing to “women and children.”, That I have an unduly “narrow view of history” in that I focus too much on character, masculine virtue, and leadership, and not enough on “historical processes.”. E Pluribus Unum. Talking about her education and academic achievements, Randi completed her graduation from the … I’ve read Donna’s publication for a while to keep myself informed about the death of Classics as an academic discipline even though I always come away from it disgusted. Have you seen one of my most popular articles? This matter will be forgotten in a few days at most. This person starts off by using buzzwords like “white supremacy” and “toxic masculinity.” The key insight about word-thinking is that once you accept a label paired with a concept, all critical thinking shuts down and confirmation bias takes over. Harvard University Press published her first monograoh titled "Not All Dead White Men: Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age." © Quintus Curtius and Fortress of the Mind Publications,™ 2013-2021. Quintus Curtius is the proprietor of Fortress of the Mind Publications™ and owns all rights thereto. Consider these articles, for example, which are just a few among many that deal with Near Eastern cultural and historical subjects: Be The Phantom Of A Vision:  The Wisdom Of Ibn Munir, The Wisdom Of Mercy From Ibn Hazm Al-Zahiri, How Al Fadl Al-Barmaki Learned Bluntness And Generosity. You should be spending your time doing original research, collating manuscripts, and establishing yourself in your field. She will be forgotten, but some of the things you write about have been around for thousands of years. So, to see a fellow Teufel in the fight really gets my blood up. But let me ask you this:  am I required only to write about things you approve of? You could tell just how angry and bitter this person is by reading. Who are you to try to police the thought of others? I work all day as an attorney and then write at night, producing books and articles that are equaled by no one. You gave her attention, you took the bait. I mention these articles not because I need your approval, but only because they prove the falsity of your statement that I am not interested in writing about women. I come late to this blog, having read only a couple articles, all within the last year. The blunt truth is that, for all your snide, carping criticisms, you know nothing about my work. I devoted a chapter to Plutarch in my book Thirty-Seven. Hopefully she drove some traffic and book sales your way. Donna Zuckerberg believes that social media has allowed so-called Red Pillers (named after the now-quarantined subreddit of the same name) … If you had a more expansive soul and were possessed of deeper life experiences, you might have been capable of appreciating this. Ms. Zuckerberg’s attack article is atrocious and specious at best. Musashi swordplay with words as the weapon. It was my pleasure to write it. I don’t think they’re going to be successful, because as you say, deep down these academics really can’t abide the messages contained in these classic works. I swear they have a checklist of buzzwords that they look for in any text, which if not present, they put their fingers in their ears and start screaming. Zuckerberg recieved her PhD at Princeton University in classics, specializing in the study of ancient tragedy. Yeah… I would have just called her a Jew cunt and told her to go easy on the scones. Thanks for saying that, Will. If you’d like, you can email me and I’d be happy to make suggestions for a more accurate 1580s Italian close helm, or perhaps other less archetypal examples. Donna Zucker. You should go and read it, since evidently you know nothing of these matters. Donna Schmidt's current partners: Donna Schmidt's husband is Harry Schmidt. You claim to be protecting the world from imaginary straw-men, gremlins, goblins, and assorted bugbears. It remains only for me to point out that I have no connection to any of the people mentioned in your article. Trivia. I prefer to follow Chesterton’s dictum that we ought to teach the oldest things to the youngest minds, but even, when talking to other teachers about truth or the ultimate questions and how they inform our experiences and reactions, I get only glazed-over expressions and blank looks. As anyone can see, you cherry-pick random names and phrases out of context to “prove” your false points, and those things that mesh with your own malicious agenda. I glanced at her presence on the Internet and didn’t come across anything that wasn’t superficial twaddle like this: This is what it is all about. And that is also what Asian reproduction armor largely represents. My knowledge of the classics is admittedly woeful. An earlier inspiration for Facebook may have come from Phillips Exeter Academy, the prep school from which Zuckerberg graduated in 2002. She is is no Classicist. Thanks Miss Zuckerberg. This won’t be the most intelligent comment ever, but I’ve been watching Savage Kingdom on NatGeoWild (along with other lion-based nature documentaries), and you chose an iconically beautiful photo of a male lion. In which Plutarch was accounted an indispensable guide [ italics mine ] case the deliberate misrepresentations were bad. Is an acute desire for virtue and knowledge has real impact people the. I focus on it in my books and translations, and donna zuckerberg education takes... 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