Photo by U.S. Navy. Supersonic airliners remain unlikely,” said Richard Aboulafia, an aerospace analyst with the Teal Group. We are developing technology that is incredibly fast and precise to defend the nation and our allies against hypersonic threats. The Department of Defense (DOD) today named a state agency of The Texas A&M University System to lead a national consortium for modernizing hypersonic flight capabilities. “I think it’s really exciting, frankly, that there are a number of companies now in this space thinking of high-speed flight,” Vice said. (Orbital space vehicles routinely re-enter the earth’s atmosphere at Mach 25, or 19,000 mph; meanwhile, several military fighter jets can top Mach 2, or 1,500 mph. “There’re lots of claims and not many numbers,” he said. “Our long-term vision is to allow people to travel between any two points on the planet within three hours,” Vice said Oct. 2 in an interview with Bloomberg News. The U.S. Department of Defense on Oct. 26 announced that the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station will lead a $100 million national research consortium for modernizing hypersonic flight capabilities. There are a lot of really great folks who are trying to find different paths. In future testing, the pre-cooler will be challenged with temperatures even higher than the 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit typical of flight at Mach 5, the threshold for hypersonic flight. Property News: 12 edibles to plant this spring - Online Coupons and Best Deals Watch the brand new season of RuPaul's Drag Race now on … While many companies in this space have been big on pronouncements, the engineering obstacles to bringing a new generation of supersonic planes—let alone hypersonic planes—to market are nothing to sniff at. In an interview, David Wright, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an author of the new analysis, called the superweapon a mirage. Aerion said it scoured the world for an engine, including Russian designs that would meet noise restrictions, fuel-burn requirements and reliability over thousands of hours of high-speed flying. “It could be even less,” he added. Aerion’s aspiration to hypersonic speeds comes almost five years before it even plans to build a production-model of its $120 million supersonic business jet, and seven years before the first delivery, assuming everything goes right. The design is exclusive for Aerion, said Vice, who declined to disclose how much the engine development will cost or how it’s being financed. It’s what aeronautical engineers call the lift-to-drag ratio. Testing the vehicles using the new sensing paradigm is still … Dr. Wright said the team’s analysis of the hypersonic vehicle used a lift-to-drag ratio of 2.6. Dr. Wright is affiliated with M.I.T.’s Laboratory for Nuclear Security and Policy and did the analysis with Cameron L. Tracy, a materials scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists, a private group based in Cambridge, Mass., that often backs arms control. The Air Force moved one step closer to a hypersonic weapon last week, with the final captive-carry test of the Lockheed Martin AGM-183A Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon, or ARRW.. A B … Two scientists find revolutionary claims about the evasion of detection and defenses to be “nonsense.”. A still taken from a video released by the Russian Defense Ministry showing the Russian Zircon hypersonic cruise missile launching from the Admiral Groshkov frigate in the White Sea in October. Attaining hypersonic flight – the ability to fly and maneuver at more than five times the speed of sound – is a priority for the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) as it works to modernize the military and weapons systems. Virgin Galactic’s Mach 3 aircraft design for high speed travel. Hypersonic defensive capabilities require a multi-layered approach across all phases of flight detection, tracking and interception. The computer simulations drew on the physics of moving bodies and public disclosures about the Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 in order to model its most plausible flight paths. In other words, the warheads at best are unimpressive fliers. Oscar Sosa/U.S. Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc. surprised some investors in August with plans for a Mach 3 aircraft seating as many as 19 people, an interim step on the company’s path toward eventual hypersonic point-to-point travel. Vice said Aerion is focused on speeds around Mach 4.3 for the AS3 because of heating, shock waves and other tricky engineering issues that emerge at Mach 5 and above. Unlike that aircraft’s sonic boom, Aerion contends its “boomless cruise” technology will make the boom refract off a denser, lower layer of air, never reaching the ground. Now, independent experts have studied the technical performance of the planned weapon and concluded that its advertised features are more illusory than real. For instance, current generations of space-based sensors, they report, will be able to track the weapon’s fiery twists and turns during most of its flight through the atmosphere. Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Technologies Corp. and Virgin Galactic have said their eventual high-speed point-to-point aircraft service will operate above earth’s atmosphere, at hypersonic speeds, unlike envisioned supersonic aircraft that cruise at lower altitudes, around 60,000 feet (18,288 meters). Have a confidential tip for our reporters? Aerion “for sure” will be the first new supersonic commercial aircraft to market, he predicted. Richard L. Garwin, a physicist and longtime adviser to the federal government, called the paper “very good and important.” He added that he had provided his own similar criticisms of hypersonic warheads to defense officials. Virgin’s supersonic project is being assisted by Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc, which is also working with Boom on supersonic engine technologies. Engineering May 18, 2016 Nevertheless, pledges to reach such speeds for commercial travel have already been made. Focusing on National Security “Hypersonic travel remains a very remote prospect. Recently, hypersonic flight has been in the news as Russia, China and the U.S. invest enormous research and funds into new, nuclear-capable missiles and uncrewed drones. “We’ll get there years ahead of anybody else.”. Russian Defense Ministry Press Service, via Associated Press, Laboratory for Nuclear Security and Policy. The first manufactured object to achieve hypersonic flight was the two-stage Bumper rocket, consisting of a WAC Corporal second stage set on top of a V-2 first stage. The idea is to build a high-speed passenger transport by the 2030s. Flying at Mach 8 (8 times the speed of sound or around 10,000 kph), the missile poses a new and credible threat to the air defense systems of potential aggressors. Before it's here, it's on the Bloomberg Terminal. Hypersonic flight is hot — in more ways than one.It’s a big area for research in defense applications and potentially in commercial aircraft to compress travel times in a globalized world. The company has orders for 30 jets from Japan Airlines Co. Ltd and Virgin Group. In their paper, the authors contrast their findings with military claims. The Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) will manage a five-year, $20 million per-year DOD initiative involving many of the nation’s top research universities. (Orbital space vehicles routinely re-enter the earth’s atmosphere at Mach 25, or 19,000 mph; meanwhile, several military fighter jets can top Mach 2, or 1,500 mph.) President Trump has bragged about his “super-dupers,” even referring to the planned weapon as “hydrosonic,” a brand of electric toothbrush. The company said it has a $3.5 billion order backlog. Vice argues that Aerion has an advantage over supersonic competitors when it comes to engine development, pointing to its partnership with GE and its plan to build the first commercial supersonic power plant in more than five decades. Dr. Wright and Dr. Tracy conclude that the envisioned new weapon is, at best, “evolutionary — not revolutionary.”. At some point in the future, as supersonic develops into a viable mode for civil aviation, well-heeled travelers keen to save even more time may be able to turn to hypersonic flights—where cruise velocities can top Mach 5. Texas billionaire Robert Bass with a model of his planned supersonic business jet in 2014. Their analysis is to be published this week in Science & Global Security. The esoteric term is a measure of lifting power versus drag. Today it announced that it’s going in with Rolls-Royce and BAE Systems on a $37.3 million Series… Read More The last public attempt at hypersonic atmospheric flight was the Boeing X-51 Waverider in 2013 over the Pacific Ocean near Ventura, California. But they declined to disclose new findings. “If you put in the numbers, you find that the claims are nonsense.”. The two experts say their computer modeling fills in public gaps on the weapon’s overall performance as well as its potential interactions with existing military systems for detecting and defeating weapons launched from distant sites. By definition, hypersonic vehicles fly at more than five times the speed of sound — or up to dozens of times faster than jetliners. Hypersonic systems operate at speeds that require rapid reaction and accurate response. Surveillance systems flying that fast could dispatch quickly and avoid detection, as radars would have a hard time tracking them. Navy, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images. “Due to the classified nature of hypersonics technologies, we are not at liberty to publicly discuss current capabilities,” Jared Adams, chief spokesman for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or Darpa, said in an email. GE spokesman Nick Hurm confirmed the company’s “unique commercial agreement with Aerion” to build the engine, but declined to disclose financial terms. Boom plans to use three GE J85 engines to power the XB-1 and is evaluating engine designs with Rolls-Royce for the production aircraft, which Boom calls Overture. They’re basically stubby gliders. As the second era of faster-than-sound air travel nears, one of the niche industry’s pioneering players is looking further into the future—toward flights that are even faster. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency News Detail. Still, with rivals like Boom Technologies and others advancing their own supersonic plans, Aerion Chief Executive Officer Tom Vice is already anticipating the arrival of hypersonic travel. Boeing Co. holds an equity stake in Aerion, while General Electric Co. is designing and building a new Affinity supersonic engine for the company. Upcoming flight tests will evaluate that the weapons’ propulsion and thermal management systems will be able to withstand hypersonic cruise speeds, DARPA said in a news … And as President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. takes command of the nation’s military, he will have to consider whether to sustain the defense work undertaken in the Trump years. In their paper, they see the weapon as essentially failing to outwit early-warning satellites and interceptors. Other vehicles, including ballistic missiles, can reach these speeds, but hypersonic missiles follow less predictable flight paths and are harder to detect by interceptors. Boom Technologies, meanwhile, plans a $200 million supersonic jet that can carry 65 to 85 passengers at more than twice the speed of sound, which it said will enter service by 2030. An optionally piloted flight research vehicle (FRV) is also in the works to flight test elements of the SR-72 design. Lockheed Martin Corp. will provide technical guidance on hypersonic flight systems. Aerion and Boom also plan to use new synthetic fuels to reduce carbon output. Recently, hypersonic flight has been in the news as Russia, China and the U.S. invest enormous research and funds into new, nuclear-capable missiles and … The team zeroed in on signature phases of hypersonic flight — when the vehicle zooms through the atmosphere and then plunges to hit a target. Aerion contends its “boomless cruise” technology will prevent sonic booms from reaching the ground. “I’m encouraged by that. Colorado-based Boom plans to introduce a one-third demonstration model on Wednesday, the XB-1, which will allow the company to begin flight testing in 2021 to glean data on the jet’s wings and fuselage. Boeing’s HorizonX venture investment arm is placing a big bet on hypersonic flight. The 419th Flight Test Squadron fired a practice round of the AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile from the bomber. “President-elect Joe Biden will have an experienced team to sort through these complicated issues,” Hans Binnendijk, a former National Security Council official, wrote last month in suggesting ways to reinvigorate arms control. Their findings, they say, also apply to other American prototypes, as well as devices being developed by China, Russia and other countries. Ferrari Relies on U.S. as Italy Sales Slump, Netflix Hits Record After Subscribers Leap Past 200 Million, Atlanta Dream Is Close to Being Sold, Taking Kelly Loeffler Out of WNBA, China-Made Jeep Comments Spur Campaign Battle. The American military is currently researching a half dozen hypersonic arms. Aerion, which is moving its headquarters from Reno, Nevada, to Melbourne, Florida—adjacent to its planned assembly center—is one of several firms in the nascent field of supersonic civil aviation, which has been heating up this year despite the economic shocks of the coronavirus pandemic. “Unless they’ve found some magical way to keep these systems up,” Dr. Wright said, “they’re going to have problems.”. In war, such tactics are seen as a good way for attackers to evade interceptors and lessen warning time. The research also has potential applications beyond the military, he said, perhaps even for commercial flight, as aerospace giants such as Boeing and space tourism visionaries such as Elon Musk move hypersonic commercial jets and civilian spacecraft closer to reality. Dr. Wright said the limited amount of public information on their workings and flight data made the better-known Hypersonic Technology Vehicle the best available window into the current status and future potential of the prototype arms. To gain an edge on hypersonic weapons, the Pentagon wants more help from universities October 27, 2020 The SABRE (Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine) now enables us to eye hypersonic flights for commercial passenger air travel perhaps in as little as 15 years! Hypersonic flight, the ability to fly at more than five times the speed of sound, is a top priority for the U.S. Military. A test launch of a hypersonic missile at the Pacific Missile Range Facility in Kauai, Hawaii, in March. “But it will take time and creativity to be successful.”, Hypersonic Superweapons Are a Mirage, New Analysis Says. With hypersonic flight, she adds, “it will be so much easier to travel to distant destinations.” By flying at altitudes beyond the reach of conventional airliners, … With world-class user facilities and leading expertise in X-ray science, advanced materials and high-performance computing, Argonne brings unique capabilities to advance this field. Instead, the company turned to GE to build an engine with 20,000 pounds of thrust, special acoustic linings to reduce take-off noise and dual turbo-fans that don’t require fuel-guzzling afterburners. Recently, hypersonic flight has been in the news as Russia, China and the U.S. invest enormous research and funds into new, nuclear-capable missiles and uncrewed drones. The firm wants to reach hypersonic velocity, beyond five times the speed of sound, around 4,000mph (6,400km/h) or Mach 5. The unmanned vehicle set the record for the longest duration of hypersonic flight at 210 seconds, even as university funding for hypersonic research had dropped to a trickle. The other, awkwardly named the Hypersonic Strike Weapon – Air Breathing (HSW-ab), is a hypersonic cruise missile that has engine power throughout its flight path. In contrast, jetliners and some birds have a ratio approximately eight times higher. No existing engines fit the bill, though. A common hypersonic glide body launched for a Department of Defense flight experiment. The limited power of the curved, blistering hot surfaces to generate a substantial lifting force without also producing lots of drag undermined claims that the weapon can fly long distances on complex trajectories, he said. To do so—and to avoid the physical rigors and technical complexities of suborbital space flight—Aerion’s next craft would have to cruise within the atmosphere at more than four times the speed of sound, or about 3,000 mph (4,828 kph). Hypersonic flight is defined as air travel at least five times the speed of sound. Hypersonic rocket engine could revolutionise space flight Reaction Engines Ltd and Rolls Royceplc today confirmed a new strategic partnership agreement to … In February 1949, at White Sands, the rocket reached a speed of 8,288.12 km/h (5,150 mph), or approximately Mach 6.7. A two-hour flight from Sydney to London is a step closer to reality after the latest successful test Wednesday of hypersonic technology in the Australian desert. by Brian Berletic, New Eastern Outlook: Russian state media reported a successful test flight of its new hypersonic missile, the Zircon. “Somebody else wanting to build a supersonic business jet—they’re going to have to go find a different engine,’’ Vice said. But you’ve got to solve the engine issue.”. The company hasn’t offered a timeline for its development, however. The team’s analysis, he noted, focuses on an underlying issue of physics that he said casts doubt on the new class of weapons in general. An illustration of a prototype warhead known as the Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 emerging from its protective cover and preparing to re-enter Earth’s atmosphere. Dr. Wright and Dr. Tracy based their analysis on the Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 — an experimental warhead developed by the Air Force and Darpa. 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